19 research outputs found

    Biological Synthesis of Nanoparticles Using Endophytic Microorganisms: Current Development

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    Nanotechnology is a new emerging interdisciplinary approach created by pairing of engineering, chemical, and biological approaches. This technology produces nanoparticles using different methods of traditional physical and chemical processes; however, the outlook in this field of research is to use ecofriendly, nontoxic, and clean methods for the synthesis of nanoparticles. Biological entities, such as plants, bacteria, fungi, algae, yeast, and actinomycetes, are the best candidate to achieve this goal. Among the biological route, those involve endophtic microorganisms to reduce metallic ions into nanoparticles. This method is considered as an attractive option and can open a new horizon on the interface of biology and nanotechnology. The present chapter highlights the latest research about endophytic microorganisms and their application in the synthesis of nanoparticles, as well as the mechanisms involved in the formation of nanoparticles

    Lutte contre les trois bruches Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say, 1893), Bruchus rufimanus Boheman, 1833 et Collosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius, 1775) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae : Bruchinae) par les huiles essentielles extraites d'Origanum glandulosum (Lamiacées)

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    Els olis essencials extrets per destiŀlació del vapor de la planta aromàtica Origanum glandulosum (Lamiacées) han estat testats a diferents dosis en els adults de tres espècies de brúquids, Acanthoscelides obtectus (brúquid del fesol), Bruchus rufimanus (brúquid de la fava) i Callosobruchus maculatus (brúquid dels cigrons), a una temperatura de 27 ºC i a una humitat relativa del 75 %. Aquests olis tenen activitat insecticida i hem observat a més una reducció significativa de la posta d?ous en comparació amb el control a les femelles de les tres espècies de brúquids estudiats. Els valors DL50 calculats després de 48 h d?exposició mostren que els olis essencials testats són molt tòxics en A. obtectus, amb una DL50 = 1,44 μl/ 30 g de llavors, presenten una toxicitat una mica variable en C. maculatus, amb una DL50 = 2,06 μl/ 30 g de llavors, i són menys tòxics en B. rufimanus, amb una DL50 = 7,72 μl/ 30 g de llavors. L?anàlisi de la composició química mostra la riquesa dels olis essencials en compostos coneguts per les seves propietats insecticides com l?α-pinè, limonè, el carvacrol i el timol, la qual cosa explica els resultats obtinguts.The essential oils extracted by hydrodistillation from the aromatic plant Origanum glandulosum (Lamiacées) were tested with various amounts on the adults of three beetles Acanthoscelides obtectus (bruchid of bean), Bruchus rufimanus, (bruchid of broad bean) and Callosobruchus maculatus (bruchid of chickpea), at a temperature of 27 ºC and a relative humidity of 75 %. These oils present an insecticidal activity and induce in the females of the three studied beetles a significant reduction of the laying compared with that in the control. The DL50 calculated after 48h of exposure, show the essential oils tested are very toxic on A. obtectus with DL 50 = 1,44 μl/ 30 g of seeds, have a little variable toxicity on C. maculatus with DL 50 = 2.06 μl/ 30 g of seeds, and less toxic on B. rufimanus with DL 50 = 7.72 μl/ 30 g of seeds. The analysis of the chemical composition shows the richness of essential oils in compounds known for their insecticidal properties like the α-pinene, limonene, carvacrol, and the thymol, which explains the results obtained

    Diversity of Actinobacteria Isolated from Date Palms Rhizosphere and Saline Environments: Isolation, Identification and Biological Activity Evaluation

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    The diversity of cultural Actinobacteria in two types of Algerian Sahara environments, including saline environments and date palms rhizosphere, was investigated. In this study, a total of 40 strains of actinomycetes was isolated from different soil samples, using a rehydration and centrifugation method. Molecular identification, based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, revealed that these isolates were affiliated to six clusters corresponding to eight genera, including Streptomyces, Nocardiopsis, Saccharopolyspora, Actinomadura, Actinocorallia, Micromonospora, Couchioplanes, and Planomonospora. A taxonomic analysis, based on the morphological, physiological, biochemical, and molecular investigation, of selected strains, which belong to the rare Actinobacteria, was undertaken. Four strains (CG3, A111, A93, and A79) were found to form distinct phyletic lines and represent new actinobacterial taxa. An assessment of antimicrobial proprieties of the 40 obtained actinomycetes strains, showed moderate to strong antimicrobial activities against fungi and bacteria. This study demonstrated the richness of Algerian Sahara with rare Actinobacteria, which can provide novel bioactive metabolites, to solving some of the most challenging problems of the day, such as multi-drug resistance

    Diversity of Isolated from Date Palms Rhizosphere and Saline Environments: Isolation, Identification and Biological Activity Evaluation.

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    The diversity of cultural Actinobacteria in two types of Algerian Sahara environments, including saline environments and date palms rhizosphere, was investigated. In this study, a total of 40 strains of actinomycetes was isolated from different soil samples, using a rehydration and centrifugation method. Molecular identification, based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, revealed that these isolates were affiliated to six clusters corresponding to eight genera, including Streptomyces, Nocardiopsis, Saccharopolyspora, Actinomadura, Actinocorallia, Micromonospora, Couchioplanes, and Planomonospora. A taxonomic analysis, based on the morphological, physiological, biochemical, and molecular investigation, of selected strains, which belong to the rare Actinobacteria, was undertaken. Four strains (CG3, A111, A93, and A79) were found to form distinct phyletic lines and represent new actinobacterial taxa. An assessment of antimicrobial proprieties of the 40 obtained actinomycetes strains, showed moderate to strong antimicrobial activities against fungi and bacteria. This study demonstrated the richness of Algerian Sahara with rare Actinobacteria, which can provide novel bioactive metabolites, to solving some of the most challenging problems of the day, such as multi-drug resistance

    Phytochemical screening of Algerian Borago officinalis L. and evaluation of its antioxidant and antimicrobial activities against respiratory pathogens

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    Infectious diseases represent a serious problem of public health in countries where resistance of bacteria to antibiotics is spreading alarmingly. A such situation leads researchers to make efforts so they can isolate or synthesize new antimicrobial molecules or molecules that inhibit the resistance mechanisms. Medicinal plants can represent a rich source of such molecules. In this context, Borago officinalis L., a medicinal species which is used traditionally in Algeria to heal infectious diseases of respiratory system is studied. Both of chemical composition and biological activities was explored. GC-MS analysis of the essential oil reveals Spathulenol as the most abundant component (38.24%). HPLC applied on flavonoid’s extract shows the presence of the rutin, quercetin and spathulenol. Tests of antioxidant capacity using the DPPH and the ferric reducing methods reveal an inhibiting effect which is more important with the flavonoid’s extract. Otherwise, resistant strains to conventional antibiotics seem to be sensitive to the flavonoids with MICs varying from10.14µg/ml to 81.12µg/ml. This study indicates that Borago officinalis L. has an important antimicrobial effect, which justifies its potential use in infectious diseases. This species remains poorly investigated, further refined studies on its pure secondary metabolites are needed, in the perspective of identifying new antimicrobial molecules from this plant.

    Phytochemical screening of Algerian borago officinalis L. and evaluation of its antioxidant and antimicrobial activities against respiratory pathogens

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    Context and purpose of the study: Infectious diseases represent a serious problem of public health in countries where resistance of bacteria to antibiotics is spreading alarmingly. Such situation leads researchers to make efforts so they can isolate or synthesize new antimicrobial molecules or molecules that inhibit the resistance mechanisms. Medicinal plants can represent a rich source of such molecules. In this context, Borago offccinaiis L, a medicinal species which is used traditionally in Algeria to heal infectious diseases of respiratory system is studied. Both of chemical composition and biological activities were explored. Main findings: GC-MS analysis of the essential oil reveals the Spathulenol as the most abundant component (38.24%). The HPLC applied on flavonoids extract shows the presence of the Caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, Rutin, Rosmarinic acid, Quercetin and the Gallic acid. The test of the antioxidant capacity using the DPPH method reveal an inhibiting effect which is more important with the flavonoid extract with an EC 50 = 4.02± 0.06μg/ml. Otherwise, resistant strains to conventional antibiotics seem to be sensitive to the flavonoids with MICs varying from10.14μg/ml to 81.12μg/ml. Brief summary and potential implications: This study indicates that Borago offccinalss L. has an important antimicrobial effect, which justifies its potential use in infectious diseases. This species remains poorly investigated, further refined studies on its pure secondary metabolites are needed, in the perspective of identifying new antimicrobial molecules from this plan

    Identification and preliminary characterization of non-polyene antibiotics secreted by new strain of actinomycete isolated from sebkha of Kenadsa, Algeria

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    Objective: To study the antimicrobial activity of actinomycetes isolated from sabkha of Kenadsa and identification of the isolate interesting. Methods: Eighteen strains were isolated, using four culture media from sebkha of Kenadsa (Bechar, Southwestern Algeria). Screening of antimicrobial activity consisted of two steps: in primary screening, antibacterial activity was determined by using the agar plug method against test strains; in secondary screening, better isolate which showed a good activity in the first screening was selected to extract antimicrobial substances. The antimicrobial activities of extracts were evaluated by using Kirby–Bauer disc diffusion method. Partial characterization of antimicrobial products was performed on the basis of chemical revelations, UV–vis spectrometry and infrared spectroscopy. The identification of isolate interesting was performed through morphological, chemical, biochemical and physiological characteristics. Results: All isolates showed antimicrobial activity against at least one microorganism test. One isolate, LAM143cG3, was selected for its broad spectrum and high antimicrobial activity. The isolate LAM143cG3 was identified as Spirillospora sp. The comparison between the species of this genus (Spirillospora rubra and Spirillospora albida) and our isolate indicated the existence of several physiological and biochemical differences which led us to suppose that this was a new member of this genus. Primary characterization of antimicrobial substances produced by the isolate LAM143cG3 indicated the presence of amines and phenols. The UV–vis spectrum suggested a non-polyenic nature of substances secreted by our isolate, while infrared confirmed the presence of amine groups. Conclusions: The result of the present study revealed that sebkha of Kenadsa was rich in rare actinomycetes, that secreted interesting antimicrobial substance

    Vegetables and Fruit as a Reservoir of β-Lactam and Colistin-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria: A Review

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    International audienceAntibacterial resistance is one of the 2019 World Health Organization’s top ten threats to public health worldwide. Hence, the emergence of β-lactam and colistin resistance among Gram-negative bacteria has become a serious concern. The reservoirs for such bacteria are increasing not only in hospital settings but in several other sources, including vegetables and fruit. In recent years, fresh produce gained important attention due to its consumption in healthy diets combined with a low energy density. However, since fresh produce is often consumed raw, it may also be a source of foodborne disease and a reservoir for antibiotic resistant Gram-negative bacteria including those producing extended-spectrum β-lactamase, cephalosporinase and carbapenemase enzymes, as well as those harboring the plasmid-mediated colistin resistance (mcr) gene. This review aims to provide an overview of the currently available scientific literature on the presence of extended-spectrum β-lactamases, cephalosporinase, carbapenemase and mcr genes in Gram-negative bacteria in vegetables and fruit with a focus on the possible contamination pathways in fresh produce

    Metabolic Profile, Biotransformation, Docking Studies and Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Bioactive Compounds Secreted by CG3 Strain

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    Actinobacteria isolated from untapped environments and exposed to extreme conditions such as saltpans are a promising source of novel bioactive compounds. These microorganisms can provide new molecules through either the biosynthetic pathway or the biotransformation of organic molecules. In the present study, we performed a chemical metabolic screening of secondary metabolites secreted by the new strain CG3, which was isolated from a saltpan located in the Sahara of Algeria, via high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with high-resolution mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-HRMS). The results indicated that this strain produced five new polyene macrolactams, kenalactams A–E, along with two known compounds, mitomycin C and 6″-hydroxy-4,2′,3′,4″ tetramethoxy-p-terphenyl. Furthermore, the CG3 isolate could have excellent properties for converting the aglycone isoflavone glycitein to the compounds 6,7-dimethoxy-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)chromen-4-one (50) and 6,7-dimethoxy-3-phenylchromen-4-one (54), and the isoflavone genistein can be converted to 5,7-dimethoxy-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)chromen-4-one (52). Docking studies and molecular dynamics simulations indicated that these three isoflavones, generated via biotransformation, are potent inhibitors of the target protein aromatase (CYP19A1); consequently, they can be used to prevent breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women

    Lutte contre les trois bruches Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say, 1893), Bruchus rufimanus Boheman, 1833 et Collosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius, 1775) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae : Bruchinae) par les huiles essentielles extraites d'Origanum glandulosum (Lamiacées)

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    Els olis essencials extrets per destiŀlació del vapor de la planta aromàtica Origanum glandulosum (Lamiacées) han estat testats a diferents dosis en els adults de tres espècies de brúquids, Acanthoscelides obtectus (brúquid del fesol), Bruchus rufimanus (brúquid de la fava) i Callosobruchus maculatus (brúquid dels cigrons), a una temperatura de 27 ºC i a una humitat relativa del 75 %. Aquests olis tenen activitat insecticida i hem observat a més una reducció significativa de la posta d?ous en comparació amb el control a les femelles de les tres espècies de brúquids estudiats. Els valors DL50 calculats després de 48 h d?exposició mostren que els olis essencials testats són molt tòxics en A. obtectus, amb una DL50 = 1,44 μl/ 30 g de llavors, presenten una toxicitat una mica variable en C. maculatus, amb una DL50 = 2,06 μl/ 30 g de llavors, i són menys tòxics en B. rufimanus, amb una DL50 = 7,72 μl/ 30 g de llavors. L?anàlisi de la composició química mostra la riquesa dels olis essencials en compostos coneguts per les seves propietats insecticides com l?α-pinè, limonè, el carvacrol i el timol, la qual cosa explica els resultats obtinguts.The essential oils extracted by hydrodistillation from the aromatic plant Origanum glandulosum (Lamiacées) were tested with various amounts on the adults of three beetles Acanthoscelides obtectus (bruchid of bean), Bruchus rufimanus, (bruchid of broad bean) and Callosobruchus maculatus (bruchid of chickpea), at a temperature of 27 ºC and a relative humidity of 75 %. These oils present an insecticidal activity and induce in the females of the three studied beetles a significant reduction of the laying compared with that in the control. The DL50 calculated after 48h of exposure, show the essential oils tested are very toxic on A. obtectus with DL 50 = 1,44 μl/ 30 g of seeds, have a little variable toxicity on C. maculatus with DL 50 = 2.06 μl/ 30 g of seeds, and less toxic on B. rufimanus with DL 50 = 7.72 μl/ 30 g of seeds. The analysis of the chemical composition shows the richness of essential oils in compounds known for their insecticidal properties like the α-pinene, limonene, carvacrol, and the thymol, which explains the results obtained