865 research outputs found

    Forestry in reconstruction South Africa : imperial visions, colonial realities

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    Abstract: The British military conquest and political annexation of the former South African Republic (ZAR) and Orange Free State at the end of the South African War/Second Anglo-Boer War (1899–1902) meant that the break-away Boer republics were finally integrated within British South Africa and the wider British Empire, a goal that elites in London had pursued since the British government annexed the fledgling Natalia Republic within the British-controlled Natal Colony in 1843.3 Among a broader suite of reforms, reconstruction officials established government forestry programs in the Transvaal and Orange Free State (renamed the Orange River Colony from 1900–1910..

    I\u27m Lonely Since You Went Away : Ballad

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    Memoria historia y la verdad

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    Desde la década de 1980, las comisiones de la verdad se han visto como un componente esencial de la justicia de transición cuando las sociedades que han sufrido violencia y violaciones masivas de los derechos humanos se mudan a un país, con suerte, más liberal y democrático. La verdad se ve como el cumplimiento de muchos y, en mi opinión, objetivos conflictivos: una plataforma para que las víctimas recuperen su dignidad; justicia (o no) para las víctimas; reconciliación social; el desarrollo de una memoria colectiva de los eventos violentos; etc. Estos beneficios dignos a menudo se promueven al mismo tiempo sin reconocer los posibles conflictos entre ellos. Lo que se entiende por "verdad" casi nunca se define. Simplemente se supone que es algo en lo que todos pueden estar de acuerdo y que incluso si uno no puede definirlo, lo sabe cuando lo ve. Tampoco es su gran discusión sobre la epistemología de la verdad: suponiendo que sepamos lo que estamos buscando, ¿cómo debemos descubrirlo? Esta tesis es un análisis de la epistemología de la verdad, ya que esto se aplica a la verdad buscada por las comisiones de la verdad. Me centro principalmente en el trabajo de la Comisión de Verdad y Reconciliación del Perú.Tesi

    Action of certain viruscidal agents on lactic streptococcus bacteriophage

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    Steam Package Boiler Expert System for Control and Maintenance of Fertilizer Plants using Rule-Base Fuzzy Logic

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    Generally, expert systems have been found very useful and even in fertilizer plants it has been deployed in handling operations in critical sections, such as material handling systems, online detection systems, granulation, air compressor among others. This paper presents research work for steam package boiler expert system for control and maintenance of fertilizer plants using rule-base fuzzy logic hybrid system, which has not been benefited much from expert system. The system handles cause of boiler failures in terms of controlling and maintaining the functional chemical components of the boiler drum and feed water parameters. validation on the system consistency, correctness, and its precision with six (6) steam package boiler parameters test value cases was conducted involving fourteen (14) fertilizer plant boiler domain partitioners. The boiler drum and feed water qualities with less or higher test value worst-cases validates the boiler system, showing each of the parameters bar turns red, as displayed on the boilers panel, while on test value best-cases, validates the system, displaying green on the boilers panel bar as users entered the right value of parameters as design specification. The expert system prevents damaged and malfunctioning as control the alkalinity, prevent scaling, both mechanica

    Quantum Tomographic Cryptography with a Semiconductor Single Photon Source

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    In this paper we analyze the security of the so-called quantum tomographic cryptography with the source producing entangled photons via an experimental scheme proposed in Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 37903 (2004). We determine the range of the experimental parameters for which the protocol is secure against the most general incoherent attacks

    Quantum tomographic cryptography with Bell diagonal states: non-equivalence of classical and quantum distillation protocols

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    We present a generalized tomographic quantum key distribution protocol in which the two parties share a Bell diagonal mixed state of two qubits. We show that if an eavesdropper performs a coherent measurement on many quantum ancilla states simultaneously, classical methods of secure key distillation are less effective than quantum entanglement distillation protocols. We also show that certain Bell diagonal states are resistant to any attempt of incoherent eavesdropping.Comment: 9 pages. 2 figures There was an error in the formula 4 (transformation of Bell states). This error does not change the main result of the paper, namely, that quantum distillation is more powerful than classical advantage distillatio

    Gallbladder Ejection Fraction is Unrelated to Gallbladder Pathology in Children and Adolescents

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    Objectives: Biliary dyskinesia is a common diagnosis that frequently results in cholecystectomy. In adults, most clinicians use a cut off value for the gallbladder ejection fraction (GBEF) of <35% to define the disease. This disorder is not well characterized in children. Our aim was to determine the relation between GBEF and gallbladder pathology using a large statewide medical record repository. Methods: We obtained records from all patients of 21 years and younger who underwent hepatic iminodiacetic acid (HIDA) testing within the Indiana Network for Patient Care from 2004 to 2013. GBEF results were obtained from radiology reports using data mining techniques. Age, sex, race, and insurance status were obtained for each patient. Any gallbladder pathology obtained subsequent to an HIDA scan was also obtained and parsed for mention of cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, or cholesterolosis. We performed mixed effects logistic regression analysis to determine the influence of age, sex, race, insurance status, pathologist, and GBEF on the presence of these histologic findings. Results: Two thousand eight hundred forty-one HIDA scans on 2558 patients were found. Of these, 310 patients had a full-text gallbladder pathology report paired with the HIDA scan. GBEF did not correlate with the presence of gallbladder pathology (cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, or cholesterolosis) when controlling for age, sex, race, insurance status, and pathologist using a mixed effects model. Conclusions: Hypokinetic gallbladders are no more likely to have gallbladder pathology than normal or hyperkinetic gallbladders in the setting of a patient with both a HIDA scan and a cholecystectomy. Care should be used when interpreting the results of HIDA scans in children and adolescents