110 research outputs found

    Specific quorum sensing-disrupting activity (A(QSI)) of thiophenones and their therapeutic potential

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    Disease caused by antibiotic resistant pathogens is becoming a serious problem, both in human and veterinary medicine. The inhibition of quorum sensing, bacterial cell-to-cell communication, is a promising alternative strategy to control disease. In this study, we determined the quorum sensing-disrupting activity of 20 thiophenones towards the quorum sensing model bacterium V. harveyi. In order to exclude false positives, we propose a new parameter (A(QSI)) to describe specific quorum sensing activity. A(QSI) is defined as the ratio between inhibition of quorum sensing-regulated activity in a reporter strain and inhibition of the same activity when it is independent of quorum sensing. Calculation of A(QSI) allowed to exclude five false positives, whereas the six most active thiophenones (TF203, TF307, TF319, TF339, TF342 and TF403) inhibited quorum sensing at 0.25 mu M, with A(QSI) higher than 10. Further, we determined the protective effect and toxicity of the thiophenones in a highly controlled gnotobiotic model system with brine shrimp larvae. There was a strong positive correlation between the specific quorum sensing-disrupting activity of the thiophenones and the protection of brine shrimp larvae against pathogenic V. harveyi. Four of the most active quorum sensing-disrupting thiophenones (TF 203, TF319, TF339 and TF342) were considered to be promising since they have a therapeutic potential of at least 10

    A quorum sensing-disrupting brominated thiophenone with a promising therapeutic potential to treat luminescent vibriosis

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    Vibrio harveyi is amongst the most important bacterial pathogens in aquaculture. Novel methods to control this pathogen are needed since many strains have acquired resistance to antibiotics. We previously showed that quorum sensing-disrupting furanones are able to protect brine shrimp larvae against vibriosis. However, a major problem of these compounds is that they are toxic toward higher organisms and therefore, they are not safe to be used in aquaculture. The synthesis of brominated thiophenones, sulphur analogues of the quorum sensing-disrupting furanones, has recently been reported. In the present study, we report that these compounds block quorum sensing in V. harveyi at concentrations in the low micromolar range. Bioluminescence experiments with V. harveyi quorum sensing mutants and a fluorescence anisotropy assay indicated that the compounds disrupt quorum sensing in this bacterium by decreasing the ability of the quorum sensing master regulator LuxR to bind to its target promoter DNA. In vivo challenge tests with gnotobiotic brine shrimp larvae showed that thiophenone compound TF310, (Z)-4-((5-(bromomethylene)-2-oxo- 2,5-dihydrothiophen-3-yl)methoxy)-4- oxobutanoic acid, completely protected the larvae from V. harveyi BB120 when dosed to the culture water at 2.5 mu M or more, whereas severe toxicity was only observed at 250 mu M. This makes TF310 showing the highest therapeutic index of all quorum sensing-disrupting compounds tested thus far in our brine shrimp model system


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    Bi-allelic KARS1 pathogenic variants affecting functions of cytosolic and mitochondrial isoforms are associated with a progressive and multisystem disease

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    KARS1 encodes a lysyl-transfer RNA synthetase (LysRS) that links lysine to its cognate transfer RNA. Two different KARS1 isoforms exert functional effects in cytosol and mitochondria. Bi-allelic pathogenic variants in KARS1 have been associated to sensorineural hearing and visual loss, neuropathy, seizures, and leukodystrophy. We report the clinical, biochemical, and neuroradiological features of nine individuals with KARS1-related disorder carrying 12 different variants with nine of them being novel. The consequences of these variants on the cytosol and/or mitochondrial LysRS were functionally validated in yeast mutants. Most cases presented with severe neurological features including congenital and progressive microcephaly, seizures, developmental delay/intellectual disability, and cerebral atrophy. Oculo-motor dysfunction and immuno-hematological problems were present in six and three cases, respectively. A yeast growth defect of variable severity was detected for most variants on both cytosolic and mitochondrial isoforms. The detrimental effects of two variants on yeast growth were partially rescued by lysine supplementation. Congenital progressive microcephaly, oculo-motor dysfunction, and immuno-hematological problems are emerging phenotypes in KARS1-related disorder. The data in yeast emphasize the role of both mitochondrial and cytosolic isoforms in the pathogenesis of KARS1-related disorder and supports the therapeutic potential of lysine supplementation at least in a subset of patients

    Further delineation of the clinical spectrum of White-Sutton syndrome: 12 new individuals and a review of the literature

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    White–Sutton syndrome (WHSUS) is a neurodevelopmental disorder caused by heterozygous loss-of-function variants in POGZ. Through the Deciphering Developmental Disorders study and clinical testing, we identified 12 individuals from 10 families with pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants in POGZ (eight de novo and two inherited). Most individuals had delayed development and/or intellectual disability. We analyzed the clinical findings in our series and combined it with data from 89 previously reported individuals. The results demonstrate WHSUS is associated with variable developmental delay or intellectual disability, increased risk of obesity, visual defects, craniofacial dysmorphism, sensorineural hearing loss, feeding problems, seizures, and structural brain malformations. Our series includes further individuals with rod-cone dystrophy, cleft lip and palate, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, and duplicated renal drainage system, suggesting these are rare complications of WHSUS. In addition, we describe an individual with a novel, de novo missense variant in POGZ and features of WHSUS. Our work further delineates the phenotypic spectrum of WHSUS highlighting the variable severity of this disorder and the observation of familial pathogenic POGZ variants

    DNA adducts of aristolochic acid II: total synthesis and site-specific mutagenesis studies in mammalian cells

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    Aristolochic acids I and II (AA-I, AA-II) are found in all Aristolochia species. Ingestion of these acids either in the form of herbal remedies or as contaminated wheat flour causes a dose-dependent chronic kidney failure characterized by renal tubulointerstitial fibrosis. In ∼50% of these cases, the condition is accompanied by an upper urinary tract malignancy. The disease is now termed aristolochic acid nephropathy (AAN). AA-I is largely responsible for the nephrotoxicity while both AA-I and AA-II are genotoxic. DNA adducts derived from AA-I and AA-II have been isolated from renal tissues of patients suffering from AAN. We describe the total synthesis, de novo, of the dA and dG adducts derived from AA-II, their incorporation site-specifically into DNA oligomers and the splicing of these modified oligomers into a plasmid construct followed by transfection into mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Analysis of the plasmid progeny revealed that both adducts blocked replication but were still partly processed by DNA polymerase(s). Although the majority of coding events involved insertion of correct nucleotides, substantial misincorporation of bases also was noted. The dA adduct is significantly more mutagenic than the dG adduct; both adducts give rise, almost exclusively, to misincorporation of dA, which leads to AL-II-dA→T and AL-II-dG→T transversions

    A Nationwide Study of GATA2 Deficiency in Norway-the Majority of Patients Have Undergone Allo-HSCT

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    PurposeGATA2 deficiency is a rare primary immunodeficiency that has become increasingly recognized due to improved molecular diagnostics and clinical awareness. The only cure for GATA2 deficiency is allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT). The inconsistency of genotype-phenotype correlations makes the decision regarding "who and when" to transplant challenging. Despite considerable morbidity and mortality, the reported proportion of patients with GATA2 deficiency that has undergone allo-HSCT is low (~ 35%). The purpose of this study was to explore if detailed clinical, genetic, and bone marrow characteristics could predict end-point outcome, i.e., death and allo-HSCT.MethodsAll medical genetics departments in Norway were contacted to identify GATA2 deficient individuals. Clinical information, genetic variants, treatment, and outcome were subsequently retrieved from the patients' medical records.ResultsBetween 2013 and 2020, we identified 10 index cases or probands, four additional symptomatic patients, and no asymptomatic patients with germline GATA2 variants. These patients had a diverse clinical phenotype dominated by cytopenia (13/14), myeloid neoplasia (10/14), warts (8/14), and hearing loss (7/14). No valid genotype-phenotype correlations were found in our data set, and the phenotypes varied also within families. We found that 11/14 patients (79%), with known GATA2 deficiency, had already undergone allo-HSCT. In addition, one patient is awaiting allo-HSCT. The indications to perform allo-HSCT were myeloid neoplasia, disseminated viral infection, severe obliterating bronchiolitis, and/or HPV-associated in situ carcinoma. Two patients died, 8 months and 7 years after allo-HSCT, respectively.ConclusionOur main conclusion is that the majority of patients with symptomatic GATA2 deficiency will need allo-HSCT, and a close surveillance of these patients is important to find the "optimal window" for allo-HSCT. We advocate a more offensive approach to allo-HSCT than previously described

    Samspillsdynamikk i døgnavdeling : en empirisk studie av sosialt forsvar hos sykehusansatte

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    Vi har gjennomført en empirisk undersøkelse av sosialt forsvar blant ansatte i rusomsorgen. For å undersøke defensivitet har vi brukt Paul Moxnes SOFA-skjema (1978) som tar utgangspunkt i ti sosiale forsvarsteknikker beskrevet av Menzies Lyth (1970). Hun bruker sentrale begrep hos objektrelasjonsteoretikeren Melanie Klein for å forklare angst hos sykepleiere. Vi har i tillegg utviklet et eget skjema for måling av regulering, involvering og bekymring som vi har kalt RIB. Vi har målt defensivitet for å se om det er forskjell mellom grupper, mellom målinger i tid, og mellom ulike typer sosialt forsvar. I forkant av datainnsamlingen gjennomførte vi en pilotundersøkelse der vi intervjuet ti ansatte ved et annet sykehus. Resultatet av dette ble vårt RIB- skjema med 15 påstander. SOFA og RIB skjemaet ble så administrert til to avdelinger med til sammen fem poster underlagt tverrfaglig spesialisert rushelsetjeneste ved et større norsk sykehus. Vi ønsket (1) å sammenligne våre data med Moxnes resultater fra 1978, (2) å undersøke om fysisk avstand gjennom tilgang til eget kontor fører til lavere defensivitet, og (3) se om det fremkommer gruppeforskjeller mellom ansattes grad av henholdsvis regulering/involvering og bekymring målt med vår RIB-skala. 62 respondenter svarte på undersøkelsen, svarprosent er 73 %. Ser vi vårt datasett under ett er sosialt forsvar målt med SOFA- skalaen ikke vesentlig lavere enn det Moxnes fant i 1978, men vi ser interessante endringer i defensivitetens form og uttrykk. Analysen ga bare delvis støtte for hypotesen om at fysisk avstand til pasientene resulterer i mindre defensivitet, dette kan kanskje forklares med at de som har kontor samtidig har mer ansvar. Når vi ser på de ulike avdelingssenheter, finner vi signifikante forskjeller i sosialt forsvar målt med SOFA –skalaen og vi ser samme tendens i reguleringsdelen av RIB-skalaen. Sosialt forsvar kan forklares som et kulturelt fenomen. Det er ikke gruppeforskjeller på ”bekymring”, dette styrker vår antagelse om at vi har målt den bevisste delen av den underliggende angsten. Resultatene fra denne undersøkelsen er et empirisk bidrag til psykodynamisk forskning på sosiale forsvarsmekanismer i helseinstitusjoner

    Trifluoroacetylation of electron-rich thiophenes

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    Electron-rich thiophenes were trifluoroacetylated by trifluoroacetic anhydride with different nitrogen bases in dichloromethane at room temperature in good yields. Trifluoroacetylation without a base gave significantly lower yields.Trifluoroacetylation of electron-rich thiophenessubmittedVersio