439 research outputs found

    Development of signal processing algorithms for ultrasonic detection of coal seam interfaces

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    A pattern recognition system is presented for determining the thickness of coal remaining on the roof and floor of a coal seam. The system was developed to recognize reflected pulse echo signals that are generated by an acoustical transducer and reflected from the coal seam interface. The flexibility of the system, however, should enable it to identify pulse-echo signals generated by radar or other techniques. The main difference being the specific features extracted from the recorded data as a basis for pattern recognition

    Enhancing Automated Test Selection in Probabilistic Networks

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    In diagnostic decision-support systems, test selection amounts to selecting, in a sequential manner, a test that is expected to yield the largest decrease in the uncertainty about a patient’s diagnosis. For capturing this uncertainty, often an information measure is used. In this paper, we study the Shannon entropy, the Gini index, and the misclassification error for this purpose. We argue that the Gini index can be regarded as an approximation of the Shannon entropy and that the misclassification error can be looked upon as an approximation of the Gini index. We further argue that the differences between the first derivatives of the three functions can explain different test sequences in practice. Experimental results from using the measures with a real-life probabilistic network in oncology support our observations

    Cohomology Groups of Deformations of Line Bundles on Complex Tori

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    The cohomology groups of line bundles over complex tori (or abelian varieties) are classically studied invariants of these spaces. In this article, we compute the cohomology groups of line bundles over various holomorphic, non-commutative deformations of complex tori. Our analysis interpolates between two extreme cases. The first case is a calculation of the space of (cohomological) theta functions for line bundles over constant, commutative deformations. The second case is a calculation of the cohomologies of non-commutative deformations of degree-zero line bundles.Comment: 24 pages, exposition improved, typos fixe

    A sigma model field theoretic realization of Hitchin's generalized complex geometry

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    We present a sigma model field theoretic realization of Hitchin's generalized complex geometry, which recently has been shown to be relevant in compactifications of superstring theory with fluxes. Hitchin sigma model is closely related to the well known Poisson sigma model, of which it has the same field content. The construction shows a remarkable correspondence between the (twisted) integrability conditions of generalized almost complex structures and the restrictions on target space geometry implied by the Batalin--Vilkovisky classical master equation. Further, the (twisted) classical Batalin--Vilkovisky cohomology is related non trivially to a generalized Dolbeault cohomology.Comment: 28 pages, Plain TeX, no figures, requires AMS font files AMSSYM.DEF and amssym.tex. Typos in eq. 6.19 and some spelling correcte

    Calibrated cycles and T-duality

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    For Hitchin's generalised geometries we introduce and analyse the concept of a structured submanifold which encapsulates the classical notion of a calibrated submanifold. Under a suitable integrability condition on the ambient geometry, these generalised calibrated cycles minimise a functional occurring as D-brane energy in type II string theories, involving both so-called NS-NS- and R-R-fields. Further, we investigate the behaviour of calibrated cycles under T-duality and construct non-trivial examples.Comment: 43 pages. v4: formalism and T-duality part considerably expande

    Fredholm Modules on P.C.F. Self-Similar Fractals and their Conformal Geometry

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    The aim of the present work is to show how, using the differential calculus associated to Dirichlet forms, it is possible to construct Fredholm modules on post critically finite fractals by regular harmonic structures. The modules are d-summable, the summability exponent d coinciding with the spectral dimension of the generalized laplacian operator associated with the regular harmonic structures. The characteristic tools of the noncommutative infinitesimal calculus allow to define a d-energy functional which is shown to be a self-similar conformal invariant.Comment: 16 page

    Supersymmetric D-branes and calibrations on general N=1 backgrounds

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    We study the conditions to have supersymmetric D-branes on general {\cal N}=1 backgrounds with Ramond-Ramond fluxes. These conditions can be written in terms of the two pure spinors associated to the SU(3)\times SU(3) structure on T_M\oplus T^\star_M, and can be split into two parts each involving a different pure spinor. The first involves the integrable pure spinor and requires the D-brane to wrap a generalised complex submanifold with respect to the generalised complex structure associated to it. The second contains the non-integrable pure spinor and is related to the stability of the brane. The two conditions can be rephrased as a generalised calibration condition for the brane. The results preserve the generalised mirror symmetry relating the type IIA and IIB backgrounds considered, giving further evidence for this duality.Comment: 23 pages. Some improvements and clarifications, typos corrected and references added. v3: Version published in JHE

    Mirror duality and noncommutative tori

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    In this paper, we study a mirror duality on a generalized complex torus and a noncommutative complex torus. First, we derive a symplectic version of Riemann condition using mirror duality on ordinary complex tori. Based on this we will find a mirror correspondence on generalized complex tori and generalize the mirror duality on complex tori to the case of noncommutative complex tori.Comment: 22pages, no figure

    Towards mirror symmetry \`a la SYZ for generalized Calabi-Yau manifolds

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    Fibrations of flux backgrounds by supersymmetric cycles are investigated. For an internal six-manifold M with static SU(2) structure and mirror \hat{M}, it is argued that the product M x \hat{M} is doubly fibered by supersymmetric three-tori, with both sets of fibers transverse to M and \hat{M}. The mirror map is then realized by T-dualizing the fibers. Mirror-symmetric properties of the fluxes, both geometric and non-geometric, are shown to agree with previous conjectures based on the requirement of mirror symmetry for Killing prepotentials. The fibers are conjectured to be destabilized by fluxes on generic SU(3)xSU(3) backgrounds, though they may survive at type-jumping points. T-dualizing the surviving fibers ensures the exchange of pure spinors under mirror symmetry.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX; v2: references adde

    From non-symmetric particle systems to non-linear PDEs on fractals

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    We present new results and challenges in obtaining hydrodynamic limits for non-symmetric (weakly asymmetric) particle systems (exclusion processes on pre-fractal graphs) converging to a non-linear heat equation. We discuss a joint density-current law of large numbers and a corresponding large deviations principle.Comment: v2: 10 pages, 1 figure. To appear in the proceedings for the 2016 conference "Stochastic Partial Differential Equations & Related Fields" in honor of Michael R\"ockner's 60th birthday, Bielefel
