551 research outputs found

    Alien Invasive Pathogens and Pests Harming Trees, Forests, and Plantations: Pathways, Global Consequences and Management

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    Forest health worldwide is impacted by many invasive alien pathogens and pests (IAPPs) that cause significant harm, with severe economic losses and environmental alterations. Destructive tree pathogens and pests have in the past devastated our forests, natural landscapes and cityscapes and still continue to represent a serious threat. The main driver of pathogen and pest invasions is human activities, above all global trade, which allows these invasive species to overstep their natural distribution ranges. While natural transport occurs according to a regular, expected colonization pattern (based on the dispersive capacity of the organism), human-mediated transport takes place on a larger, unpredictable scale. In order for a pathogen or pest species to become invasive in a new territory it must overcome distinct stages (barriers) that strongly affect the outcome of the invasion. Early detection is crucial to enabling successful eradication and containment. Although sophisticated diagnostic techniques are now available for disease and pest surveillance and monitoring, few control and mitigation options are usable in forestry; of these, biological control is one of the most frequently adopted. Since invasion by pathogens and pests is an economic and ecological problem of supranational relevance, governments should endorse all necessary preventive and corrective actions. To this end, establishing and harmonizing measures among countries is essential, both for preventing new introductions and for diminishing the eventual range expansion of IAPPs present at a local scale. Research is fundamental for: (i) developing effective and rapid diagnostic tools; (ii) investigating the epidemiology and ecology of IAPPs in newly introduced areas; and (iii) supporting policymakers in the implementation of quarantine regulations

    Molecular-Based Reappraisal of a Historical Record of Dothistroma Needle Blight in the Centre of the Mediterranean Region

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    In this work, we rechecked, using species-specific Loop mediated isothermal AMPlification (LAMP) diagnostic assays followed by sequencing of fungal isolates at the beta-2-tubulin (tub2) gene region, a historical and never confirmed report of Dothistroma needle blight (DNB) in the introduced Monterey pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) in the mountains in the extreme tip of southern Italy. The report dates back to the mid-1970s, and predates the molecular-based taxonomic revision of the genus Dothistroma that defined the species accepted today. In the fall of 2019, symptomatic needles of Monterey pine and Corsican pine (Pinus nigra subsp. laricio (Poir.) Palib. ex Maire) were sampled in the area of the first finding. The applied diagnostic methods revealed the presence of Dothistroma septosporum (Dorogin) M. Morelet on both pine species. In this way, we: (i) confirmed the presence of the disease; (ii) clarified the taxonomic identity of the causal agent now occurring at that site; (iii) validated the species-specific LAMP diagnostic protocol we recently developed for Dothistroma for use on a portable field instrument, and (iv) showed that the pathogen now also attacks the native P. nigra subsp. laricio, a species particularly susceptible to the disease, indigenous to the mountains of Calabria, which is one of the very few areas where the species’ genetic resources are conserved. Comparative genetic analysis of the rare populations of D. septosporum found in the central Mediterranean region and in the native range of P. nigra subsp. laricio could help to clarify the history of the spread of the pathogen in southern Europe and better evaluate the risk it poses to the conservation of native pine species

    First Documentation of Life Cycle Completion of the Alien Rust Pathogen Melampsoridium hiratsukanum in the Eastern Alps Proves Its Successful Establishment in This Mountain Range

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    Melampsoridium hiratsukanum is an alien rust fungus which has spread pervasively throughout several European countries following introduction into North Europe at the end of the 20th century. The authenticity of several records of the Melampsoridium species infecting alder (Alnus spp.) in the northern hemisphere is questionable, due to the misidentification and confusion that surround many of the older reports. Given this complicated taxonomic history, and since a M. hiratsukanum-like rust is strongly impacting Alnus incana stands in the Alps, probably affecting the bank protection role of this species along rivers, the unambiguous identification of this pathogen was a pressing epidemiological and ecological issue. In this study, field surveys, light (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and molecular characterization were put together in an attempt to solve the conundrum. Field monitoring data, LM and SEM analyses of key taxonomic traits (length of ostiolar cells of uredinium, uredinio-spore shape and size, spore echinulation, number and position of germ pores) and ITS-rDNA sequence-based identification, convergently and unambiguously connected the rust that is causing the current epidemic to the non-native M. hiratsukanum. We documented the completion of the M. hiratsukanum life cycle on its two taxonomically unrelated broadleaf/conifer hosts. This is the first report of M. hiratsukanum from naturally infected Larix decidua in Europe

    Propuesta de modelo de Smart City para la gesti?n de residuos s?lidos en la ciudad de Arequipa.

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    As? como a nivel global, en el Per? ciudades como Arequipa se encuentran en continuo crecimiento poblacional urbano, lo que la enfrenta a nuevas dimensiones en las demandas ciudadanas, como el incremento alarmante en la generaci?n de residuos s?lidos. Bajo ese escenario, las Smart City se presentan como una herramienta hol?stica de pol?tica p?blica que puede atender dichas demandas a trav?s del uso de innovaci?n y TICs. Como resultado del an?lisis de la experiencia internacional y de las brechas encontradas en el diagn?stico situacional, la presente investigaci?n plantea un modelo de Gesti?n de residuos s?lidos en entorno Smart City en la provincia de Arequipa, definiendo diferentes acciones estrat?gicas enmarcadas en cinco dimensiones: Pol?tico Institucional, Gesti?n Smart de Residuos S?lidos, Ciudadan?a, Innovaci?n y Tecnolog?a, y Gesti?n de Recursos Humanos. Finalmente, se realiza la evaluaci?n econ?mica del modelo propuesto, as? como la estimaci?n del valor p?blico del proyecto, proponiendo para tales efectos un ?ndice de bienestar social

    Rapid Detection of Pityophthorus juglandis (Blackman) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) with the Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) Method

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    The walnut twig beetle Pityophthorus juglandis is a phloem-boring bark beetle responsible, in association with the ascomycete Geosmithia morbida, for the Thousand Cankers Disease (TCD) of walnut trees. The recent finding of TCD in Europe prompted the development of effective diagnostic protocols for the early detection of members of this insect/fungus complex. Here we report the development of a highly efficient, low-cost, and rapid method for detecting the beetle, or even just its biological traces, from environmental samples: the loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay. The method, designed on the 28S ribosomal RNA gene, showed high specificity and sensitivity, with no cross reactivity to other bark beetles and wood-boring insects. The test was successful even with very small amounts of the target insect’s nucleic acid, with limit values of 0.64 pg/µL and 3.2 pg/µL for WTB adults and frass, respectively. A comparison of the method (both in real time and visual) with conventional PCR did not display significant differences in terms of LoD. This LAMP protocol will enable quick, low-cost, and early detection of P. juglandis in areas with new infestations and for phytosanitary inspections at vulnerable sites (e.g., seaports, airports, loading stations, storage facilities, and wood processing companies)
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