35 research outputs found

    A mature macrophage is a principal HIV-1 cellular reservoir in humanized mice after treatment with long acting antiretroviral therapy.

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    BACKGROUND: Despite improved clinical outcomes seen following antiretroviral therapy (ART), resting CD4+ T cells continue to harbor latent human immunodeficiency virus type one (HIV-1). However, such cells are not likely the solitary viral reservoir and as such defining where and how others harbor virus is imperative for eradication measures. To such ends, we used HIV-1ADA-infected NOD.Cg-Prkdc (scid) Il2rg (tm1Wjl) /SzJ mice reconstituted with a human immune system to explore two long-acting ART regimens investigating their abilities to affect viral cell infection and latency. At 6 weeks of infection animals were divided into four groups. One received long-acting (LA) cabotegravir (CAB) and rilpivirine (RVP) (2ART), a second received LA CAB, lamivudine, abacavir and RVP (4ART), a third were left untreated and a fourth served as an uninfected control. After 4 weeks of LA ART treatment, blood, spleen and bone marrow (BM) cells were collected then phenotypically characterized. CD4+ T cell subsets, macrophages and hematopoietic progenitor cells were analyzed for HIV-1 nucleic acids by droplet digital PCR. RESULTS: Plasma viral loads were reduced by two log10 or to undetectable levels in the 2 and 4ART regimens, respectively. Numbers and distributions of CD4+ memory and regulatory T cells, macrophages and hematopoietic progenitor cells were significantly altered by HIV-1 infection and by both ART regimens. ART reduced viral DNA and RNA in all cell and tissue compartments. While memory cells were the dominant T cell reservoir, integrated HIV-1 DNA was also detected in the BM and spleen macrophages in both regimen-treated mice. CONCLUSION: Despite vigorous ART regimens, HIV-1 DNA and RNA were easily detected in mature macrophages supporting their potential role as an infectious viral reservoir

    Cellular Responses and Tissue Depots for Nanoformulated Antiretroviral Therapy.

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    Long-acting nanoformulated antiretroviral therapy (nanoART) induces a range of innate immune migratory, phagocytic and secretory cell functions that perpetuate drug depots. While recycling endosomes serve as the macrophage subcellular depots, little is known of the dynamics of nanoART-cell interactions. To this end, we assessed temporal leukocyte responses, drug uptake and distribution following both intraperitoneal and intramuscular injection of nanoformulated atazanavir (nanoATV). Local inflammatory responses heralded drug distribution to peritoneal cell populations, regional lymph nodes, spleen and liver. This proceeded for three days in male Balb/c mice. NanoATV-induced changes in myeloid populations were assessed by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) with CD45, CD3, CD11b, F4/80, and GR-1 antibodies. The localization of nanoATV within leukocyte cell subsets was determined by confocal microscopy. Combined FACS and ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass-spectrometry assays determined nanoATV carriages by cell-based vehicles. A robust granulocyte, but not peritoneal macrophage nanoATV response paralleled zymosan A treatment. ATV levels were highest at sites of injection in peritoneal or muscle macrophages, dependent on the injection site. The spleen and liver served as nanoATV tissue depots while drug levels in lymph nodes were higher than those recorded in plasma. Dual polymer and cell labeling demonstrated a nearly exclusive drug reservoir in macrophages within the liver and spleen. Overall, nanoART induces innate immune responses coincident with rapid tissue macrophage distribution. Taken together, these works provide avenues for therapeutic development designed towards chemical eradication of human immunodeficiency viral infection

    Long-acting antituberculous therapeutic nanoparticles target macrophage endosomes.

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    Eradication of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) infection requires daily administration of combinations of rifampin (RIF), isoniazid [isonicotinylhydrazine (INH)], pyrazinamide, and ethambutol, among other drug therapies. To facilitate and optimize MTB therapeutic selections, a mononuclear phagocyte (MP; monocyte, macrophage, and dendritic cell)-targeted drug delivery strategy was developed. Long-acting nanoformulations of RIF and an INH derivative, pentenyl-INH (INHP), were prepared, and their physicochemical properties were evaluated. This included the evaluation of MP particle uptake and retention, cell viability, and antimicrobial efficacy. Drug levels reached 6 μg/10(6) cells in human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs) for nanoparticle treatments compared with 0.1 μg/10(6) cells for native drugs. High RIF and INHP levels were retained in MDM for \u3e15 d following nanoparticle loading. Rapid loss of native drugs was observed in cells and culture fluids within 24 h. Antimicrobial activities were determined against Mycobacterium smegmatis (M. smegmatis). Coadministration of nanoformulated RIF and INHP provided a 6-fold increase in therapeutic efficacy compared with equivalent concentrations of native drugs. Notably, nanoformulated RIF and INHP were found to be localized in recycling and late MDM endosomal compartments. These were the same compartments that contained the pathogen. Our results demonstrate the potential of antimicrobial nanomedicines to simplify MTB drug regimens

    Cellular Responses and Tissue Depots for Nanoformulated Antiretroviral Therapy.

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    Long-acting nanoformulated antiretroviral therapy (nanoART) induces a range of innate immune migratory, phagocytic and secretory cell functions that perpetuate drug depots. While recycling endosomes serve as the macrophage subcellular depots, little is known of the dynamics of nanoART-cell interactions. To this end, we assessed temporal leukocyte responses, drug uptake and distribution following both intraperitoneal and intramuscular injection of nanoformulated atazanavir (nanoATV). Local inflammatory responses heralded drug distribution to peritoneal cell populations, regional lymph nodes, spleen and liver. This proceeded for three days in male Balb/c mice. NanoATV-induced changes in myeloid populations were assessed by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) with CD45, CD3, CD11b, F4/80, and GR-1 antibodies. The localization of nanoATV within leukocyte cell subsets was determined by confocal microscopy. Combined FACS and ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass-spectrometry assays determined nanoATV carriages by cell-based vehicles. A robust granulocyte, but not peritoneal macrophage nanoATV response paralleled zymosan A treatment. ATV levels were highest at sites of injection in peritoneal or muscle macrophages, dependent on the injection site. The spleen and liver served as nanoATV tissue depots while drug levels in lymph nodes were higher than those recorded in plasma. Dual polymer and cell labeling demonstrated a nearly exclusive drug reservoir in macrophages within the liver and spleen. Overall, nanoART induces innate immune responses coincident with rapid tissue macrophage distribution. Taken together, these works provide avenues for therapeutic development designed towards chemical eradication of human immunodeficiency viral infection

    Multimodal Theranostic Nanoformulations Permit Magnetic Resonance Bioimaging of Antiretroviral Drug Particle Tissue-Cell Biodistribution

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    RATIONALE: Long-acting slow effective release antiretroviral therapy (LASER ART) was developed to improve patient regimen adherence, prevent new infections, and facilitate drug delivery to human immunodeficiency virus cell and tissue reservoirs. In an effort to facilitate LASER ART development, “multimodal imaging theranostic nanoprobes” were created. These allow combined bioimaging, drug pharmacokinetics and tissue biodistribution tests in animal models. METHODS: Europium (Eu3+)- doped cobalt ferrite (CF) dolutegravir (DTG)- loaded (EuCF-DTG) nanoparticles were synthesized then fully characterized based on their size, shape and stability. These were then used as platforms for nanoformulated drug biodistribution. RESULTS: Folic acid (FA) decoration of EuCF-DTG (FA-EuCF-DTG) nanoparticles facilitated macrophage targeting and sped drug entry across cell barriers. Macrophage uptake was higher for FA-EuCF-DTG than EuCF-DTG nanoparticles with relaxivities of r2 = 546 mM-1s-1 and r2 = 564 mM-1s-1 in saline, and r2 = 850 mM-1s-1 and r2 = 876 mM-1s-1 in cells, respectively. The values were ten or more times higher than what was observed for ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide particles (r2 = 31.15 mM-1s-1 in saline) using identical iron concentrations. Drug particles were detected in macrophage Rab compartments by dual fluorescence labeling. Replicate particles elicited sustained antiretroviral responses. After parenteral injection of FA-EuCF-DTG and EuCF-DTG into rats and rhesus macaques, drug, iron and cobalt levels, measured by LC-MS/MS, magnetic resonance imaging, and ICP-MS were coordinate. CONCLUSION: We posit that these theranostic nanoprobes can assess LASER ART drug delivery and be used as part of a precision nanomedicine therapeutic strategy

    Peptides containing gamma,delta-dihydroxy-L-leucine

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    (+/-)-Dehydroleucine was prepared and resolved by porcine kidney acylase. Under the conditions of the Sharpless asymmetric dihydroxylation (SAD), employing AD-mix-alpha, N alpha-carbobenzyloxy-(2S)-4,5-dehydroleucine methyl ester (16) gave rise to a 6.5:1.0 mixture of gamma-lactones 17, favoring the 4R configuration. Such carbamate-protected alpha-amino-gamma-hydroxylactones are not recommended as intermediates for peptide synthesis, since model studies showed that lactone 13 was unreactive toward amines. Moreover, the lactone ring could not be opened hydrolytically without epimerization at C alpha. N alpha-carbobenzyloxy-(2S)-4,5-dehydroleucine (22) was condensed with valine ethyl ester (19) to give dipeptide 23. Treatment of 23 with AD-mix-beta, under the SAD conditions, converted the dehydroleucine residue to gamma,delta-dihydroxyleucine with 4S configuration, as occurs in alloviroidin (3), a natural product isolated from Amanita suballiacea

    Total Synthesis of Alloviroidin

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    Alloviroidin is a cyclic heptapeptide, produced by several species of Amanita mushrooms, that demonstrates high affinity for F-actin as is characteristic of virotoxins and phallotoxins. Alloviroidin was synthesized via a [3 + 4] fragment condensation of Fmoc-d-Thr(OTBS)-d-Ser(OTBS)-(2 S,3 R,4 R)-DHPro(OTBS)-OH and H-Ala-Trp(2-SOMe)-(2 S,4 S)-DHLeu(5-OTBS)-Val-OMe to form bond A. The linear heptapeptide favored a turn conformation, facilitating cyclization between Val and d-Thr (position B). Global deprotection and HPLC purification afforded alloviroidin with NMR spectra in excellent agreement with the natural product

    N-Acetyl-5-chloro-3-nitro-l-tyrosine ethyl ester

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    The title compound, C13H15ClN2O6, was synthesized by hypochlorous acid-mediated chlorination of N-acetyl-3-nitro-l-tyrosine ethyl ester. The OH group forms an intramolecular O—H...O hydrogen bond to the nitro group and the N—H group forms an intermolecular N—H...O hydrogen bonds to an amide O atom, linking the molecules into chains along [100]. The crystal studied was a non-merohedral twin, with a 0.907 (4):0.093 (4) domain ratio

    HIV-Tat Exacerbates the Actions of Atazanavir, Efavirenz, and Ritonavir on Cardiac Ryanodine Receptor (RyR2)

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    The incidence of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in people living with HIV infection (PLWH), especially those with inadequate viral suppression, is high and the reasons for this remain incompletely characterized. The timely opening and closing of type 2 ryanodine receptor (RyR2) is critical for ensuring rhythmic cardiac contraction–relaxation cycles, and the disruption of these processes can elicit Ca2+ waves, ventricular arrhythmias, and SCD. Herein, we show that the HIV protein Tat (HIV-Tat: 0–52 ng/mL) and therapeutic levels of the antiretroviral drugs atazanavir (ATV: 0–25,344 ng/mL), efavirenz (EFV: 0–11,376 ng/mL), and ritonavir (RTV: 0–25,956 ng/mL) bind to and modulate the opening and closing of RyR2. Abacavir (0–14,315 ng/mL), bictegravir (0–22,469 ng/mL), Rilpivirine (0–14,360 ng/mL), and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (0–18,321 ng/mL) did not alter [3H]ryanodine binding to RyR2. Pretreating RyR2 with low HIV-Tat (14 ng/mL) potentiated the abilities of ATV and RTV to bind to open RyR2 and enhanced their ability to bind to EFV to close RyR2. In silico molecular docking using a Schrodinger Prime protein–protein docking algorithm identified three thermodynamically favored interacting sites for HIV-Tat on RyR2. The most favored site resides between amino acids (AA) 1702–1963; the second favored site resides between AA 467–1465, and the third site resides between AA 201–1816. Collectively, these new data show that HIV-Tat, ATV, EFV, and RTV can bind to and modulate the activity of RyR2 and that HIV-Tat can exacerbate the actions of ATV, EFV, and RTV on RyR2. Whether the modulation of RyR2 by these agents increases the risk of arrhythmias and SCD remains to be explored

    HIV-Tat Exacerbates the Actions of Atazanavir, Efavirenz, and Ritonavir on Cardiac Ryanodine Receptor (RyR2)

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    The incidence of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in people living with HIV infection (PLWH), especially those with inadequate viral suppression, is high and the reasons for this remain incompletely characterized. The timely opening and closing of type 2 ryanodine receptor (RyR2) is critical for ensuring rhythmic cardiac contraction–relaxation cycles, and the disruption of these processes can elicit Ca2+ waves, ventricular arrhythmias, and SCD. Herein, we show that the HIV protein Tat (HIVTat: 0–52 ng/mL) and therapeutic levels of the antiretroviral drugs atazanavir (ATV: 0–25,344 ng/mL), efavirenz (EFV: 0–11,376 ng/mL), and ritonavir (RTV: 0–25,956 ng/mL) bind to and modulate the opening and closing of RyR2. Abacavir (0–14,315 ng/mL), bictegravir (0–22,469 ng/mL), Rilpivirine (0–14,360 ng/mL), and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (0–18,321 ng/mL) did not alter [3H]ryanodine binding to RyR2. Pretreating RyR2 with low HIV-Tat (14 ng/mL) potentiated the abilities of ATV and RTV to bind to open RyR2 and enhanced their ability to bind to EFV to close RyR2. In silico molecular docking using a Schrodinger Prime protein–protein docking algorithm identified three thermodynamically favored interacting sites for HIV-Tat on RyR2. The most favored site resides between amino acids (AA) 1702–1963; the second favored site resides between AA 467–1465, and the third site resides between AA 201–1816. Collectively, these new data show that HIV-Tat, ATV, EFV, and RTV can bind to and modulate the activity of RyR2 and that HIV-Tat can exacerbate the actions of ATV, EFV, and RTV on RyR2. Whether the modulation of RyR2 by these agents increases the risk of arrhythmias and SCD remains to be explored