732 research outputs found

    Aggression and its Management in Adolescent Forensic Psychiatric Care

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    The overall goal of this study was to explore and identify good aggression management methods and on that basis to produce recommendations for aggression management in the adolescent forensic setting. The study was conducted in three phases. In Phase I, staff’s (n = 58) perception of adolescent aggressive behaviour and methods to manage it was examined. In Phase II, staff’s (n = 30) perception of treatment settings and treatment interventions available were studied. In Phase III, the effectiveness of an aggression management programme was evaluated. The data were collected during the period 2004-2007. Participants perceived adolescent aggressive behaviour in a similar way and described aggressive behaviour as being a comprehensible phenomenon. Management methods used to control aggressive situations were alike, although the practical solutions varied between the study units, especially regarding coercive methods. Staff members proposed more time and better opportunities to discuss and evaluate the aggression situation in order to improve the methods used. The treatment settings were similar in studied forensic units and interventions were primarily focused on psychological aspects, including management of aggressive behavior. A comprehensive aggression management programme proved to be effective in decreasing incidents of violence. The use of coercive methods in aggression situations decreased and injuries to the staff became less frequent. If staff members intend to apply high quality management methods in aggression situations they have to share a consistent understanding of aggressive behaviour and need to be aware of the various methods available. In addition, they should learn more about assessment methods in order to improve aggression management. International comparison of aggression, methods for managing it and service provision creates a starting point for developing equal care provision and realization within and between European countries.Aggressiivisen kĂ€yttĂ€ytymisen hallinta nuorten oikeuspsykiatrisessa hoidossa Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ hyviĂ€ aggressionhallinnan kĂ€ytĂ€ntöjĂ€ nuorten oikeuspsykiatrian yksiköissĂ€ ja tĂ€mĂ€n pohjalta ehdottaa suosituksia kĂ€ytĂ€nnön aggressionhallintaan. Tutkimus toteutettiin kolmessa vaiheessa. EnsimmĂ€isessĂ€ vaiheessa kuvattiin hoitohenkilökunnan (n = 58) kĂ€sityksiĂ€ nuorten aggressiivisesta kĂ€yttĂ€ytymisestĂ€ ja sen hoitokeinoista. Toisessa vaiheessa selvitettiin hoitohenkilökunnan (n = 30) nĂ€kökulmasta nuorten oikeuspsykiatrian yksiköiden peruspiirteitĂ€ ja saatavilla olevia hoitokeinoja. Kolmannessa vaiheessa tutkittiin aggressiohallintaohjelman kĂ€yttöönoton tehokkuutta.Tutkimusaineisto kerĂ€ttiin vuosina 2004-2007. Hoitohenkilökunta mÀÀritteli nuorten aggressiivisen kĂ€yttĂ€ytymisen samansuuntaisesti ja koki nuorten aggressiivisen kĂ€yttĂ€ytymisen ymmĂ€rrettĂ€vĂ€nĂ€ ilmiönĂ€. Aggressiivisen kĂ€yttĂ€ytymisen hallintakeinot olivat samanlaisia eri yksiköissĂ€, vaikka kĂ€ytĂ€nnön sovellukset vaihtelivat erityisesti pakkokeinojen kĂ€ytössĂ€. Henkilökunta ehdotti enemmĂ€n aikaa ja mahdollisuuksia aggressiotilanteiden arvioimiseen, jotta hallintakeinoja voisi kehittÀÀ. Oikeuspsykiatrian yksiköt olivat samankaltaisia toimintaperiaatteiltaan. Hoitokeinot kohdistuivat pÀÀasiassa psykologiseen alueeseen, johon sisĂ€ltyivĂ€t myös aggressionhallintakĂ€ytĂ€nnöt. Aggressionhallintaohjelman kĂ€yttöönoton myötĂ€ aggressiotilanteet vĂ€henivĂ€t osastolla. Pakkokeinojen kĂ€yttö aggressiotilanteissa vĂ€heni, jolloin myös henkilökuntaan kohdistuvat vahingot vĂ€henivĂ€t. Eettisesti korkeatasoinen ja laadukas aggressionhallinta edellyttÀÀ, ettĂ€ hoitohenkilökunnalla on samansuuntainen kĂ€sitys aggressiivisuudesta ja ettĂ€ se on tietoinen erilaisista aggressionhallintakeinoista. LisĂ€ksi aggressiivisen kĂ€yttĂ€ytymisen arviointimenetelmien kĂ€yttöönotto tukee aggressionhallinnan kehittĂ€mistĂ€. KansainvĂ€linen vertailututkimus aggressiivisesta kĂ€yttĂ€ytymisestĂ€, sen hallintakeinoista ja oikeuspsykiatristen palvelujen organisoinnista on ennakkoehto yhtĂ€lĂ€isen palvelutarjonnan mahdollistamiselle Euroopassa.Siirretty Doriast

    Einfluss einer vorhergehenden Influenza A Virus Infektion auf die angeborene ImmunitĂ€t gegenĂŒber der sekundĂ€ren Pneumokokkenpneumonie in humanem Lungengewebe

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    SekundĂ€re bakterielle Infektionen im Verlauf oder in Folge einer Infektion mit Influenza A Viren (IAV) steigern oftmals die Schwere des Krankheitsverlaufes, was besonders wĂ€hrend der IAV Pandemien von 1918, 1968 und 2009 deutlich wurde. Genaue mechanistische Ursachen, welche dieser gesteigerten KopathogenitĂ€t zugrunde liegen wurden ĂŒberwiegend in Tierversuchsmodellen adressiert und sind immunologisch unvollstĂ€ndig. Aufgrund organstruktureller und immunfunktioneller Speziesunterschiede ist ungewiss, inwieweit eine Übertragbarkeit der Daten zwischen Mensch und Maus besteht. Fokus der Arbeit bildete die Analyse potentieller IAV assoziierter Änderungen der angeborenen ImmunitĂ€t, welche sekundĂ€re Pneumokokkeninfektionen in humanem ex vivo Lungengewebe begĂŒnstigen. DafĂŒr wurden zentrale Zyto - bzw. Chemokine als Reaktion auf Einzelinfektionen mit dem saisonalen IAV Pan/99(H3N2) sowie Streptococcus pneumoniae D39 mit denen subsequenter viral-bakteriellen Koinfektion verglichen. Ausgelöst durch die antivirale Interferonantwort erfolgte die Reduktion der pneumokokkeninduzierten Bildung von IL-1ÎČ und GM-CSF auf translationaler und transkriptioneller Ebene. Vermutlich beeinflussen Typ I und II Interferone die IL-1ÎČ Bildung, welches ĂŒber parakrine Wechselwirkungen an der GM-CSF Regulation beteiligt ist. Auf zellulĂ€rer Ebene verursachte IAV die Freisetzung von Typ I, II und III Interferonen aus primĂ€ren humanen Alveolarepithelzellen vom Typ II. In humanen Alveolarmakrophagen unterdrĂŒckten Typ I und II Interferone die pneumokokkeninduzierte IL-1ÎČ Freisetzung. Folglich unterblieb die IL-1ÎČ-regulierte GM-CSF Sekretion aus Alveolarepithelzellen vom Typ II. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass influenzainduzierte Interferone durch die UnterdrĂŒckung der IL-1ÎČ regulierten Bildung von GM-CSF in humanem Lungengewebe beitragen. Damit unterstĂŒtzt sie das VerstĂ€ndnis immunologischer Faktoren, welche diesem Krankheitsbild im Menschen pathophysiologisch zugrunde liegen können.Secondary bacterial infections, which occur during or following an IAV infection, exaggerate the severity of the course of disease up to a lethal outcome, clearly recognizable during the fatal IAV pandemics from 1918, 1968 or 2009. Particular mechanisms underlying this exaggerated viral-bacterial copathogenity were almost solely addressed using animal models and are immunologically incomplete. Due to structural and immunofunctional interspecies differences the transferability of data between human and mice remains indeterminate. The study mainly purposed to investigate IAV associated modulations of innate immunity, which potentially facilitates secondary pneumococcal pneumonia in primary human ex vivo lung tissue. Hence secretion of central cyto- and chemokines initiated by single infection with the seasonal IAV Pan/99(H3N2) or the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae D39 were compared to subsequent viral-bacterial coinfection. In context of an antiviral interferon response the pneumococcal induced translation and transcription of IL-1ÎČ and GM-CSF were reduced. Probably type I and type II interferons affect generation of IL-1ÎČ, which participates in the regulation of GM-CSF by paracrine interactions. On a cellular basis the infection of primary human alveolar epithelial cells type II (AECII) with IAV triggered the release of interferon type I, II and III. In human alveolar macrophages type I and II interferons suppressed the pneumococcal induced release of IL-1ÎČ. Consequently, the IL-1ÎČ regulated generation of GM-CSF in AECII was impeded. The present study indicates, that influenza related induction of interferons suppresses the IL-1ÎČ related release of GM-CSF in human lung tissue. Thereby it takes part in contributing to pathophysiological comprehension of immunological factors underlying this copathogenity


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    To say that working on this issue of Migration and Society has been a challenge would be an understatement. For all of us, from the members of the editorial team to our guest editors, contributors, ever-important reviewers, and the publishing team, 2020 has brought significant barriers. We have feared for the safety of our loved ones; grieved unbearable losses, often from afar; faced different forms of containment; and sought to, somehow, find the time and energy to care for our loved ones, our selves, and one another while navigating unsustainable work commitments and responsibilities

    Resting heart rate in 2-year old Standardbreds in training

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    En anvÀndbar metod för att pÄvisa trÀningseffekter Àr att mÀta hjÀrtfrekvensen. Hos mÀnniska ses en sÀnkt vilopuls som ett resultat av en konditionsförbÀttring. PÄ hÀst finns det fÄ studier om ett samband mellan en vilopulssÀnkning och konditionsförbÀttring. Genom evolutionen har hÀsten utvecklats till en extraordinÀr atlet, för att undkomma predatorer krÀvdes snabbhet och för att fÀrdas lÄnga distanser i sökandet efter vatten och föda krÀvdes uthÄllighet. Ett antal fysiologiska anpassningar kan förklara hÀstens atletiska kapacitet, dessa pÄverkas i vissa fall inte av trÀning som till exempel lungstorleken medan andra som blodvolymen visar pÄ en trÀningsrespons. HÀsten har ett stort hjÀrta och det utgör ungefÀr 0,9-1% av kroppsvikten. Vilopulsen varierar mellan 25-50 slag/min med ett genomsnitt pÄ 35 slag/min och beror av storlek, ras, Älder och temperament pÄ hÀsten. FörbÀttrad kondition medför en ökad förmÄga att utföra en given nivÄ av trÀning, hjÀrtfrekvensen under arbetet sjunker och ÄterhÀmtningen efter gÄr snabbare. Vid trÀning Àr Àven mÀngden laktat i blodet ett anvÀndbart mÄtt för att bedöma hÀstens kondition. Hos en frisk hÀst kan en sÀnkning i blodlaktatkoncentrationen ses efter en trÀningsperiod. Syftet med studien var att se om en konditionsförbÀttring leder till en sÀnkning av vilopulsen hos hÀst. I studien som pÄgick under 31 veckor ingick 16 tvÄÄriga varmblodiga travhÀstar, alla valacker. Med hjÀlp av digitala pulsmÀtare registrerades pulsen under vila och arbete samt efter arbete. Vid tre tillfÀllen efter arbete togs det Àven prov pÄ hÀstarnas laktatkoncentration i blodet och vid ett tillfÀlle mÀttes Àven hÀstarnas hjÀrtstorlek. Medellufttemperaturen vid mÀttillfÀllena bestÀmdes utifrÄn data frÄn Sveriges meteorologiska och hydrologiska institut. Resultaten i studien visade att hÀstarna förbÀttrade sin kondition under studiens gÄng genom att sÀnka sin ÄterhÀmtningspuls jÀmfört med studiens start men en sÀnkning av vilopulsen uteblev. Vilopulsen visade sig dock vara positivt korrelerad med laktatkoncentrationen i blodet efter arbete och lufttemperaturen. Slutsatsen Àr att studien varken har kunnat pÄvisa eller förkasta ett samband mellan en konditionsförbÀttring och en sÀnkning i vilopuls.A useful method to detect effects of training is to measure the heart rate. In humans, a decreased resting heart rate may be observed as a result of training. There are few studies on horses about a possible relationship between a lowered resting heart rate and a fitness improvement. The horse has evolved into an extraordinary athlete through the evolution, to escape predators it required speed and to travel long distances in the search of water and feed it needed stamina. A number of physiological adaptions may explain the athletic capacity of the horse, both those who may not be affected of training, such as the lung size, while others such as the blood volume shows a training response. The horse has a big heart and it represents about 0.9 to 1% of the body weight. The resting heart rate varies between 25-50 beats per minute with an average of 35 beats per minute and it depends on the size, breed, age and temperament of the horse. Improved fitness increase the ability to perform a given level of exercise, heart rate during work decreases and the recovery after exercise is faster. To measure the amount of lactate in the blood after exercise is also a useful method to evaluate fitness of the horse. In a healthy horse, a reduction in blood lactate can be seen after a period of exercise. The aim of this study was to investigate a possible correlation between a lowered resting heart rate and a fitness improvement. The study included 16 two-year old Standardbred trotters, all geldings, and lasted 31 weeks. The heart rate at rest and during exercise was recorded with digital heart rate monitors. Also, lactate concentration in the blood after exercise was measured for three occasions and at one occasion were the heart size of the horses measured. The average air temperatures at the test occasions were calculated from data from the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute. The result showed that the horses improved their fitness during the study by lowering their recovery heart rate post exercise but a decrease in the resting heart rate did not occur. However, the heart rate at rest was positively correlated with the lactate concentration in the blood after exercise and air temperature. The conclusion is that the study has not been able to detect or reject a connection between an improvement in fitness and a reduction in resting heart rate

    Biomarkers in equine bone and joint disorders

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    The purpose with this literature study was to summarize the research on biomarkers in equine bone and joint diseases and to get more knowledge about how these markers are affected by the diseases, exercise, age, sex and breed. Bone and joint diseases are a common cause of loss of performance in the athletic horse. Osteochondrosis (OC) is a disease of articular cartilage development and is a common cause of lameness in young horses, leading to decreased athletic potential. Osteoarthritis (OA) is characterized by damage to and loss of articular cartilage matrix components, along with reduced joint function. Disorders in horses have a large economical impact on the horse industry through loss of breeding potential and reduced market value of the affected horses. Disease prevention and pain reduction are general aims of animal welfare within animal husbandry. It would therefore be welcome with any improvement in prevention, diagnosis, treatment and prognostication in these areas and biomarkers may be helpful tools. Molecules that are normal products and byproducts of the metabolic processes that are taking place within the skeletal tissues are often used as markers. Biomarkers are good tools for the prediction and detection of diseases without performing major procedure on the horse. The research is not yet at a stage of having a “magic marker” to diagnose the degree of articular cartilage or bone disease in a single joint with 100% accuracy. Though, many biomarkers have the potential to predict and distinguish the diseases but more research is needed to get higher reliability of these markers

    Primary and acquired resistance mechanisms to immune checkpoint inhibition in Hodgkin lymphoma

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    Hodgkin lymphoma is a B cell derived malignancy characterized by a low number of tumor cells within an environment consisting of inflammatory cells. Recently, immune checkpoint blockade targeting the PD-1-PD-L1 axis has shown to be a great success in relapsed and refractory Hodgkin lymphoma patients. However, complete responses are scarce and median progression-free survival is limited to around 11-15 months. Efficiency of PD-1 blockade in HL might be dependent on CD4 + T cells, but also tumor associated macrophages (TAMs) and NK cells are implicated. The aim of this review is to highlight currently known prominent immune evasion strategies and discuss their possible contribution to primary or acquired resistance to immune checkpoint blockade in Hodgkin lymphoma. These include T cell dependent mechanisms such as shaping of the inflammatory infiltrate, lack of presentation of antigens and neoantigens and production of molecules involved in suppression of T cell functionality such as other immune checkpoints, indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase and adenosine. Moreover, the role of NK cells and TAMs in efficient PD-1 blockade will be discussed. Targeting these mechanisms in parallel to PD-1 may potentially increase efficiency of PD-1 blockade therapy

    Stakeholder engagement and the diffusion of childbirth knowledge: experiences of the COST project.

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    Poster presenting the diverse actions in various European countries, participating in the project COST IS0907, to promote improvement in childbirth procedures and conditions. Seminars were organized between 2011 and 2013 as an offshoot of COST Action IS0907, “Childbirth Cultures, Concerns and Consequences: Creating a Dynamic EU Framework for optimal maternity care”. The aim of these events was to engage various stakeholders in exchanging research and experiences related to the improvement of maternity practice in each country setting. Different approaches were pursued. This installation aims to share what took place at the seminars.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
