423 research outputs found

    Determinants of Productivity per Employee: an Empirical Estimation Using Panel Data

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    Two different approaches are used in this article to study productivity per employee: the determinants of its growth rate in the 1990s are first examined, and then the determinants of its level, using a more structural approach. ICT are shown to have a positive and significant effect on both growth rates and levels of productivity. This result is consistent with that of Gust and Marquez (2002), although the sample of countries is larger and GMM are used. In both sections of the paper, the employment rate and productivity exhibit a significant negative relationship, arising from the concentration of employment on the most productive members of the workforce. Indicators of financial depth and price stability are found to be significant.Productivity ; Panel ; Generalized method of moments ; Information and communication technology (ICT) ; Growth accounting

    Caractérisation de la sédimentation des barrages en Algérie

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    Le problĂšme de la sĂ©dimentation des barrages en AlgĂ©rie est connu dans le monde de par de son importance. Devant cet Ă©tat de fait la mesure de l'envasement des barrages prĂ©sente un intĂ©rĂȘt certain pour la quantification des sĂ©diments et l'exploitation des ouvrages.L'objectif de cette Ă©tude est de contribuer Ă  la quantification de l'alluvionnement afin de mieux cerner le dimensionnement des ouvrages hydrotechniques, d'accroĂźtre leur durĂ©e de vie et de rĂ©duire les coĂ»ts de rĂ©alisation.L'Ă©tude porte sur un Ă©chantillon de dix neuf barrages algĂ©riens situĂ©s dans des bassins versants rĂ©partis sur l'ensemble du territoire. Une premiĂšre rĂ©flexion a conduit Ă  identifier la diversitĂ© des caractĂ©ristiques hydromorphomĂ©triques (indice d'altitude, densitĂ© de drainage, indice de pente, coefficient d'Ă©coulement,...) et climatiques (sub-humide, semi-aride, aride). L'Ă©valuation des volumes des sĂ©diments Ă  partir des mesures topo-bathymĂ©triques effectuĂ©es Ă  deux dates diffĂ©rentes montre une perte dans la capacitĂ© initiale, soit 44 % de perte en volume total, qui arrive Ă  la limite de la durĂ©e de vie pour certains barrages.Ces derniers rĂ©sultats ont Ă©tĂ© exploitĂ©s dans l'objectif de mettre au point un modĂšle simple d'Ă©valuation du dĂ©bit solide accumulĂ© dans les cuvettes des barrages algĂ©riens. A partir de cette rĂ©flexion, nous avons cherchĂ©, graphiquement, les liens prĂ©fĂ©rentiels entre la sĂ©dimentation, la superficie et les diffĂ©rents facteurs hydromorphomĂ©triques. On distingue trois facteurs dĂ©terminants : la superficie, l'indice d'altitude et le coefficient d'Ă©coulement. Ces derniers paramĂštres ont permis de mettre au point un abaque de classification en fonction de la continentalitĂ© et le contexte gĂ©ographique. Cette taxonomie a Ă©tĂ© confirmĂ©e par l'analyse en composantes principales des donnĂ©es hydromorphomĂ©triques des systĂšmes Ă©tudiĂ©s.Deposition of sediments reduces available water reserves by 2 to 5% annually in the man-made reservoirs of the Maghreb countries. The sedimentation problem in the reservoirs in Algeria is known in the world because of its great importance. Measurement of reservoir siltation is important for quantifying deposits and for the management of the hydraulic structures.The A.N.R.H. (Agence Nationale des Ressources Hydrauliques) first attempted to monitor sediment loads by measuring the transport of suspended particles (solids) at hydrometric stations in a punctual and irregular manner (draw-off by section without measuring the flow velocity), but the real value of a stream's sediment load is not necessarily well reflected by point sampling (TOUAT, 1989; TOUAT 1991). Therefore, small experimental drainage basins (several hectares in surface area) were equipped to study sedimentation in the hydraulic structures solely by slope erosion (RAMDANE, 1989). The specific rate of erosion in catchment areas in northern Algeria is the highest in the Maghreb. Often it is over 2000 T/km_/year in the majority of the Tellian Altas basins, and it reaches 4000 T/km_/year in the Dahra coastal catchments. These latter values are among the highest in the world (DERI and HUSSON, 1976; HEUSCH, 1970). Variation of sediment transport across the wetted cross section was demonstrated by gauging the suspended particles transport (Tss). Measurement of the transport of bed material is not reliable, and often it is estimated as a percentage of the Tss.The aim of the present study was to improve sedimentation estimates in order to define proper hydrotechnical structures and to increase their lifetime (reducing the costs).Firstly, we consider information stemming from the topo-bathymetric processing of 19 reservoirs in Algeria. From the temporal point of view, the information is not homogeneous (not synchronous) but has the advantage of integrating all the types of sediments (suspended sediments, bed-load, bank erosion, deposits). The first analysis involved the topo-bathymetric survey of basins done by the A.N.B. (Agence Nationale des Barrages) (DERI, 1977; SOGREAH and A.N.R.H., 1989) whose data were used as the basis for the calibration of our models. These latter data then allow one to predict the lifetime of recent reservoirs. Calibration consists of defining the most influential hydroclimatic or physico-geographic factors affecting the abrasion rate.We therefore considered 19 Algerian reservoirs located on basins distributed over a large part of the country. A first analysis led to the identification of the variability of the hydromorphometric (elevation index, drainage density, slope index, flow coefficient, etc.) and the climatic (subhumid, semiarid, arid) characteristics of the studied sample. The evolution of the volumes of sediments from two topo-bathymetric measurements, which were carried out on two different dates, shows a variation between 0.017 Mm3/year and 2.490 Mm3/year. This sedimentation resulted in a loss of initial capacity, which caused the termination of life for some reservoirs. The initial capacity of the 19 considered reservoirs was about 1900 Mm3; it was reduced to 1070 Mm3 in 1986. This constitutes a loss of 44% of the initial volume.These latter results were exploited with the aim of setting up a simple model for estimating sedimentation and classifying the Algerian reservoirs. To this end, we graphed the preferential links between sedimentation, surface area, and the different hydromorphometric factors. Three determining factors were identified: the surface of drainage basin, the elevation index and the flow coefficient. These latter parameters allowed a spatial partitioning of the examined sample into three groups relating to the continentality (elevation index) and to the geographical context: class Ia represents the catchment basins of the high plateau zone (hard and semiarid climate, a low abrasion rate); class Ib corresponds to an intermediate position (with a moderate physico- geographic characteristic, the cross between two climates: semiarid and subhumid); and class II shows the coastal drainage basins that are influenced by the subhumid climate (an important abrasion rate). Essentially, sedimentation within the hydraulic structures depends on the precipitation, the surface area of the catchment, the inflow (flow coefficient) and the relief (elevation index).In order to validate these first results, we further analyzed the data table corresponding to the hydromorphometric factors and the abrasion rates. The study of such a data table is generally carried out by interpreting the information by means of multidimensional statistical methods (principal components analysis, factorial discriminant analysis, factorial correspondence analysis, etc.). These descriptive methods, which disregard part of the initial information, yield an explanation of the structure of the data table in terms of hydrokinematics (ROLET and SEGUIN, 1986a and b). Principal components analysis, based on multivariate analysis, implies a mode of deductive reasoning (MUDRY, 1991). Application of this approach showed the presence of sub- groups, based on hydromorphometric criteria, which resembled those obtained earlier in the graphical analysis. This method also corroborated the formulated observations in the classification analysis (graphical analysis).Calibration of the mathematic functions, based on the minimization of errors by the least squares method, on the data series of "abrasion rate surface" according to the observed data of deposits, showed a significant correlation between the observed and calculated values of the abrasion rate. These latter models did not integrate all the determining factors, but they can be useful for predicting the lifetime of recent reservoirs. These last tasks complete the results obtained from the previous models based on the classification (graphical, principal components analysis) and reveal great efficient means.To validate our models, we extended our application to the other sites presenting neighbouring conditions. We then inserted in our abacus the deposition values for seven Tunisian reservoirs and sixteen Moroccan reservoirs. The three countries (Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco) are situated in the same physico-geographical conditions. The Tunisian and Moroccan reservoirs behave similarly to those in Algeria and present a high abrasion rate.Another task is the application of the taxonomy already defined (classification abacus model) to recent reservoirs to determine their lifetime. Regarding the obtained results, it turns out that the reservoirs that have a short calculated lifetime must be fitted out first, and a specific protocol for their exploitation must be established.Finally, we can imagine the use of our abacus to include the bathymetric results of the reservoirs in order to analyze the evolution of the abrasion rate in small catchment areas. It is suggested that further investigation be undertaken in order to better understand the hierarchical organization of the factors that govern sedimentation in the Maghreb

    The social space of Muslim spokespersons in India: a typology

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    Who speaks for Muslims in India? Who are the leaders of the so-called “Muslim organizations”? What family and educational background do they come from? What is their relation to state authorities? This article addresses these questions by presenting a unique biographical database and the results of statistical treatments (multiple correspondence analysis and hierarchical clustering on principal components) of this data. This database includes the office-bearers of a selected set of organizations that make representative claims in the name of Muslims in India. Our analysis thus delineates the contours of the social space of Muslim spokespersons in India and describes how it is structured. We will highlight the important distinctions that exist among these Muslim spokespersons, such as the opposition between secular figures and religious scholars, the political sphere and the educational sphere, and between central power and regional dynamics. This analysis allows us, more broadly, to examine the role of state authorities in the definition of the Muslim spokespersons, thus highlighting some of the characteristic features of state secularism in India

    Pourquoi attend-on aux urgences ?

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    Dans le cadre de l’introduction dans le secteur public de mĂ©thodes inspirĂ©es du secteur privĂ© ( « New Public Management »), une agence tente d’imposer Ă  certains services d’urgence l’indicateur du « temps d’attente et de passage des patients » comme reflĂ©tant leur plus ou moins bonne organisation. Cet article examine tout d’abord les raisons du recours Ă  cet indicateur, que sa polysĂ©mie rend acceptable par une palette d’acteurs variĂ©s. Il montre ensuite des cas d’appropriation et de rejet de cet indicateur par les professionnels de santĂ©, ainsi que les raisons de ces positionnements. Il montre enfin que cet indicateur reflĂšte des questions certes organisationnelles, mais aussi mĂ©dicales et sociales qui sont largement ignorĂ©es par ses auteurs.A French agency attempts to benchmark emergency services according to their mean waiting time. This paper explains first why this indicator has been chosen. It describes further how this indicator is appropriated or rejected by various physicians or other emergency staff. It shows also how the choice of this indicator entails an underestimation of medical and social factors responsible for problems in contemporary French hospitals

    Laïcité et démocratie : Leçons d'un colloque franco-turc

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    Le colloque franco-turc sur « LaĂŻcitĂ© et dĂ©mocratie » qui s'est tenu les 25 et 26 novembre 1999 Ă  l'Institut français d'Istanbul, Ă©tait naturellement tournĂ© vers un effort d'Ă©lucidation de la situation turque Ă  la lumiĂšre de l'expĂ©rience française et d'autres expĂ©riences nationales : celles de la Tunisie, du Japon, d'un certain nombre de pays d'Afrique et d'Asie. Les Ă©changes qui se sont dĂ©roulĂ©s et les rĂ©actions du public ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que le mĂȘme mot peut recouvrir des stratĂ©gies diffĂ©rentes, que les rapports avec une religion ­ l'Islam, et plus particuliĂšrement ses manifestations contemporaines ­ prĂ©sentent des caractĂ©ristiques diffĂ©rentes selon que cette religion est, comme en Turquie, une composante historique de la personnalitĂ© nationale, et majoritaire, ou, comme en France, une religion allogĂšne, cette religion serait-elle pratiquĂ©e par un grand nombre de fidĂšles, enfin que, dans un cadre national, mĂȘme en terrain neutre, plus encore que dans un cadre international, les fausses Ă©vidences et les non-dits rendent un dĂ©bat de ce type d'une fĂ©conditĂ© alĂ©atoire

    Nova GestĂŁo PĂșblica e profissĂ”es hospitalares

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    The New Public Management (NPM) can be defined as a set of practices and ideas with the aim of importing work methods from the private sector to the public sector. In this context, what happens to the public officials responsible for implementing public policies, those whose daily practices are directly affected by this desire for transformation? To answer this question, we use observations, interviews and questionnaires carried out as part of a thesis on French hospitals in the 2000s. We show that there is differentiation within the health professions. The NPM faces opposition of the dominant segments, whereas the dominated segments are more compromised with it, especially because they have fewer means to resist it.A Nova GestĂŁo PĂșblica (NGP) pode ser definida como um conjunto de prĂĄticas e de ideias que visam importar para o setor pĂșblico os mĂ©todos de trabalho do setor privado. O que acontece nesse contexto com os funcionĂĄrios pĂșblicos, responsĂĄveis pela execução das polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas, aqueles cujas prĂĄticas diĂĄrias sĂŁo diretamente atingidas por esse desejo de transformação? Para responder a essa pergunta, utilizamos observaçÔes, entrevistas e questionĂĄrios realizados como parte de uma tese sobre os hospitais franceses na dĂ©cada de 2000. Mostramos que existem diferenças significativas no interior das profissĂ”es de saĂșde, mas que a NGP enfrenta a oposição dos segmentos dominantes, ao passo que os segmentos dominados aderem em maior nĂșmero a ela, especialmente porque eles tĂȘm menos meios de resistir Ă  NGP.La Nouvelle Gestion Publique (NGP) peut ĂȘtre dĂ©finie comme un ensemble de pratiques et d’idĂ©es visant Ă  importer dans le secteur public les mĂ©thodes de travail du secteur privĂ©. Qu’advientil, dans ce contexte, des agents publics, chargĂ©s de mettre en Ɠuvre les politiques publiques, ceux dont les pratiques quotidiennes sont directement visĂ©es par cette volontĂ© de transformation ? Pour rĂ©pondre Ă  cette question, nous utilisons des observations, entretiens et questionnaires rĂ©alisĂ©s dans le cadre d’une thĂšse sur les hĂŽpitaux français dans les annĂ©es 2000. Nous montrons qu’il y a bien diffĂ©renciation au sein des professions de santĂ©, mais que la NGP se heurte Ă  l’opposition des segments dominants de celles-ci, tandis que les segments dominĂ©s composent davantage avec elle notamment parce qu’ils ont moins les moyens de lui rĂ©siste

    Laïcité et démocratie : Leçons d'un colloque franco-turc

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    Le colloque franco-turc sur « LaĂŻcitĂ© et dĂ©mocratie » qui s'est tenu les 25 et 26 novembre 1999 Ă  l'Institut français d'Istanbul, Ă©tait naturellement tournĂ© vers un effort d'Ă©lucidation de la situation turque Ă  la lumiĂšre de l'expĂ©rience française et d'autres expĂ©riences nationales : celles de la Tunisie, du Japon, d'un certain nombre de pays d'Afrique et d'Asie. Les Ă©changes qui se sont dĂ©roulĂ©s et les rĂ©actions du public ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que le mĂȘme mot peut recouvrir des stratĂ©gies diffĂ©rentes, que les rapports avec une religion ­ l'Islam, et plus particuliĂšrement ses manifestations contemporaines ­ prĂ©sentent des caractĂ©ristiques diffĂ©rentes selon que cette religion est, comme en Turquie, une composante historique de la personnalitĂ© nationale, et majoritaire, ou, comme en France, une religion allogĂšne, cette religion serait-elle pratiquĂ©e par un grand nombre de fidĂšles, enfin que, dans un cadre national, mĂȘme en terrain neutre, plus encore que dans un cadre international, les fausses Ă©vidences et les non-dits rendent un dĂ©bat de ce type d'une fĂ©conditĂ© alĂ©atoire

    Tarangini Sriraman, In Pursuit of Proof: A History of Identification Documents in India

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    Against a history of ID documents that defines them only as products of the State, Tarangini Sriraman, historian and political scientist, shows how such documents are co-products of the State and its subjects, the citizens. In so doing, she distances herself from a classical and Eurocentric history of ID documents, defined as “a unique subset of bureaucratic writing,” which considers them only from the perspective either of the Enlightenment or of a history of domination (Sriraman 2018:26). O..

    Macedonia(s): Un ensayo metodolĂłgico

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    La « question macĂ©donienne » a Ă©tĂ©, tout au long de la fin du XIXĂšme siĂšcle, une question critique, plus encore que dÂżautres, entre toutes celles que posait le dĂ©membrement de lÂżEmpire ottoman. Avec une telle prĂ©misse, lÂżauteur se penche sur la complexitĂ© de lÂż « impasse macĂ©doine » pendant le XXĂšme siĂšcle Ă  cause, entre autres, de lÂżoccupation hitlerienne des Balkans et le principe de lÂżintangibilitĂ© des frontiĂšres de 1945 ou encore le dĂ©membrement ultĂ©rieur de lÂżancienne Yougoslavie en 1991. Enfin, la recherche dÂżune solution conciliatrice, pour le contentieux grĂ©co-macĂ©doine, entre les paramĂštres internationaux et lÂżidentitĂ© Ă©tatique, est susceptible dÂżĂȘtre utile afin de faire face Ă  dÂżautres situations conflictuelles. En ce sens, si lÂżon conclut, comme il paraĂźt raisonnable, Ă  la faillite du raisonnement en termes de droits historiques, Ă  la fragilitĂ© des critĂšres religieux et linguistique, peut-on chercher le salut dans le recours, par voie dÂżemprunt au droit civil, ou, tout Ă  la fois, Ă  ce droit et au droit commercial, Ă  la notion de droit au nom.The ÂżMacedonian questionÂż was, throughout the 19th century, a critical issue, even more than others, among all those raised by the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire. With this premise, the author examines the complexity of the ÂżMacedonian impasseÂż during the 20th century due to, among other reasons, the occupation of the Balkans by Hitler and the 1945 principle of the intangibility of the borders, as well as the subsequent dismemberment of the former Yugoslavia in 1991. Finally, the search for a conciliatory solution, concerning the Greco-Macedonian conflict, between international parameters and state identity, is likely to be useful for other situations of conflict. Indeed, if it is possible to reasonably conclude that different approaches have failed in terms of historical rights, as well as in terms of fragility of the religious and linguistic criteria, it could be useful to resort to some concepts borrowed from Civil Law, or at the same time from such Law and Commercial Law, as the notion of right to name.La « question macĂ©donienne » a Ă©tĂ©, tout au long de la fin du XIXĂšme siĂšcle, une question critique, plus encore que dÂżautres, entre toutes celles que posait le dĂ©membrement de lÂżEmpire ottoman. Avec une telle prĂ©misse, lÂżauteur se penche sur la complexitĂ© de lÂż « impasse macĂ©doine » pendant le XXĂšme siĂšcle Ă  cause, entre autres, de lÂżoccupation hitlerienne des Balkans et le principe de lÂżintangibilitĂ© des frontiĂšres de 1945 ou encore le dĂ©membrement ultĂ©rieur de lÂżancienne Yougoslavie en 1991. Enfin, la recherche dÂżune solution conciliatrice, pour le contentieux grĂ©co-macĂ©doine, entre les paramĂštres internationaux et lÂżidentitĂ© Ă©tatique, est susceptible dÂżĂȘtre utile afin de faire face Ă  dÂżautres situations conflictuelles. En ce sens, si lÂżon conclut, comme il paraĂźt raisonnable, Ă  la faillite du raisonnement en termes de droits historiques, Ă  la fragilitĂ© des critĂšres religieux et linguistique, peut-on chercher le salut dans le recours, par voie dÂżemprunt au droit civil, ou, tout Ă  la fois, Ă  ce droit et au droit commercial, Ă  la notion de droit au nom.Universidad Pablo de Olavid

    Quelles garanties des droits sociaux en temps de crise?

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    LÂżarticle aborde, suite Ă  la ligne critique que lÂżauteur a mise en Ă©vidence en dÂżautres occasions, la situation dĂ©plorable des demandeurs dÂżasile et des refugiĂ©s et leurs droits sociaux, en condamnant les politiques publiques qui sont aux gages des intĂ©rĂȘts Ă©conomiques. En ce sens, lÂżUnion EuropĂ©enne est allĂ©e en construisant une sociĂ©tĂ© dominĂ©e par la concurrence et la prĂ©caritĂ©, dans laquelle lÂżhomme est sacrifiĂ© aux choses. Par contre, le ComitĂ© EuropĂ©en des Droits Sociaux, organe du Conseil de lÂżEurope, brandit la Charte Sociale EuropĂ©enne comme instrument de garantie des droits sociaux.Les directeurs de la revue Lex Social, Revue des Droits Sociaux remercient publiquement Jean Michel Belorgey pour lÂżeffort rĂ©alisĂ© dans le but de rĂ©diger et nous faire parvenir Ă  temps cet article et Alix David pour les inestimables «bons offices» Ă  ce sujet.Jean-Michel Belorgey est DiplĂŽmĂ© de Sciences Po Paris et de l'Ecole Nationale d'Administration. Il a Ă©tĂ© pendant plus d'un demi-siĂšcle membre du Conseil d'Etat (France), dont il a prĂ©sidĂ© la Section du rapport et des Ă©tudes. Ancien DĂ©putĂ© de lÂżAllier (1981-1993) et PrĂ©sident des Affaires culturelles, familiales et sociales de lÂżAssemblĂ©e nationale. Il a aussi Ă©tĂ© PrĂ©sident du ComitĂ© EuropĂ©en des Droits Sociaux, pĂ©riode durant laquelle il a contribuĂ© Ă  mettre en avant cette institution de contrĂŽle des droits sociaux. ConsidĂ©rĂ© comme "le PĂšre" du Revenu Minimum d'Insertion (RMI), il prĂ©side la Commission centrale d'aide sociale, dont il a façonnĂ© la jurisprudence pour les allocataires du revenu minimum d'insertion.ArtĂ­culo revisado por pare
