1,386 research outputs found

    Vis unita fortior (1842). Francesco Restelli e il dibattito sulle societĂ  commerciali in Lombardia

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    Nel periodo della Restaurazione la scienza giuridica lombarda tende a concentrarsi sul contenuto dei codici e a subire l’influenza francese. Questa attitudine è ancora più marcata nell’ambito del diritto commerciale, per via della scelta operata dagli austriaci di mantenere il Code de commerce nei domini italiani. In questo quadro, è degna di attenzione la decisione dell’Istituto Lombardo di proporre, per il premio scientifico biennale del 1842, un quesito che stimola i concorrenti ad affrontare criticamente il diritto societario. Fra gli scritti pervenuti, spicca la memoria del giovane avvocato Francesco Restelli, che contiene un vero e proprio progetto alternativo al titolo Delle società del Codice.In Lombardy during the Restoration era the legal science tends to concentrate on the codes’ content and to be influenced by the French one. This inclination is even stronger in the field of commercial law as the Austrians had decided not to abrogate the Code de commerce in the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia. Against this background, it is remarkable that in 1842 the Istituto Lombardo chooses a theme for its “premio scientifico biennale” that spurs the competitors to deal with company law with a critical approach. Among the submitted entries, Francesco Restelli’s one is the most interesting: he drew up a veritable alternative to title III, book I of the Commercial Code

    A new digital image correlation software for displacements field measurement in structural applications

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    Recently, there has been a growing interest in studying non-contact techniques for strain and displacement measurement. Within photogrammetry, Digital Image Correlation (DIC) has received particular attention thanks to the recent advances in the field of low-cost, high resolution digital cameras, computer power and memory storage. DIC is indeed an optical technique able to measure full field displacements and strain by comparing digital images of the surface of a material sample at different stages of deformation and thus can play a major role in structural monitoring applications. For all these reasons, a free and open source 2D DIC software, named py2DIC, was developed at the Geodesy and Geomatics Division of DICEA, University of Rome "La Sapienza". Completely written in python, the software is based on the template matching method and computes the displacement and strain fields. The potentialities of Py2DIC were evaluated by processing the images captured during a tensile test performed in the Lab of Structural Engineering, where three different Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer samples were subjected to a controlled tension by means of a universal testing machine. The results, compared with the values independently measured by several strain gauges fixed on the samples, demonstrate the possibility to successfully characterize the deformation mechanism of the investigated material. Py2DIC is indeed able to highlight displacements at few microns level, in reasonable agreement with the reference, both in terms of displacements (again, at few microns in the average) and Poisson's module

    DSM Generation from Single and Cross-Sensor Multi-View Satellite Images Using the New Agisoft Metashape: The Case Studies of Trento and Matera (Italy)

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    DSM generation from satellite imagery is a long-lasting issue and it has been addressed in several ways over the years; however, expert and users are continuously searching for simpler but accurate and reliable software solutions. One of the latest ones is provided by the commercial software Agisoft Metashape (since version 1.6), previously known as Photoscan, which joins other already available open-source and commercial software tools. The present work aims to quantify the potential of the new Agisoft Metashape satellite processing module, considering that to the best knowledge of the authors, only two papers have been published, but none considering cross-sensor imagery. Here we investigated two different case studies to evaluate the accuracy of the generated DSMs. The first dataset consists of a triplet of Pléiades images acquired over the area of Trento and the Adige valley (Northern Italy), which is characterized by a great variety in terms of geomorphology, land uses and land covers. The second consists of a triplet composed of a WorldView-3 stereo pair and a GeoEye-1 image, acquired over the city of Matera (Southern Italy), one of the oldest settlements in the world, with the worldwide famous area of Sassi and a very rugged morphology in the surroundings. First, we carried out the accuracy assessment using the RPCs supplied by the satellite companies as part of the image metadata. Then, we refined the RPCs with an original independent terrain technique able to supply a new set of RPCs, using a set of GCPs adequately distributed across the regions of interest. The DSMs were generated both in a stereo and multi-view (triplet) configuration. We assessed the accuracy and completeness of these DSMs through a comparison with proper references, i.e., DSMs obtained through LiDAR technology. The impact of the RPC refinement on the DSM accuracy is high, ranging from 20 to 40% in terms of LE90. After the RPC refinement, we achieved an average overall LE90 <5.0 m (Trento) and <4.0 m (Matera) for the stereo configuration, and <5.5 m (Trento) and <4.5 m (Matera) for the multi-view (triplet) configuration, with an increase of completeness in the range 5–15% with respect to stereo pairs. Finally, we analyzed the impact of land cover on the accuracy of the generated DSMs; results for three classes (urban, agricultural, forest and semi-natural areas) are also supplied

    Water reservoirs monitoring through Google Earth Engine: application to Sentinel and Landsat imagery

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    Water reservoirs are subjected to increasing hydrological stresses, therefore continuous and accurate monitoring of these resources is essential to ensure their sustainable management. This work proposes a methodology to remotely monitor the surface extent of water reservoirs through the analysis of satellite multispectral and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images. In particular, a segmentation strategy was implemented within Google Earth Engine (GEE) to distinguish water bodies from the surrounding land surface and measure their extension, by applying three different approaches to Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and Landsat-8 imagery. The first approach is based on the use of the Automatic Water Extraction Index (AWEI) and the self-adaptive Otsu's thresholding method, the second approach is based on the image conversion from RGB (Red-Green-Blue) to HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) and the use of a parametric threshold, the third approach is based on the use of SAR imagery and an empirically selected threshold. A "static"validation strategy was developed from scratch and standard segmentation metrics were computed to evaluate the accuracy of the three approaches. The average values of the F1 scores on the Sentinel imagery were equal to 0.95, 0.90, and 0.84 for the three approaches, respectively. The same metric on the Landsat imagery was 0.95 for the first approach and 0.93 for the second approach. The best approach, i.e. the AWEI-based method, was then applied to three water bodies in which the effects of the 2022 drought were particularly significant: Sawa lake (Iraq), Poyang lake (China), and Po river (Italy). The results visually highlighted the good performance of the approach in segmenting the water bodies from the surrounding areas

    Micro-Hole Generation by High-Energy Pulsed Bessel Beams in Different Transparent Materials

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    Micro-drilling transparent dielectric materials by using non-diffracting beams impinging orthogonally to the sample can be performed without scanning the beam position along the sample thickness. In this work, the laser micromachining process, based on the combination of picosecond pulsed Bessel beams with the trepanning technique, is applied to different transparent materials. We show the possibility to create through-apertures with diameter on the order of tens of micrometers, on dielectric samples with different thermal and mechanical characteristics as well as different thicknesses ranging from two hundred to five hundred micrometers. Advantages and drawbacks of the application of this technique to different materials such as glass, polymer, or diamond are highlighted by analyzing the features, the morphology, and the aspect-ratio of the through-holes generated. Alternative Bessel beam drilling configurations, and the possibility of optimization of the quality of the aperture at the output sample/air interface is also discussed in the case of glass

    New trends In geomatics, in the era of low-cost sensors, free and open source software and HPC geoBigData infrastructures

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    Nowadays, the increasing availability of low-cost sensors, Free and Open Source Software and High Performance Computing infrastructures allows Geomatics to widen its application scope, by stimulating new challenging investigations related to the modeling of the observations provided by these new tools. In this review, some methodologies and applications, developed at the Geodesy and Geomatics Division (DICEA) of University of Rome \u201cLa Sapienza\u201d, are shortly presented. Directly related to the mentioned software and hardware new availability, they are already ready for industrial applications and hopefully can broaden the interaction between Geomatics and other scientific and technological disciplines

    Digital image correlation from commercial to FOS software. A mature technique for full-field displacement measurements

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    In the last few decades, there has been a growing interest in studying non-contact methods for full-field displacement and strain measurement. Among such techniques, Digital Image Correlation (DIC) has received particular attention, thanks to its ability to provide these information by comparing digital images of a sample surface before and after deformation. The method is now commonly adopted in the field of civil, mechanical and aerospace engineering and different companies and some research groups implemented 2D and 3D DIC software. In this work a review on DIC software status is given at first. Moreover, a free and open source 2D DIC software is presented, named py2DIC and developed in Python at the Geodesy and Geomatics Division of DICEA of the University of Rome "La Sapienza"; its potentialities were evaluated by processing the images captured during tensile tests performed in the Structural Engineering Lab of the University of Rome "La Sapienza" and comparing them to those obtained using the commercial software Vic-2D developed by Correlated Solutions Inc, USA. The agreement of these results at one hundredth of millimetre level demonstrate the possibility to use this open source software as a valuable 2D DIC tool to measure full-field displacements on the investigated sample surface

    Protocollo operativo per la validazione geometrica di immagini satellitari ad alta risoluzione

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    Nel corso degli ultimi anni, la crescente disponibilità di scene acquisite da satelliti ad alta risoluzione spaziale (come GeoEye-1, WorldView-1 e 2 o Pleiades-1A e 1B) ha aperto nuovi scenari di applicazioni realizzabili a scala medio-piccola, avvicinando così il Telerilevamento alla Fotogrammetria

    SARS-CoV-2 Entry Genes Expression in Relation with Interferon Response in Cystic Fibrosis Patients

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    The expression rate of SARS-CoV-2 entry genes, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), the main viral receptor and the proteases, furin and transmembrane serine protease 2 (TMPRSS2) in cystic fibrosis (CF) individuals is poorly known. Hence, we examined their levels in upper respiratory samples of CF patients (n = 46) and healthy controls (n = 45). Moreover, we sought to understand the interplay of type I interferon (IFN-I) with ACE2, furin and TMPRSS2 by evaluating their gene expression with respect to ISG15, a well-known marker of IFN activation, in upper respiratory samples and after ex vivo IFNβ exposure. Lower ACE2 levels and trends toward the reduction of furin and TMPRSS2 were found in CF patients compared with the healthy controls; decreased ACE2 amounts were also detected in CF individuals with pancreatic insufficiency and in those receiving inhaled antibiotics. Moreover, there was a strong positive correlation between ISG15 and ACE2 levels. However, after ex vivo IFNβ stimulation of nasopharyngeal cells, the truncated isoform (dACE2), recently demonstrated as the IFN stimulated one with respect to the full-length isoform (flACE2), slightly augmented in cells from CF patients whereas in those from healthy donors, dACE2 levels showed variable levels of upregulation. An altered expression of SARS-COV-2 entry genes and a poor responsiveness of dACE2 to IFN-I stimulation might be crucial in the diffusion of SARS-CoV-2 infection in CF

    Incidencia de fracturas en sistemas de limas reciprocantes

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    Introducción Presentaremos dos sistemas de limas reciprocantes fabricados a partir de la aleación Niti M- Wire. Ambos tienen una cinemática reciprocante asimétrica con movimientos cíclicos para la preparación completa del conducto, en un paso operatorio. Aunque tienen flexibilidad, pueden fracturarse durante la preparación del conducto (Sattapan et al. 2000, Parashos & Nesser 2006), lo que puede influir en el resultado del tratamiento del mismo (Spili et al. 2005). El propósito de los estudios analizados fue evaluar la incidencia y modo de fractura según tipo de sistema y lima. También los defectos de los instrumentos después de cada uso. Objetivos El objeto de estudio fueron varios autores sobre la incidencia de fracturas en sistemas de limas reciprocantes y los motivos que las ocasionan. Se compararán los sistemas Wave One y Reciproc.Facultad de Odontologí
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