183 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the resistance of few citrus rootstocks to alkalinity by applying a faste test of secreening

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    Alkalinity of Moroccan soils is the major abiotic constraint on citrus production area. The best choice of citrus rootstocks adequate and resistant is a better solution to avoid this problem. The aim of this study is to develop a fast test of citrus rootstocks screening towards alkalinity. The alkaline stress was applied on ten citrus rootstocks two month old, using irrigation with a Hoagland and Arnon solution added with 1 g CaCO(3)/L and adjusted at various pH levels 6, 7 and 9. Observations concerned symptoms incidence and severity of iron chlorosis after two months of rearing. Results permitted to classify Poncirus trifoliata and Flying dragon as the most sensitive to alkalinity stresses, whereas, Citrus volkameriana and Citrus macrophylla were resistant. These conclusions are equivalent with those obtained with old citrus rootstocks in field trials

    La grossesse chez les hémodialysées chroniques

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    La survenue d'une grossesse en hémodialyse chronique (HDC) est rare, mais depuis la description du premier cas par Confortini en 1971, plusieursobservations ont été rapportées. L'hémodialyse a considérablement  amélioré la fertilité de ces patientes. Nous rapportons l'expérience de  douze grossesses survenues entre 1999 et 2014, chez douze patientes d'âge médian 34 ans (22-44), en hémodialyse (HD) depuis 40 mois  (3-72), l'âge gestationnel moyen de diagnostic est de 16 semaines  d'aménorrhée, la grossesse était compliquée dans 50% des cas par un hydramnios. Le terme moyen est de 35 semaine d'aménorrhée (SA) et l'accouchement a été réalisé dans 90% des grossesses par voie basse. Le poids moyen des nouveau-nés est de 1800g. De telles grossesses sont à haut risque du fait de la fréquence des complications. Elles devraient être contrôlées par les équipes multidisciplinaires, et la consultation prénatal ne devrait pas être négligée. L'objectif de ce travail est de rapporter notre expérience concernant la survenue d'une grossesse chez les patientes dialysées et de la confronter aux données de la littérature

    Comparative evaluation of surface quality, tool wear, and specific cutting energy for wiper and conventional carbide inserts in hard turning of aisi 4340 alloy steel

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    This paper presents an experimental study into the comparative response of wiper and round-nose conventional carbide inserts coated with TiCN + AL2_{2}O3_{3} + TiN when turning an AISI 4340 steel alloy. The optimal process parameters, as identified by pre-experiments, were used for both types of inserts to determine the machined surface quality, tool wear, and specific cutting energy for different cutting lengths. The wiper inserts provided a substantial improvement in the attainable surface quality compared with the results obtained using conventional inserts under optimal cutting conditions for the entire range of the machined lengths. In addition, the conventional inserts showed a dramatic increase in roughness with an increased length of the cut, while the wiper inserts showed only a minor increase for the same length of cut. A scanning electron microscope was used to examine the wear for both types of inserts. Conventional inserts showed higher trends for both the average and maximum flank wear with cutting length compared to the wiper inserts, except for lengths of 200–400 mm, where conventional inserts showed less average flank wear. A higher accumulation of deposited chips was observed on the flank face of the wiper inserts than the conventional inserts. The experimental results demonstrated that edge chipping was the chief tool wear mechanism on the rake face for both types of insert, with more edge chipping observed in the case of the conventional inserts than the wiper inserts, with negligible evidence of crater wear in either case. The wiper inserts were shown to have a higher specific cutting energy than those detected with conventional inserts. This was attributed to (i) the irregular nose feature of the wiper inserts differing from the simpler round nose geometry of the conventional inserts and (ii) a higher tendency of chip accumulation on the wiper inserts

    Optimization of NPK levels of Clementine Sidi Aissa (Citrus reticulata Blanco) trees grafted on different citrus rootstocks

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    Received: August 15th, 2023 ; Accepted: October 18th, 2023 ; Published: November 5th, 2023 ; Correspondence: [email protected] present study aims to investigate the impact of various nitrogen concentrations on young Clementine Sidi Aissa citrus trees (Citrus reticulata Blanco), grafted on five citrus rootstocks namely Moroccan Carrizo citrange, French Carrizo citrange, Troyer citrange, Citrus macrophylla, and sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.). The experiment took place in greenhouses at the Experimental station of El Menzeh INRA-Morocco, with the young trees grown in containers. We applied five different nitrogen treatments (expressed as mg L-1 of N-P2O5-K2O): (0–0–0), (0–25–50), (25–25–50), (50–25–50), and (100–25–50). The split-plot experimental design was used with three replications. The findings demonstrate that the nitrogen enrichment resulted in enhanced plant growth, marked by increased plant height, rootstock and scion stem diameters, diameter and shoot length, relative water content (RWC), as well as leaf chlorophyll and proline content. Optimal growth of the Clementine Sidi Aissa trees was observed under the 100–25–50 (mg L-1 of N-P2O5-K2O) treatment. The study also found that leaf nitrogen concentration increased in line with the quantity of nitrogen added, whereas the percentages of phosphorous and potassium in the leaves decreased. The most significant growth increase across the majority of the studied parameters was noted in Clementine Sidi Aissa trees grafted on Moroccan Carrizo citrange and Troyer citrange rootstocks

    Effect of nitrogen level application on yield and fruit quality of Navel orange variety in a sandy soil

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    L’objectif de cet essai est d'évaluer l'effet de la dose d'azote sur le rendement et la qualité des fruits et de déterminer la dose optimale en azote pour les arbres de l’orange Navel greffé sur le porte-greffe citrange Troyer planté en 1964 en plein champ à un espacement de 7mx7m (204 arbres/ha) au niveau de la station expérimentale d’El Menzeh, INRA Maroc. Le dispositif adopté est un bloc aléatoire complet avec trois blocs rangés en 4 arbres consécutifs par bloc sur la même ligne. Quatre doses de N ont été testés : (T0 (Témoin) : 0, T1 : 100, T2 : 200, T3 : 300 Kg N/ha). Les paramètres mesurés sont : le calibre des fruits, le poids moyen par fruit, la qualité des fruits (le rendement en jus, l’acidité du jus, l’extrait sec soluble (ESS ou °Brix) et l’indice de maturité (E/A)) et le rendement en fruits. Le rendement en fruits, le poids moyen des fruits, le calibre des fruits, l’extrait sec soluble (TSS), l'acidité du jus et l'indice de maturité de l’orange Navel ont répondu significativement à l’augmentation de la dose d’azote. Le rendement en kg de fruits/arbre a été considérablement amélioré avec l'augmentation de la dose d'azote. Par ailleurs, les rendements les plus élevés (129.21 et 139.82 kg/arbre) ont été enregistrés sous les traitements T2 et T3 respectivement. Par contre, le rendement en fruits/arbre le plus faible a été obtenu chez les arbres non fertilisés (témoin). Le poids des fruits (268.54 et 276.50g) et la taille des fruits (78.94 et 80.87 mm) les plus élevés ont été enregistrés avec les même traitements T2 et T3 respectivement. La teneur totale en sucre soluble (TSS) la plus élevée a été enregistrée chez les arbres des traitements T2 et T3 (12.20 et 11.70 °Brix respectivement). Par ailleurs, une augmentation significative de l'acidité du jus de fruits de l’orange Navel a été également enregistrée en augmentant la dose d’azote. L'acidité la plus élevée a été obtenue par les mêmes traitements T2 et T3 (1,13 et 1.20 % respectivement). L’application de 200 Kg de N /ha a permis d’avoir un rendement maximal et une qualité optimale des fruits des oranges Navel greffés sur le porte-greffe citrange Troyer sur un sol sableux dans la région de Gharb.The objective of the present paper was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen level on yield and fruit quality of citrus and to determine the optimum N fertilizer rates of Navel orange variety budded on Troyer citrange rootstock in field conditions. The orange Navel orchard spaced 7mx7m (204 trees/ha) grown in 1964 on a sandy soil at the experimental station of El Menzeh, INRA Morocco. The experiment was set up in a complete randomized block design with three blocks and the experimental unit was composed on 4 consecutive trees in the row. Four fertilization treatments of N (Kg/ha) (T0 (control): 0, T1: 100, T2: 200, T3: 300) were applied to Navel citrus tree in field conditions over two seasons 2012-2013 and 2013-2014.Fruit yield, fruit weight, fruit size, total soluble sugar (TSS) content, acidity of juice and maturity index of Navel orange were significantly affected by increasing N level. Fruit yield/tree was improved significantly with increase in N rate. Significant highest yields (129.21 and 139.82. kg/tree) were recorded under treatments T2 and T3 respectively. The lowest fruit yield/tree was obtained from untreated control plot. Maximum fruit weight (268.54 and 276.50 g) and fruit size (78.94 and 80.87 mm) was recorded with the same treatments T2 and T3 respectively. Total soluble sugar content was also maximum in trees receiving treatment (T2) and treatment (T3) 12.20 and 11.70°Brix respectively. Significant increase in acidity of juice of fruit Navel orange was also recorded by increasing the rate of N. The highest acidity (1.13 and 1.20%) was achieved by the same treatments T2 and T3 respectively. Two-year studies showed that application of fertilizers at the rate of 200 Kg N/ha would be optimum for achieving higher yield and better fruit quality of Navel orange variety in sandy soil in Gharb area

    Rules of Pretexts and Their Advocacy Applications

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    The research aims at identifying the rules of pretexts, showing their importance in advocacy work, extrapolating some of their contemporary advocacy applications, highlighting the comprehensiveness of Islamic law and its ability to absorb contemporary advocacy issues, and contributing to the reconfiguration of advocacy discourse in an intentional manner that takes into account interests and outcomes. The significance of the research comes from the standpoint of the awareness of the preacher of the objectives, and his ability to distinguish the branches from the origins and the constants from the variables. It is an important step towards renewal and keeping pace, and then advancement and victory to implement the rule of God the Almighty on earth. The preacher does not accept that the nations advance, and he lags behind, and the means of invocations and false ideas develop, and the owner of the truth remains shrouded in the cloak of familiarity with the old and the fight against everything new. The descriptive, inferential, analytical method was used in the research, and it reached a number of results, the most important of which are: highlighting the differences of scholars about the authoritative rules of pretexts and applying them. The Maliki scholars expanded in taking it and counting it as one of their fundamentals, while the Hanafis take pretexts through approbation, and the Shafi’is take it through texts, and they did not deny blocking the pretexts, but they did not make it an asset of their fundamentals. The research also showed that pretexts have a clear effect in controlling the work of preachers and reducing the differences between them by returning everyone to legitimate rules

    Physical Activity Recognition Based on a Parallel Approach for an Ensemble of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Classifiers

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    Human activity recognition (HAR) by wearable sensor devices embedded in the Internet of things (IOT) can play a significant role in remote health monitoring and emergency notification, to provide healthcare of higher standards. The purpose of this study is to investigate a human activity recognition method of accrued decision accuracy and speed of execution to be applicable in healthcare. This method classifies wearable sensor acceleration time series data of human movement using efficient classifier combination of feature engineering-based and feature learning-based data representation. Leave-one-subject-out cross-validation of the method with data acquired from 44 subjects wearing a single waist-worn accelerometer on a smart textile, and engaged in a variety of 10 activities, yields an average recognition rate of 90%, performing significantly better than individual classifiers. The method easily accommodates functional and computational parallelization to bring execution time significantly down

    Utilisation Des Caractères Biochimiques, Agronomiques Et Morphologiques Pour L’évaluation De La Diversité Génétique Des Variants D’orangers Dans La Région Du Gharb, Maroc

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    20 clones of orange trees, identified at the level of the collection of nucellar citrus varieties, have been the subject of several tests of behavior at the level of different citrus fruit sites in Morocco. Indeed, the present work aims to evaluate these variants on a clay soil at the Gharb region (INRA/Kenitra). The variants grafted on Citrange troyer were divided into three groups. Each group contains variants, genetically similar, from seedlings of the same parent variety. Clonal selection is based on the synthesis of the results of the study of the variability of the criteria of fruit quality and production. The average yield varies from 44.25 kg / tree to 217.30 kg / tree. While the average weight of a fruit varies from 95 g to 360 g. The results showed a predominance of juicy and medium-sized fruits with an equatorial diameter greater than 56 mm, acceptable for the fresh fruit market or the juice industry. The maturity coefficient study of the variants within each group, or between the three groups, showed that the harvest period extends over four months, from December to March. The final selection was focused on six productive and good quality variants. These promising variants have been described according to UPOV, and then presented for registration in the official catalog
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