2,275 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic analysis of DA white dwarfs from the McCook & Sion catalog

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    For some years now, we have been gathering optical spectra of DA white dwarfs in an effort to study and define the empirical ZZ Ceti instability strip. However, we have recently expanded this survey to include all the DA white dwarfs in the McCook & Sion catalog down to a limiting visual magnitude of V=17.5. We present here a spectroscopic analysis of over 1000 DA white dwarfs from this ongoing survey. We have several specific areas of interest most notably the hot DAO white dwarfs, the ZZ Ceti instability strip, and the DA+dM binary systems. Furthermore, we present a comparison of the ensemble properties of our sample with those of other large surveys of DA white dwarfs, paying particular attention to the distribution of mass as a function of effective temperature.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Journal of Physics Conference Proceedings for the 16th European White Dwarf Worksho

    XMM observations of the narrow-line QSO PHL 1092: Detection of a high and variable soft component

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    We present results based on an XMM-Newton observation of the high luminosity narrow-line QSO PHL 1092 performed in 2003 January. The 0.3 - 10 keV spectrum is well described by a model which includes a power-law (Gamma ~ 2.1) and two blackbody components (kT ~ 130 eV and kT ~ 50 eV). The soft X-ray excess emission is featureless and contributes ~ 80% to the total X-ray emission in the 0.3 - 10 keV band. The most remarkable feature of the present observation is the detection of X-ray variability at very short time scale: the X-ray emission varied by 35% in about 5000 s. We find that this variability can be explained by assuming that only the overall normalization varied during the observation. There was no evidence for any short term spectral variability and the spectral shape was similar even during the ASCA observation carried out in 1997. Considering the high intrinsic luminosity (~ 2x10^45 erg/s) and the large inferred mass of the putative black hole (~ 1.6x10^8 M_sun), the observed time scale of variability indicates emission at close to Eddington luminosity arising from very close to the black hole. We suggest that PHL 1092 in particular (and narrow line Seyfert galaxies in general) is a fast rotating black hole emitting close to its Eddington luminosity and the X-ray emission corresponds to the high-soft state seen in Galactic black hole sources.Comment: 7 figures, 8 pages, emulateapj style, ApJ in pres

    Detailed Spectroscopic and Photometric Analysis of DQ White Dwarfs

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    We present an analysis of spectroscopic and photometric data for cool DQ white dwarfs based on improved model atmosphere calculations. In particular, we revise the atmospheric parameters of the trigonometric parallax sample of Bergeron et al.(2001), and discuss the astrophysical implications on the temperature scale and mean mass, as well as the chemical evolution of these stars. We also analyze 40 new DQ stars discovered in the first data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.Comment: 6 pages,3 figures, 14th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, ASP Conference Series, in pres

    High Metallicity Mg II Absorbers in the z < 1 Lyman alpha Forest of PKS 0454+039: Giant LSB Galaxies?

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    We report the discovery of two iron-group enhanced high-metallicity Mg II absorbers in a search through 28 Lyman Alpha forest clouds along the PKS 0454+039 sight line. Based upon our survey and the measured redshift number densities of W_r(MgII) <= 0.3 A absorbers and Lyman Alpha absorbers at z ~ 1, we suggest that roughly 5% of Lyman Alpha absorbers at z < 1 will exhibit "weak" Mg II absorption to a 5-sigma W_r(2796) detection limit of 0.02 A. The two discovered absorbers, at redshifts z = 0.6248 and z = 0.9315, have W_r(Lya) = 0.33 and 0.15 A, respectively. Based upon photoionization modeling, the H I column densities are inferred to be in the range 15.8 <= log N(HI) <= 16.8 cm^-2. For the z = 0.6428 absorber, if the abundance pattern is solar, then the cloud has [Fe/H] > -1; if its gas-phase abundance follows that of depleted clouds in our Galaxy, then [Fe/H] > 0 is inferred. For the z = 0.9315 absorber, the metallicity is [Fe/H] > 0, whether the abundance pattern is solar or suffers depletion. Imaging and spectroscopic studies of the PKS 0454+039 field reveal no candidate luminous objects at these redshifts. We discuss the possibility that these Mg II absorbers may arise in the class of "giant" low surface brightness galaxies, which have [Fe/H] >= -1, and even [Fe/H] >= 0, in their extended disks. We tentatively suggest that a substantial fraction of these "weak" Mg II absorbers may select low surface brightness galaxies out to z ~ 1.Comment: Accepted The Astrophysical Journal; 25 pages; 6 encapsulated figure

    EC 11481-2303 - A Peculiar Subdwarf OB Star Revisited

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    EC 11481-2303 is a peculiar, hot, high-gravity pre-white dwarf. Previous optical spectroscopy revealed that it is a sdOB star with an effective temperature (Teff) of 41790 K, a surface gravity log(g)= 5.84, and He/H = 0.014 by number. We present an on-going spectral analysis by means of non-LTE model-atmosphere techniques based on high-resolution, high-S/N optical (VLT-UVES) and ultraviolet (FUSE, IUE) observations. We are able to reproduce the optical and UV observations simultaneously with a chemically homogeneous NLTE model atmosphere with a significantly higher effective temperature and lower He abundance (Teff = 55000 K, log (g) = 5.8, and He / H = 0.0025 by number). While C, N, and O appear less than 0.15 times solar, the iron-group abundance is strongly enhanced by at least a factor of ten.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure

    The Mid-Infrared Instrument for the James Webb Space Telescope, VII: The MIRI Detectors

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    The MIRI Si:As IBC detector arrays extend the heritage technology from the Spitzer IRAC arrays to a 1024 x 1024 pixel format. We provide a short discussion of the principles of operation, design, and performance of the individual MIRI detectors, in support of a description of their operation in arrays provided in an accompanying paper (Ressler et al. (2015)). We then describe modeling of their response. We find that electron diffusion is an important component of their performance, although it was omitted in previous models. Our new model will let us optimize the bias voltage while avoiding avalanche gain. It also predicts the fraction of the IR-active layer that is depleted (and thus contributes to the quantum efficiency) as signal is accumulated on the array amplifier. Another set of models accurately predicts the nonlinearity of the detector-amplifier unit and has guided determination of the corrections for nonlinearity. Finally, we discuss how diffraction at the interpixel gaps and total internal reflection can produce the extended cross-like artifacts around images with these arrays at short wavelengths, ~ 5 microns. The modeling of the behavior of these devices is helping optimize how we operate them and also providing inputs to the development of the data pipeline

    Shape and Angle-Of-Attack Measurements of Ram-Air Parachutes by Stereo Photogrammetry in the National Full-Scale Aerodynamics Complex

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    US Army MC-4/5 ram-air parachutes were tested in the 80- by 120-Ft test section of the National Full-Scale Aerodynamics Complex. Arrays of targets on the upper and lower surfaces of the central cell of the canopies were measured by stereo photogrammetry, and the target positions were used to estimate both the shape of the cell and angle of attack of the canopy. Forces and moments were measured by a six-axis load cell. Based on the photogrammetry and load-cell measurements, the relationships between lift, drag, and angle of attack were determined over a range of trailing-edge flap deflections, front riser lengths, and free-stream airspeeds. This paper describes the test, with an emphasis on the photogrammetry measurements, and presents a summary of results

    High-speed Photometric Observations of ZZ Ceti White Dwarf Candidates

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    We present high-speed photometric observations of ZZ Ceti white dwarf candidates drawn from the spectroscopic survey of bright DA stars from the Villanova White Dwarf Catalog by Gianninas et al., and from the recent spectroscopic survey of white dwarfs within 40 parsecs of the Sun by Limoges et al. We report the discovery of six new ZZ Ceti pulsators from these surveys, and several photometrically constant DA white dwarfs, which we then use to refine the location of the ZZ Ceti instability strip.Comment: 4 pages, 1 table, 2 figures, to appear in "19th European White Dwarf Workshop" in the ASP Conference Serie

    Radial velocity measurements of white dwarfs

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    We present 594 radial velocity measurements for 71 white dwarfs obtained during our search for binary white dwarfs and not reported elsewhere. We identify three excellent candidate binaries, which require further observations to confirm our preliminary estimates for their orbital periods, and one other good candidate. We investigate whether our data support the existence of a population of single, low mass (<~0.5 solar masses) white dwarfs (LMWDs). These stars are difficult to explain in standard models of stellar evolution. We find that a model with a mixed single/binary population is at least ~20 times more likely to explain our data than a pure binary population. This result depends on assumed period distributions for binary LMWDs, assumed companion masses and several other factors. Therefore, the evidence in favour of the existence of a population of single LMWDs is not sufficient, in our opinion, to firmly establish the existence of such a population, but does suggest that extended observations of LMWDs to obtain a more convincing result would be worthwhile .Comment: 14 pages, 4 Figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Added Institutio

    Case study: Treatment of oral and locomotory stereotypic behaviors in a mature sow

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    A 32-month-old female 225-kg nonpregnant cross-bred Newsham sow presented a 6-week history of stereotypic behaviors when housed in a laboratory research facility. A behavioral examination over 12 daylight hours revealed 3 main stereotypic motor patterns, namely (1) oral-nasal gate manipulation defined as placement of the snout between the bars of the pen gate with repetitive, forceful up and down movement; (2) head weaving defined as repetitive lateral head and snout movement toward the pen gates while rocking back and forth on her forequarters with hooves remaining on ground at all times; and (3) body weaving defined as repetitive shifting of body weight from one side to the other with front hooves lifting alternately off the ground. The sow performed the oral-nasal gate manipulation and head and body weaving 4.0%, 12.4%, and 6.8% of her total baseline time budget, respectively. The presumptive diagnosis was oral-nasal and locomotory stereotypies. Three treatments were used to mitigate the duration and frequency of these stereotypic behaviors. Treatment 1—Social treatment (change social stimuli by providing visual and nose-to-nose contact with different neighboring sows); Treatment 2—Forage treatment (change foraging substrates by providing peat moss as a rooting substrate); and Treatment 3—Space treatment (change pen configuration by increasing space). The sow performed the oral-nasal gate manipulation and head and body weaving 0%, 0.4%, and 0.1% of her total time budget, respectively; social treatment: the sow performed the oral-nasal gate manipulation and head and body weaving 0.9%, 15.3%, and 11.3% of her total time budget, respectively; and forage treatment: the sow performed the oral-nasal gate manipulation and head and body weaving 0.5%, 28.0%, and 15.5% of her total time budget, respectively. This study is one of the first reports to evaluate the treatment of established stereotypies in a mature sow. Results suggest the promise of environmental enrichment as an effective treatment strategy. Further research is needed to evaluate the persistence of these behavioral changes and relative importance of different environmental manipulations provided
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