721 research outputs found

    Foliations modeling nonrational simplicial toric varieties

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    We establish a correspondence between simplicial fans, not necessarily rational, and certain foliated compact complex manifolds called LVMB-manifolds. In the rational case, Meersseman and Verjovsky have shown that the leaf space is the usual toric variety. We compute the basic Betti numbers of the foliation for shellable fans. When the fan is in particular polytopal, we prove that the basic cohomology of the foliation is generated in degree two. We give evidence that the rich interplay between convex and algebraic geometries embodied by toric varieties carries over to our nonrational construction. In fact, our approach unifies rational and nonrational cases.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, expository changes, references updated. Link to the journal http://j.mp/BatZaf; Int. Math. Res. Not. 2015 (Published online February 24, 2015

    Atrial assist device, a new alternative to lifelong anticoagulation?

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    OBJECTIVE: Atrial fibrillation is a very common heart arrhythmia, associated with a five-fold increase in the risk of embolic strokes. Treatment strategies encompass palliative drugs or surgical procedures all of which can restore sinus rhythm. Unfortunately, atria often fail to recover their mechanical function and patients therefore require lifelong anticoagulation therapy. A motorless volume displacing device (Atripump) based on artificial muscle technology, positioned on the external surface of atrium could avoid the need of oral anticoagulation and its haemorrhagic complications. An animal study was conducted in order to assess the haemodynamic effects that such a pump could provide. METHODS: Atripump is a dome-shape siliconecoated nitinol actuator sewn on the external surface of the atrium. It is driven by a pacemaker-like control unit. Five non-anticoagulated sheep were selected for this experiment. The right atrium was surgically exposed, the device sutured and connected. Haemodynamic parameters and intracardiac ultrasound (ICUS) data were recorded in each animal and under three conditions; baseline; atrial fibrillation (AF); atripump assisted AF (aaAF). RESULTS: In two animals, after 20 min of AF, small thrombi appeared in the right atrial appendix and were washed out once the pump was turned on. Assistance also enhanced atrial ejection fraction. 31% baseline; 5% during AF; 20% under aaAF. Right atrial systolic surfaces (cm2) were; 5.2 +/- 0.3 baseline; 6.2 +/- 0.1 AF; 5.4 +/- 0.3 aaAF. CONCLUSION: This compact and reliable pump seems to restore the atrial "kick" and prevents embolic events. It could avoid long-term anticoagulation therapy and open new hopes in the care of end-stage heart failure

    Frequency and effects of meeting health behaviour guidelines among adolescents.

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    Background: To assess the relationship between overweight status and the concomitant adherence to physical activity, daily screen time and nutritional guidelines. Methods: Data were derived from the Swiss Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Survey 2006. Participants (n = 8130, 48.7% girls) were divided into two groups: normal weight (n = 7215, 44.8% girls) and overweight (n = 915, 34.8% girls), using self-reported height and weight. Groups were compared on adherence to physical activity, screen time and nutritional guidelines. Bivariate analyses were carried out followed by multivariate analyses using normal-weight individuals as the reference category. Results: Regardless of gender, overweight individuals reported more screen time, less physical activity and less concomitant adherence to guidelines. For boys, the multivariate analysis showed that any amount exceeding screen time recommendations was associated with increased odds of being overweight [>2-4 h: adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 1.40; >4-6 h: AOR = 1.48; >6 h: AOR = 1.83]. A similar relation was found for any amount below physical activity recommendations (4-6 times a week: AOR = 1.67; 2-3 times a week: AOR = 1.87; once a week or less: AOR = 2.1). For girls, not meeting nutritional guidelines was less likely among overweight individuals (0-2 recommendations: AOR = 0.54). Regardless of weight status, more than half of the adolescents did not comply with any guideline and <2% met all three at the same time. Conclusions: Meeting current nutritional, physical activity and screen time guidelines should be encouraged with respect to overweight. However, as extremely low rates of concomitant adherence were found regardless of weight status, their achievability is questionable (especially for nutrition), which warrants further research to better adapt them to adolescents

    On orbits of the automorphism group on a complete toric variety

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    Let X be a complete toric variety and Aut(X) be the automorphism group. We give an explit description of Aut(X)-orbits on X. In particular, we show that Aut(X) acts on X transitively if and only if X is a product of projective spaces.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Does the Primary Resource of Sex Education Matter? A Swiss National Study.

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    Sex education (SE) remains a subject of debate, including controversies on resources. The purpose of this paper was to determine the main SE resource during adolescence and its associations with personal characteristics and sexual behaviors of youths. Data were obtained from a self-administrated Swiss national survey on sexuality among young adults (mean age 26.3). Participants (N = 4978) were divided into six groups according to their main SE resource during their adolescence: Friends (1939; 38.9%), Parents (1361; 27.3%), School (n = 949; 19.1%), The Internet (399; 8.0%), Nobody (172; 3.5%) and Other (157; 3.2%). Groups were compared on sociodemographic, first sexual experiences, pregnancy, risky sexual behaviors, and undesired sexual experiences data. Males and non-heterosexual participants were overrepresented in the Internet group while, females more often reported their parents as their main SE resource. Participants in the School group reported the lowest rates of sexually transmitted infections and Friends the highest. Compared to the School group, those in the Friends, Internet, Nobody, and Other groups were more likely to report undesired sexual experiences. Few differences appeared between parents and school. Even though some resources such as friends or the Internet presented negative outcomes when they were assessed individually, we cannot deny the important place that they occupy in the lives of some youths

    Does physical exercise improve ADL capacities in people over 65 years with moderate or severe dementia hospitalized in an acute psychiatric setting? A multisite randomized clinical trial.

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    Several studies on the effect of physical exercise on activities of daily living (ADL) for people with dementia exist; yet, data concerning the specific context of acute psychiatric hospitals remain scant. This study measured the effect of a physical exercise program on ADL scores in patients with moderate to severe dementia hospitalized in an acute psychiatric ward. A multicenter clinical trial was conducted in five Swiss and Belgian psychiatric hospitals. Participants were randomly allocated to either an experimental group (EG) or a control group (CG). Members of the EG received 20 physical exercise sessions (strengthening, balance, and walking) over a four-week period while members of the CG participated in social interaction sessions of equivalent duration and frequency, but without physical exercise. The effect of exercise on ADL was measured by comparing scores of the Barthel Index and the Functional Independence Measure in the EG and CG before and after the intervention, and two weeks later. Hundred and sixty patients completed the program. Characteristics of participants of both groups were similar at the inception of the study. The mean ADL score of EG decreased slightly over time, whereas that of the CG significantly decreased compared to initial scores. Overall differences between groups were not significant; however, significant differences were found for mobility-related items. ADL scores in elderly with moderate to severe dementia deteriorate during acute psychiatric hospitalization. An exercise program delays the loss of mobility but does not have a significant impact on overall ADL scores

    Integrated care in Switzerland: Results from the first nationwide survey.

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    Due to fragmentation of care delivery, health systems are under pressure and integrated care is advocated for. Compared to the numerous existing integrated care initiatives in Europe and elsewhere, Switzerland seems to lag behind. The objective of the survey was to produce a comprehensive overview of integrated care initiatives in Switzerland. To be included, initiatives needed to meet four criteria: present some type of formalization, consider >2 different groups of healthcare professionals, integrate >2 healthcare levels, be ongoing. We systematically contacted major health system organizations at federal, cantonal and local level. Between 2015 and 2016, we identified 172 integrated care initiatives and sent them a questionnaire. We performed descriptive analyses. Integrated care initiatives in Switzerland are frequent and increasing. The implementation of initiatives over time, their distribution between linguistic areas, the number of healthcare levels integrated, and the number of professionals involved vary according to the type of initiatives. Despite Switzerland's federalist structure and organization of healthcare, and only recent incentives to develop integrated care, initiatives are frequent and diverse. Stakeholders should support existing initiatives and facilitate their development. They should also promote innovative avenues, experiment alternative payment models for integrated care, foster people-centeredness and incentivize interprofessional models. This will require systems thinking and contributions from all actors of the healthcare system

    Impact of Hyponatremia after Renal Transplantation on Decline of Renal Function, Graft Loss and Patient Survival: A Prospective Cohort Study.

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    Hyponatremia is one of the most common electrolyte disorders observed in hospitalized and ambulatory patients. Hyponatremia is associated with increased falls, fractures, prolonged hospitalisation and mortality. The clinical importance of hyponatremia in the renal transplant field is not well established, so the aim of this study was to determine the relationships between hyponatremia and mortality as main outcome and renal function decline and graft loss as secondary outcome among a prospective cohort of renal transplant recipients. This prospective cohort study included 1315 patients between 1 May 2008 and 31 December 2014. Hyponatremia was defined as sodium concentration below 136 mmol/L at 6 months after transplantation. The main endpoint was mortality. A secondary composite endpoint was also defined as: rapid decline in renal function (≥5 mL/min/1.73 m <sup>2</sup> drop of the eGFR/year), graft loss or mortality. Mean sodium was 140 ± 3.08 mmol/L. 97 patients displayed hyponatremia with a mean of 132.9 ± 3.05 mmol/L. Hyponatremia at 6 months after transplantation was associated neither with mortality (HR: 1.02; p = 0.97, 95% CI: 0.47-2.19), nor with the composite outcome defined as rapid decline in renal function, graft loss or mortality (logrank test p = 0.9). Hyponatremia 6 months after transplantation is not associated with mortality in kidney allograft patients

    The yeast P5 type ATPase, Spf1, regulates manganese transport into the endoplasmic reticulum

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    The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a large, multifunctional and essential organelle. Despite intense research, the function of more than a third of ER proteins remains unknown even in the well-studied model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae. One such protein is Spf1, which is a highly conserved, ER localized, putative P-type ATPase. Deletion of SPF1 causes a wide variety of phenotypes including severe ER stress suggesting that this protein is essential for the normal function of the ER. The closest homologue of Spf1 is the vacuolar P-type ATPase Ypk9 that influences Mn2+ homeostasis. However in vitro reconstitution assays with Spf1 have not yielded insight into its transport specificity. Here we took an in vivo approach to detect the direct and indirect effects of deleting SPF1. We found a specific reduction in the luminal concentration of Mn2+ in ∆spf1 cells and an increase following it’s overexpression. In agreement with the observed loss of luminal Mn2+ we could observe concurrent reduction in many Mn2+-related process in the ER lumen. Conversely, cytosolic Mn2+-dependent processes were increased. Together, these data support a role for Spf1p in Mn2+ transport in the cell. We also demonstrate that the human sequence homologue, ATP13A1, is a functionally conserved orthologue. Since ATP13A1 is highly expressed in developing neuronal tissues and in the brain, this should help in the study of Mn2+-dependent neurological disorders