34 research outputs found

    Polychlorinated biphenyl serum levels in subjects with hepatocellular carcinoma as compared with the general population

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    Background. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) have been recognized as human carcinogens and cause liver cancer in animal experimental studies. However, no study investigated their association with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) so far. This study aimed to evaluate the serum PCB concentration in HCC patients and in healthy subjects of the general population living in Brescia, North Italy, a highly industrialized area with heavy PCB environmental pollution due to the presence of a PCB producing factory. Methods. Lipid-adjusted PCB concentrations, computed as the sum of 24 congeners, were measured in the serum of 101 HCC patients and in 101 healthy subjects of the same age and gender. Results. Hepatitis B and C virus infection and history of heavy alcohol intake were found, alone and combined, in 87% of HCC patients. No difference was found in PCB serum concentration of HCC patients with and without, and according to, the major risk factors for liver disease. No significant difference was observed in serum total PCB concentration between HCC patients (median: 1081; range: 287.0-3182.0 ng/g lipid) and healthy subjects (median: 1199.3; range: 225.7-22825 ng/g lipid). PCB congeners 118, 138, 153, 156, 180 and 194 were the only ones found over the detection limit in at least 30% of HCC patients. The serum level of PCB 118, but not that of other congeners, was higher in HCC patients than in healthy subjects. Conclusion. These findings do not support the hypothesis that PCBs play an important role in HCC development, although a contribution by some specific congeners cannot be ruled ou

    Goji berry: quality assessment and crop adaptation of plants cultivated in Tuscany (Italy) by combination of carotenoid and DNA analyses

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    In this study HPLC analysis for the evaluation of carotenoids and DNA barcoding are reported for three different samples of Lycium cultivated in Tuscany (Italy). These two analytical methods can represent integrative methods for quality control of goji, giving also crucial information on the plant adaptation to different environments. Hence, carotenoids represent the quality markers proposed by the monograph of the European Pharmacopoeia, while DNA barcoding can differentiate between species and populations and is useful for the detection of the homogeneity of the samples

    Exhaled Breath Condensate as a Suitable Matrix to Assess Lung Dose and Effects in Workers Exposed to Cobalt and Tungsten

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate whether exhaled breath condensate (EBC), a fluid formed by cooling exhaled air, can be used as a suitable matrix to assess target tissue dose and effects of inhaled cobalt and tungsten, using EBC malondialdehyde (MDA) as a biomarker of pulmonary oxidative stress. Thirty-three workers exposed to Co and W in workshops producing either diamond tools or hard-metal mechanical parts participated in this study. Two EBC and urinary samples were collected: one before and one at the end of the work shift. Controls were selected among nonexposed workers. Co, W, and MDA in EBC were analyzed with analytical methods based on mass spectrometric reference techniques. In the EBC from controls, Co was detectable at ultratrace levels, whereas W was undetectable. In exposed workers, EBC Co ranged from a few to several hundred nanomoles per liter. Corresponding W levels ranged from undetectable to several tens of nanomoles per liter. A parallel trend was observed for much higher urinary levels. Both Co and W in biological media were higher at the end of the work shift in comparison with preexposure values. In EBC, MDA levels were increased depending on Co concentration and were enhanced by coexposure to W. Such a correlation between EBC MDA and both Co and W levels was not observed with urinary concentration of either element. These results suggest the potential usefulness of EBC to complete and integrate biomonitoring and health surveillance procedures among workers exposed to mixtures of transition elements and hard metals

    Evaluating the SERCA2 and VEGF mRNAs as Potential Molecular Biomarkers of the Onset and Progression in Huntington's Disease

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    Abnormalities of intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis and signalling as well as the down-regulation of neurotrophic factors in several areas of the central nervous system and in peripheral tissues are hallmarks of Huntington\u2019s disease (HD). As there is no therapy for this hereditary, neurodegenerative fatal disease, further effort should be made to slow the progression of neurodegeneration in patients through the definition of early therapeutic interventions. For this purpose, molecular biomarker(s) for monitoring disease onset and/or progression and response to treatment need to be identified. In the attempt to contribute to the research of peripheral candidate biomarkers in HD, we adopted a multiplex real-time PCR approach to analyse the mRNA level of targeted genes involved in the control of cellular calcium homeostasis and in neuroprotection. For this purpose we recruited a total of 110 subjects possessing the HD mutation at different clinical stages of the disease and 54 sex- and agematched controls. This study provides evidence of reduced transcript levels of sarco-endoplasmic reticulum-associated ATP2A2 calcium pump (SERCA2) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of manifest and premanifest HD subjects. Our results provide a potentially new candidate molecular biomarker for monitoring the progression of this disease and contribute to understanding some early events that might have a role in triggering cellular dysfunctions in HD

    Environmental monitoring of volatile organic compounds and metallic elements in two analysis laboratories

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    Environmental monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in analytical chemistry laboratories is somewhat tricky because exposure levels are highly variable and the number of toxic compounds, often used in combination, may be very high. This study was designed to evaluate airborne levels of VOCs and metallic elements associated to inhalable dusts in two Italian labs. The airborne levels of VOCs and elements fell well below the occupational exposure limit values recorded in the Italian law (D.lgs. 81/2008, Allegato XXXVIII) and the TLV-TWA from the list of American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. The determination of measurable levels of toxic and potentially carcinogenic compounds in office rooms may be of interest for personnel not specifically engaged to handle chemicals

    Bone Mass and Mineral Metabolism Alterations in Adult Celiac Disease: Pathophysiology and Clinical Approach

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    Osteoporosis affects many patients with celiac disease (CD), representing the consequence of calcium malabsorption and persistent activation of mucosal inflammation. A slight increase of fracture risk is evident in this condition, particularly in those with overt malabsorption and in postmenopausal state. The adoption of a correct gluten-free diet (GFD) improves bone derangement, but is not able to normalize bone mass in all the patients. Biomarkers effective in the prediction of bone response to gluten-free diet are not yet available and the indications of guidelines are still imperfect and debated. In this review, the pathophysiology of bone loss is correlated to clinical aspects, defining an alternative proposal of management for this condition

    Potato CYCLING DOF FACTOR 1 and its lncRNA counterpart StFLORE link tuber development and drought response

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    Plants regulate their reproductive cycles under the influence of environmental cues, such as day length, temperature and water availability. In Solanum tuberosum (potato), vegetative reproduction via tuberization is known to be regulated by photoperiod, in a very similar way to flowering. The central clock output transcription factor CYCLING DOF FACTOR 1 (StCDF1) was shown to regulate tuberization. We now show that StCDF1, together with a long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) counterpart, named StFLORE, also regulates water loss through affecting stomatal growth and diurnal opening. Both natural and CRISPR-Cas9 mutations in the StFLORE transcript produce plants with increased sensitivity to water-limiting conditions. Conversely, elevated expression of StFLORE, both by the overexpression of StFLORE or by the downregulation of StCDF1, results in an increased tolerance to drought through reducing water loss. Although StFLORE appears to act as a natural antisense transcript, it is in turn regulated by the StCDF1 transcription factor. We further show that StCDF1 is a non-redundant regulator of tuberization that affects the expression of two other members of the potato StCDF gene family, as well as StCO genes, through binding to a canonical sequence motif. Taken together, we demonstrate that the StCDF1–StFLORE locus is important for vegetative reproduction and water homeostasis, both of which are important traits for potato plant breeding.</p

    Decellularization Detergents As Methodological Variables in Mass Spectrometry of Stromal Matrices

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    Collagens, elastin, fibrillin, decorin, and laminin are key constituents of the extracellular matrix and basement membrane of mammalian organs. Thus, changes in their quantities may influence the mechanochemical regulation of resident cells. Since maintenance of a native stromal composition is a requirement for three-dimensional (3D) matrix-based recellularization techniques in tissue engineering, we studied the influence of the decellularization detergents on these proteins in porcine kidney, liver, pancreas, and skin. Using a quick thawing/quick microwave-assisted decellularization protocol and two different detergents, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) vs Triton X-100 (TX100), at identical concentration, variations in matrix conservation of stromal proteins were detected by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry coupled to light and scanning electron microscopies, in dependence on each detergent. In all organs tested except pancreas, collagens were retained to a statistically significant level using the TX100-based protocol. In contrast fibrillin, elastin (except in kidney), and decorin (only in liver) were better preserved with the SDS-dependent protocol. Irrespective of the detergent used, laminin always remained at an irrelevant level. Our results prompt attention to the type of detergent in organ decellularization, suggesting that its choice may influence morphoregulatory inputs peculiar to the type of 3D bioartificial mammalian organ to be reconstructed