17 research outputs found

    Selective vulnerability of the intermediate retinal capillary plexus precedes retinal ganglion cell loss in ocular hypertension

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    Introduction: Glaucoma, a disease of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) injury and potentially devastating vision loss, is associated with both ocular hypertension (OHT) and reduced ocular blood flow. However, the relationship between OHT and retinal capillary architecture is not well understood. In this project, we studied microvasculature damage in mice exposed to mild levels of induced OHT.Methods: Mild OHT was induced with the microbead model for 2 weeks. At this time point, some retinas were immunostained with CD31 (endothelium), Collagen IV (basement membrane), and RBPMS (RGCs) for z-stack confocal microscopy. We processed these confocal images to distinguish the three retinal capillary plexi (superficial, intermediate, and deep). We manually counted RGC density, analyzed vascular complexity, and identified topographical and spatial vascular features of the retinal capillaries using a combination of novel manual and automated workflows. Other retinas were dissociated and immunopanned to isolate RGCs and amacrine cells (ACs) for hypoxia gene array analysis.Results: RGC counts were normal but there was decreased overall retinal capillary complexity. This reduced complexity could be explained by abnormalities in the intermediate retinal capillary plexus (IRCP) that spared the other plexi. Capillary junction density, vessel length, and vascular area were all significantly reduced, and the number of acellular capillaries was dramatically increased. ACs, which share a neurovascular unit (NVU) with the IRCP, displayed a marked increase in the relative expression of many hypoxia-related genes compared to RGCs from the same preparations.Discussion: We have discovered a rapidly occurring, IRCP-specific, OHT-induced vascular phenotype that precedes RGC loss. AC/IRCP NVU dysfunction may be a mechanistic link for early vascular remodeling in glaucoma

    A Genetic Screen in Drosophila for Genes Interacting With senseless During Neuronal Development Identifies the Importin moleskin

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    Senseless (Sens) is a conserved transcription factor required for normal development of the Drosophila peripheral nervous system. In the Drosophila retina, sens is necessary and sufficient for differentiation of R8 photoreceptors and interommatidial bristles (IOBs). When Sens is expressed in undifferentiated cells posterior to the morphogenetic furrow, ectopic IOBs are formed. This phenotype was used to identify new members of the sens pathway in a dominant modifier screen. Seven suppressor and three enhancer complementation groups were isolated. Three groups from the screen are the known genes Delta, lilliputian, and moleskin/DIM-7 (msk), while the remaining seven groups represent novel genes with previously undefined functions in neural development. The nuclear import gene msk was identified as a potent suppressor of the ectopic interommatidial bristle phenotype. In addition, msk mutant adult eyes are extremely disrupted with defects in multiple cell types. Reminiscent of the sens mutant phenotype, msk eyes demonstrate reductions in the number of R8 photoreceptors due to an R8 to R2,5 fate switch, providing genetic evidence that Msk is a component of the sens pathway. Interestingly, in msk tissue, the loss of R8 fate occurs earlier than with sens and suggests a previously unidentified stage of R8 development between atonal and sens

    Optimized culture of retinal ganglion cells and amacrine cells from adult mice.

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    Cell culture is widely utilized to study the cellular and molecular biology of different neuronal cell populations. Current techniques to study enriched neurons in vitro are primarily limited to embryonic/neonatal animals and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Although the use of these cultures is valuable, the accessibility of purified primary adult neuronal cultures would allow for improved assessment of certain neurological diseases and pathways at the cellular level. Using a modified 7-step immunopanning technique to isolate for retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and amacrine cells (ACs) from adult mouse retinas, we have successfully developed a model of neuronal culture that maintains for at least one week. Isolations of Thy1.2+ cells are enriched for RGCs, with the isolation cell yield being congruent to the theoretical yield of RGCs in a mouse retina. ACs of two different populations (CD15+ and CD57+) can also be isolated. The populations of these three adult neurons in culture are healthy, with neurite outgrowths in some cases greater than 500μm in length. Optimization of culture conditions for RGCs and CD15+ cells revealed that neuronal survival and the likelihood of neurite outgrowth respond inversely to different culture media. Serially diluted concentrations of puromycin decreased cultured adult RGCs in a dose-dependent manner, demonstrating the potential usefulness of these adult neuronal cultures in screening assays. This novel culture system can be used to model in vivo neuronal behaviors. Studies can now be expanded in conjunction with other methodologies to study the neurobiology of function, aging, and diseases

    Comprehensive single-cell atlas of the mouse retina

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    Summary: Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) has advanced our understanding of cellular heterogeneity by characterizing cell types across tissues and species. While several mouse retinal scRNA-seq datasets exist, each dataset is either limited in cell numbers or focused on specific cell classes, thereby hindering comprehensive gene expression analysis across all retina types. To fill the gap, we generated the largest retinal scRNA-seq dataset to date, comprising approximately 190,000 single cells from C57BL/6J mouse retinas, enriched for rare population cells via antibody-based magnetic cell sorting. Integrating this dataset with public datasets, we constructed the Mouse Retina Cell Atlas (MRCA) for wild-type mice, encompassing over 330,000 cells, characterizing 12 major classes and 138 cell types. The MRCA consolidates existing knowledge, identifies new cell types, and is publicly accessible via CELLxGENE, UCSC Cell Browser, and the Broad Single Cell Portal, providing a user-friendly resource for the mouse retina research community

    Data_Sheet_1_Selective vulnerability of the intermediate retinal capillary plexus precedes retinal ganglion cell loss in ocular hypertension.PDF

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    Introduction: Glaucoma, a disease of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) injury and potentially devastating vision loss, is associated with both ocular hypertension (OHT) and reduced ocular blood flow. However, the relationship between OHT and retinal capillary architecture is not well understood. In this project, we studied microvasculature damage in mice exposed to mild levels of induced OHT.Methods: Mild OHT was induced with the microbead model for 2 weeks. At this time point, some retinas were immunostained with CD31 (endothelium), Collagen IV (basement membrane), and RBPMS (RGCs) for z-stack confocal microscopy. We processed these confocal images to distinguish the three retinal capillary plexi (superficial, intermediate, and deep). We manually counted RGC density, analyzed vascular complexity, and identified topographical and spatial vascular features of the retinal capillaries using a combination of novel manual and automated workflows. Other retinas were dissociated and immunopanned to isolate RGCs and amacrine cells (ACs) for hypoxia gene array analysis.Results: RGC counts were normal but there was decreased overall retinal capillary complexity. This reduced complexity could be explained by abnormalities in the intermediate retinal capillary plexus (IRCP) that spared the other plexi. Capillary junction density, vessel length, and vascular area were all significantly reduced, and the number of acellular capillaries was dramatically increased. ACs, which share a neurovascular unit (NVU) with the IRCP, displayed a marked increase in the relative expression of many hypoxia-related genes compared to RGCs from the same preparations.Discussion: We have discovered a rapidly occurring, IRCP-specific, OHT-induced vascular phenotype that precedes RGC loss. AC/IRCP NVU dysfunction may be a mechanistic link for early vascular remodeling in glaucoma.</p