986 research outputs found

    Evolution of DA white dwarfs in the context of a new theory of convection

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    In this study we compute the structure and evolution of carbon-oxygen DA white dwarfs by means of a detailed and updated evolutionary code. We treat the energy transport by convection within the formalism of the full spectrum turbulence theory, as given by the Canuto, Goldman and Mazzitelli (CGM) model. We explore the effect of various hydrogen layer masses on both the surface gravity and the hydrogen burning. Convective mixing at low luminosities is also considered. One of our main interests in this work has been to study the evolution of ZZ Ceti models, with the aim of comparing the CGM and mixing length theory (MLT) predictions. In this connection, we find that the temperature profile given by the CGM model is markedly different from that of the ML1 and ML2 versions of MLT. We have also computed approximate effective temperatures for the theoretical blue edge of the DA instability strip by using thermal timescale arguments for our evolving models. In this context, we found that the CGM theory leads to blue edges that are cooler than the observed ones. However, because the determination of the atmospheric parameters of ZZ Ceti stars is dependent on the assumed convection description in model atmosphere calculation, observed blue edges computed considering the CGM theory are required in order to perform a sef consistent comparison of our results with observations. Finally, detailed pulsation calculations of ZZ Ceti models considering the CGM convection would be necessary to place the results found in this paper on a firmer basis.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures. Uses mn.st

    Grids of white dwarf evolutionary models with masses from M= 0.1 to 1.2 Ms

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    We present detailed evolutionary calculations for carbon - oxygen - and helium - core white dwarf (WD) models with masses ranging from M= 0.1 to M= 1.2 solar masses and for metallicities Z= 0.001 and Z= 0. The sequences cover a wide range of hydrogen envelopes as well. We employed a detailed WD evolutionary code. In particular, the energy transport by convectcion is treated within the formalism of the full spectrum turbulence theory. The set of models presented here is very detailed and should be valuable for the interpretation of the observational data on low - mass WDs recently discovered in numerous binary configurations and also for the general problem of determining the theoretical luminosity function for WDs. In this context, we compare our cooling sequences with the observed WD luminosity function recently improved by Leggett, Ruiz and Bergeron (1998) and we obtain an age for the Galactic disc of approximately 8 Gyr. Finally, we applied the results of this paper to derive stellar masses of a sample of low - mass white dwarfs.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures; accepted for publication in MNRAS; replaced with minor corrections to tex

    Binarity as the solution to the stellar evolution enigma posed by NGC 6791

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    Binary evolution is investigated as the source for the extreme horizontal branch (EHB) stars in the old and metal rich open cluster NGC~6791. Employing an updated version of our binary stellar evolution code we demonstrate that EHB stars naturally emerge from the common envelope phase. In sum, the binary model reproduces the observed (TeffT_{\rm{eff}}, logg\log{g}) and temporal properties of the EHB over-density tied to NGC 6971, without needing an ad-hoc and anomalous mass-loss prescription.Comment: 9 pages, 5 eps figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    On the occurrence and detectability of Bose-Einstein condensation in helium white dwarfs

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    It has been recently proposed that helium white dwarfs may provide promising conditions for the occurrence of the Bose-Einstein condensation. The argument supporting this expectation is that in some conditions attained in the core of these objects, the typical De Broglie wavelength associated with helium nuclei is of the order of the mean distance between neighboring nuclei. In these conditions the system should depart from classical behavior showing quantum effects. As helium nuclei are bosons, they are expected to condense. In order to explore the possibility of detecting the Bose-Einstein condensation in the evolution of helium white dwarfs we have computed a set of models for a variety of stellar masses and values of the condensation temperature. We do not perform a detailed treatment of the condensation process but mimic it by suppressing the nuclei contribution to the equation of state by applying an adequate function. As the cooling of white dwarfs depends on average properties of the whole stellar interior, this procedure should be suitable for exploring the departure of the cooling process from that predicted by the standard treatment. We find that the Bose-Einstein condensation has noticeable, but not dramatic effects on the cooling process only for the most massive white dwarfs compatible with a helium dominated interior (\approx 0.50 M_\odot) and very low luminosities (say, Log(L/L_\odot) < -4.0). These facts lead us to conclude that it seems extremely difficult to find observable signals of the Bose-Einstein condensation. Recently, it has been suggested that the population of helium white dwarfs detected in the globular cluster NGC 6397 is a good candidate for detecting signals of the Bose-Einstein condensation. We find that these stars have masses too low and are too bright to have an already condensed interior.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (JCAP

    Apsidal motion in massive close binary systems. I. HD 165052 an extreme case?

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    We present a new set of radial-velocity measurements of the spectroscopic binary HD 165052 obtained by disentangling of high-resolution optical spectra. The longitude of the periastron (60 +- 2 degrees) shows a variation with respect to previous studies. We have determined the apsidal motion rate of the system (12.1 +- 0.3 degree/yr), which was used to calculate the absolute masses of the binary components: M_1 = 22.5 +- 1.0 and M_2 = 20.5 +- 0.9 solar masses. Analysing the separated spectra we have re-classified the components as O7Vz and O7.5Vz stars

    Oligarchic planetesimal accretion and giant planet formation II

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    The equation of state calculated by Saumon and collaborators has been adopted in most core-accretion simulations of giant-planet formation performed to date. Since some minor errors have been found in their original paper, we present revised simulations of giant-planet formation that considers a corrected equation of state. We employ the same code as Fortier and collaborators in repeating our previous simulations of the formation of Jupiter. Although the general conclusions of Fortier and collaborators remain valid, we obtain significantly lower core masses and shorter formation times in all cases considered. The minor errors in the previously published equation of state have been shown to affect directly the adiabatic gradient and the specific heat, causing an overestimation of both the core masses and formation times.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic