41 research outputs found

    Reginam occidere

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    A középkori Székelyföld = The Medieval Székelys (Hungarian minority group in Eastern Transylvania, Romania)

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    A pĂĄlyĂĄzat a közĂ©pkori SzĂ©kelyföld törtĂ©netĂ©nek Ă©s rĂ©gĂ©szetĂ©nek monografikus igĂ©nyƱ kutatĂĄsĂĄra vĂĄllalkozott. A munka hĂĄrom tĂ©makör körĂ© csoportosult: I. Egy, a közelmĂșltban feltĂĄrt, rendkĂ­vĂŒl gazdag leletanyagot rejtƑ, 15-16. szĂĄzadi szĂ©kelykeresztĂșri udvarhĂĄz monografikus feldolgozĂĄsa elkĂ©szĂŒlt Ă©s 2008-ban nyomtatĂĄsban megjelent. A monogrĂĄfia az udvarhĂĄzak Ă©s ezek leletei, kĂŒlönöskĂ©ppen kĂĄlyhacsempĂ©i Ă©s tĂŒzelƑberendezĂ©sei elemzĂ©sĂ©n tĂșlmenƑen a közĂ©pkori szĂ©kelyföldi nemessĂ©g kĂ©rdĂ©sĂ©t is ĂĄttekintette. E tĂ©makörben kĂŒlön tanulmĂĄny is kĂ©szĂŒlt. A szĂ©kelyföldi vĂĄrakrĂłl Ă©s vĂ©delmi cĂ©lra felhasznĂĄlt barlangokrĂłl több tanulmĂĄny is megjelent (SĂłfalvi AndrĂĄs, SzĂ©kelyudvarhely). II. A kĂ©sƑ közĂ©pkori, kora Ășjkori csĂ­ksomlyĂłi ferences kolostorra vonatkozĂł kĂ©ziratos forrĂĄsok (oklevelek, szĂĄmadĂĄskönyvek Ă©s leltĂĄrak, elbeszĂ©lƑ forrĂĄsok) kiadĂĄsa mĂĄr a sajtĂł alĂĄ rendezĂ©shez közeledik (Muckenhaupt ErzsĂ©bet, CsĂ­kszereda). III. A pĂĄlyĂĄzat alapvetƑ cĂ©ljĂĄt kĂ©pezƑ, a a közĂ©pkori SzĂ©kelyföld rĂ©gĂ©szetĂ©t Ă©s törtĂ©netĂ©t felölelƑ monogrĂĄfia kĂ©zirata hĂĄrom rĂ©szbƑl ĂĄll: 1) több fejezetre oszlĂł törtĂ©neti-rĂ©gĂ©szeti összefoglalĂĄs, terjedelmes illusztrĂĄciĂłs anyaggal (BenkƑ Elek); 2) a szĂ©kelyföldi közĂ©pkori ĂĄllatcsontanyag vizsgĂĄlata Ă©s Ă©rtĂ©kelĂ©se (GĂĄl Erika, Budapest); 3) A közĂ©pkori SzĂ©kelyföld embertani anyagĂĄnak teljessĂ©gre törekvƑ feldolgozĂĄsa (FĂłthi ErzsĂ©bet, Bernert Zsolt, Hajdu TamĂĄs, Budapest). A kötet legfontosabb megĂĄllapĂ­tĂĄsai magyarul, illetve nĂ©metĂŒl kĂŒlön is megjelentek (BenkƑ Elek). | The project aspired to process the medieval history and archaeology of the Szekler Region in eastern Transylvania. The major themes were assembled in three fields: I. Working up a medieval manor house excavated in the last years at Cristuru Secuiesc, a monograph was published in 2008, which inclused, in addition to the treatment of different types of manor houses and their findings a survey on medieval nobility of the Szekler Region. About medieval castles and caves converted to defensive purposes several publications were elaborated (AndrĂĄs SĂłfalvi). II. The transcript and annotation of late medieval and early modern written sources (documents, accounts, consriptions and chronicles) of the franciscan friary of CsĂ­ksomlyĂł is in the final stage before publication (ErzsĂ©bet Muckenhaupt). III. The manuscript of a comprehensive book about the history and archaeology of the Szekler Region contains threee great parts: 1) a large study, divided into several chapters on different historical and archaeological problems from the the much-disputed issues of the early history and 'origin' of the Szeklers untill the 16th-17th centuries, including an instructive case study of sedes (village law court) Aranyos (Elek BenkƑ), 2) the working up of animal bones of medieval villages, market-towns, castles and manor houses (Erika GĂĄl) and 3) the analysis of the complete medieval anthropological material of the Szekler Region (ErzsĂ©bet FĂłthi, Zsolt Bernert, TamĂĄs Hajdu)

    NLRC5 Functions beyond MHC I Regulation—What Do We Know So Far?

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    NLRC5 is a member of the NLR family that acts as a transcriptional activator of MHC class I genes. In line with the function of several related NLR proteins in innate immune responses, there is, however, also ample evidence that NLRC5 contributes to innate and adaptive immune responses beyond the regulation of MHC class I genes. In human and murine cells, for example, NLRC5 was proposed to contribute to inflammatory and type I interferon responses. The role of NLRC5 in these and other cellular processes is hitherto still not well understood and blurred by discrepancies in the reported data. Here, we provide a detailed and critical discussion of the available experimental data on the emerging biological functions of NLRC5 in innate immune responses in men and mice. Better awareness of the multiple roles of NLRC5 will help to define its overall contribution to immune responses and cancer

    The environmental history of a former salt town in Transylvania (Sic, Northern Romania)

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    The medieval market-town of Sic (SzĂ©k in Hungarian) was an important Transylvanian settlement due to its remarkable salt mining. The impact of the mining activities on the environment and the history of water management were investigated based on a palaeoecological study, performed on the large Reedbed of Sic (StufăriƟurile/NĂĄdas-tĂł). We found that in the last 3000 years the anthropogenic impact has been continuous in the territory, but the types and intensity of the disturbances changed with time. The most notable environmental transitions took place after 1000 AD, suggesting a significant intensification of salt mining. Forest cover significantly drop, but salt concentration and the frequency of halophytic species in the investigated marshland increased during the Late Middle Ages. The dominance of halophytic marshland species reached their peak in the 17th century. This coincides with the apogee of mining activities and human lake management. The most remarkable deforestation occurred in the 18th century, when the present-day landscape with negligible forest cover was developed