160 research outputs found

    Styrning av skog och vatten i Sverige

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    Water related problems are highlighted as a challenge to sustainable development and the topic of forests and water is gaining increased attention worldwide. Governing forest and water is a complex issue, as the interactions are affected by policies and actors from multiple levels and sectors. In Sweden, forests cover much of the land and forestry is an important land-use, inevitably impacting the water in the landscape. This study aims to understand and explain the existing governance framework around forestry and water in Sweden. Based on the Policy Arrangement Approach, the study’s research questions focused on the actors involved, the formal and informal rules, the resources and power structures and the discourses related to forestry and water in Sweden. To answer the research questions qualitative document analysis and interviews with relevant actors from different actor groups were undertaken. As a smaller part of the study discourses on the management level where examined by qualitative interviews with forestry practitioners. The main findings of the study show that the issue of forestry and water in Sweden is a multi-actor, multi-level and cross-sectoral field. There is an overall agreement across all actor groups that the EU Water Framework Directive, adopted in 2000, raised the issue of forests and water on the Swedish agenda and that forestry as a land use impacts the water in the landscape. Furthermore, actors have a common understanding of the issue, where implementing water consideration in forestry is seen as a problem. However, two conflicting narratives concerning forestry regulations were found, where the ENGOs advocate more detailed steering, whereas authorities and the private forest sector advocate freedom under responsibility. At the management level forestry and water was considered a relevant issue as well, as forestry impacts water. Issues related to the quality of the operational plan were perceived as an impediment to achieving adequate water consideration in forest management. Based on the findings, the study concludes that the involvement of multiple actors with differing interests call for participatory approaches in the policy making process, building on consensual goals, which could lead to a more solid implementation of the policy outputs. One option in the continuing policy making process could be to follow the ideal of deliberative democracy, creating regulations based on consensually agreed upon goals. Research organizations were highlighted as key actors by both ENGOs and the private forest sector, and could hold an important role as bridging organizations providing accountable expertise. Furthermore, the complex governance environment points to a need for developing the coordination and cooperation between authorities from different sectors.Vattenrelaterade problem har lyfts fram som en utmaning för hållbar utveckling och frågan om skogens inverkan på vatten får allt större uppmärksamhet världen över. Styrning av skog och vatten är en komplex fråga eftersom samspelet påverkas av politik och aktörer från flera nivåer och från flera sektorer. Större delen av Sveriges yta täcks av skog och skogsbruket är en viktig markanvändning som oundvikligen påverkar vattnet i landskapet. Denna studie syftar till att förstå och förklara den befintliga styrningen kring skogsbruk och vatten i Sverige. Studien baserar sig på det teoretiska ramverket Policy Arrangement Approach och forskningsfrågorna fokuserar på de involverade aktörerna, formella och informella regler, resurser och maktstrukturer samt diskurser relaterade till skogsbruk och vatten i Sverige. För att besvara forskningsfrågorna har en kvalitativ dokumentanalys och kvalitativa intervjuer med relevanta aktörer från olika aktörsgrupper genomförts. Som en mindre del av studien undersöktes även diskurser på förvaltningsnivå genom kvalitativa interjuver med praktiker i skogsbruket. De viktigaste resultaten från studien visar att frågan om skogsbruk och vatten i Sverige inbegriper flera aktörer och flera sektorer på flera nivåer. Det finns en övergripande enighet i alla aktörsgrupper att EU:s ramdirektiv för vatten som antogs år 2000 lyfte frågan om skog och vatten på den svenska agendan och att skogsbruk som markanvändning påverkar vattnet i landskapet. Aktörerna har även en gemensam förståelse av frågan, där implementering av vattenhänsyn i skogsbruket ses som ett problem. Två motstridiga narrativ gällande reglering av skog hittades, där miljöorganisationer förespråkar mer detaljerad styrning och myndigheter och den privata skogssektorn förespråkar frihet under ansvar. Även på förvaltningsnivå ansågs skogsbruk och vatten vara en relevant fråga. Problem med kvaliteten på det operativa traktdirektiv lyftes som ett hinder för att nå god vattenhänsyn vid skogsskötselåtgärder. Att flera aktörer med olika intressen är involverade i skog- och vattenfrågan belyser vikten av att använda metoder som bygger på deltagande i den politiska beslutsprocessen. Med mål som bygger på konsensus kan en mer solid implementering av de politiska besluten nås. Ett tillvägagångssätt i den fortsatta politiska processen skulle kunna vara att följa idealet i deliberativ demokrati genom att skapa regleringar som bygger på mål överenskomna genom konsensus. Forskningsorganisationer lyftes fram som viktiga aktörer av både miljöorganisationer och den privata skogssektorn. De skulle kunna ha en viktig roll som överbryggande organisationer som tillhandahåller expertis. Den komplexa situationen kring styrning av skogsbruk och vatten belyser också vikten av koordinering och samarbete mellan myndigheten från olika sektorer

    Hur nederbörd kan inverka på aktivitetsmönster och boskapspredation hos lejon (Panthera leo)

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    African lions (Panthera Leo) are classified as vulnerable according to the International Union for Conservation. The presence of predators as lion, is crucial for a functioning ecosystem worldwide, which makes the decline a serious problem. Wildlife conflicts between people and lions are a major threat for the lion population. The conflicts occur when lions prey on livestock and people respond by killing them. Exploitation of natural resources has caused habitat losses and reductions in wild prey, which tend to increase the risk of lions predating on livestock. Knowledge of how different factors can affect the conflict between human and the lion, can be an important tool for developing effective conservation strategies for lions. The main objective in this study was to examine general activity and movement patterns of the African lion and livestock predation caused by lion, in relation to different amounts and periods of precipitation in Ol Pejeta Conservancy, Kenya. Data was collected in Ol Pejeta Conservancy. Activity and movement patterns were analyzed using camera traps at three wildlife corridors in the reserve and depredation was mapped using available data on site. Meteorological data and weather conditions was collected from 10 weather stations near Ol Pejeta. The results revealed that lion movement patterns differ according to the amount and period of precipitation. The results also indicates that the depredation on livestock is affected by a higher amount of precipitation. Overall, the results imply that the risk of wildlife conflicts are higher during more wet periods when wild prey is inaccessible for lion to overcome

    Etiska aspekter kring medicinsk åldersbestämning av ensamkommande flyktingbarn

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    Introduktion: Det uppskattas att över 60 miljoner människor är på flykt runt om i världen. Många av dessa är ensamkommande flyktingbarn som saknar giltig dokumentation och information som kan styrka deras ålder. Dessa är en sårbar grupp individer där förekomsten av psykologisk ohälsa är vanlig. Vid ankomst till ett nytt land utförs en åldersbestämning men åldern kan inte bekräftas. Utredningsmetoderna, som skiljer sig mellan länderna, anses vara osäkra och inte uppfylla etiska principer. Vid en felaktig bedömning kan flera rättigheter för den ensamkommande gå förlorade. Syfte: Belysa de etiska aspekter som uppstår kring medicinsk åldersbestämning gällande ensamkommande flyktingbarn. Metod: Litteraturstudie med integrerad analys av 8 vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Fem kategorier med etiska aspekter identifierades; autonomi och psykologisk ohälsa, frivilligt samtycke, psykisk och fysisk mognad, berättigande av olika undersökningsmetoder samt osäkra metoder. Slutsats: Ett holistiskt förhållningssätt är nödvändigt när det kommer till medicinsk åldersbestämning av ensamkommande flyktingbarn

    Enskilda skogsägares mål på avdelningsnivå – en kvalitativ studie

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    Half of Sweden's productive forest land is owned by individual forest owners. Research studies show that forest owners have more objectives with their forest than a high net present value, and that the suggestions of the forest management plans doesn’t always correspond to the forest owners’ objectives. Through a qualitative study we conducted a discussion about objectives at stand level with the aim of making a more specific formulation of the forest owners’ objectives. We asked about the forest owners' objectives at stand level, what forest management they conduct in order to achieve the objectives and how this management affects the net present value of the property. Based on the results of the interviews, we analyzed what kind of factors decide where the objectives place themselves in the landscape and if the objectives at stand level are consistent with the overall objectives for the property. Many forest owners questioned the idea of talking about objectives at stand level, and they didn’t always have their objectives clearly defined. During the discussion, however, we learned about objectives placed in specific stands as well as objectives regarding the entire property. In most cases, the forest owners' forest management is consistent with their objectives. The majority don’t realize how much their management may affect the property's net present value. Based on our analysis, we believe that the objectives’ location depends on a combination of the forest condition and where the stand is located. We think that the overall objective isn’t constant over the entire property and therefore the objectives at stand level are consistent with the overall objectives for the property. Our conclusion is that it’s possible to conduct a discussion about objectives at stand level. We believe that the formulation of the objectives becomes more specific with this method than when objectives are discussed at property level.Enskilda skogsägare äger hälften av Sveriges produktiva skogsmarksareal. Forskningsstudier visar att skogsägare har fler mål med sin skog än högsta nuvärde, och att åtgärdsförslagen i skogsbruksplanen inte alltid stämmer överens med skogsägarens mål. Genom en kvalitativ intervjustudie förde vi en måldiskussion på avdelningsnivå med avsikt att göra målformuleringen mer specifik. Vi ställde frågor om skogsägarnas mål på avdelningsnivå, vilken skogsskötsel de bedriver för att nå målen samt hur denna skötsel får påverka nuvärdet av fastigheten. Utifrån resultaten av intervjuerna analyserade vi vad som styr var målen placerar sig i landskapet och om målen på avdelningsnivå är förenliga med de övergripande målen för fastigheten. Många av skogsägarna ställde sig frågande till tanken att prata om mål på avdelningsnivå, och hade inte alltid sina mål tydligt definierade. Under diskussionen kom det dock fram mål som skogsägaren har för specifika avdelningar samt för hela fastigheten. I de flesta fall är skogsägarnas skogsskötsel förenlig med deras mål. De flesta tänker inte på hur mycket deras skötsel får påverka fastighetens nuvärde. Utifrån vår analys anser vi att målets placering styrs av en kombination av skogstillståndet och var avdelningen ligger. Målen på avdelningsnivå är förenliga med de övergripande målen för fastigheten då vi uppfattat det som att det övergripande målet inte är konstant över hela fastigheten. I slutändan kom vi fram till att det går att föra en måldiskussion på avdelningsnivå. Vi anser att målformuleringen blir mer specifik och att fler av skogsägarens mål kommer fram med denna metod än när man diskuterar mål på fastighetsnivå

    Verksamheter för hemlösa missbrukare i Lund : viktiga andra?

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    The purpose of this paper was to study the various organisations that work with drug abusing homeless people in Lund. We have tried to compare the possibilities they have to change the way the homeless people look at themselves. The organisations that we have studied are Aluma, Diakonicentralen, the shelter Piletorp and the social welfare office. The methods used to collect data were interviews with professionals and homeless people as well as reading literature. We have used Ted Goldberg's (docent in social work at the university in Stockholm) theory. He writes that you have to be a significant other to persons with deviant behaviour to be able to help them become a part of the society and to change the way they look at themselves. We believe that the outcomes of this study show that the professionals in all of the organisations can become those people

    Pre-commercial thinning in Norway spruce-birch mixed stands can provide abundant forage for ungulates without losing volume production

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    Mixed stands of Norway spruce and birch have the potential to simultaneously produce timber and provide large ungulates with a significant amount of forage during the regeneration phase. While the growth and yield of such mixtures are well studied, little is known about potential trade-offs between timber and forage production and which management techniques are suitable for meeting both goals. In this study, four different pre-commercial thinning (PCT) strategies were used to study the trade-offs between production and available forage for free-ranging ungulates in a Norway spruce-birch mixture. The four PCT strategies were: 1) retaining 2000 birch stems ha(-1) with 2000 Norway spruce ha(-1), 2) removing all birches within a 0.75 m radius around Norway spruce stems, 3) removing all birches and other broadleaves, and 4) no PCT (control). Growth of Norway spruce was higher in the 2000 birch ha(-1) and full removal treatments compared to the untreated control, but these two treatments did not differ from one another in volume production of Norway spruce. We found a negative effect of PCT on forage availability but no effect on ungulate browsing. Therefore, PCT strategies that provide both sufficient birch forage and maximize volume production of Norway spruce can be implemented

    Data evaluation and numerical modeling of hydrological interactions between active layer, lake and talik in a permafrost catchment, Western Greenland

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    SummaryThis study investigates annual water balance conditions and their spatiotemporal variability under a wide variety of atmospheric driving conditions in the periglacial permafrost catchment of Two Boat Lake in Western Greenland. The study uses and combines a comprehensive hydrological multi-parameter dataset measured at the site with site conceptualization and numerical model development, application and testing. The model result reproduces measured lake and groundwater levels, as well as observations made by time-lapse cameras. The results highlights the importance of numerical modeling that takes into account and combines evapotranspiration with other surface and subsurface hydrological processes at various depths, in order to quantitatively understand and represent the dynamics and complexity of the interactions between meteorology, active layer hydrology, lakes, and unfrozen groundwater below permafrost in periglacial catchments. Regarding these interactions, the water flow between the studied lake and a through talik within and beneath it is found to be small compared to other water balance components. The modeling results show that recharge and discharge conditions in the talik can shift in time, while the lake and active layer conditions in the studied catchment are independent of catchment-external landscape features, such as the unfrozen groundwater system below the permafrost and the nearby continental-scale ice sheet

    A carbon mass-balance budget for a periglacial catchment in West Greenland - Linking the terrestrial and aquatic systems

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    Climate change is predicted to have far reaching consequences for the mobility of carbon in arctic landscapes. On a regional scale, carbon cycling is highly dependent on interactions between terrestrial and aquatic parts of a catchment. Despite this, studies that integrate the terrestrial and aquatic systems and study entire catchments using site-specific data are rare. In this work, we use data partly published by Lindborg et al. (2016a) to calculate a whole-catchment carbon mass-balance budget for a periglacial catchment in West Greenland. Our budget shows that terrestrial net primary production is the main input of carbon (99% of input), and that most carbon leaves the system through soil respiration (90% of total export/storage). The largest carbon pools are active layer soils (53% of total carbon stock or 13 kg C m (2)), permafrost soils (30% of total carbon stock or 7.6 kg C m (2)) and lake sediments (13% of total carbon stock or 10 kg C m (2)). Hydrological transport of carbon from the terrestrial to aquatic system is lower than in wetter climates, but the annual input of 4100 kg C yr (1) (or 3.5 g C m (2) yr (1)) that enters the lake via runoff is still three times larger than the eolian input of terrestrial carbon. Due to the dry conditions, the hydrological export of carbon from the catchment is limited (5% of aquatic export/storage or 0.1% of total export/storage). Instead, CO2 evasion from the lake surface and sediment burial accounts for 57% and 38% of aquatic export/storage, respectively (or 0.8% and 0.5% of total export/storage), and Two-Boat Lake acts as a net source of carbon to the atmosphere. The limited export of carbon to downstream water bodies make our study system different from wetter arctic environments, where hydrological transport is an important export pathway for carbon. (C) 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V

    Program Leadership from a Nordic Perspective - Program Leaders' Power to Influence Their Program

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