8 research outputs found
Epizootiological Factors of Canine Respiratory Coronavirus Infection in Croatia
Virus psećeg respiratornog koronavirusa (engl. Canine respiratory coronavirus, CRCoV), iz porodice betakoronavirusa, opisan je diljem svijeta i jedan je od uzročnika iz kompleksa psećih zaraznih respiratornih bolesti (engl. Canine infectious respiratory disease complex, CIRDC). Virus se širi izlučevinama dišnog sustava, a brzom širenju pridonose mjesta na kojima se nalazi mnogo pasa, poput skloništa za životinje i izložbi pasa.
U ovom su istraživanju pretraženi obrisci nosa i ždrijela 258 pasa, od kojih je 68 imalo kliničke znakove bolesti dišnog sustava. Od 258 pasa, njih 88 bilo je iz skloništa za nezbrinute životinje, dok su ostali bili vlasnički psi. Za dokazivanje prisutnosti uzročnika u pretraživanom materijalu primijenjena je molekularna metoda lančane reakcije polimerazom s obrnutom transkripcijom (engl. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, RT-PCR).
Virus CRCoV dokazan je u 3,87 % pretraživanih pasa. Infekcija je bila znatno češća u pasa iz skloništa za nezbrinute životinje u odnosu na vlasničke pse, dok spol i dob nisu znatnije utjecali na rezultate pretrage. CRCoV češće je bio dokazan u pasa bez kliničkih znakova bolesti dišnog sustava što bi moglo upućivati na to da CRCoV nije važan kao samostalan uzročnik dišnih bolesti pasa odnosno CIRDC-a.Canine respiratory coronavirus (CRCoV) from the beta-coronavirus family, has been described worldwide and is most commonly associated with the early stage of CIRDC (Canine infectious respiratory disease complex). The main CRCoV multiplication site is the respiratory system, so it is assumed that the virus spreads through the excretions of the respiratory tract. Places with a large number of dogs, such as animal shelters, dog shows and similar, contribute to the spread of the virus.
Nasal and pharyngeal swabs of 258 dogs were screened during this study. Amongst them, 68 had clinical signs of respiratory disease. Out of 258 dogs, 88 of them were from shelters for neglected animals, while the rest belonged to private owner. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was used to confirm the presence of CRCoV.
CRCoV was detected in 3.87% of the examined dogs. There was a significantly higher rate of infection in dogs from the animal shelters compared to privately owned dogs, while gender and age did not have a significant influence on RT-PCR test results. Interestingly, CRCoV was detected more frequently in dogs without clinical signs of respiratory disease, which leads to the conclusion that CRCoV is not significant as an independent cause of respiratory diseases in dogs, or CIRDC
Human reproduction: from physiology to male infertility
Spermatogeneza, hormonska regulacija muških reproduktivnih funkcija i izvođenje muškog spolnog čina tri su glavne skupine reprodukcijskih funkcija muškarca koje su moguće zahvaljujući integritetu anatomskih struktura i ujednačenosti fizioloških procesa u organizmu. Neplodnost je definirana kao nemogućnost začeća nakon najmanje godine dana nezaštićenih spolnih odnosa, a globalno zahvaća između 8% i 12% parova, od čega je muški faktor odgovoran za trećinu slučajeva. Poremećaj plodnosti očituje se na tri osnovne razine, a to su pretestikularna, testikularna i posttestikularna razina. Pretestikularni uzroci neplodnosti endokrinološke su naravi gdje dolazi do poremećaja osi hipotalamus-hipofiza s posljedičnom smanjenom produkcijom testosterona ili spermija. Testikularni uzorci povezani su s patološkim promjenama u testisu (kromosomski poremećaji, kriptorhizam, varikocela). Posttestikularni uzroci podrazumijevaju sva stanja koja ometaju odvodnju spermija od mjesta proizvodnje do uretre. Glavnina evaluacije muške neplodnosti zasniva se na kvalitetno uzetoj anamnezi i fizikalnom pregledu. Ostatak počiva na analizi sjemena i hormonskog statusa te se po potrebi proširuje i na dodatne dijagnostičke pretrage (kromosomsko testiranje, postkoitalni test, biopsija testisa), a sve s ciljem pronalaska reverzibilnih uzroka neplodnosti koji se mogu uspješno liječiti. Terapijski pristup može biti nekirurški i kirurški, a u današnje vrijeme sve veći značaj kao modalitet liječenja zauzimaju metode asistirane oplodnje. Ako se navedene metode ne pokažu uspješnima, u obzir treba uzeti i posvajanje djeteta. Pacijentima treba pružiti i psihološku pomoć, ukoliko je ona potrebna.Spermatogenesis, hormonal regulation of male reproductive functions and performance of the male sexual act are the three main groups of male reproductive functions that are possible due to the integrity of anatomical structures and the uniformity of physiological processes in the body. Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse. It globally affects between 8% and 12% of couples, of which the male factor is responsible for a third of cases. Fertility disorder manifests itself at three basic levels: pretesticular, testicular and posttesticular. Pretesticular causes of infertility are endocrinological where there is a disorder of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis with a reduced production of testosterone or sperm. Testicular causes are associated with pathological changes in the testis (chromosomal disorders, cryptorchidism, varicocele). Posttesticular causes include all conditions that interfere with the drainage of sperm from the site of production to the urethra. The majority of the evaluation of male infertility is based on a well-taken medical history and physical examination. Other tests are analysis of semen and hormonal status, and if necessary additional diagnostic tests are performed (chromosomal testing, postcoital test, testicular biopsy), all with the aim of finding reversible causes of infertility that can be successfully treated. The therapeutic approach can be non-surgical and surgical, and nowadays assisted reproductive technology is becoming increasingly important as a treatment modality. If these methods are not proven successful, child adoption should also be considered. Patients should also be provided with psychological assistance, if needed
Human reproduction: from physiology to male infertility
Spermatogeneza, hormonska regulacija muških reproduktivnih funkcija i izvođenje muškog spolnog čina tri su glavne skupine reprodukcijskih funkcija muškarca koje su moguće zahvaljujući integritetu anatomskih struktura i ujednačenosti fizioloških procesa u organizmu. Neplodnost je definirana kao nemogućnost začeća nakon najmanje godine dana nezaštićenih spolnih odnosa, a globalno zahvaća između 8% i 12% parova, od čega je muški faktor odgovoran za trećinu slučajeva. Poremećaj plodnosti očituje se na tri osnovne razine, a to su pretestikularna, testikularna i posttestikularna razina. Pretestikularni uzroci neplodnosti endokrinološke su naravi gdje dolazi do poremećaja osi hipotalamus-hipofiza s posljedičnom smanjenom produkcijom testosterona ili spermija. Testikularni uzorci povezani su s patološkim promjenama u testisu (kromosomski poremećaji, kriptorhizam, varikocela). Posttestikularni uzroci podrazumijevaju sva stanja koja ometaju odvodnju spermija od mjesta proizvodnje do uretre. Glavnina evaluacije muške neplodnosti zasniva se na kvalitetno uzetoj anamnezi i fizikalnom pregledu. Ostatak počiva na analizi sjemena i hormonskog statusa te se po potrebi proširuje i na dodatne dijagnostičke pretrage (kromosomsko testiranje, postkoitalni test, biopsija testisa), a sve s ciljem pronalaska reverzibilnih uzroka neplodnosti koji se mogu uspješno liječiti. Terapijski pristup može biti nekirurški i kirurški, a u današnje vrijeme sve veći značaj kao modalitet liječenja zauzimaju metode asistirane oplodnje. Ako se navedene metode ne pokažu uspješnima, u obzir treba uzeti i posvajanje djeteta. Pacijentima treba pružiti i psihološku pomoć, ukoliko je ona potrebna.Spermatogenesis, hormonal regulation of male reproductive functions and performance of the male sexual act are the three main groups of male reproductive functions that are possible due to the integrity of anatomical structures and the uniformity of physiological processes in the body. Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse. It globally affects between 8% and 12% of couples, of which the male factor is responsible for a third of cases. Fertility disorder manifests itself at three basic levels: pretesticular, testicular and posttesticular. Pretesticular causes of infertility are endocrinological where there is a disorder of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis with a reduced production of testosterone or sperm. Testicular causes are associated with pathological changes in the testis (chromosomal disorders, cryptorchidism, varicocele). Posttesticular causes include all conditions that interfere with the drainage of sperm from the site of production to the urethra. The majority of the evaluation of male infertility is based on a well-taken medical history and physical examination. Other tests are analysis of semen and hormonal status, and if necessary additional diagnostic tests are performed (chromosomal testing, postcoital test, testicular biopsy), all with the aim of finding reversible causes of infertility that can be successfully treated. The therapeutic approach can be non-surgical and surgical, and nowadays assisted reproductive technology is becoming increasingly important as a treatment modality. If these methods are not proven successful, child adoption should also be considered. Patients should also be provided with psychological assistance, if needed
Advances in the diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma
Maligni mezoteliom (MM) pleure agresivna je maligna bolest čija je incidencija u porastu. Dijagnostika MM-a izazovna je zbog kasnog javljanja simptoma bolesti, a problem predstavljaju poteškoće razlikovanja benignih i malignih lezija što ponekad odgađa dijagnozu. Slikovna procjena najčešće se provodi CT (engl. Computed tomography) dijagnostikom, dok se konačna dijagnoza uspostavlja nakon biopsije i analize patohistološkog uzorka. Dijagnozu epiteloidnog mezotelioma moguće je uspostaviti citološkom analizom pleuralnog izljeva, gdje su potrebna dva pozitivna imunocitokemijska markera koji potvrđuju dijagnozu te dva negativna markera koji isključuju dijagnozu. Cilj je ovog rada prikazati trenutna saznanja o slikovnim, citološkim i patohistološkim metodama dijagnosticiranja MM-a.Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is an agressive neoplasm with an increasing incidence rate. MPM has a delayed onset of symptoms, and diagnosis is often challenging because of the difficulties in the differentiation of the benign and malignant lesions. CT (Computed tomography) is used for imaging assessment of mesothelioma, while biopsy and histopathology give the definitive confirmation of the MPM. Cytology analyis of the pleural effusion with two immunocytochemistry markers in favor of MPM and two excluding the diagnosis are sufficient to diagnose MPM. The aim of this review is to summarize recent diagnostic methods in MPM diagnosis
Emerging Trends in the West Nile Virus Epidemiology in Croatia in the ‘One Health’ Context, 2011–2020
West Nile virus (WNV) is one of the most widely distributed (re-)emerging arboviruses. In Croatia, acute WNV infections as well as seropositivity were detected in humans, horses, birds and poultry. Although serologic evidence of WNV human infections dates back to the 1970s, no clinical cases were reported until 2012. WNV outbreaks, as well as sporadic infections, were continuously recorded in continental Croatian counties from 2012 to 2018. In addition, acute asymptomatic infections (IgM antibodies) in horses have been regularly notified in continental regions since 2012, while seropositive horses (seroprevalence rates 3.7–21.4%) were detected in both continental and coastal regions. Moreover, WNV seropositivity in poultry (1.8–22.9%) was reported from 2013 to 2020. During the largest WNV outbreak in 2018, WNV RNA was detected for the first time in two dead goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) from the same aviary in North-West Croatia, while WNV antibodies were found in one buzzard (Butteo butteo) from the same region. In addition, WNV RNA was detected in a dead blackbird (Turdus merula) at the Croatian littoral. The phylogenetic analysis of 11 strains detected in urine samples of patients with neuroinvasive disease and 1 strain detected in a goshawk showed circulation of WNV lineage 2. Thus far, WNV has not been detected in mosquitoes in Croatia
Epidemiology of Usutu Virus: The European Scenario
Usutu virus (USUV) is an emerging arbovirus isolated in 1959 (Usutu River, Swaziland). Previously restricted to sub-Saharan Africa, the virus was introduced in Europe in 1996. While the USUV has received little attention in Africa, the virus emergence has prompted numerous studies with robust epidemiological surveillance programs in Europe. The natural transmission cycle of USUV involves mosquitoes (vectors) and birds (amplifying hosts) with humans and other mammals considered incidental (“dead-end”) hosts. In Africa, the virus was isolated in mosquitoes, rodents and birds and serologically detected in horses and dogs. In Europe, USUV was detected in bats, whereas antibodies were found in different animal species (horses, dogs, squirrels, wild boar, deer and lizards). While bird mortalities were not reported in Africa, in Europe USUV was shown to be highly pathogenic for several bird species, especially blackbirds (Turdus merula) and great gray owls (Strix nebulosa). Furthermore, neurotropism of USUV for humans was reported for the first time in both immunocompromised and immunocompetent patients. Epizootics and genetic diversity of USUV in different bird species as well as detection of the virus in mosquitoes suggest repeated USUV introductions into Europe with endemization in some countries. The zoonotic potential of USUV has been reported in a growing number of human cases. Clinical cases of neuroinvasive disease and USUV fever, as well as seroconversion in blood donors were reported in Europe since 2009. While most USUV strains detected in humans, birds and mosquitoes belong to European USUV lineages, several reports indicate the presence of African lineages as well. Since spreading trends of USUV are likely to continue, continuous multidisciplinary interventions (“One Health” concept) should be conducted for monitoring and prevention of this emerging arboviral infection