326 research outputs found

    Characterisation of cyclic variability in an optically accessible IC Engine by means of phase-independent POD

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    Investigation of cyclic variability in engine operation has recently received new impulse with the widespread application of advanced numerical and experimental techniques. The present work attempts to shed some light on the existence and nature of correlations between coherent structures dynamics and cyclic variability in IC engines by means of phase-independent Proper Orthogonal Decomposition applied to highly-resolved PIV measurements obtained in an optically accessible, motored engine. Analysis of the conditional means and variances of the reconstruction coefficients reveal interesting patterns in the break-up of coherent structures which are also confirmed by experimental observation and leave room for speculation on the true nature of the flow field at different crank angles. A first attempt has also been carried out to reconstruct missing information from available measurements, with encouraging results: the development of such interpolation/reconstruction technique could obviously have a great impact on the reduction of the cost normally involved in experimental and computational campaigns

    Understanding the Relative Strength of QBF CDCL Solvers and QBF Resolution

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    QBF solvers implementing the QCDCL paradigm are powerful algorithms that successfully tackle many computationally complex applications. However, our theoretical understanding of the strength and limitations of these QCDCL solvers is very limited. In this paper we suggest to formally model QCDCL solvers as proof systems. We define different policies that can be used for decision heuristics and unit propagation and give rise to a number of sound and complete QBF proof systems (and hence new QCDCL algorithms). With respect to the standard policies used in practical QCDCL solving, we show that the corresponding QCDCL proof system is incomparable (via exponential separations) to Q-resolution, the classical QBF resolution system used in the literature. This is in stark contrast to the propositional setting where CDCL and resolution are known to be p-equivalent. This raises the question what formulas are hard for standard QCDCL, since Q-resolution lower bounds do not necessarily apply to QCDCL as we show here. In answer to this question we prove several lower bounds for QCDCL, including exponential lower bounds for a large class of random QBFs. We also introduce a strengthening of the decision heuristic used in classical QCDCL, which does not necessarily decide variables in order of the prefix, but still allows to learn asserting clauses. We show that with this decision policy, QCDCL can be exponentially faster on some formulas. We further exhibit a QCDCL proof system that is p-equivalent to Q-resolution. In comparison to classical QCDCL, this new QCDCL version adapts both decision and unit propagation policies

    Ostdeutschlandforschung trifft Nachhaltigkeitsforschung – fruchtbare Spannungsfelder für die Entwicklung neuer Perspektiven in Ostdeutschland

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    In diesem discussion paper werden die Herangehensweisen und Ergebnisse der Ostdeutschlandforschung und Nachhaltigkeitsforschung einander gegenübergestellt. Ziel ist es,mögliche Ansatzpunkte für eine Verknüpfung der Forschungsansätze sowie gemeinsame Forschungsfragen zu identifizieren. Sowohl Ostdeutschlandforschung als auch Nachhaltigkeitsforschung befassen sich mit gesellschaftlichen Wandlungsprozessen. Beide Forschungsstränge suchen nach langfristig tragfähigen Entwicklungsperspektiven und Lösungsansätzen für akute gesellschaftliche Problemlagen. Dennoch hat es bislang aufgrund der sehr unterschiedlichen methodischen und theoretischen Herangehensweisen sowie der inhaltliche Schwerpunktsetzungen wenige Überschneidungen zwischen beiden Forschungsfeldern gegeben. Erste Verknüpfungsmöglichkeiten deuten sich in einigen Forschungsvorhaben an, die sich in der letzten Zeit mit nachhaltiger Entwicklung in Ostdeutschland befasst haben. Die Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede der beiden Forschungsansätze werden an Hand von vier zentralen Spannungsfeldern diskutiert: a) die unterschiedlichen ökonomischen Entwicklungskonzepte und -strategien; b) die Ebenen, an denen gesellschaftspolitische Strategien ansetzen; c) die Frage nach den Akteuren sowie d) geeignete Leitbildern für zukunftsfähige Entwicklungsstrategien.This discussion paper confronts two research fields and its results: the research about East Germany (Ostdeutschlandforschung) and sustainability research. It aims to link both research fields and to identify common research questions. Both research approaches deal with societal transformation and both look for stable long-term development perspectives and solutions for pressing societal problems. However, both research fields overlap only marginally so far due to different methodological and theoretical approaches as well as focal points. Recently, some research projects concerned with sustainable development in East Germany try for possible combinations. Similarities and differences of both research fields will be discussed by means of the following four crucial areas of - inspiring - dissent: a) diverse economic development concepts and strategies; b) the different levels for policy interventions; c) actors and alliances; and d) guiding visions for future development strategies

    On overgroups of distinguished unipotent elements in reductive groups and finite groups of Lie type

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    We are grateful to M. Korhonen and D. Testerman for helpful comments on an earlier version of the manuscript. Some of this work was completed during a visit to the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach: we thank them for their support. We thank the referee for a number of comments clarifying some points. For the purpose of open access, the authors have applied a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising from this submission

    G-complete reducibility and saturation

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    The research of this work was supported in part by the DFG (Grant #RO 1072/22-1 (project number: 498503969) to G. R¨ohrle).Preprin

    Ram pressure and dusty red galaxies - key factors in the evolution of the multiple cluster system Abell 901/902

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    We present spectroscopic observations of 182 disk galaxies (96 in the cluster and 86 in the field environment) in the region of the Abell 901/902 multiple cluster system, which is located at a redshift of z0.165z\sim 0.165. The presence of substructures and non-Gaussian redshift distributions indicate that the cluster system is dynamically young and not in a virialized state. We find evidence for two important galaxy populations. \textit{Morphologically distorted galaxies} are probably subject to increased tidal interactions. They show pronounced rotation curve asymmetries at intermediate cluster-centric radii and low rest-frame peculiar velocities. \textit{Morphologically undistorted galaxies} show the strongest rotation curve asymmetries at high rest-frame velocities and low cluster-centric radii. Supposedly, this group is strongly affected by ram-pressure stripping due to interaction with the intra-cluster medium. Among the morphologically undistorted galaxies, dusty red galaxies have particularly strong rotation curve asymmetries, suggesting ram pressure is an important factor in these galaxies. Furthermore, dusty red galaxies on average have a bulge-to-total ratio higher by a factor of two than cluster blue cloud and field galaxies. The fraction of kinematically distorted galaxies is 75% higher in the cluster than in the field environment. This difference mainly stems from morphological undistorted galaxies, indicating a cluster-specific interaction process that only affects the gas kinematics but not the stellar morphology. Also the ratio between gas and stellar scale length is reduced for cluster galaxies compared to the field sample. Both findings could be best explained by ram-pressure effects.Comment: Electronic version published in Astronomy and Astrophysics Volume 549, Page 0; 19 pages, 21 figure

    A high-throughput in-memory index, durable on flash-based SSD: Insights into the winning solution of the SIGMOD programming contest 2011

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    Growing memory capacities and the increasing number of cores on modern hardware enforces the design of new in-memory indexing structures that reduce the number of memory transfers and minimizes the need for locking to allow massive parallel access. However, most applications depend on hard durability constraints requiring a persistent medium like SSDs, which shorten the latency and throughput gap between main memory and hard disks. In this paper, we present our winning solution of the SIGMOD Programming Contest 2011. It consists of an in-memory indexing structure that provides a balanced read/write performance as well as non-blocking reads and single-lock writes. Complementary to this index, we describe an SSD-optimized logging approach to fit hard durability requirements at a high throughput rate

    Understanding the Relative Strength of QBF CDCL Solvers and QBF Resolution

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    QBF solvers implementing the QCDCL paradigm are powerful algorithms that successfully tackle many computationally complex applications. However, our theoretical understanding of the strength and limitations of these QCDCL solvers is very limited. In this paper we suggest to formally model QCDCL solvers as proof systems. We define different policies that can be used for decision heuristics and unit propagation and give rise to a number of sound and complete QBF proof systems (and hence new QCDCL algorithms). With respect to the standard policies used in practical QCDCL solving, we show that the corresponding QCDCL proof system is incomparable (via exponential separations) to Q-resolution, the classical QBF resolution system used in the literature. This is in stark contrast to the propositional setting where CDCL and resolution are known to be p-equivalent. This raises the question what formulas are hard for standard QCDCL, since Q-resolution lower bounds do not necessarily apply to QCDCL as we show here. In answer to this question we prove several lower bounds for QCDCL, including exponential lower bounds for a large class of random QBFs. We also introduce a strengthening of the decision heuristic used in classical QCDCL, which does not necessarily decide variables in order of the prefix, but still allows to learn asserting clauses. We show that with this decision policy, QCDCL can be exponentially faster on some formulas. We further exhibit a QCDCL proof system that is p-equivalent to Q-resolution. In comparison to classical QCDCL, this new QCDCL version adapts both decision and unit propagation policies

    Complete reducibility for Lie subalgebras and semisimplification

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    Let GG be a connected reductive linear algebraic group over a field kk. Using ideas from geometric invariant theory, we study the notion of GG-complete reducibility over kk for a Lie subalgebra h\mathfrak h of the Lie algebra g=Lie(G)\mathfrak g = Lie(G) of GG and prove some results when h\mathfrak h is solvable or char(k)=0char(k)= 0. We introduce the concept of a kk-semisimplification h\mathfrak h' of h\mathfrak h; h\mathfrak h' is a Lie subalgebra of g\mathfrak g associated to h\mathfrak h which is GG-completely reducible over kk. This is the Lie algebra counterpart of the analogous notion for subgroups studied earlier by the first, third and fourth authors. As in the subgroup case, we show that h\mathfrak h' is unique up to Ad(G(k))Ad(G(k))-conjugacy in g\mathfrak g. Moreover, we prove that the two concepts are compatible: for HH a closed subgroup of GG and HH' a kk-semisimplification of HH, the Lie algebra Lie(H)Lie(H') is a kk-semisimplification of Lie(H)Lie(H).Comment: 22 pages; v2 25 pages, several improvements; to appear in the European Journal of Mathematic