271 research outputs found

    Fast Hardware Implementations of Static P Systems

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    In this article we present a simulator of non-deterministic static P systems using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology. Its major feature is a high performance, achieving a constant processing time for each transition. Our approach is based on representing all possible applications as words of some regular context-free language. Then, using formal power series it is possible to obtain the number of possibilities and select one of them following a uniform distribution, in a fair and non-deterministic way. According to these ideas, we yield an implementation whose results show an important speed-up, with a strong independence from the size of the P system.Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Spanish Government under the project TEC2011-27936 (HIPERSYS)European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)Ministry of Education of Spain (FPU grant AP2009-3625)ANR project SynBioTI

    Caracterización de protones acelerados por láser y estudio de aplicaciones médicas

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    El desarrollo de técnicas de amplificación láser durante las últimas décadas [1] ha derivado en una tecnología capaz de generar pulsos ultracortos, decenas de femtosegundo, y ultraintensos, en el orden del terawatio-petawatio. Estos pulsos pueden ser utilizados como vehículo para la aceleración de partículas hasta energías multi-MeV [2]. Esto ha generado un gran interés de la comunidad científica por la posibilidad de utilizar esta tecnología, que podría tener virtudes frente a los mecanismos de aceleración convencionales, además de ser un terreno inexplorado. El objetivo principal es el diseño de un experimento, detectores de partículas, y todos los periféricos necesarios para demostrar la capacidad de un sistema láser desarrollado en el marco de colaboración del proyecto por la empresa Proton Laser Applications S.L para acelerar protones, además de desarrollar los detectores de partículas necesarios para poder caracterizar correctamente a estos. Para la puesta en marcha del experimento, es necesaria una revisión bibliográfica del estado del arte para comprender las distintas propiedades de este tipo de experimentos. El experimento está compuesto de tres partes principales; por una lado el pulso láser, cuyos parámetros físicos tales como energía, duración y forma influirán en el proceso de aceleración [3]. Es necesario tener bajo control estos parámetros, y para ello hay que implementar las técnicas ópticas y los mecanismos de caracterización adecuados. Por otro lado la interacción del láser con la materia, cuyo fruto será la generación de un haz de protones. La interacción involucra la focalización del láser mediante dispositivos ópticos, además del microposicionamiento del blanco de interacción en la posición idónea. Un ambiente de vacío será necesario para la ejecución del experimente, su diseño e implementación serán tareas incluidas en el proyecto. Y por último la correcta caracterización del haz. Los protones acelerados tienen propiedades muy características. Para su correcta caracterización es necesario el uso de detectores específicos. Tipos de detectores ampliamente utilizados para este cometido engloban a detectores pasivos tipo CR-39, películas radiocrómicas [4], o bien detectores online basados en principios de funcionamiento como tiempo de vuelo [5] o espectrómetros de masas[6]. El proyecto involucra el diseño, calibración e implementación de este tipo de detectores en el experimento. Uno de los posibles campos de aplicación de los aceleradores láser es la física médica. Para poder dirigirnos en esa dirección, es necesario el desarrollo de estudios de viabilidad para aplicaciones concretas como la producción de radiofármacos [7] o bien la radioterapia con protones o iones pesados

    Sea baths as an example of sustainable architecture without an ecological footprint

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    By the last third of the nineteenth century, many sea bath structures were raised by the Spanish Levante, but currently only San Antonio´s sea bath, jutting out over the Mar Menor in Murcia, remains. The historical documentation about these seashore buildings located in Murcia and Alicante allowed us to study these architecture typologies as an approach to the design process intended to harmonize its products with nature. All the historical maps and plans, drawings and photographs convey a whole process of systematized execution with a minimum use of energy at each stage of the building process, its assembly and erection, in addition to the low maintenance and total future recycling. The adaptation of the architectural design to the coast is one of the most important aspects of these traditional constructions. This paper shows the study of different architectural, structural and constructive solutions characterized by the use of fixed and removable lightweight structures and the evolution of piling systems. The removable feature and the simplicity of the assembly allow us to talk about an example of sustainable architecture without ecological footprints

    Effects on short and medium term predictions of discard data inclussion into assessment. Southern megrim assessment as an example

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    TOR c of WGHMM 2004 encourages to “provide specific information on possible deficiencies in the 2004 assessments including, at least, any major inadequacies in the data”. This WD shows the discard data available to use in assessment from 1987 onwards. Data comprises hake, megrims and anglerfish both from northern and southern stocks assessed at WGHMM. The reliability of data is represented with a traffic light risk visual code. An example of how to integrate discard data into assessment is made with Southern Megrim (Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis) and comparisons of the assessment and predictions with and without discards are reported. Finally, conclusions state the necessity of an accurate sampling design as well as some advantages and disadvantages of using discard data in assessment. Obviously, it produces a more real picture of the fishing exploitation. However, on the other hand we might add another important source of uncertainty to the assessment model and increasing the parameterization of the model

    Nuevo diseño de muestreo de alocación óptima para mejorar las estimaciones y los niveles de precisión de los descartes en dos unidades pesqueras de arratreros españoles en el Atlántico nororiental (subáreas VIIc,j,k del CIEM)

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    The present report discusses a new onboard sampling design for the Spanish trawlers in northeast Atlantic waters –International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) subareas VIIc,j,k–. This sampling design comprises three stages: i) number of vessels and trips per vessel to be sampled; ii) the minimum number of sampled hauls; and iii) a temporal distribution of those sampled hauls throughout the fishing trip to balance hauls sampling along the fishing trip. As a result, an optimal allocation sampling is suggested, comprising at least one vessel and one trip per vessel to be sampled monthly, between 30 to 50 sampled hauls within that fishing trip, and a time-division for hauls during the fishing trip, containing 8-15 sampled hauls at the beginning, middle and end of the trip.Nuevo diseño de muestreo de alocación óptima para mejorar las estimaciones y los niveles de precisión de los descartes en dos unidades pesqueras de arratreros españoles en el Atlántico nororiental (subáreas VIIc,j,k del CIEM). Se aporta un nuevo diseño de muestreo de aplicación a bordo para los arrastreros españoles que faenan en las suáreas VIIc,j,k establecidas en el Atlántico noreste por el Consejo Internacional para la Exploracion del Mar (CIEM), diseño en cuyo desarrollo en tres etapas intervienen las siguientes variables: i) número de barcos y de las respectivas mareas a muestrear; ii) número mínimo de lances a muestrear; iii) distribución temporal del muestreo de lances a lo largo de la marea. Como conclusión, se recomienda un muestreo de alocación óptima consistente en el muestreado mensual de un barco y una marea, la elección de entre 30 y 50 lances a muestrear y, por último, que éstos estén distribuidos a lo largo de la marea de forma que al menos de 8 a 15 lances correspondan a cada uno de los periodos inicial, intermedio y final de la misma.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    An optimal allocation hauls sampling in order to reduce bias within fishing trip in trawlers operating in the Grand Sole and Porcupine areas (NE Atlantic)

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    Spanish demersal trawlers which operate in the Grand Sole and Porcupine Areas usually make between 50 and 80 hauls in each fishing trip, lasting around 15 days where fishing is almost continuous. Since the observer is not able to sample every haul, it is crucial to define a robust number of hauls to be sampled by the observer. A bootstrap analysis was carried out to determine the minimum number of hauls to be sampled to reduce significantly intra-variance within a fishing trip. Additionally, number of vessels and trips per vessel to be sampled was also analysed. Taking account the multistage sampling design and partitioning the over-all variability over the various stages, optimum sample sizes was estimated. On the other hand, fishermen may vary its retained catch and discard patterns whilst fishing trip occurs. Particular targets, discarded fish length or proportion of discarded/retained may change according to weather, occasional presence/absence of main target, storage space, quota exceeded, etc... To look into these plausible differences, every fishing trip was divided in three periods, beginning of the trip, half period and ending period, containing each one the same number of hauls. Several statistical tests were applied to these three periods to look for differences as well as to fit a consistent division of hauls to every period. Finally, an optimal allocation sampling scheme is suggested, both in terms of minimum number of hauls to be sampled and temporal division of those hauls along the fishing trip

    Composition, spatial distribution and sources of macro-marine litter on the Gulf of Alicante seafloor (Spanish Mediterranean)

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    The composition, spatial distribution and source of marine litter in the Spanish Southeast Mediterranean were assessed. The data proceed from a marine litter retention programme implemented by commercial trawlers and were analysed by GIS. By weight, 75.9% was plastic, metal and glass. Glass and plastics were mainly found close to the coast. A high concentration of metal was observed in some isolated zones of both open and coastal waters. Fishing activity was the source of 29.16% of the macro-marine litter, almost 68.1% of the plastics, and 25.1% of the metal. The source of the other 60.84% could not be directly identified, revealing the high degree of uncertainty regarding its specific origin. Indirectly however, a qualitative analysis of marine traffic shows that the likely sources were merchant ships mainly in open waters and recreational and fishing vessels in coastal waters.We are grateful for the support of the PESCAL Project by European funds through General Secretary of Fisheries of Spain, led by CETMAR with the participation of the Joint Research Unit between the Spanish Oceanography Institute (IEO) and the University of Alicante (UA). Santiago García-Rivera was supported by PESCAL Project and a PhD grant from the University of Alicante

    Automated performance evaluation of skew-tolerant clocking schemes

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    In this paper the authors evaluate the timing and power performance of three skew-tolerant clocking schemes. These schemes are the well known master–slave clocking scheme (MS) and two schemes developed by the authors: Parallel alternating latches clocking scheme (PALACS) and four-phase parallel alternating latches clocking scheme (four-phase PALACS). In order to evaluate the timing performance, the authors introduce algorithms to obtain the clock waveforms required by a synchronous sequential circuit. Separated algorithms were developed for every clocking scheme. From these waveforms it is possible to get parameters such as the non-overlapping time and the clock period. They have been implemented in a tool and have been used to compare the timing performance of the clocking schemes applied to a simple circuit. To analyse the power consumption the authors have electrically simulated a simple circuit for several operation frequencies. The most remarkable conclusion is that it is possible to save about 50% of the power consumption of the clock distribution network by using PALACS.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TEC 2004-00840/MI


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    Treball Final de Grau en Ciències de la Comunicació Audiovisual. Codi: CA0932. Curs acadèmic 2016-2017Sempiterno es un cortometraje de ficción desarrollado por Petricor Films, una productora ficticia compuesta por cinco personas. Hemos seleccionado este formato por la libertad creativa que nos ofrece y, además, supone un reto muy atractivo para todos los componentes. Sempiterno es el resultado de un duro trabajo durante varios meses. Para llevarlo a cabo, los miembros de Petricor Films desarrollamos funciones diferentes en base a nuestras experiencias y preferencias, de manera que se trabajara de una forma eficiente y coordinada. Con este filme, hemos pretendido materializar una historia sobre el Alzheimer alejándonos al máximo de los tópicos y estigmas que rodean a las representaciones audiovisuales de esta enfermedad. Para ello, y tras una exhaustiva investigación científica y audiovisual, hemos decidido abarcar la enfermedad a partir de los aspectos formales y la composición de planos, tratando de evitar los recursos narrativos excesivamente dramáticos. El desarrollo del proyecto ha estado marcado por un aprendizaje continuo. Desde un primer momento, hemos intentado desarrollar un trabajo lo más cercano posible al ámbito profesional, para lo que ha sido crucial la comunicación y el trabajo en equipo. Por otro lado, Sempiterno también nos ha ofrecido la posibilidad de enfrentarnos a problemas y situaciones de crisis que pueden darse en una producción profesional, de las que hemos tenido que salir airosos mediante nuestras propias soluciones. Gracias a los conocimientos adquiridos en clase, hemos logrado afrontar de una manera muy cercana una producción real, de manera que comprendemos mejor las etapas del proceso de realización de un producto audiovisual. Con este cortometraje esperamos haber demostrado que hemos adquirido todos los conocimientos esenciales impartidos en el grado de Comunicación Audiovisual. Así, deseamos haber realizado un proyecto lo más profesional posible, que nos sirva como carta de presentación en el futuro.Sempiterno is a fiction short film developed by Petricor Films, a fictional production company composed of five people. We have selected this format for the creative freedom that it offers us and, in addition, it presents a very attractive challenge for all the components. Sempiterno is the result of hard work for several months. To carry it out, Petricor Films members developed different functions based on our experiences and preferences, so that we worked in an efficient and coordinated way. With this film, we have tried to materialize a story about Alzheimer's, moving away from the topics and stigmas surrounding the audiovisual representations of this disease. To this end, and after extensive scientific and audiovisual research, we have decided to cover the disease from the formal aspects and the composition of planes, trying to avoid overly dramatic narrative resources. The development of the project has been marked by continuous learning. From the outset, we have tried to develop a job as close as possible to the professional field, for which communication and teamwork have been crucial. On the other hand, Sempiterno has also offered us the possibility of facing problems and situations of crisis that can occur in a professional production, from which we have had to come through with our own solutions. Thanks to the knowledge acquired in class, we have been able to deal with real production in a very close way, so we understand in a better way the stages of the process of realization of an audiovisual product. With this short film, we hope to have demonstrated that we have acquired all the essential knowledge imparted in the degree of Audiovisual Communication. Thus, we wish to have made a project as professional as possible, to serve as a letter of presentation in the future