353 research outputs found


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    Purpose: To analyse the metabolic changes in the liver cells of experimental animals after prolonged treatment with simvastatin.Materials and Methods: Our experiment was taken on 40 rates (males) which were divided on two groups: 1-st (control) – 20 intact animals; 2-nd (experimental) – 20 animals who took simvastatin during 3 months (Zocor, 20 mg) on 1,5 mg once per day.Results and Summary: Estimation the level of glycolysis metabolites, activity of enzymes of carbohydrates and energetic metabolism and antioxidant protection gave us possibility to established that one of the pathophysiologic damage of liver functions after the prolonged treatment with statins was hypoxia which characterized by decreasing velocityof key pathways of energetic metabolism and decreasingof powerof enzymatic antioxidant defense

    Retrobulbar blockade during eyeball enucleation surgery in children with retinoblastoma

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    Retinoblastoma (RB) is a malignant tumor of the embryonic nerve retina.Purpose. To determine the effectiveness of retrobulbar blockade (RbB) with ropivacaine 0.5% for intra- and postoperative analgesia, as well as for the prevention of oculocardial reflex (OCR), postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) during enucleation.Material and methods. A prospective randomized controlled clinical trial was performed. Eighty patients aged 0 to 10 years were included, who were randomly assigned to the RbB group (retrobulbar blockade with ropivacaine 0.5% with general anesthesia) (n=40) and the GA control group (general anesthesia) (n=40).Results. There were no complications in the RbB group caused by the methodology. In the intraoperative period, the average dose of fentanyl in the RbB group was 4.7±0.7 μg/kg, which is significantly lower than in the OA group of 10.1±1.9 μg/kg (p<0.05). OCR in the RbB group was observed in 5% of cases versus 100% in the GA group (p=0.002). The average VAS score was 1.8 vs. 3.7 60 minutes after surgery (p<0.001). For the first time 12 hours after surgery, PONV was not observed in the RBB group, and in the control group it was observed in 45% of patients.Conclusion. The study revealed that intraoperative retrobulbar blockade with 0.5% ropivacaine solution in children with RB is effective and safe. Provides stable intraoperative hemodynamics and reduces the need for opioids. Promotes the prevention of OCD and PONV, as well as the improvement of postoperative analgesia during the operation of enucleation of the eyeball i n pediatric


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    Aim. To assess effect of ferrotherapy on course of ischemic heart disease (IHD) associated with mild iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and latent iron deficiency (ID). Material and methods. 80 male patients, coal miners, aged 51±7.9 years, were observed. 28 patients had angina pectoris associated with the mild IDA, 23 patients experienced myocardial infarction accompanied by the mild IDA and 29 patients had angina with latent ID. Latent ID was defined in case of iron plasma level ≤12 µg/l, IDA was diagnosed in case of hemoglobin level <130 mg/l. The minimal hemoglobin level observed in patients was 107g/l. ICD clinical characteristics were compared before and after 3-week iron-based treatment in individualized doses. Results. Latent ID and mild IDA aggravated angina and increased ectopic myocardial activity in patients with IHD. Iron-based therapy with appropriate nutrition reduced angina attacks frequency, duration and intensity, decreased nitroglycerin consumption and increased exercise tolerance. Conclusion. Normalization of haemoglobin level and iron plasma concentration in the mild IDA as well as normalization of iron plasma concentration in ID in patients with IHD reduces ede-ma and dyspnea, decreases heart rate. These effects are provided due to the treatment with elementary iron in individualized course dose, which improves clinical status and minimizes the adverse reactions

    Course of COVID-19 in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Regional Experience

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    Aim: to study the course of COVID-19 in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) using the example of the region of the Republic of Tatarstan.Material and methods. The study included 101 patients diagnosed with IBD and COVID-19, who were observed in two infectious diseases hospitals in Kazan (Republican Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan and City Clinical Hospital No. 7) and on an outpatient basis from April 2020 to March 2022. All patients underwent physical examination, laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, including a PCR test for SARSCoV-2. Chest computed tomography was performed in patients with clinical signs of moderate to severe COVID-19.Results. Ulcerative colitis (UC) was diagnosed in 60 (59.4 %) patients, Crohn's disease (CD) — in 41 (40.6 %) patients. The mean age of the patients was 41.0 ± 14.7 years, of which 59 (58.4 %) were men and 42 (41.6 %) were women. A comparative analysis of patients with and without IBD and CT-verified lung disease was carried out. It was found that the development of viral pneumonia was influenced by age over 55 years (39.2 ± 9.7 vs. 46.3 ± 10.6, p < 0.05), increased Body Mass Index (BMI) (23.1 ± 5.35 vs. 30.25 ± 6.17, p < 0.05), hypertension (6 (8.3 %) vs. 8 (27.6 %), p < 0.05), diabetes mellitus (2 (2.7 %) vs. 5 (17.2 %), p < 0.05), the use of corticosteroids in the treatment of IBD (8 (11.1 %) vs. 10 (34.5 %), p < 0.05). In a comparative analysis of patients with IBD and COVID-19 from the SECURE-IBD database and own data, it was found that the average age of patients was comparable (42.7 vs 41.0). At the same time, in our group of male patients, there were slightly more people with DM, increased BMI, and an active course of IBD. The proportion of hospitalized patients was higher. In our cohort, there were fewer patients receiving biological therapy, but more patients on 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) and systemic corticosteroids. At the same time, lethal outcomes were comparable.Conclusion. In patients with IBD, the development of viral pneumonia was influenced by known risk factors for COVID-19: age over 55 years (p < 0.05, odds ratio (OR) 3.153), increased BMI (p < 0.05, OR 1.667), hypertension  (p < 0.05, OR 2.724), diabetes (p < 0.05, OR 1.489), as well as the use of systemic corticosteroids (p < 0.05, OR 1.5)

    Efficiency results of the project to attract applicants to the medical-preventive faculty

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    The article describes the result of organizing medical quests and quizzes for students from specialized biomedical classes by students of the Ural State Medical University to increase the motivation for choosing the profession of a medical doctor.В статье описаны результаты проведения медицинских квестов и квизов для абитуриентов из профильных медико-биологических классов студентами Уральского государственного медицинского университета для повышения мотивации выбора профессии врача-лечебника

    Retargeted adenoviruses for radiation-guided gene delivery

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    The combination of radiation with radiosensitizing gene delivery or oncolytic viruses promises to provide an advantage that could improve the therapeutic results for glioblastoma. X-rays can induce significant molecular changes in cancer cells. We isolated the GIRLRG peptide that binds to radiation-inducible 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein (GRP78), which is overexpressed on the plasma membranes of irradiated cancer cells and tumor-associated microvascular endothelial cells. The goal of our study was to improve tumor-specific adenovirus-mediated gene delivery by selectively targeting the adenovirus binding to this radiation-inducible protein. We employed an adenoviral fiber replacement approach to conduct a study of the targeting utility of GRP78-binding peptide. We have developed fiber-modified adenoviruses encoding the GRP78-binding peptide inserted into the fiber-fibritin. We have evaluated the reporter gene expression of fiber-modified adenoviruses in vitro using a panel of glioma cells and a human D54MG tumor xenograft model. The obtained results demonstrated that employment of the GRP78-binding peptide resulted in increased gene expression in irradiated tumors following infection with fiber-modified adenoviruses, compared with untreated tumor cells. These studies demonstrate the feasibility of adenoviral retargeting using the GRP78-binding peptide that selectively recognizes tumor cells responding to radiation treatment

    Behavior and Impact of Zirconium in the Soil–Plant System: Plant Uptake and Phytotoxicity

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    Because of the large number of sites they pollute, toxic metals that contaminate terrestrial ecosystems are increasingly of environmental and sanitary concern (Uzu et al. 2010, 2011; Shahid et al. 2011a, b, 2012a). Among such metals is zirconium (Zr), which has the atomic number 40 and is a transition metal that resembles titanium in physical and chemical properties (Zaccone et al. 2008). Zr is widely used in many chemical industry processes and in nuclear reactors (Sandoval et al. 2011; Kamal et al. 2011), owing to its useful properties like hardness, corrosion-resistance and permeable to neutrons (Mushtaq 2012). Hence, the recent increased use of Zr by industry, and the occurrence of the Chernobyl and Fukashima catastrophe have enhanced environmental levels in soil and waters (Yirchenko and Agapkina 1993; Mosulishvili et al. 1994 ; Kruglov et al. 1996)


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    Primary liver liposarcoma is an extremely rare disease, only thirteeen cases have been previously reported. We present the clinical case of primary liver liposarcoma and the first use of hepatospecific contrast media - (gadoxetic acid) for its diagnosis. A 69-year-old male patient came with complaints of abdomenal pain and fever. MR images showed a lobulated mass in both liver lobes, with high signal intencity on T2WI and local regions of signal loss on fat-saturated images (FatSat). The tumor restricted diffusion on DWI and ADC-maps and showed homogenous enhancement of the nodules and thick septa on dynamic phase images with slow wash-out on hepatobiliary phase images. The resected material appeared as red-yellow, soft - elastic disintegrating tumor with foci of necrosis. Histologycal and immunohistochemical analysis showed a dedifferentiated liposarcoma.Первичная липосаркома печени - чрезвычайно редкое заболевание, на настоящий момент в зарубежной литературе опубликовано всего 13 случаев. Мы представляем клиническое наблюдение пациента с первичной липосаркомой печени и первый опыт применения гепатоспецифического магнитно-резонансного контрастного средства (гадоксетовой кислоты) для ее диагностики. Пациент 69 лет обратился с жалобами на боли в правом подреберье и субфебрильную температуру. При МРТ в обеих долях печени определялось многоузловое образование, неоднородного повышенного на Т2-ВИ МР-сигнала с участками гипоинтенсивного сигнала на последовательностях с подавлением жира (FatSat). Образование ограничивало диффузию на DWI и ADC-картах. При динамическом контрастировании в паренхиматозную фазу отмечалось равномерное распределение контрастного препарата по перегородкам и в многочисленных узлах образования. В гепатоспецифические фазы контрастирования отмечалось медленное вымывание КВ из отдельно лежащих узлов и перегородок образования. После хирургического удаления опухоли макропрепарат представлял собой красно-желтую, мягко-эластичную распадающуюся опухоль с наличием кровоизлияний и очагов некроза. При последующем гистологическом и иммуногистохимическом исследовании - ткань опухоли соответствует дедифференцированной липосаркоме

    Space Weather and Its Impact on Psycho-Emotional State of the Inhabitants of Different Latitudes

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    Purpose of the research was to conduct a comparative analysis of the psychological characteristics of the inhabitants of the northern and middle latitudes, depending on their psychological sensitivity to changes in geomagnetic disturbances Materials and Methods: The study included 78 relatively healthy volunteers (women and men, the average age of 44.2[36.7; 54.3] years) living in the polar (Tiksi), subpolar (Yakutsk) and middle (Saratov) latitudes. Monitoring of the studied indicators was carried out during March and April 2016. To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: the Spielberger-Khanin scale for reactive (situational) and personal anxiety; E. Heim's technique for revealing individual coping strategies; the projective psycho-geometric test. Every day, during March and April 2016, the Kp-index, an integral indicator of changing geomagnetic disturbance was used. Depending on the identified matches, the peak values of the reactive anxiety by Spielberger-Khanin and Kp-index (not less than 60% of cases), all volunteers were divided into 2 groups. Group 1 included persons with similar overlap and, therefore, carriers of psychological sensitivity to changes in the action of heliogeomagnetic factors. Group 2 included persons without a specified sensitivity, (i.e., no coincidences). Results: In the course of the study, both coinciding and latitude-related differences in the psychological characteristics of different groups of volunteers were established. In the inhabitants of the polar and subpolar latitudes, especially in Group 1, the behavioral sphere was the most vulnerable (no constructive coping strategies). In addition, their changes in the emotional sphere contributed to the manifestation of aggressiveness and suppression of emotions against the background of general concentration, purposefulness and integrity of the individual. Regardless of the latitude of residence, volunteers, psychologically sensitive to changes in heliogeomagnetic factors, were more constructive in the emotional sphere, and the least in the behavioral, which gives reason to state that, depending on the factors of space weather, the behavior of the individual is the most vulnerable