346 research outputs found

    Effet du chrome niacinate sur la tolérance au glucose chez le rat wistar

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    Le chrome est un oligoélément essentiel à l’homéostasie du métabolisme glucidique qui pourrait également être impliqué dans l’étiologie de l’athérosclérose. Trois lots de rats Wistar males (n= 30, âgé de 2 mois) traités quotidiennement et pendant 28 jours. Les Contrôles ont reçu du sérum physiologique (1µL/g/j, ip), groupe II a reçu la dexaméthasone (DEX : 0,2 mg/kg/j, ip) et les rats du groupe III ont reçu le même régime que le groupe II avec une supplémentation en CrN à partir du 7 ème jour de l’expérimentation (CrN : 30 mg/kg/j, PO). A la fin de l’expérimentation, les rats sont sacrifiés et les paramètres biochimiques sont dosés. Les résultats montrent une augmentation du poids corporel des rats témoins par apport aux groupes traités par la DEX. La supplémentation en CrN n’a pas corrigé l’élévation de la glycémie et de l’insulinémie engendré par la DEX, de même l’ajout du CrN n’influe pas sur la variation des taux de la triglycéridémie et de la cholestérolémie entrainés par la DEX. Il est notamment observé que l’addition du CrN n’a pas d’effet notable sur la fonction hépatique et la fonction rénale.Mots-clés : chrome, diabète, glycémie, dexaméthasone.Effect of chromium niacinate on glucose tolerance at wistar rat Chromium is an essential trace element in the homeostasis of glucose metabolism could also be involved in the etiology of atherosclerosis. Three groups of male Wistar rats (n= 30, age 2 months) treated daily for 28 days. Controls received saline (1µl/g/day, ip), group II received dexamethasone (DEX: 0, 2 mg/kg/day, ip) and the rats of group III received the same treatment as the group II with supplementation CrN from the 7 day of the experiment (CrN: 30 mg/kg/day, PO). At the end of the experiment, the rats were sacrificed and biochemical parameters were measured. The results show an increase in the body weight of control rats contribution to the DEX treated groups. CrN supplementation did not correct the elevation of blood glucose and insulin caused by DEX. The addition of CrN does not affect the rate of change in triglycerides and cholesterol trained by DEX. It is particularly noted that the addition of CrN has no significant effect on liver and kidney functions.Keywords : chromium, diabetes, glucose, dexamethasone

    A prospective, randomised comparison of continuous paravertebral block and continuous intercostal nerve block for post-thoracotomy pain

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    Background: This study aimed to compare paravertebral block and continuous intercostal nerve block after thoracotomy.Methods: Forty-six adult patients undergoing elective posterolateral thoracotomy were randomised to receive either a continuous intercostal nerve blockade or a paravertebral block. Opioid consumption and postoperative pain were assessed for 48 hours .Pulmonary function was assessed by forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) recorded at 4 hours intervals.Results: With respect to the objective visual assessment (VAS), both techniques were effective for post thoracotomy pain. The average VAS score at rest was 29±10mm for paravertebral block and 31.5±11mm for continuous intercostal nerve block. The average VAS score on coughing was 36±14mm for the first one and 4 ±14mm for the second group. Pain at rest was similar in both groups. Pain scores on coughing were lower in paravertebral block group at 42 and 48 hours. Post-thoracotomy function was better preserved with paravertebral block. No difference was found among the two groups for side effects related to technique, major morbidity or duration of hospitalisation.Conclusion: We found that continuous intercostal nerve block and paravertebral block were effective and safe methods for post-thoracotomy pain.

    Cohomology of the Lie Superalgebra of Contact Vector Fields on R1∣1\mathbb{R}^{1|1} and Deformations of the Superspace of Symbols

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    Following Feigin and Fuchs, we compute the first cohomology of the Lie superalgebra K(1)\mathcal{K}(1) of contact vector fields on the (1,1)-dimensional real superspace with coefficients in the superspace of linear differential operators acting on the superspaces of weighted densities. We also compute the same, but osp(1∣2)\mathfrak{osp}(1|2)-relative, cohomology. We explicitly give 1-cocycles spanning these cohomology. We classify generic formal osp(1∣2)\mathfrak{osp}(1|2)-trivial deformations of the K(1)\mathcal{K}(1)-module structure on the superspaces of symbols of differential operators. We prove that any generic formal osp(1∣2)\mathfrak{osp}(1|2)-trivial deformation of this K(1)\mathcal{K}(1)-module is equivalent to a polynomial one of degree ≤4\leq4. This work is the simplest superization of a result by Bouarroudj [On sl\mathfrak{sl}(2)-relative cohomology of the Lie algebra of vector fields and differential operators, J. Nonlinear Math. Phys., no.1, (2007), 112--127]. Further superizations correspond to osp(N∣2)\mathfrak{osp}(N|2)-relative cohomology of the Lie superalgebras of contact vector fields on 1∣N1|N-dimensional superspace

    Research Output on Strategy Formulation and Implementation: Global Picture, Development and Key Bibliometric Indicators

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    Effective strategic management serves as the bedrock for an organization's vision, goal attainment, and stakeholder expectations. Consequently, the research focus on strategy formulation and implementation has garnered substantial attention in recent decades. This study aims to evaluate bibliometric indicators of research productivity related to strategy formulation and implementation through meticulous bibliometric analysis. The analysis leverages the R Bibliometrix library on scientific publications indexed in the Web of Science database. The dataset comprises 672 publications on strategy formulation and implementation, spanning the years 1971 to 2022. Authored by 1,280 contributors from 69 countries, these publications are dispersed across 374 diverse sources, including journals and books. Impressively, this body of work has garnered a cumulative total of 24,635 citations, averaging 36.66 citations per document. The top-ranking article, "The Resource-Based Theory of Competitive Advantage: Implications for Strategy Formulation" by Robert M. Grant, stands out with 3,649 citations. Examining global scientific production, the United States emerges as the primary contributor with 154 publications (22.91%), followed by China with 56 (8.33%) and the United Kingdom with 54 (8.03%). The study's findings offer valuable insights for researchers and organizations alike, shedding light on significant research contributions. This comprehensive assessment enables a nuanced understanding of the historical progression and growth within this domain. Additionally, it identifies current focal points of research and highlights areas that warrant attention in future studies

    Unusual cause of severe toxic methemoglobinemia in an infant: a case report

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    Toxic methemoglobinemia is an uncommon blood disorder induced by exposure to certain oxidizing agents and drugs. In severe cases, this condition may rapidly lead to major cardiopulmonary compromise and constitutes an emergency requiring prompt recognition and early management. We report an unusual case of severe toxic methemoglobinemia following wide cutaneous application of a pomade containing benzocaine, resorcin, and oxyquinoline (Nestosyl®) in an infant

    Metasurface-Inspired Flexible Wearable MIMO Antenna Array for Wireless Body Area Network Applications and Biomedical Telemetry Devices

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    This article presents a sub-6GHz ISM-band flexible wearable MIMO antenna array for wireless body area networks (WBANs) and biomedical telemetry devices. The array is based on metasurface inspired technology. The antenna array consists of 2×2 matrix of triangular-shaped radiation elements that were realized on 0.8 mm thick Rogers RT/duroid 5880 substrate. Radiation characteristics of the array are enhanced by isolating the surface current interaction between the individual radiators in the array. This is achieved by inserting an electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) decoupling structure between the radiating elements. The radiating elements were transformed into a metasurface by etching sub-wavelength slots inside them. The periodic arrangement of slots acts like resonant scatterers that manipulate the electromagnetic response of the surface. Results confirm that by employing the decoupling structure and sub-wavelength slots the isolation between the radiators is significantly improved (>34.8 dB). Moreover, there is an improvement in the array’s fractional bandwidth, gain and the radiation efficiency. The optimized array design for operation over 5.0-6.6 GHz has an average gain and efficiency of 10 dBi and 83%, respectively. Results show that the array’s performance is not greatly affected by a certain amount of bending. In fact, the antenna maintains a gain between 8.65-10.5 dBi and the efficiency between 77-83%. The proposed MIMO antenna array is relatively compact, can be easily fabricated on one side of a dielectric material, allows easy integration with RF circuitry, is robust, and maintains its characteristics with some bending. These features make it suitable for various wearable applications and biomedical telemetry devices
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