838 research outputs found

    Defining Property in the Just Compensation Clause

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    Home as a Legal Concept

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    This article, which is the first comprehensive discussion of the American legal concept of home, makes two major contributions. First, the article systematically examines how homes are treated more favorably than other types of property in a wide range of legal contexts, including criminal law and procedure, torts, privacy, landlord-tenant, debtor-creditor, family law, and income taxation. Second, the article considers the normative issue of whether this favorable treatment is justified. The article draws from material on the psychological concept of home and the cultural history of home throughout this analysis, providing insight into the interests at stake in various legal issues involving the home. The article concludes that homes are different from other types of property and give rise to legal interests deserving of special legal protection, but that these interests can be outweighed by competing interests in particular legal contexts. The result is that in many contexts special legal treatment of homes is justified. In other contexts, for example residential rent control, the strength of competing interests means that the law overprotects the home. In still other contexts, for example eminent domain law as embodied by the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Kelo v. New London, the law tends to underprotect the home

    The Police Power and the Takings Clause

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    Toward a Model Law of Estates and Future Interests

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    The Complexities of Judicial Takings

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    Group Size, Heterogeneity, and Prosocial Behavior: Designing Legal Structures to Facilitate Cooperation in a Diverse Society

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    Delegated Portfolio Management and Risk Taking Behavior

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    Standard models of moral hazard predict a negative relationship between risk and incentives; however empirical studies on mutual funds present mixed results. In this paper, we propose a behavioral principal-agent model in the context of professional managers, focusing on active and passive investment strategies. Using this general framework, we evaluate how incentives affect the risk taking behavior of managers, using the standard moral hazard model as a special case; and solve the previous contradiction. Empirical evidence, based on a comprehensive world sample of 4584 mutual funds, gives support to our theoretical model.

    RE-EDS Using GAFF Topologies: Application to Relative Hydration Free-Energy Calculations for Large Sets of Molecules

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    Free-energy differences between pairs of end-states can be estimated based on molecular dynamics (MD) simulations using standard pathway-dependent methods such as thermodynamic integration (TI), free-energy perturbation, or Bennett's acceptance ratio. Replica-exchange enveloping distribution sampling (RE-EDS), on the other hand, allows for the sampling of multiple end-states in a single simulation without the specification of any pathways. In this work, we use the RE-EDS method as implemented in GROMOS together with generalized AMBER force field (GAFF) topologies, converted to a GROMOS-compatible format with a newly developed GROMOS++ program amber2gromos, to compute relative hydration free energies for a series of benzene derivatives. The results obtained with RE-EDS are compared to the experimental data as well as calculated values from the literature. In addition, the estimated free-energy differences in water and in vacuum are compared to values from TI calculations carried out with GROMACS. The hydration free energies obtained using RE-EDS for multiple molecules are found to be in good agreement with both the experimental data and the results calculated using other free-energy methods. While all considered free-energy methods delivered accurate results, the RE-EDS calculations required the least amount of total simulation time. This work serves as a validation for the use of GAFF topologies with the GROMOS simulation package and the RE-EDS approach. Furthermore, the performance of RE-EDS for a large set of 28 end-states is assessed with promising results
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