2,188 research outputs found

    Insider Action research as an approach and a method – Exploring institutional encounters from within a birthing context

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    The aim of this paper was to describe the first person perspective of being a peer midwife and a novice researcher initiating collaborative AR in her own organization to develop knowledge about the first encounters between the labouring woman and her care-givers in a hospital birthing context. It was motivated by the author’s longstanding professional clinical experience of observing and hearing parents’ stories of vulnerability and fear of childbirth, and how staff’s attitudes affected the childbirth experience negatively. Data were collected between 2010 and 2013 and included the researcher’s log with reflections from clinical work, as well as interviews, participant observation, and research group communications. A reflective interpretative lifeworld research approach was used to analyze the data. The experience of being a novice insider action researcher (IARr) consisted of three thematic meanings: ‘‘the struggle to initiate a clinical insider action research project,’’ ‘‘standing alone at the messy front line,’’ and ‘‘being a catalytic counterbalance to the prevailing medico technical focus.’’ The comprehensive understanding was ‘‘learning how to clinically reflect on and to voice the tacit components of care.’’ The strategy used in undertaking this study was influenced by the philosophies of both midwifery care and AR

    Lead Absorption From Soil Into Legumes

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    There is evidence that lead is taken up from the soil into legumes and accumulated in the leaves of beans and peanuts which were examined in this study

    An Algorithm for k-insertion into a Binary Heap

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    In this thesis, we present an algorithm for k-insertion into a binary heap running in worst-case time O(k+log(k)·log(n+k)), improving the standard k-insertion algorithm for binary heaps in terms of worst-case running time. The algorithm combines two routines called Heapify and Walk down. We assess the performance of the algorithm in theory and practice and compare it to some well-known k-insertion methods. We do this by implementing the algorithms and measuring and comparing their running times on different datasets. Through practical tests, we conclude that the algorithm performs better than the standard k-insertion algorithm on worst-case input while being slightly slower on randomized input. We, therefore, conclude that it can be better in real-world applications.Masteroppgave i informatikkINF399MAMN-PROGMAMN-IN

    Variations in Porphyrin Content in Root Nodules

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    The root nodules of a series of legumes were investigated with and without inoculum in sterilized growing material as well as in open soil to find plants that synthesize extractable amounts of porphyrins. These experiments were a preliminary study toward the investigation of the influence of heavy metal salts on the increased production of porphyrins

    Menneskehandelens ofre - fra utnytting til myndiggjøring

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    Regjeringen lanserte sin første handlingsplan mot handel med kvinner og barn i 2003. Handlingsplanen mot menneskehandel har som formål å forebygge og bekjempe menneskehandel, spesielt handel med kvinner og barn, samt beskytte ofrene. Et av tiltakene i handlingsplanen var etableringen av ROSA-prosjektet. Denne evalueringen av ROSA-prosjektet er gjort på oppdrag fra Justisdepartementet og er gjennomført i perioden november 2007 til juni 2008. Hovedformålet med evalueringen har vært å vurdere en permanent organisering av trygge bosteder for ofre for menneskehandel. Selve evalueringen bygger på intervjuer med sentrale og lokale aktører, gjennomgang av relevante dokumenter, samt deltakelse på møter i den tverrdepartementale gruppa som er opprettet for å følge opp regjeringens handlingsplan mot menneskehandel. Rapporten gir følgende anbefalinger for det videre arbeidet: 1. ROSA-prosjektet bør videreføres. 2. Krisesenter er en god løsning i tidlig fase, men er lite egnet for langtidsopphold. 3. Innholdet i refleksjonsperioden må tydeliggjøres. 4. Systemet rundt rådgiving i forbindelse med retur må forbedres. 5. Arbeidsdelingen mellom de ulike kompetansemiljøer på feltet tydeliggjøre

    Reconsidering Res Judicata: A Comparative Perspective

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    We aimed to prospectively investigate the paternal antigen-induced cytokine secretion by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in response to hormone treatment in women undergoing in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and to examine the predictive value of the cytokine secretion profile in the outcome of IVF treatment, in a pilot study. Twenty-five women were included and IVF treatment was successful for six and unsuccessful for 19 women. Blood samples were collected before IVF treatment, on four occasions during IVF and four weeks after embryo transfer. The numbers of Th1-, Th2- and Th17-associated cytokine-secreting cells and cytokine levels in cell supernatants were analysed by enzyme-linked immunospot-forming (ELISpot), enzyme-linked immune-sorbent (ELISA) or Luminex assay. None of the cytokines (IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-12, IL-13, IL-17, TNF and GM-CSF) had any predictive value regarding IVF outcome. The majority of the cytokines reached their peak levels at ovum pick-up, suggesting an enhancing influence of the hormonal stimulation. Pregnancy was associated with a high number of IL-4-, IL-5- and IL-13-secreting cells four weeks after ET. In conclusion, the results do not support our hypothesis of a more pronounced peripheral Th1 and Th17 deviation towards paternal antigens in infertile women with an unsuccessful IVF outcome, although this is based on a small number of observations. A larger study is required to confirm this conclusion. Higher numbers of Th2-associated cytokine-secreting cells in pregnant women four weeks after ET do corroborate the hypothesis of a Th2 deviation during pregnancy

    Sample Preparation for in vitro Analysis of Iodine in Thyroid Tissue using X-ray Fluorescence

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    Iodine is enriched and stored in the thyroid gland. Due to several factors, the size of the thyroid iodine pool varies both between individuals and within individuals over time. Excess iodine as well as iodine deficiency may promote thyroid cancer. Therefore, knowledge of iodine content and distribution within thyroid cancer tissue is of interest. X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) are two methods that can be used to assess iodine content in thyroid tissue. With both techniques, choice of sample preparation affects the results. Aldehyde fixatives are required for SIMS analysis while a freezing method might be satisfactory for XRF analysis. The aims of the present study were primarily to evaluate a simple freezing technique for preserving samples for XRF analysis and also to use XRF to evaluate the efficacy of using aldehyde fixatives to prepare samples for SIMS analysis. Ten porcine thyroids were sectioned into four pieces that were either frozen or fixed in formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, or a modified Karnovsky fixative. The frozen samples were assessed for iodine content with XRF after 1 and 2 months, and the fixed samples were analyzed for iodine content after 1 week. Freezing of untreated tissue yielded no significant iodine loss, whereas fixation with aldehydes yielded an iodine loss of 14–30%, with Karnovsky producing the least loss

    Carcinogenic potential of processed meat and plant-based meat alternatives in the A/J Min/+ mice model (Mus musculus).

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common cancers both worldwide, and in Norway, with high mortality rates. The risk of developing CRC has been associated with diet and lifestyle, where, according to IARC, red and processed meat are classified as probably carcinogenic and carcinogenic to humans, respectively. Multiple theories of the relationship between CRC and meat have been studied, however, the causality and underlying mechanisms are yet to be documented. CRC arises mostly by somatic mutations (70%), with a mutation in the tumor suppressor gene adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) playing an initiating role of carcinogenesis. Some cases are however caused by germline mutations in the APC gene, such as the inherited condition familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). Multiple intestinal neoplasia (Min/+) mice model has previously been established as a human model for studies on colorectal carcinogenesis. The overall aim of the present study was to investigate the carcinogenic potential of experimental diets prepared from commercially available processed meat –and plant-based meat alternatives in the A/J Min/+ mouse model. An inbred colony of A/J mice heterozygous for the Min trait (Min/+) were included in this study and were randomly recruited into 4 experimental groups at 4 weeks of age. The experimental diets were based on commercial processed meat -and plant-based meat alternative products (hot dog, hamburger and vegan burger). The mice were exposed to experimental diets for 9 weeks before termination. Lesions in the small intestine (SI) and colon were scored after staining and fixation using a light microscope. We found a carcinogenic initiating potential of the hot dog in the SI. The reference diet exhibited a promoting effect on the SI and colon, as well as an initiating potential on the colon. However, a promoting potential on the colon was also found in the vegan diet. In the colon, gender-specific differences in carcinogenic potential were found. The hot dog diet and the reference diet exhibited an initiating potential in males and females, respectively. Moreover, the vegan diet showed a promoting potential in males. Altogether, we revealed a carcinogenic potential of not only processed meat products but also processed meat alternatives. However, further research is needed to understand the complex interplay of dietary, genetic and lifestyle factors on carcinogenesis and the underlying mechanisms