20 research outputs found

    Targeted gene delivery to the enteric nervous system using AAV: a comparison across serotypes and capsid mutants

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    Recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors are one of the most widely used gene transfer systems in research and clinical trials. AAV can transduce a wide range of biological tissues, however to date, there has been no investigation on targeted AAV transduction of the enteric nervous system (ENS). Here, we examined the efficiency, tropism, spread, and immunogenicity of AAV transduction in the ENS. Rats received direct injections of various AAV serotypes expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) into the descending colon. AAV serotypes tested included; AAV 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, or 9 and the AAV2 and AAV8 capsid mutants, AAV2-Y444F, AAV2-tripleY-F, AAV2-tripleY-F+T-V, AAV8-Y733F, and AAV8-doubeY-F+T-V. Transduction, as determined by GFP-positive cells, occurred in neurons and enteric glia within the myenteric and submucosal plexuses of the ENS. AAV6 and AAV9 showed the highest levels of transduction within the ENS. Transduction efficiency scaled with titer and time, was translated to the murine ENS, and produced no vector-related immune response. A single injection of AAV into the colon covered an area of ~47 mm(2). AAV9 primarily transduced neurons, while AAV6 transduced enteric glia and neurons. This is the first report on targeted AAV transduction of neurons and glia in the ENS

    Behavioral and neuropathological characterization over the adult lifespan of the human tau knock-in mouse

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    Tau is a microtubule-associated protein with a diverse functional repertoire linked to neurodegenerative disease. Recently, a human tau knock-in (MAPT KI) mouse was developed that may overcome many limitations associated with current animal models used to study tau. In MAPT KI mice, the entire murine Mapt gene was replaced with the human MAPT gene under control of the endogenous Mapt promoter. This model represents an ideal in vivo platform to study the function and dysfunction of human tau protein. Accordingly, a detailed understanding of the effects MAPT KI has on structure and function of the CNS is warranted. Here, we provide a detailed behavioral and neuropathological assessment of MAPT KI mice. We compared MAPT KI to wild-type (WT) C57BL/6j mice in behavioral assessments of anxiety, attention, working memory, spatial memory, and motor performance from 6 to 24 months (m) of age. Using immunohistological and biochemical assays, we quantified markers of glia (microglia, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes), synaptic integrity, neuronal integrity and the cytoskeleton. Finally, we quantified levels of total tau, tau isoforms, tau phosphorylation, and tau conformations. MAPT KI mice show normal cognitive and locomotor behavior at all ages, and resilience to mild age-associated locomotor deficits observed in WT mice. Markers of neuronal and synaptic integrity are unchanged in MAPT KI mice with advancing age. Glial markers are largely unchanged in MAPT KI mice, but glial fibrillary acidic protein is increased in the hippocampus of WT and MAPT KI mice at 24 m. MAPT KI mice express all 6 human tau isoforms and levels of tau remain stable throughout adulthood. Hippocampal tau in MAPT KI and WT mice is phosphorylated at serine 396/404 (PHF1) and murine tau in WT animals displays more PHF1 phosphorylation at 6 and 12 m. Lastly, we extended previous reports showing that MAPT KI mice do not display overt pathology. No evidence of other tau phosphorylation residues (AT8, pS422) or abnormal conformations (TNT2 or TOC1) associated with pathogenic tau were detected. The lack of overt pathological changes in MAPT KI mice make this an ideal platform for future investigations into the function and dysfunction of tau protein in vivo

    Intraparenchymal stereotaxic delivery of rAAV and special considerations in vector handling

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    Stereotaxic surgery enables precise and consistent microinjections to discrete neural nuclei. Using stereotaxic surgery to deliver viral vectors is a powerful tool that provides the ability to manipulate gene expression in specific regions, or even specific cell types in the brain. Here, we describe the proper handling and stereotaxic delivery of recombinant adeno-associated virus to various neuroanatomical structures of the rodent brain

    The contribution of alpha synuclein to neuronal survival and function - Implications for Parkinson\u27s disease

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    The aggregation of alpha synuclein (α-syn) is a neuropathological feature that defines a spectrum of disorders collectively termed synucleinopathies, and of these, Parkinson\u27s disease (PD) is arguably the best characterized. Aggregated α-syn is the primary component of Lewy bodies, the defining pathological feature of PD, while mutations or multiplications in the α-syn gene result in familial PD. The high correlation between α-syn burden and PD has led to the hypothesis that α-syn aggregation produces toxicity through a gain-of-function mechanism. However, α-syn has been implicated to function in a diverse range of essential cellular processes such as the regulation of neurotransmission and response to cellular stress. As such, an alternative hypothesis with equal explanatory power is that the aggregation of α-syn results in toxicity because of a toxic loss of necessary α-syn function, following sequestration of functional forms α-syn into insoluble protein aggregates. Within this review, we will provide an overview of the literature linking α-syn to PD and the knowledge gained from current α-syn-based animal models of PD. We will then interpret these data from the viewpoint of the α-syn loss-of-function hypothesis and provide a potential mechanistic model by which loss of α-syn function could result in at least some of the neurodegeneration observed in PD. By providing an alternative perspective on the etiopathogenesis of PD and synucleinopathies, this may reveal alternative avenues of research in order to identify potential novel therapeutic targets for disease modifying strategies

    Continuous collection of adeno-associated virus from producer cell medium significantly increases total viral yield

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    The ability to efficiently produce large amounts of high-titer recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) is a prerequisite to the continued success of AAV as a gene therapy tool targeted toward large-animal preclinical studies or human clinical therapeutics. Current manufacturing procedures necessitate laborious and time-consuming purification procedures to obtain AAV particles of sufficient titer and purity for these demanding biomedical applications. The finding that AAV can be harvested and purified from producer cell medium may represent an efficient alternative to purifying AAV from cellular lysates. Here we sought to determine the maximum duration of time, and frequency within which AAV can be harvested from producer cell medium, in order to maximize the yield obtained from a single transfection preparation. Human embryonic kidney 293T cells were transfected with polyethylenimine to produce AAV2/5 expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP), and cellular medium was harvested every 2 days until a maximum duration of 19 days posttransfection. AAV2/5-GFP was released into producer cell medium at a steady state until 7 days posttransfection, at which time titers dropped dramatically. Harvesting medium every two days resulted in the maximum yield of AAV from a single preparation, and the cumulative yield of AAV harvested from the producer cell medium was 4-fold higher than the yield obtained from a traditional purification of AAV from cellular lysates. The AAV2/5 harvested from medium within the 7-day collection time-course mediated high levels of transduction in vivo, comparable to AAV2/5 harvested from cellular lysates. AAV purified from cell lysates showed increasing amounts of empty particles at 5 and 7 days posttransfection, whereas AAV purified from cell medium did not show an increase in the amount of empty particles throughout the 7-day time course. Finally, we extended these findings to AAV2/9, demonstrating that a comparable ratio of AAV2/9 particles are also released for up to 7 days posttransfection

    The role of parkin in the differential susceptibility of tuberoinfundibular and nigrostriatal dopamine neurons to acute toxicant exposure

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    Parkinson disease causes degeneration of nigrostriatal dopamine (DA) neurons, while tuberoinfundibular DA neurons remain unaffected. A similar pattern is observed following exposure to 1-methy-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyradine (MPTP). The mechanism of tuberoinfundibular neuronal recovery from MPTP is associated with up-regulation of parkin protein. Here we tested if parkin mediates tuberoinfundibular neuronal recovery from MPTP by knocking-down parkin in tuberoinfundibular neurons using recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV), expressing a short hairpin RNA (shRNA) directed toward parkin. Following knockdown, axon terminal DA and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) concentrations were analyzed 24. h post-MPTP administration. rAAV-shRNA-mediated knockdown of endogenous parkin rendered tuberoinfundibular neurons susceptible to MPTP induced terminal DA loss, but not TH loss, within 24. h post-MPTP. To determine if the neuroprotective benefits of parkin up-regulation could be translated to nigrostriatal neurons, rAAV expressing human parkin was injected into the substantia nigra of mice and axon terminal DA and TH concentrations were analyzed 24. h post-MPTP. Nigral parkin over-expression prevented loss of TH in the axon terminals and soma of nigrostriatal neurons, but had no effect on terminal DA loss within 24. h post-MPTP. These data show that parkin is necessary for the recovery of terminal DA concentrations within tuberoinfundibular neurons following acute MPTP administration, and parkin can rescue MPTP-induced decreases in TH within nigrostriatal neurons

    Silencing Alpha Synuclein in Mature Nigral Neurons Results in Rapid Neuroinflammation and Subsequent Toxicity

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    Human studies and preclinical models of Parkinson\u27s disease implicate the involvement of both the innate and adaptive immune systems in disease progression. Further, pro-inflammatory markers are highly enriched near neurons containing pathological forms of alpha synuclein (α-syn), and α-syn overexpression recapitulates neuroinflammatory changes in models of Parkinson\u27s disease. These data suggest that α-syn may initiate a pathological inflammatory response, however the mechanism by which α-syn initiates neuroinflammation is poorly understood. Silencing endogenous α-syn results in a similar pattern of nigral degeneration observed following α-syn overexpression. Here we aimed to test the hypothesis that loss of α-syn function within nigrostriatal neurons results in neuronal dysfunction, which subsequently stimulates neuroinflammation. Adeno-associated virus (AAV) expressing an short hairpin RNA (shRNA) targeting endogenous α-syn was unilaterally injected into the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) of adult rats, after which nigrostriatal pathology and indices of neuroinflammation were examined at 7, 10, 14 and 21 days post-surgery. Removing endogenous α-syn from nigrostriatal neurons resulted in a rapid up-regulation of the major histocompatibility complex class 1 (MHC-1) within transduced nigral neurons. Nigral MHC-1 expression occurred prior to any overt cell death and coincided with the recruitment of reactive microglia and T-cells to affected neurons. Following the induction of neuroinflammation, α-syn knockdown resulted in a 50% loss of nigrostriatal neurons in the SNc and a corresponding loss of nigrostriatal terminals and dopamine (DA) concentrations within the striatum. Expression of a control shRNA did not elicit any pathological changes. Silencing α-syn within glutamatergic neurons of the cerebellum did not elicit inflammation or cell death, suggesting that toxicity initiated by α-syn silencing is specific to DA neurons. These data provide evidence that loss of α-syn function within nigrostriatal neurons initiates a neuronal-mediated neuroinflammatory cascade, involving both the innate and adaptive immune systems, which ultimately results in the death of affected neurons

    TrkB neurotrophic activities are blocked by α-synuclein, triggering dopaminergic cell death in Parkinson’s disease

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    BDNF/TrkB neurotrophic signaling is essential for dopaminergic neuronal survival, and the activities are reduced in the substantial nigra (SN) of Parkinson’s disease (PD). However, whether α-Syn (alpha-synuclein) aggregation, a hallmark in the remaining SN neurons in PD, accounts for the neurotrophic inhibition remains elusive. Here we show that α-Syn selectively interacts with TrkB receptors and inhibits BDNF/TrkB signaling, leading to dopaminergic neuronal death. α-Syn binds to the kinase domain on TrkB, which is negatively regulated by BDNF or Fyn tyrosine kinase. Interestingly, α-Syn represses TrkB lipid raft distribution, decreases its internalization, and reduces its axonal trafficking. Moreover, α-Syn also reduces TrkB protein levels via up-regulation of TrkB ubiquitination. Remarkably, dopamine’s metabolite 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylacetaldehyde (DOPAL) stimulates the interaction between α-Syn and TrkB. Accordingly, MAO-B inhibitor rasagiline disrupts α-Syn/TrkB complex and rescues TrkB neurotrophic signaling, preventing α-Syn–induced dopaminergic neuronal death and restoring motor functions. Hence, our findings demonstrate a noble pathological role of α-Syn in antagonizing neurotrophic signaling, providing a molecular mechanism that accounts for its neurotoxicity in PD

    Impact of age and vector construct on striatal and nigral transgene expression

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    Therapeutic protein delivery using viral vectors has shown promise in preclinical models of Parkinson's disease (PD) but clinical trial success remains elusive. This may partially be due to a failure to include advanced age as a covariate despite aging being the primary risk factor for PD. We investigated transgene expression following intracerebral injections of recombinant adeno-associated virus pseudotypes 2/2 (rAAV2/2), 2/5 (rAAV2/5), 2/9 (rAAV2/9), and lentivirus (LV) expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) in aged versus young adult rats. Both rAAV2/2 and rAAV2/5 yielded lower GFP expression following injection to either the aged substantia nigra or striatum. rAAV2/9-mediated GFP expression was deficient in the aged striatonigral system but displayed identical transgene expression between ages in the nigrostriatal system. Young and aged rats displayed equivalent GFP levels following LV injection to the striatonigral system but LV-delivered GFP was deficient in delivering GFP to the aged nigrostriatal system. Notably, age-related transgene expression deficiencies revealed by protein quantitation were poorly predicted by GFP-immunoreactive cell counts. Further, in situ hybridization for the viral CβA promoter revealed surprisingly limited tropism for astrocytes compared to neurons. Our results demonstrate that aging is a critical covariate to consider when designing gene therapy approaches for PD