25 research outputs found

    BNI open and collaborative: how and why

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    A seguito della crisi economica che ha colpito l'Italia negli ultimi anni si è avuta una contrazione delle risorse economiche messe a disposizione delle biblioteche italiane, specialmente di quelle dipendenti dal MIBACT.  In tale contesto, la Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze e l'agenzia bibliografica nazionale che da essa dipende hanno subito un ridimensionamento del loro prodotto, la Bibliografia Nazionale Italiana, condizionata dalla grave contrazione del numero degli addetti alla sua redazione. La ricerca di soluzioni per far fronte alla difficile situazione ha portato a due importanti decisioni che fanno perno sul concetto di natura di servizio pubblico e sul principio della cooperazione. La prima ha portato alla pubblicazione della Bibliografia Nazionale Italiana in forma libera e gratuita sul sito della Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, a decorrere dallo scorso 30 maggio, consentendo alla BNI di mettersi al passo con le principali bibliografie nazionali europee. La seconda consiste nell'avvio di un progetto collaborativo che, seppur confermando il coordinamento bibliografico, la gestione informatica ed il controllo redazionale finale alla Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, si basa sull'apporto di alcune biblioteche di poli SBN dotate di precise caratteristiche di copertura da deposito legale e di specializzazione disciplinare, dando vita ad una Bibliografia Nazionale Italiana cooperativa.A consequence of the economic crisis that affected Italy in the last years is a significant decrease of economic resources for libraries, especially for those depending from the Ministry for Cultural Heritage. In this framework, the National Library of Florence and the National bibliographic agency, belonging to it, suffered a significant reshaping of their output, the Italian National Bibliography (BNI), due to the reduction of people in its editorial staff. The search for solutions to cope with this difficult situation lead to two main decisions, both based on the meaning of public service and on the cooperation principle. The first had the result of the free and online publication of the Italian National Bibliography, starting from May 2016, so that aligning the BNI to other National European Bibliographies. The latter lead to a collaboration project that on one side confirmed the role of the National Library of Florence as bibliographic, technical and editorial coordinator, and on the other opens the National Bibliography to a certain number of libraries with specific traits (legal deposition coverage and subject specialisation), so that contributing to a collaborative Italian National Bibliography

    Documento finale del Gruppo di lavoro sulle biblioteche pubbliche statali della Direzione Generale Biblioteche e Istituti Culturali del Ministero dei beni e delle attivitĂ  culturali e del turismo (MIBACT), approvato dal Consiglio Superiore dei Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici il 13 novembre 2017.

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    The document analyzes the critical issues that inform the Italian State Public Library System, and identifies the priorities for intervention and the consequent actions to perform. It was approved by the Superior Council of the Italian Ministry of Cultural and Natural Heritage on November 13th, 2017 (http://www.beniculturali.it/mibac/multimedia/MiBAC/documents/1519211234845_Resoconto_CSBCP_13_novembre_2017.pdf)

    Per il centenario di Angela Vinay: impegno civile, costruzione e attualitĂ  dei servizi bibliotecari nazionali (Roma, Biblioteca nazionale centrale, 24 novembre 2022)

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    Angela Vinay (1922-1990) was a leading personality in the history of Italian libraries of the twentieth century. Among the numerous and prestigious positions she held, she was the first female president of the Italian Library Association as well as the director of the Central Institute for the Union Catalogue (ICCU), where she conceived and promoted the National Library Service (SBN). This dossier collects the papers of the conference “For Angela Vinay’s centenary: civil commitment, construction and modernity of nationwide library services”, held in her honour at the Central National Library of Rome on the 24th of November 2022.Angela Vinay (1922-1990) è stata un’importante protagonista della storia delle biblioteche italiane del Novecento. Tra i numerosi e prestigiosi incarichi ricoperti è stata la prima donna presidente dell’Associazione italiana biblioteche nonché direttrice dell’Istituto centrale per il catalogo unico (ICCU) dove ideò e promosse il Servizio bibliotecario nazionale (SBN). Il presente dossier raccoglie le relazioni del convegno in suo onore “Per il centenario di Angela Vinay: impegno civile, costruzione e attualità dei servizi bibliotecari nazionali”, svoltosi presso la Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Roma il 24 novembre 2022

    Le Soprintendenze bibliografiche dello Stato

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    The intervention sums up the story of the bibliographic Superintendences, ministerial offices funded in 1919 and transferred to the Regions in 1972, and talks about their positioning within the history of the cultural policies from the Italian unification onwards. Sources used have been legislative and regulatory acts, essays on the subject from different periods and written testimonies of sector's operators. The immediate reason for this has been the need to study the development of state and regional policies on this matter when reform interventions deeply modify the balance of the last forty years. The survey has outlined also the persistence of never-solved problems in the planning of public interventions: for example, different functions have been managed by eclectic structures and at the same time the performance of the single functions has been fragmented based on their own institutions

    Fabrication of submicron-scale SrTiO(3-delta) devices by an atomic force microscope

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    Metacognitive awareness, self-regulation and conceptions of learning in secondary schools

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    L'abilità di organizzare autonomamente il proprio studio è una delle competenze di cui gli studenti necessitano nella scuola secondaria e negli studi universitaria. La ricerca ha inteso indagare le abilità cognitive e metacognitive di 130 sudenti che si apprestano a sostenere l'esame di stato, al fine di valutare il loro senso di auto-efficacia, il livello motivazionale e la capacità di utilizzare le strategie di studio adeguate

    Fabrication and electromechanical actuation of epitaxial SrTiO3 (0 0 1) microcantilevers

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    We report on the fabrication, mechanical characterization and electrostatic actuation of dielectric STO(0 0 1) thin film microcantilevers (MCs). Finite element analysis (FEA) is used for mechanical analysis and for calculating the distribution and the magnitude of the dielectric forces on the actual devices. The actuation of insulating oxide microstructures is of potential interest in the field of ferroelectric/multiferroic materials as well as for developing novel detecting schemes on dielectric oxides. \ua9 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Ballistic Transport at the Nanometric Inhomogeneities in Au/Nb:SrTiO<inf>3</inf> Resistive Switches

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    Novel ballistic electron emission microscopy experiments are reported, aimed to directly visualize and quantify the local inhomogeneities of the effective Schottky barrier height on Au/Nb:SrTiO3 Schottky junctions dominated by interfacial resistance switching effects. The voltage-dependent variation of the local barrier height of the nanometric patches could explain the non-ideal behaviour of the resistance switching effects in transition-metal oxide cells

    Multistate Memory Devices Based on Free-standing VO2/TiO2 Microstructures Driven by Joule Self-Heating

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    Two-terminal multistate memory elements based on VO2/TiO2 thin film microcantilevers are reported. Volatile and non-volatile multiple resistance states are programmed by current pulses at temperatures within the hysteretic region of the metal-insulator transition of VO2. The memory mechanism is based on current-induced creation of metallic clusters by self-heating of micrometric suspended regions and resistive reading via percolation