44 research outputs found

    Content, implementation strategies and knowledge assessment tool on venous leg ulcers: An e-Delphi study

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    Aim: To get consensus on the knowledge and skills that nursing students need to acquire regarding venous leg ulcer care, the strategies that can be applied during education and to design a first draft of a questionnaire to assess knowledge to be validated. Background: Venous leg ulcers’ care is included on undergraduate nursing education programmes but without specifying the content and training implementation strategies. Different tools have been validated to assess knowledge, but have been found inadequate. Design: An e-Delphi study. Methods: The participants were Chronic Wound Care expert nurses. Two questions were constructed and agreed on by the research team to define the problem. To answer the third question, a search was conducted for publications on venous leg ulcers, to help design the questionnaire. A 2-round e-Delphi study was conducted from January to March 2022. A panel of 17 experts participated in both rounds. The data were analysed using statistical and qualitative analysis. Results: Content must fulfil knowledge-skill areas: epidemiology, venous pathophysiology and aetiology, classification scales, knowing how to determine a differential diagnosis, treatment, measures for prevention and care of the venous return circuit, quality-of-life scales. As implementation strategies, proposals were made in four areas: subject profile where training is to be acquired, theoretical teaching, practical teaching in the classroom and clinical practice. The average consensus of the questionnaire proposal was high (>86 %) both in relevance and clarity in both rounds. We thereby obtained a questionnaire with 72 items. Conclusions: Seven categories and eight subcategories were created regarding knowledge/skills that nursing students should acquire. Four categories were recognised as strategies that can be implemented during education. A high level of consensus was reached on the items in the initial versions of the questionnaire.Open Access funding provided by University of Basque Country

    Health workers’ knowledge regarding the use of Topical Negative Pressure Therapy in the treatment of wounds

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    Introducción: Las heridas crónicas representan un problema actual que genera un impacto a muchos niveles y cuyo tratamiento se basa en infinidad de productos disponibles actualmente en el mercado. A medida que avanza la tecnología se desarrollan nuevos dispositivos que mejoran el tratamiento y repercuten en beneficios para los pacientes. La terapia de presión negativa, incluida en las técnicas de curación avanzada, es un ejemplo representativo de ello, pero una correcta utilización de esta requiere de un personal entrenado capaz de hacer un uso adecuado a través de sus conocimientos. Objetivo: El objetivo principal es determinar el nivel actual de conocimientos de los profesionales sanitarios sobre generalidades y manejo de la terapia de presión negativa. Material y método: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y analítico en el Hospital General Universitario de Alicante. La población a estudio estuvo formada por 65 profesionales del ámbito de la enfermería y la medicina que trabajaban en las unidades donde se encuentran más familiarizados con su uso, y la recogida de datos se realizó mediante un cuestionario tipo ad hoc. Resultados: El 20% de los profesionales muestran un bajo nivel de conocimientos, el 61,5%, un nivel adecuado y el 18,5%, un nivel de conocimientos alto. Por tanto, un 80% de la población estudiada tiene un nivel adecuado o alto de conocimientos. Conclusiones: Una formación específica mediante la asistencia a cursos y jornadas, el tratamiento de un mayor número de heridas con terapia de presión negativa y el hecho de sentirse capacitados se convierten en requisitos indispensables para una correcta utilización del dispositivo. El nivel de conocimientos actual no exime de la necesidad de crear un protocolo que permita la unificación de criterios entre los profesionales y la necesidad de formación para actualizar los conocimientos.Introduction: Chronic wounds represent a current problem that generates an impact on many levels and whose treatment is based on an infinite number of products available on the market nowadays. As technology progresses, new devices are developed improving the treatment and affecting in benefits for patients. Topical Negative Pressure theraphy, included in the advanced healing techniques, is a representative example of this but a correct use of it requires a trained staff able to use it suitably through their knowledge. Aim: The main objective is to determine the current level of health workers’ knowledge about generalities and the handling of topical negative pressure therapy. Method: An observational, descriptive and analytical study was conducted at the Hospital General Universitario de Alicante. The study population was made up of 65 professionals in the field of nursing and medicine working in units where they are more familiar with their use, carrying out the collection of data by means of a questionnaire type ad hoc. Results: 20% of professionals show a low level of knowledge, 61.5%, an appropriate level and the 18.5%, a high level of expertise. Therefore, 80% of the studied population has an adequate or high level of expertise. Findings: Specific training through attendance at courses and conferences, the treatment of a greater number of injuries with TNP and the fact of being trained become prerequisites for a correct use of the device. The current level of knowledge does not exempt from the need to create a protocol allowing the unification of criteria between the professionals and the need for training to upgrade the expertise

    Prevention of pressure ulcers and repositioning. An integrative review

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    Objetivo: El objetivo que se plantea en este trabajo de revisión es responder a la pregunta: ¿Son los cambios posturales efectivos en la prevención de las úlceras por presión? Metodología: Revisión integrativa de la literatura mediante la identificación de documentos en las principales bases de datos relacionadas con las ciencias de la salud: MEDLINE, CINAHL, sciELO, Cochrane y CUIDEN, y mediante búsqueda inversa en los artículos identificados. Se incluyeron estudios prospectivos, revisiones sistemáticas u otro tipo de estudios, que evaluaran la efectividad de los cambios posturales. No hubo restricciones en fechas de publicación hasta diciembre de 2014, pacientes, contexto, estado de la publicación o idioma. Resultados: De 108 artículos, potencialmente relevantes para la revisión, se incluyeron 13: 6 ensayos clínicos, 1 estudio de cohortes, 4 revisiones sistemáticas y una histórica, además de un estudio cualitativo. No se encuentran evidencias sólidas para recomendar los cambios posturales cada 2 horas, pero si hay evidencia que apoya los cambios posturales cada 4 horas combinados con una superficie de apoyo viscoelástica. Conclusiones: No existen estudios que comparen la efectividad, solamente, de los cambios posturales frente a la no realización de estos cambios. La conjunción de una superficie viscoelástica con cambios posturales cada 3-4 horas dispone de la mejor evidencia. Los pacientes en decúbito lateral de 90 grados tienen una tasa casi 4 veces superior de lesiones que los que están a 30 grados. La investigación cualitativa es casi inapreciable en los estudios sobre cambios posturales.Aim: to answer the question: Are repositioning effective in preventing pressure ulcers? Methods: Integrative review of the literature through identification of papers in the main databases related to health sciences: MEDLINE, CINAHL, sciELO, COCHRANE and CUIDEN, and by reverse search on identified articles. We included prospective studies, systematic reviews or other types of studies that evaluated the effectiveness of repositioning. There were no restrictions on publication dates until December 2014, patients, context, publication status or language. Results: From 108 articles, potentially relevant for the review, 13 were included: 6 clinical trials, 1 cohort study, 4 systematic reviews and one historical review, as well as a qualitative study. There is no solid evidence to recommend postural changes every 2 hours. But there is evidence that supports repositioning every 4 hours combined with a viscoelastic support surface. Conclusions: There are no studies that compare the effectiveness of repositioning versus non-repositioning. The combination of a viscoelastic surface with repositioning every 3-4 hours has the best evidence. Patients in 90 degrees lateral decubitus have a rate almost 4 times higher than those who are at 30 degrees

    Does hidradenitis suppurativa affect the patient's quality of life? A review of the literature

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    La hidradenitis supurativa es una enfermedad autoinmune crónica debida a la obstrucción de un folículo piloso, que da lugar a la formación de nódulos. Se desconoce la etiología concreta. Algunos factores desencadenantes son los antecedentes familiares, la obesidad, el hábito tabáquico, la ropa ajustada y los factores hormonales e inmunológicos, entre otros. La sintomatología típica es dolor, supuración, prurito y mal olor, y puede llegar a generar cicatrices, fístulas y tunelizaciones. Las localizaciones de las lesiones típicas son en axilas, zona inguinal, perianal y zona mamaria. Cursa con brotes y no es contagiosa. Dependiendo del estadio existen diferentes tratamientos para esta. El diagnóstico se basa en una entrevista sobre los antecedentes familiares, la localización de las lesiones, las manifestaciones clínicas y la alta recurrencia de la enfermedad. Afecta a un 1% de la población mundial, con mayor incidencia a las mujeres. Objetivos: Investigar si la patología afecta a la calidad de vida de los pacientes y averiguar las repercusiones en esta. Metodología: Se realizó mediante una revisión sistemática de los últimos 5 años, tanto de la hidradenitis supurativa como de la pregunta a estudio en las siguientes bases de datos: Google Académico, PubMed, CINAHL, Web of Science, Scopus y Cochrane. Resultados: Los pacientes refieren tener una peor calidad de vida debido a síntomas de la hidradenitis supurativa, como el dolor, prurito y mal olor. Estos afectan en su vida diaria, vida laboral y relaciones sociales, entre otros. Conclusiones: Tras la búsqueda, se afirma la pregunta de estudio. La calidad de vida del paciente con hidradenitis supurativa está disminuida y deteriorada debido a los síntomas que la cursan. Además, conlleva una serie de comorbilidades tanto psicológicas como personales.Objectives: Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic autoimmune disease due to the obstruction of a hair follicle leading to the formation of nodules. The specific etiology is unknown. Some triggers are family history, obesity, smoking, tight clothing, hormonal and immunological factors, among others. The typical symptomatology is pain, suppuration, itching, bad smell and can generate scars, fistulas and tunnels. Typical lesion locations are in the armpits, inguinal, perianal, and mammary areas. It has outbreaks and is not contagious. Depending on the stage there are different treatments for it. The diagnosis is based on an interview on the family history, location of the lesions, clinical manifestations and high recurrence of the disease. It affects 1% of the world population, with a higher incidence in women. Objectives: Investigate whether the pathology affects the quality of life of patients and find out the repercussions on it. Methods: It was carried out through a systematic review of the last five years of both hidradenitis suppurativa and the question under study in the following databases: Google Scholar, PubMed, CINAHL, Web of Science, Scopus and Cochrane. Results: Patients reported having a poorer quality of life due to symptoms of hidradenitis suppurativa such as pain, itching and a bad smell. These affect their daily life, work life, social relationships, among others. Conclusions: After the search, the study question is affirmed. The quality of life of the patient with hidradenitis suppurativa is diminished and deteriorated due to the symptoms that occur. In addition, it carries a series of psychological and personal comorbidities

    Validation and Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Version of the Fear of Childbirth Questionnaire (CFQ-e)

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    The fear of childbirth is a topical concern, yet the issue has barely been studied in Spain, and only one fear of childbirth measurement instrument has been validated in the country. The aim of this study was to translate, adapt and validate the Fear of Childbirth Questionnaire (CFQ) for use in Spain, as well as to describe and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of this instrument. In a first phase, a methodological study was carried out (translation–backtranslation and cross-cultural adaptation), and pilot study was carried out in the target population. In addition, content validation of the instrument was obtained (CFQ-e) from 10 experts. In the second phase, a cross-sectional study was carried out at several centres in Gran Canaria Island to obtain a validation sample. The evaluation of the psychometric properties of the CFQ-e, including construct validity through exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, the calculation of reliability via factor consistency using the ORION coefficients as well as alpha and omega coefficients were carried out. The CFQ-e showed evidence of content validity, adequate construct validity and reliability. The CFQ-e is composed of 37 items distributed in four subscales or dimensions: “fear of medical interventions”; “fear of harm and dying”; “fear of pain” and “fears relating to sexual aspects and embarrassment”. The CFQ-e constitutes a valid and reliable tool to measure the fear of childbirth in the Spanish pregnant population

    Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Perceptions of Empowerment in Midwifery Scale in the Spanish Context (PEMS-e)

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    Midwifery empowerment is an important topic. The most widely used instrument to measure the perceived empowerment of midwives is the Perceptions of Empowerment in Midwifery Scale (PEMS), which has not been validated in Spain. The aim of this study was to translate and adapt the PEMS to the Spanish context. This research was carried out in two phases; Phase 1: Methodological study; translation, backtranslation and cross-cultural adaptation of the PEMS and pilot study on the target population (10 midwives) for evaluation of face validity. Phase 2: Cross-sectional observational study to obtain a sample for construct validation by Exploratory Factor Analysis and measurement of PEMS-e reliability. Additionally, an inferential analysis was carried out to study the possible association between several collected variables and PEMS-e subscale-scores. A total of 410 midwives from 18 Spanish regions participated in the study through an online questionnaire. An initial Spanish version of the PEMS scale was produced, demonstrating adequate face validity. A final model was produced for the PEMS-e, which included 17 items classified into two subscales (“Organizational support” and “Own skills and teamwork”) with fit indexes RMSEA = 0.062 (95%CI: 0.048–0.065) and AGFI = 0.985 (95%CI: 0.983–0.989) and Cronbach’s alpha 0.922 for the total scale. Results showed that one in four midwives had considered abandoning the profession in the last 6 months (p ≤ 0.001). This research suggests that Spanish midwives perceive their empowerment level as low. The PEMS-e is a valid tool with solid psychometric properties that can be used in future research to identify factors that contribute to increased empowerment among Spanish midwives and inform strategies to improve job satisfaction and retention in the profession

    Incidencia de úlceras por presión en una unidad geriátrica de recuperación funcional: estudio de series cronológicas

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    Objetivos: Describir y analizar la incidencia de úlceras por presión (UPP) en una unidad geriátrica de recuperación funcional de un hospital geriátrico y examinar los posibles factores de riesgo. Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de dos series cronológicas de incidencia de UPP en la unidad geriátrica, de media estancia o convalecencia. Conformaron las dos series todos los pacientes ingresados consecutivamente en los dos periodos de estudio (n = 241). Se consideró UPP incidente o intrahospitalaria aquella que se produjo a partir de las 48 horas desde el ingreso (fórmula de cálculo: Pacientes que han desarrollado una UPP en el hospital × 100/ pacientes ingresados más de 2 días). Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de las variables recogidas y comparaciones mediante la prueba de la x2 o el test exacto de Fisher, según correspondiera. Resultados: La incidencia acumulada para el primer periodo fue del 23%, IC 95% = 15,8-31,4 y en el segundo, del 23,5%, IC 95% = 15,9-31,2; no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Se obtuvo una tasa de incidencia de 3,4 por 1000 pacientes/día en el primer periodo y de 4,6 por 1000 pacientes/ día en el segundo, lo que supone una razón de tasas de 0,857, IC 95% = 0,49-1,5. No hubo diferencias en el RR de desarrollar UPP en función del periodo por cada variable, a excepción del diagnóstico de problemas musculoesqueléticos donde los pacientes con este problema en el segundo grupo tuvieron un riesgo relativo (RR) = 3,3, IC 95% = 1,1-10,9. Conclusiones: Este estudio ha permitido determinar la incidencia de UPP y sus factores de riesgo en una unidad de recuperación funcional de un hospital geriátrico, resultado epidemiológico apenas identificado en la literatura y de gran importancia para poder abordar mejoras en la calidad del cuidado del paciente anciano

    Evaluation of Antioxidant and Wound-Healing Properties of EHO-85, a Novel Multifunctional Amorphous Hydrogel Containing Olea europaea Leaf Extract

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    The excess of free radicals in the wound environment contributes to its stagnation during the inflammatory phase, favoring hard-to-heal wounds. Oxidative stress negatively affects cells and the extracellular matrix, hindering the healing process. In this study, we evaluated the antioxidant and wound-healing properties of a novel multifunctional amorphous hydrogel-containing Olea europaea leaf extract (OELE). Five assessments were performed: (i) phenolic compounds characterization in OELE; (ii) absolute antioxidant activity determination in OELE and hydrogel (EHO-85); (iii) antioxidant activity measurement of OELE and (iv) its protective effect on cell viability on human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs) and keratinocytes (HaCaT); and (v) EHO-85 wound-healing-capacity analysis on diabetic mice (db/db; BKS.Cg-m+/+Leprdb). The antioxidant activity of OELE was prominent: 2220, 1558, and 1969 µmol TE/g by DPPH, ABTS, and FRAP assays, respectively. Oxidative stress induced with H2O2 in HDFs and HaCaT was normalized, and their viability increased with OELE co-treatment, thus evidencing a protective role. EHO-85 produced an early and sustained wound-healing stimulating effect superior to controls in diabetic mice. This novel amorphous hydrogel presents an important ROS scavenger capacity due to the high phenolic content of OELE, which protects skin cells from oxidative stress and contributes to the physiological process of wound healing.This research was funded by QUESPER R&D, and partially by INNCORPORA-TU-2011-1886 subprogramme (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain) and the programme for the Reinforcement of Research Activity in the Clinical Management Units of the Andalusian Health Service (Department of Health. Regional Government of Andalusia, Spain)

    Diabetic foot Classifications II. The problem remains

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    Introducción: Se han publicado diversos sistemas de clasificación para las lesiones de pie diabético, si bien ninguno de los propuestos ha sido asumido por la comunidad científica como el sistema a utilizar por todos, y esto es debido a múltiples razones. Objetivos: Dar visibilidad a los nuevos sistemas de clasificación de pie diabético surgidos en los últimos años, además de poder contrastarlos con los sistemas ya conocidos anteriormente. Material y método: Búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos SCOPUS, PubMed/Medline, WOS, CINHAL, Cochrane y CUIDEN. La ecuación de búsqueda utilizada fue la combinación booleana de los términos MeSH “diabetic foot AND classification”. La búsqueda se realizó entre el 1 febrero de 2018 y el 30 marzo de 2018. Resultados: Existen 25 sistemas de clasificación de úlceras de pie diabético, que se pueden dividir en sistemas de clasificación-severidad de la lesión o sistemas de predicción de curación-amputación. Muy pocos sistemas han sido validados adecuadamente. Conclusiones: La elección del sistema de pie diabético a utilizar va a estar condicionada por aspectos como el ámbito asistencial, los recursos disponibles o los objetivos que se persiguen. En los últimos años se prefiere el uso de sistemas con enfoque predictivo frente a los sistemas con enfoque descriptivo.Introduction: Various classification systems have been published for diabetic foot ulcers, although none of the proposed systems has been accepted by the scientific community as the system to be used by all, and this is due to multiple reasons. Objectives: To give visibility to the new systems of diabetic foot classification that have emerged in recent years, as well as to compare them with the systems already known previously. Methods: Bibliographic search in the SCOPUS, Pubmed/Medline, WOS, CINHAL, Cochrane and CUIDEN databases. The search equation used was the boolean combination of the MeSH terms “diabetic foot AND classification”. The search was conducted between 1 February 2018 and 30 March 2018. Results: There are 25 classification systems for diabetic foot ulcers, which can be divided into classification-severity systems or healing-amputation prediction systems. Very few systems have been properly validated. Conclusions: The choice of the diabetic foot system to be used will be conditioned by aspects such as the assistencial scene, the available resources or the objectives pursued. In recent years, the use of systems with a predictive approach has been preferred over systems with a descriptive approach

    Changes in peripheral immune cells after intraoperative radiation therapy in low-risk breast cancer

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    A detailed understanding of the interactions and the best dose-fractionation scheme of radiation to maximize antitumor immunity have not been fully established. In this study, the effect on the host immune system of a single dose of 20 Gy through intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT) on the surgical bed in low-risk breast cancer patients undergoing conserving breast cancer has been assessed. Peripheral blood samples from 13 patients were collected preoperatively and at 48 h and 3 and 10 weeks after the administration of radiation. We performed a flow cytometry analysis for lymphocyte subpopulations, natural killer cells (NK), regulatory T cells (Treg) and myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs). We observed that the subpopulation of NK CD56+high CD16+ increased significantly at 3 weeks after IORT (0.30-0.42%, P < 0.001), while no changes were found in immunosuppressive profile, CD4+CD25+Foxp3+Helios+ Treg cells, granulocytic MDSCs (G-MDSCs) and monocytic MDSCs (Mo-MDSCs). A single dose of IORT may be an effective approach to improve antitumor immunity based on the increase in NK cells and the non-stimulation of immunosuppressive cells involved in immune escape. These findings support future combinations of IORT with immunotherapy, if they are confirmed in a large cohort of breast cancer patients