621 research outputs found

    El estado de las autonomías : surgimiento, análisis y posibles reformas de un modelo único

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    Este año se cumplen cuarenta años del nacimiento de la Constitución Española de 1978 que trajo consigo un modelo territorial único: El Estado de las autonomías. Este modelo se ha ido perfilando a lo largo de más de cuarenta años: desde las preautonomías hasta la actualidad, momento en el cual se encuentra inmerso en una situación de crisis alarmante. Problemas concretos como la financiación autonómica, el reparto competencial entre Estado y Autonomías o la posición jurídica de los Estatutos de Autonomía en el ordenamiento Español unidos a otros factores han provocado una situación de inestabilidad política y jurídica que conviene corregir de inmediato. Para ello, en este trabajo proponemos reformas, en la mayoría de los casos Constitucionales para estos problemas concretos, a la vez que nos planteamos las distintas alternativas de cambio de modelo territorial, prestando especial atención a las propuestas federalista

    A Megacam Survey of Outer Halo Satellites. IV. Two foreground populations possibly associated with the Monoceros substructure in the direction of NGC2419 and Koposov2

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    The origin of the Galactic halo stellar structure known as the Monoceros ring is still under debate. In this work, we study that halo substructure using deep CFHT wide-field photometry obtained for the globular clusters NGC2419 and Koposov2, where the presence of Monoceros becomes significant because of their coincident projected position. Using Sloan Digital Sky Survey photometry and spectroscopy in the area surrounding these globulars and beyond, where the same Monoceros population is detected, we conclude that a second feature, not likely to be associated with Milky Way disk stars along the line-of-sight, is present as foreground population. Our analysis suggests that the Monoceros ring might be composed of an old stellar population of age t ~ 9Gyr and a new component ~ 4Gyr younger at the same heliocentric distance. Alternatively, this detection might be associated with a second wrap of Monoceros in that direction of the sky and also indicate a metallicity spread in the ring. The detection of such a low-density feature in other sections of this halo substructure will shed light on its nature.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Geographic Variation in Hospital Costs Associated with Isolated Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

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    Background: In the past decades, studies have shown geographic variation (GV) in patient risk factors, outcomes, and practice patterns associated with coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). However, contemporary data related to GV in hospital costs associated with isolated CABG are lacking. Methods: We used the latest (2014) National Inpatient Sample (NIS) to identify patients aged 18+ who underwent primary isolated CABG. ICD-9 codes were used to derive comorbidities and procedure types. Geographic stratification was based on the Census Division of each hospital. The NIS cost-to-charge ratio based on all-payer inpatient costs and census-region-based medical care consumer price index were used to adjust for hospital costs. Data were analyzed by using weighted analyses of variance for continuous data and the Rao-Scott likelihood ratio Chi-square test for categorical variables. Weighted multivariable regression analysis was used to examine the association between geographic divisions and adjusted costs (log-transformed) by adjusting for patient/procedure characteristics, and comorbidities. Results: In 2014, 132,270 patients from 1,106 hospitals underwent a primary isolated CABG. The median (Inter Quartile Range [IQR]) of age was 65 (57-72) years (GV: 63-66), and 25% was female (GV: 22%-28%). Overall, 47% were admitted electively (GV: 38%-54%), 28% had a primary diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (GV: 26%-32%), 84% had hypertension (GV: 80%-86%), 27% had atrial fibrillation (GV: 24%-29%), 12% (GV: 8%-15%) had 4+ coronary arteries bypassed and 1.4% died in-hospital (GV: 0.9%-2.1%). The median (IQR) hospital length of stay was 6.9 (5.0-9.8) days (GV: 6.3-7.2). The median (IQR) adjusted cost was 34,949(34,949 (26,879-44,725),whichwaslowestintheEastSouthCentral(44,725), which was lowest in the East South Central (28,854 [23,26823,268-36,193]) and highest in the East North Central (41,852[41,852 [32,965-$54,223]) (p Conclusions: We observed statistically, but not clinically, significant differences in patient baseline characteristics. Geographic variations exist in outcomes and the hospital costs among patients who underwent isolated CABG

    Levantamiento del velo corporativo : una mirada desde el gobierno corporativo y la teoría económica

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    Ilustraciones, gráficos, tablasEl presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo llevar a cabo un análisis, desde la óptica de la teoría económica, del levantamiento del velo corporativo conceptualizado como uno de los mecanismos asociados al Gobierno Corporativo. Para ello, aborda la evolución del concepto de Gobierno Corporativo desde el ámbito económico. Posteriormente, desarrolla los conceptos desde las teorías de la Agencia y de la Nueva Economía Institucional. Finalmente, presenta un análisis aplicado del levantamiento del velo corporativo con base en las anteriores corrientes de pensamiento. A partir del análisis se puede concluir que el levantamiento del velo corporativo permite alinear intereses entre los administradores y proveedores del capital, reduciendo el riesgo asociado a la inversión y a su vez disminuyendo la compensación dada al administrador para incentivar su buen comportamiento. Así mismo, en escenarios con un marco jurídico institucional débil, se presentan otros mecanismos ex ante y ex post al proceso contractual.This research work aims to carry out an analysis, from the perspective of economic theory, of the lifting the corporate veil conceptualized as one of the mechanisms associated with Corporate Governance. This work traces the evolution of the Corporate Governance concept from the economic field. Subsequently, it develops the concepts from the Agency Theory and the New Institutional Economy. Finally, it presents an applied analysis of lifting the corporate veil based on the previous schools of thought. From the analysis, it can be concluded that the lifting the corporate veil allows the interests of managers and providers of capital to be aligned, reducing the risk associated with the investment and, in turn, reducing the compensation given to the manager to encourage good behavior. Likewise, other mechanisms are presented ex ante and ex post in the contractual process for scenarios with weak legal frameworks.MaestríaMagíster en Economí

    Model theory of finite and pseudofinite rings

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    The model theory of finite and pseudofinite fields as well as the model theory of finite and pseudofinite groups have been and are thoroughly studied. A close relation has been found between algebraic and model theoretic properties of pseudofinite fields and psedudofinite groups. In this thesis we present results contributing to the beginning of the study of model theory of finite and pseudofinite rings. In particular we classify the theory of ultraproducts of finite residue rings in the context of generalised stability theory. We give sufficient and necessary conditions for the theory of such ultraproducts to be NIP, simple, NTP2 but not simple nor NIP, or TP2 . Further, we show that for any fixed positive l in N the class of finite residue rings {Zp=p^l Zp : p in P} forms an l-dimensional asymptotic class. We discuss related classes of finite residue rings in the context of R-multidimensional asymptotic classes. Finally we present a classification of simple and semisimple (in the algebraic sense) pseudofinite rings, we study NTP2 classes of J-semisimple rings and we discuss NIP classes of finite rings and ultraproducts of these NIP classes

    Levantamiento del velo corporativo : una mirada desde el gobierno corporativo y la teoría económica

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    Ilustraciones, gráficos, tablasEl presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo llevar a cabo un análisis, desde la óptica de la teoría económica, del levantamiento del velo corporativo conceptualizado como uno de los mecanismos asociados al Gobierno Corporativo. Para ello, aborda la evolución del concepto de Gobierno Corporativo desde el ámbito económico. Posteriormente, desarrolla los conceptos desde las teorías de la Agencia y de la Nueva Economía Institucional. Finalmente, presenta un análisis aplicado del levantamiento del velo corporativo con base en las anteriores corrientes de pensamiento. A partir del análisis se puede concluir que el levantamiento del velo corporativo permite alinear intereses entre los administradores y proveedores del capital, reduciendo el riesgo asociado a la inversión y a su vez disminuyendo la compensación dada al administrador para incentivar su buen comportamiento. Así mismo, en escenarios con un marco jurídico institucional débil, se presentan otros mecanismos ex ante y ex post al proceso contractual.This research work aims to carry out an analysis, from the perspective of economic theory, of the lifting the corporate veil conceptualized as one of the mechanisms associated with Corporate Governance. This work traces the evolution of the Corporate Governance concept from the economic field. Subsequently, it develops the concepts from the Agency Theory and the New Institutional Economy. Finally, it presents an applied analysis of lifting the corporate veil based on the previous schools of thought. From the analysis, it can be concluded that the lifting the corporate veil allows the interests of managers and providers of capital to be aligned, reducing the risk associated with the investment and, in turn, reducing the compensation given to the manager to encourage good behavior. Likewise, other mechanisms are presented ex ante and ex post in the contractual process for scenarios with weak legal frameworks.Magíster en EconomíaMaestrí

    Estudo da suplementaçao com óleo de peixe associado ao de fígado de tubarao sobre o crescimento tumoral e resposta de macrófagos peritoneais em ratos portadores de tumor de Walker 256

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    Orientador: Luiz Cláudio FernandesDissertaçao (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciencias Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduaçao em Biologia Celular e Molecular. Defesa: Curitiba, 2007Inclui bibliografiaA cascata de eventos que levam ao processo oncológico tem despertado a atenção de muitos investigadores, especialmente em relação às gorduras monoinssaturadas e ácido linoléico. Em contrapartida, vários estudos têm demonstrado que a maior ingestão de ácidos graxos ômega 3 reduz os riscos de doenças crônico-degenerativas, e que os alquilgliceróis, presentes no óleo de fígado de tubarão, apresentam elevada atividade biológica, especialmente em processos neoplásicos. Este estudo visou investigar o efeito da suplementação com óleo de peixe em associação com o óleo de fígado de tubarão sobre o crescimento tumoral e atividade macrofágica de ratos Wistar portadores e não portadores de tumor de Walker 256. Ratos Wistar, pós desmame, foram suplementados com óleo de peixe, ou óleo de fígado de tubarão ou gordura de coco e associações (1g/kg p.c.) até a fase adulta. Ao completarem 70 dias, foram divididos em subgrupos, inoculados ou não com suspensão de células do tumor de Walker 256 (2x 10 elevado a 7 céls/mL). No 14º após a inoculação do tumor, os animais foram ortotanasiados por decapitação. Os tumores foram retirados e pesados, os macrófagos peritoneais aspirados assepticamente para a mensuração da adesão, fagocitose e volume lisossomal., produção de óxido nítrico e de ânion superóxido. Nossos resultados mostram que a suplementação com os diferentes óleos e associações não provocaram elevação significativa da massa corpórea (p>0,05). O peso do tumor dos animais suplementados com gordura de coco (WS) foi maior que o dos ratos com tumor sem suplementação (W). Suplementação dos animais com óleo de tubarão (WT) ou óleo de peixe (WP) reduziu em aproximadamente 50% a massa tumoral (p<0,05 vs. W). A associação de ambos os óleos (WTP) não modificou este parâmetro, entretanto no grupo suplementado com gordura de coco e óleo de fígado de tubarão (WTS), a massa tumoral foi inferior à do grupo WS (p<0,05). Nos macrófagos de ratos sem tumor, com exceção da suplementação com gordura de coco, todos os demais grupos apresentaram incremento da adesão, sendo maior no grupo com óleo de peixe. Na presença do tumor este perfil se alterou onde apenas o grupo suplementado com óleo de fígado de tubarão apresentou aumento significativo (p<0,05) em relação aos demais grupos. Nos indivíduos com e sem tumor a suplementação com óleo de peixe elevou significativamente a fagocitose (p<0,05) não havendo diferença entre os demais grupos. O volume lisossomal aumentou nos animais sem tumor quando comparado ao controle e foi excepcional no grupo com peixe e gordura saturada e, no grupo com tumor todas as suplementações fizeram redução do volume exceto no grupo com óleo de peixe (WP). A produção de ânion superóxido foi expressiva pelos macrófagos PMA-estimulados de animais sem tumor suplementados com óleo de fígado de tubarão. Na presença de tumor isto só ocorreu no grupo com óleo de peixe (WP) e quando da associação com óleo de tubarão (WTP). A produção de óxido nítrico também se elevou com óleo de peixe em relação aos demais grupos sem e com tumor (p<0,05). Nossos dados sugerem que óleo de fígado de tubarão e óleo de peixe tem efeito anti-tumoral contudo sua associação não incrementou a redução da massa tumoral. No cenário de ausência ou presença de tumor ambos tem ação imunomoduladora, contudo comparativamente o óleo de peixe foi mais efetivo. A participação do sistema imunitário via macrófago no combate ao desenvolvimento tumoral não pode ser descartado por estes dados, contudo acreditamos que o macrófago deva ter papel coadjuvante.Fats and fatty acids in general have been implicated in câncer development, in particular those from n-6 poliunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) family. On contrary n-3 PUFA family has ant-cancer properties. Several studies have been shown that n-3 PUFA intake reduce the risk for chronic-degenerative disease development and that alkylglycerols, present in high amount in shark liver oil also have biological properties in neoplasic process. This study aimed to investigate the effect of the association of fish oil and shark liver oil supplementation in non-tumor-bearing and tumor-bearing rats on tumor growth and peritoneal macrophage activity. Wistar rats after weaning were supplemented at a level of 1 g/kg body weight per day provided as single bolus using a pipette with regular chow, coconut fat, fish oil, shark liver oil and association of saturate fat with shar liver oil or fish oil and shark liver oil. At 90 days of age half of the animal were inoculated in the right flanki with a sterile suspension of 2 x 10 to the power of 7 Walker 256 tumor cells, obtained from an ascetic tumor-bearing rat. Fourteen days after tumor inoculation, the animals were killed by decapitation using a guillotine, tumors were removed and peritoneal macrophages harvested. Non-tumor and tumorbearing animals fed regular chow are referred to as C and W, those supplemented with coconut fat are refereed to as S and WS, shark liver oil are refereed to as T and WT, fish oil referred to as P and WP, association of coconut fat and shark liver oil referred to as TS and WTS, and fish oil with shark liver oil are referred to as TP and WTP. Tumor weight in WS group was higher when compared to the other groups (p<0.05). WT and WP groups have 50% lower tumor growth whem compared to W group. The association of both supplementation (WTP) did not cause any further reduction (p>0.05). Peritoneal macrophage from non-tumor-bearing rats supplemented with coconut fat did increase adhesion, however in all those group the adhesion increased significantly where in the P group was higher (p<0.05). In the presence of tumor there was a shift for shark liver oil group being the highest (p<0.05). Phagocytosis was increased by all supplementation and their association even in the presence of tumor. Lisossomal volume increased markedly in the P group and also in the S. In the presence of tumor except in the fish oil supplementation all groups presented reduction of lisossomal volume. Superoxide production in the nontumor- bearing animals was increased in the shark liver oil supplemented PMAstimulated. In the presence of tumor there was a shift to fish oil group. Nitric oxide production increased in the fish oil group tumor or non-tumor-bearing. Our results suggest the either fish oil and shark liver oil have anti-tumor properties and their association did not increase the reduction of tumor growth. Regarding to macrophage activity in the absence or presence of tumor both have immunomodulatory effect however fish oil was more effective. The participation of immune system by macrophage in the tumor growth can not be discharged but we believe that these cells play a coadjuvant role

    Avaliação dos efeitos do óleo de peixe e da capsaicina no câncer, abordagem in vitro e in vivo

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    Orientadora: Dra. Iara Messias ReasonCoorientador: Dr. Luis Claudio FernandesTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Interna. Defesa : Curitiba, 19/12/2014Inclui referências: p. 106-122Resumo: Modificações no padrão dietético ocorridas nos últimos 200 anos promoveram redução no consumo de ácidos graxos poli-insaturados (AGPI) n-3, elevação no consumo de gordura total, saturada e rica em AGPI n-6. Os ácidos graxos poli-insaturados (AGPI) n-3, em especial o ácido graxo eicosapentaenoico (EPA) e docosahexahenóico (DHA), desempenham diferentes efeitos na prevenção do câncer e/ou redução do tumor, menor proliferação das células tumorais e maior peroxidação lipídica. Em adição, atenuam os efeitos da caquexia oncológica e modulam a resposta imunológica. Entretanto, a investigação dos efeitos biológicos do óleo de peixe combinado com outras substâncias de interesse biológico ainda é insuficiente para o delineamento de condutas combinadas para o paciente oncológico. A capsaicina ou 8-metil-N-vanilil 1-6 nonamida, nos últimos dez anos tem sido considerada uma substância promissora, uma vez que seus efeitos sugerem propriedades antitumorais pela indução da apoptose, evento esse fundamental no controle da disseminação de células tumorais. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito isolado e combinado da suplementação com óleo de peixe e capsaicina sobre o tumor de Walker 256 e em linhagens tumorais. Metodologia: Para a abordagem in vivo utilizamos o modelo do tumor de Walker 256, sendo avaliados: parâmetros de caquexia, crescimento tumoral, resposta leucocitária e função renal e hepática. Para a abordagem in vitro foram utilizadas 4 linhagens celulares: B16F10 (melanoma murino), HeLA (câncer de colo do útero), McCoy (Fibroblasto murino) e HepG2 (hepatocarcinoma humano), sendo avaliadas proliferação, viabilidade, apoptose e necrose. Resultados: O óleo de peixe e a capsaicina, isolados ou combinados reduziram significativamente a massa e a proliferação tumoral. Tanto o ômega 3 isolado, quanto combinado com a capsaicina promoveram ganho de massa corporal no período de indução tumoral; aumento no percentual de células apoptóticas e ainda, efeito anti-caquexia. As funções hepáticas e renais em todos os grupos suplementados e tratados foram preservadas. O óleo de peixe e a capsaicina, isolados ou associados reduziram a proliferação linfocitária e promoveram aumento na população dos linfócitos TCD8+ somente nos animais com tumor. A fagocitose e a produção de ânion superóxido em macrófagos e neutrófilos mostrou-se elevada nos grupos suplementados e tratados; enquanto que a retenção de vermelho neutro apresentou-se diferente entre macrófagos e neutrófilos. Na presença de tumor, somente a capsaicina isolada foi capaz de promover elevação na produção de óxido nítrico. Nos modelos in vitro o óleo de peixe e a capsaicina, isolados ou combinados reduziram a proliferação e a viabilidade das linhagens HeLA e HepG2. Óleo de peixe isolado ou associado com a capsaicina promoveu aumento da apoptose das linhagens B16F10, HeLA e HepG2, enquanto que a capsaicina isolada somente foi capaz de aumentar a taxa apoptótica da linhagem HeLA. Interessantemente as suplementações e tratamentos propostos não alteraram a proliferação e a viabilidade da linhagem de fibroblastos murinos, indicando ausência de efeito tóxico sobre células saudáveis. Conclusão: Os resultados indicam a possibilidade para o desenvolvimento de uma terapia anti-câncer combinada. Palavras-chave: Câncer. Óleo de peixe. Capsaicina. Apoptose.Abstract: Changes in dietary pattern in the last 200 years promoted a reduction in the consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) n -3, high in the consumption of total fat, saturated fat and rich in n- 6 PUFA. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) n- 3, especially eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexahenóico (DHA) perform different effects on cancer prevention and / or reduction of the tumor, reduced proliferation of tumor cells and increased peroxidation lipid. In addition, mitigate the effects of cancer cachexia and modulate the immune response. However the evidence of the biological effects of fish oil combined with other substances of biological interest is still insufficient for the design of pipelines combined front to cancer patients. Capsaicin or 8 - methyl - N - vanillyl nonamide 1-6 in the last ten years has been considered a promising substance, its effects suggest antitumor properties by inducing apoptosis, a key event in controlling the spread of tumor cells. Objective: To evaluate the single and combined effect of supplementation with fish oil and capsaicin on cancer models in vitro and in vivo . Methodology: We used in vivo model of Walker 256 tumor and evaluated parameters of cachexia, tumor growth, leukocyte response and renal and hepatic function. Four cell lines were used for in vitro approach: B16F10 ( murinemelanoma), HeLa (cervical cancer), McCoy (murine fibroblast) and HepG2 (human hepatocellular carcinoma ). Results: Fish oil and capsaicin, alone or in combination significantly reduced the tumoral weight and proliferation. Isoleted omega 3 or combined with capsaicin promoted body weight gain during tumor induction; increase in the percentage of apoptotic cells and also anti-cachexia effect. The liver and kidney functions in all supplemented and treated groups were preserved. Fish oil and capsaicin, alone or associated reduced lymphocyte proliferation and promoted an increase of CD8 + lymphocytes in the animals with tumor. The phagocytosis and superoxide anion production in neutrophils and macrophages was high in treated and supplemented groups; while neutral red retention differed among macrophages and neutrophils. In the presence of tumor, only isolated capsaicin was able to promote increase in nitric oxide production. In vitro models of fish oil and capsaicin, alone or in combination reduced the viability and proliferation of the lines HeLa and HepG2. Fish oil alone or in combination with capsaicin caused increased apoptosis of B16F10 lines, HeLa and HepG2, while the isolated capsaicin was only able to increase the apoptotic rate of the HeLa lineage. Interestingly the supplemental and proposed treatments did not affect the proliferation and viability of the murine fibroblasts strain, indicating no toxic effect on healthy cells. Conclusion:These findings may indicate the possibility of development of a cobined anticancer therapy. Keywords: Cancer. Fish oil. Capsaicin. Apoptosis