12 research outputs found


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    This article reveals the topical issues of attracting investment in the Russian economy. Many investors have raised concerns the risks that they face when exercising their economic activities, despite the provision by the state to certain safeguards and mechanisms for the protection of investments. It is worth noting that the Russian investment market is still quite open and little predictable. Investments are of key importance both for the sectors of the Russian economy and for the regions of the country as a whole. They are one of the prerequisites for overcoming the economic crisis in the country, provide technical progress, improve economic performance at all levels and require significant legislative and organizational efforts on the part of not only Federal and regional authorities, but also individual organizations and financial institutions

    Spatial interpolation methods for spectral-spatial remote sensing image super-resolution algorithm based on gradient descent approach

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    Статья посвящена исследованию влияния различных методов пространственной интерполяции на качество изображения, получаемого в результате повышения спектрального и пространственного разрешения изображений ДЗЗ с помощью метода градиентного спуска. Алгоритм повышения разрешения, рассматриваемый в статье, был предложен авторами ранее и состоит в решении задачи минимизации ошибки модели наблюдения, связывающей изображения низкого разрешения и оцениваемое изображение высокого разрешения. Данная задача оптимизации решается методом градиентного спуска в системе спектральных и пространственных координат изображения высокого разрешения, для чего в модель наблюдения включается оператор пространственной интерполяции. Метод пространственной интерполяция влияет как на качество восстановленного изображения, так и на скорость сходимости процедуры оптимизации, что и обуславливает необходимость выполненного исследования. В статье приведены результаты экспериментального анализа среднеквадратичной ошибки оценки изображения высокого разрешения, скорости сходимости метода градиентного спуска и визуальных артефактов, возникающих на оцененном изображении, при повышении разрешения с использованием следующих методов пространственной интерполяции: билинейная интерполяция, бикубическая интерполяция, sinc-интерполяция и интерполяция по ближайшему соседу. The paper deals with the influence of various spatial interpolation methods on the quality of spectral-spatial remote sensing image super-resolution reconstruction using gradient descent approach. The paper concerns an image super-resolution algorithm proposed by the authors earlier as an example of super-resolution method based on gradient descent approach. The algorithm consists in the observation model error minimization. The observation model connects input low resolution images and desired unknown high resolution image. The gradient descent iterations are performed in the high resolution spectral and spatial coordinates system. For this reason, the spatial interpolation operator is included in the observation model. Since the spatial interpolation methods affect both the quality of the reconstructed image and the algorithm convergence rate, the aim of our research is to select the most appropriate spatial interpolation method. In this paper, we examined such image quality indicators as the root-mean-square and absolute errors of the estimated high-resolution image, algorithm convergence rate, and the textural and color artifacts as well. The article presents the results of spatial-spectral super-resolution reconstruction of the hyperspectral remote sensing image fragments for such spatial interpolation methods as bilinear, bicubic and nearest neighbor interpolation.Настоящая работа была выполнена при поддержке грантов РФФИ № 18-07-00748 а и № 16-29-09494 офи_м

    Wavelet processing of time series to improve the accuracy of information representation

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    В работе рассмотрен метод понижения погрешности представления информации в телекоммуникационных системах мониторинга путем фильтрации шумов и флуктуаций уровней отсчетов временных рядов. Для решения данной задачи используется метод вейвлет-обработки, в частности, уменьшение влияния флуктуаций временного ряда осуществляется путем вычисления аппроксимирующих коэффициентов n-го порядка, что соответствует выполнению многоуровневой статистической обработки значений отсчетов временных рядов и эквивалентно прохождению сигнала через фильтр нижних частот. Кроме того, точность представления информации повышается за счет подавления компонент шумового процесса методом выполнения операции трешолдинга над детализирующими коэффициентами до n-го уровня разложения. В этом случае предлагается реализовать алгоритм трешолдинга по критерию адаптивного штрафного порога. The paper considers a method of reducing the error in the representation of information in telecommunication monitoring systems by filtering noise and fluctuations in the levels of samples of time series. To solve this problem, the wavelet-processing method is used, in particular, the effect of time-series fluctuations is reduced by calculating approximating coefficients of the n-th order, which corresponds to performing multilevel statistical processing of the values of the time series readings and is equivalent to passing the signal through the low-pass filter. In addition, the accuracy of information representation is enhanced by suppressing the components of the noise process by performing a tresholding operation on the detailing coefficients up to the n-th level of the decomposition. In this case, it is proposed to implement the tresholding algorithm according to the criterion of the adaptive penalty threshold.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта No 17-48-330726


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    Soil contamination by plastic is a global problem. Most experimental studies focus on microplastics, but large fragments, such as a variety of packaging and plastic bags, make up a significant component of plastic pollution. The effects of large fragments of household plastic debris on soil invertebrate communities are largely unexplored. The use of metabarcoding can greatly simplify the assessment of the taxonomic composition of soil invertebrates as well as their symbionts and parasites. However, the method is still underdeveloped and requires verification by classical approaches. We used metabarcoding and the traditional approach based on the morphological identification of invertebrates in assessing the effect of macroplastics on soil animal communities. Fragments of transparent or black polyethylene film measuring 40 × 40 cm were fixed on the soil surface in four forest ecosystems. After 9 months, the total abundance of mesofauna in general and individual groups of invertebrates (Collembola, Mesostigmata) was significantly reduced in the soil under the film compared to the control plots. The presence of the film did not affect the abundance of macrofauna, but in some biotopes the abundance of Isopoda, Hemiptera and Chilopoda increased and the number of Coleoptera and Diptera larvae decreased under the plastic film. The applied modification of metabarcoding revealed a significantly lower diversity of invertebrates (66 families, 105 genera) compared to the morphological method of identification (95 families, 127 genera). Wolbachia and Rickettsia, typical endosymbionts of invertebrates, but not other common parasites, were noted. In contrast to the morphological method of determination, metabarcoding revealed no significant differences in the taxonomic composition of invertebrates in the soil under the film and in the control soil. However, the significant correlation between the results of morphological identification and metabarcoding confirms the ability of metabarcoding to detect even small changes in the taxonomic composition of soil invertebrate communities