7,711 research outputs found
Motion Trajectories of Over-Height Vehicles for Warning Drivers
Collision of over-height vehicles with low bridges and tunnels occur with high frequency in the UK as many structures were built at a time when there was less moving traffic on the roadway. These older bridges are now considered at risk of vehicular strikes due to its low clearance height (less than 16 feet 6 inches or 5.03 metres). While previous methods have used vision-based systems to address the over-height warning problem, such methods are sensitive to wind. In this paper, we proposed an
extension of the work done to minimise false detections due to wind by using a constraint-based method to track motion trajectories to improve the overall performance of the system. The dataset consists of 102 over-height vehicles recorded at 25 fps. The paper compares feature detectors to optimally track vehicle trajectories and analyses its motion to accurately classify positive detections. The final validation yields a performance of 94.5% recall and 91.1% precision.Career Integration Grants (CIG) - Marie Curie Action
Masalah utama dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimana dan apakah ada hubungan pola asuh orang tua terhadap perilaku sosial anak di PAUD Sari Mekar Desa Maleali Dusun I Gunung Sari. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengetahui pengaruh pola asuh orang tua terhadap perilaku sosial anak. Jenis data adalah data kuantitatif yang diambil dari angket dan lembar observasi penilaian anak. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 13 anak dari PAUD Sari Mekar Desa Maleali Dusun I Gunung Sari, Kecamatan Sausu. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2019. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 13 anak terdapat 6 orang (46,15%) menggunakan model pola asuh demokratis, 3 orang (23,08%) menggunakan model pola asuh otoriter, dan 4 orang (30,77%) menggunakan model pola asuh permisif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dari subjek penelitian mengenai pola asuh demokratis terdapat 6 anak yaitu 2 anak (15,38%) dalam katagori BSB, ada 3 anak (23,08%) dalam katagori BSH, dan ada 1 anak (7,69%) dalam katagori MB, dan tidak ada anak dalam katagori BB. Selanjutnya untuk pola asuh otoriter terdapat 3 anak yaitu tidak terdapat anak dalam katagori BSB, 1 anak (7,69%) dalam katagori BSH, 2 anak (15,38%) dalam katagori MB, dan tidak terdapat anak dalam katagori BB. Selanjutnya untuk pola asuh permisif terdapat 4 anak yaitu tidak terdapat anak dalam katagori BSB, dan dalam katagori BSH, 4 anak (30,78%) dalam katagori MB, dan tidak terdapat anak dalam katagori BB. Untuk menguji apakah hipotesis diterima atau ditolak, digunakan taraf signitifikasi 95% (a=0,05) dan dikonsultasikan pada nilai rtabel product moment dengan kriteria, yaitu apabila rhitung ≥ rtabel, maka H0 (hipotesis nol) ditolak, maka hasil analisisyang diperoleh rhitung 0,871 > rtabel 0,553 sehingga pernyataan yang mengatakan tidak ada pengaruh antara pola asuh orang tua terhadap perilaku sosial anak ditolak, terdapat pengaruh yang kuat antara pola asuh orang tua dengan perilaku sosial anak. Kata Kunci: Hubungan Pola Asuh Orang tua, Perilaku Sosial Ana
Giant mature retroperitoneal teratoma in adolescent: a rare case report
Teratomas are neoplasms of the embryonic tissues that typically grow in the gonadal and sacrococcygeal regions of adults and children. Intrabdominal teratomas that occur in adolescent are rare and demand challenging management options. We report a case of an intraabdominal mature cystic teratoma in a 17-year-old female patient. Complete resection of the mass was performed by a laparotomy approach. Radiological imaging is helpful in preoperative diagnosis and planning. Multidisciplinary surgical team planning is also essential to avoid injury to the adjacent organs in duodenal teratoma operation. Complete surgical excision is the treatment of choice, and the prognosis of mature teratomas is excellent.
Sistem Informasi Pendataan Bayi (Studi Kasus : Posyandu Dahlia Rw/rt 12/05 Kec. Baleendah, Kel. Baleendah, Kab. Bandung)
Dengan kemajuan perkembangan teknologi komputer, pelayanan masyarakat khususnya posyandu harus bisa berjalan secara efektif dan efisien. Untuk itu dibutuhkan beberapa fasilitas pendukung, dimana salah satu fasilitas pendukung tersebut adalah aplikasi yang dapat membantu dalam mengolah data. Mengingat data yang ada di posyandu dahlia adalah data yang bukan merupakan data terkomputerisasi melainkan data dalam bentuk kertas dan tabel, sehingga sering terjadi kesalahan pencatatan data bayi terutama pada saat perekapan data ke buku besar.Aplikasi ini akan mempermudah Kader di Posyandu dalam perekapan data bayi serta pengolahan data untuk pembuatan laporan bulanan dan pengontrolan terhadap bayi yang kurang sehat dapat berjalan denan lancar.Dengan adanya aplikasi pendukung berbasis komputer ini maka pengolahan data bayi di posyandu akan bejalan efektif dan efisien, serta dapat mempermudah dalam pembuatan laporan yang di kirim ke Puskesmas setiap bulannya
Motivasi Australia Memberikan Bantuan Pendidikan Kepada Madrasah di Indonesia melalui Program Ausaid Tahun 2011-2014
This paper aims to explain the motivation of Australia in providing foreign aid, especially aid to Indonesia in Islamic education sub-sector. Australia provides assistance to Indonesia through the International donor agencies namely Australia Agency for International Development (AusAID), which is currently under arrangements Ministry Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia. Through AusAID, Australia has provided assistance to the sub-sectors of madrasa education in the form of block grants and training assistance in order to improve the quality and the quality of the madrasah.This study uses the perspective of realism where realism view that foreign aid is one of the tools of diplomacy when there is a state interest which cannot be achieved only by using military force. This paper also uses a combination of public diplomacy theory and the concept of soft power at the level of the nation state analysis.The results from this study consider that Australia provides assistance to sub-sector madrasa education with the aim to dampen radicalism in madrassas. This can be seen from the formulation aid that began after the Bali bombing and the provision which requires madrassas should be tolerant, open and willing to instill the value of pluralism.Keywords: Foreign Assistance, Education Assistance, AusAID, Radicalism, Madrasa Education Sub-Sector, Education Partnership
Evaluating the capability of a critical state constitutive model to predict the collapse potential of loose sand
Many catastrophic flow failures in granular soil slopes are believed to be caused by a rise in pore water pressure associated with substantial loss of soil shear strength. This failure mechanism is known as prefailure instability or static liquefaction. Constant shear (CS) and consolidated undrained (CU) triaxial tests can reproduce stress paths, in which such instability may occur before reaching the failure. In the present study, a previously proposed critical state constitutive model was first used to simulate the behavior of loose saturated sand in CU tests. It was then employed to predict the instability of loose sand subjected to the CS loading. Under such loading, loose dry sand initially experience small volume increase, and then start to contract substantially. In saturated sand, such contractions can lead to the generation of pore water pressure and sudden decrease of shear strength. The capability of the model to predict the onset of the volume contraction and collapse potential of loose dry sand was examined by comparing the model predictions with experimental results of CS tests. The comparison showed that the effect of initial void ratio, consolidation and deviatoric stresses on behavior of loose dry sand can be well predicted by the model
Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Deterjen Total
Total detergent is one brand of detergent that is less populous in the eyes of the public. Therefore research aims to determine the effect of the marketing mix on purchasing decisions. Research was developed using associative design. In the study five variables were used, each of which served as the basis for the development of the variables. The sample was chosen by 100 purposively. The primary data needed is collected using a questionnaire. The data is analyzed using multiple linear regression techniques. The test results prove that 1) Simultaneously there is a significant effect of the marketing mix on total detergent purchasing decisions 2) partially the product, price, and distribution have a significant effect on purchasingdecisions. While the distribution has no significant effect on purchasing decision
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