253 research outputs found

    Characterization of Carbonaceous Materials by Correlated Electron and Optical Microscopy and Raman Microspectroscopy

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    Carbonaceous materials differ according to their chemical composition (types of heteroatoms), their structure and their microtexture. So, it is interesting to find methods for characterizing them. We choose to correlate data from Raman microspectroscopy, optical microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. First, we use both graphitizable or non-graphitizable reference carbon series of simple chemical composition in order to follow the structural transformation of the carbonaceous materials according to the evolution of these data throughout heat-treatment of these samples. Then, the coals of different ranks are studied. The Raman results are correlated with those from electron microscopy, particularly by plotting, for the graphitizable series, the diameter of the aromatic layers La (determined from lattice fringes and 11 dark-field) versus the specific surface of the Raman band characteristic of the defects centered at about 1350 cm-1 (ratio between surfaces of this band and the whole spectrum). For the coals, the half-maximum width of the band at about 1600 cm-1 has been plotted versus the reflectance. We conclude that the evolution of carbonaceous materials, throughout heat-treatments or natural processes, is possible only because different types of defects are progressively removed. These defects are heteroatoms, tetrahedral carbons, isolated and crosswise basic structural units or BSU (one, two or three stacked in parallel polyaromatic structures, less than 10 A in size) and defects in aromatic layers. The elimination of these defects permits the rearrangement of the BSUs and the establishment of an organization which can possibly reach the triperiodic order according to the series

    Causal structure of the entanglement renormalization ansatz

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    We show that the multiscale entanglement renormalization ansatz (MERA) can be reformulated in terms of a causality constraint on discrete quantum dynamics. This causal structure is that of de Sitter space with a flat spacelike boundary, where the volume of a spacetime region corresponds to the number of variational parameters it contains. This result clarifies the nature of the ansatz, and suggests a generalization to quantum field theory. It also constitutes an independent justification of the connection between MERA and hyperbolic geometry which was proposed as a concrete implementation of the AdS-CFT correspondence

    Microcharacterization of Fluid Inclusions in Minerals by Raman Microprobe

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    Fluids trapped in inclusions in minerals are micro-amounts of ore-forming media composed of water, dissolved salts, gases and sometimes liquefied gases, liquid, hydrocarbons and solids. The aim of this paper is to summarize the contribution of the Raman scattering microspectrometry to the knowledge of fluid inclusions. After a review of the composition of fluid inclusions and a short presentation of microthermometrical investigations, a description of the Raman microprobe is given. Applications are reviewed; identification of ionic species dissolved in aqueous phase, characterization of gases of C-O-H-N-S system, identification of solids and non aqueous liquids. The complementary characteristics of Raman microanalysis and microthermometry are underlined. The last section is devoted to comparisons with other microprobes from the point of view of chemical and mineralogical analysis of fluid inclusions

    A study of drug utilization pattern using WHO prescribing indicators in pediatric patients

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    Background: The study aimed to get drug utilization pattern using WHO prescribing indicators in pediatric patients. Methods: It was an observational prospective study carried out in pediatric in-patients with a sample size of 280 patients based on inclusion, and exclusion criteria for a period of 6 months. The study data were collected using patient case record and analysis was done. Results: Out of 280 patients data collected, majority of patients were in the gender male category 168 (60%) and many were from the age group of early childhood (1-5 years) 126 (45%). Respiratory tract infections were the major diagnosis made among the sample size. The drug class commonly prescribed were oral antibiotics 261 (28.38%). The average number of drugs per prescription were 3.28%. Among the total number of prescription percentage of drugs prescribed by generic name and antibiotics were 2.7%, 76.07%. Percentage of patients prescribed with injection were 79.28%. Conclusions: This study highlights WHO prescribing core indicators in evaluating the usage of rational prescription. It helps in reinforcing rational prescribing practices and increases awareness among physicians and medical students. Irrational prescriptions may result in harmful events. A rational prescription should follow the standard treatment guidelines of WHO. The assessment of these indicators can also help us to decrease the cost burden on the patient. Continuous education with focus on rational drug usage and evidence-based medicine can further increase the understanding and improves health care policies

    Congenital muscular dystrophy: a clinical report on 17 patients

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    We concur with the idea that congenital muscular dystrophy (CMD) is a distinct clinical entity, and report 17 patients (2 negroes and 15 whites; 12M and 5 F; median age 6 years, range 1 to 24 years) with genetic, clinical, laboratorial, electrophysiological and histochemical studies. All our cases have an inheritance compatible with an autosomal recessive pattern. A decrease in fetal movements was reported by 57% of the mothers, generalized hypotonia at birth was present in 82%, limb girdle and neck weakness, absent or decreased deep tendon reflexes, and limb contractures were present in all. Severe muscular wasting was found in 41%. Calf pseudo-hypertrophy was observed in one patient. A patient was severely mentally retarded and another was borderline. During a 30-month follow-up, the muscle weakness of the majority remained essentially unchanged but the degree of motor activity deteriorated and was proportional to the worsening of the limb contractures. Serum CK levels were normal or increased to a maximum of 8 times. The electromyogram was myopathic in 74%, neurogenic in 13% and normal in 13%. CT scans showed a symmetrical white matter hipodensity in the hemispheres in 8 cases. All but 5 patients were operated upon to release the limb contractures and all were submitted to physical therapy. The contractures recurred in 4 patients submitted to surgery and were probably related to the cessation of physical therapy.Descrevemos 17 pacientes (12m, 5f) com idades que variaram de 1 a 24 anos (mediana 6 anos) com distrofia muscular congênita (DMC), que foram estudados do ponto de vista genético, clínico, laboratorial, eletrofisiológico e anátomo-patológico. A apresentação segundo a herança foi da forma esporádica (76,5%) ou possivelmente autossômica recessiva (23,5%). A diminuição da movimentação fetal intra-uterina foi referida em 57% dos casos, hipotonia neonatal em 82% e retardo no desenvolvimento motor em 88,2%. Fraqueza muscular, diminuição dos reflexos profundos e contraturas articulares estavam presentes em todos os casos. A piora na função motora estava muito relacionada ao aumento ou aparecimento de novas retrações articulares. A CK nunca ultrapassou valores acima de 8 vezes o normal. O ENMG foi de padrão miopático em 73,3%, neuropático em 13,3% e normal em 13,3% dos casos. Aspectos tomográficos com hipodensidade da substância branca subcortical foram vistos em 8 casos. Ao tratamento impôs-se fisioterapia adequada e cirurgia corretiva das deformidades articulares. Novas contraturas desenvolveram-se mais tarde e estavam relacionadas freqüentemente a fisioterapia insuficiente.Escola Paulista de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Multiple agency perspective, family control, and private information abuse in an emerging economy

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    Using a comprehensive sample of listed companies in Hong Kong this paper investigates how family control affects private information abuses and firm performance in emerging economies. We combine research on stock market microstructure with more recent studies of multiple agency perspectives and argue that family ownership and control over the board increases the risk of private information abuse. This, in turn, has a negative impact on stock market performance. Family control is associated with an incentive to distort information disclosure to minority shareholders and obtain private benefits of control. However, the multiple agency roles of controlling families may have different governance properties in terms of investors’ perceptions of private information abuse. These findings contribute to our understanding of the conflicting evidence on the governance role of family control within a multiple agency perspectiv