360 research outputs found

    Quantum models of classical mechanics: maximum entropy packets

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    In a previous paper, a project of constructing quantum models of classical properties has been started. The present paper concludes the project by turning to classical mechanics. The quantum states that maximize entropy for given averages and variances of coordinates and momenta are called ME packets. They generalize the Gaussian wave packets. A non-trivial extension of the partition-function method of probability calculus to quantum mechanics is given. Non-commutativity of quantum variables limits its usefulness. Still, the general form of the state operators of ME packets is obtained with its help. The diagonal representation of the operators is found. A general way of calculating averages that can replace the partition function method is described. Classical mechanics is reinterpreted as a statistical theory. Classical trajectories are replaced by classical ME packets. Quantum states approximate classical ones if the product of the coordinate and momentum variances is much larger than Planck constant. Thus, ME packets with large variances follow their classical counterparts better than Gaussian wave packets.Comment: 26 pages, no figure. Introduction and the section on classical limit are extended, new references added. Definitive version accepted by Found. Phy

    Infinitesimals without Logic

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    We introduce the ring of Fermat reals, an extension of the real field containing nilpotent infinitesimals. The construction takes inspiration from Smooth Infinitesimal Analysis (SIA), but provides a powerful theory of actual infinitesimals without any need of a background in mathematical logic. In particular, on the contrary with respect to SIA, which admits models only in intuitionistic logic, the theory of Fermat reals is consistent with classical logic. We face the problem to decide if the product of powers of nilpotent infinitesimals is zero or not, the identity principle for polynomials, the definition and properties of the total order relation. The construction is highly constructive, and every Fermat real admits a clear and order preserving geometrical representation. Using nilpotent infinitesimals, every smooth functions becomes a polynomial because in Taylor's formulas the rest is now zero. Finally, we present several applications to informal classical calculations used in Physics: now all these calculations become rigorous and, at the same time, formally equal to the informal ones. In particular, an interesting rigorous deduction of the wave equation is given, that clarifies how to formalize the approximations tied with Hook's law using this language of nilpotent infinitesimals.Comment: The first part of the preprint is taken directly form arXiv:0907.1872 The second part is new and contains a list of example

    Macroscopic limit of a solvable dynamical model

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    The interaction between an ultrarelativistic particle and a linear array made up of NN two-level systems (^^ ^^ AgBr" molecules) is studied by making use of a modified version of the Coleman-Hepp Hamiltonian. Energy-exchange processes between the particle and the molecules are properly taken into account, and the evolution of the total system is calculated exactly both when the array is initially in the ground state and in a thermal state. In the macroscopic limit (NN \rightarrow \infty), the system remains solvable and leads to interesting connections with the Jaynes-Cummings model, that describes the interaction of a particle with a maser. The visibility of the interference pattern produced by the two branch waves of the particle is computed, and the conditions under which the spin array in the NN \rightarrow \infty limit behaves as a ^^ ^^ detector" are investigated. The behavior of the visibility yields good insights into the issue of quantum measurements: It is found that, in the thermodynamical limit, a superselection-rule space appears in the description of the (macroscopic) apparatus. In general, an initial thermal state of the ^^ ^^ detector" provokes a more substantial loss of quantum coherence than an initial ground state. It is argued that a system decoheres more as the temperature of the detector increases. The problem of ^^ ^^ imperfect measurements" is also shortly discussed.Comment: 30 pages, report BA-TH/93-13

    Efficient and robust entanglement generation in a many-particle system with resonant dipole-dipole interactions

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    We propose and discuss a scheme for robust and efficient generation of many-particle entanglement in an ensemble of Rydberg atoms with resonant dipole-dipole interactions. It is shown that in the limit of complete dipole blocking, the system is isomorphic to a multimode Jaynes-Cummings model. While dark-state population transfer is not capable of creating entanglement, other adiabatic processes are identified that lead to complex, maximally entangled states, such as the N-particle analog of the GHZ state in a few steps. The process is robust, works for even and odd particle numbers and the characteristic time for entanglement generation scales with N^a, with a being less than unity.Comment: 4 figure

    Gauged motion in general relativity and in Kaluza-Klein theories

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    In a recent paper [1] a new generalization of the Killing motion, the {\it gauged motion}, has been introduced for stationary spacetimes where it was shown that the physical symmetries of such spacetimes are well described through this new symmetry. In this article after a more detailed study in the stationary case we present the definition of gauged motion for general spacetimes. The definition is based on the gauged Lie derivative induced by a threading family of observers and the relevant reparametrization invariance. We also extend the gauged motion to the case of Kaluza-Klein theories.Comment: 42 pages, revised version, typos correction along with some minor changes, Revtex forma

    Accelerating electromagnetic magic field from the C-metric

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    Various aspects of the C-metric representing two rotating charged black holes accelerated in opposite directions are summarized and its limits are considered. A particular attention is paid to the special-relativistic limit in which the electromagnetic field becomes the "magic field" of two oppositely accelerated rotating charged relativistic discs. When the acceleration vanishes the usual electromagnetic magic field of the Kerr-Newman black hole with gravitational constant set to zero arises. Properties of the accelerated discs and the fields produced are studied and illustrated graphically. The charges at the rim of the accelerated discs move along spiral trajectories with the speed of light. If the magic field has some deeper connection with the field of the Dirac electron, as is sometimes conjectured because of the same gyromagnetic ratio, the "accelerating magic field" represents the electromagnetic field of a uniformly accelerated spinning electron. It generalizes the classical Born's solution for two uniformly accelerated monopole charges.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    Magnetic Fields, Relativistic Particles, and Shock Waves in Cluster Outskirts

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    It is only now, with low-frequency radio telescopes, long exposures with high-resolution X-ray satellites and gamma-ray telescopes, that we are beginning to learn about the physics in the periphery of galaxy clusters. In the coming years, Sunyaev-Zeldovich telescopes are going to deliver further great insights into the plasma physics of these special regions in the Universe. The last years have already shown tremendous progress with detections of shocks, estimates of magnetic field strengths and constraints on the particle acceleration efficiency. X-ray observations have revealed shock fronts in cluster outskirts which have allowed inferences about the microphysical structure of shocks fronts in such extreme environments. The best indications for magnetic fields and relativistic particles in cluster outskirts come from observations of so-called radio relics, which are megaparsec-sized regions of radio emission from the edges of galaxy clusters. As these are difficult to detect due to their low surface brightness, only few of these objects are known. But they have provided unprecedented evidence for the acceleration of relativistic particles at shock fronts and the existence of muG strength fields as far out as the virial radius of clusters. In this review we summarise the observational and theoretical state of our knowledge of magnetic fields, relativistic particles and shocks in cluster outskirts.Comment: 34 pages, to be published in Space Science Review

    Nash Equilibria in Discrete Routing Games with Convex Latency Functions

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    In a discrete routing game, each of n selfish users employs a mixed strategy to ship her (unsplittable) traffic over m parallel links. The (expected) latency on a link is determined by an arbitrary non-decreasing, non-constant and convex latency function φ. In a Nash equilibrium, each user alone is minimizing her (Expected) Individual Cost, which is the (expected) latency on the link she chooses. To evaluate Nash equilibria, we formulate Social Cost as the sum of the users ’ (Expected) Individual Costs. The Price of Anarchy is the worst-case ratio of Social Cost for a Nash equilibrium over the least possible Social Cost. A Nash equilibrium is pure if each user deterministically chooses a single link; a Nash equilibrium is fully mixed if each user chooses each link with non-zero probability. We obtain: For the case of identical users, the Social Cost of any Nash equilibrium is no more than the Social Cost of the fully mixed Nash equilibrium, which may exist only uniquely. Moreover, instances admitting a fully mixed Nash equilibrium enjoy an efficient characterization. For the case of identical users, we derive two upper bounds on the Price of Anarchy: For the case of identical links with a monomial latency function φ(x) = x d, the Price of Anarchy is the Bell number of order d + 1. For pure Nash equilibria, a generic upper bound from the Wardrop model can be transfered to discrete routing games. For polynomial latency functions with non-negative coefficients and degree d, this yields an upper bound of d + 1. For th

    DT/T beyond linear theory

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    The major contribution to the anisotropy of the temperature of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation is believed to come from the interaction of linear density perturbations with the radiation previous to the decoupling time. Assuming a standard thermal history for the gas after recombination, only the gravitational field produced by the linear density perturbations present on a Ω1\Omega\neq 1 universe can generate anisotropies at low z (these anisotropies would manifest on large angular scales). However, secondary anisotropies are inevitably produced during the nonlinear evolution of matter at late times even in a universe with a standard thermal history. Two effects associated to this nonlinear phase can give rise to new anisotropies: the time-varying gravitational potential of nonlinear structures (Rees-Sciama RS effect) and the inverse Compton scattering of the microwave photons with hot electrons in clusters of galaxies (Sunyaev-Zeldovich SZ effect). These two effects can produce distinct imprints on the CMB temperature anisotropy. We discuss the amplitude of the anisotropies expected and the relevant angular scales in different cosmological scenarios. Future sensitive experiments will be able to probe the CMB anisotropies beyong the first order primary contribution.Comment: plain tex, 16 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings of the Laredo Advance School on Astrophysics "The universe at high-z, large-scale structure and the cosmic microwave background". To be publised by Springer-Verla

    Ten Misconceptions from the History of Analysis and Their Debunking

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    The widespread idea that infinitesimals were "eliminated" by the "great triumvirate" of Cantor, Dedekind, and Weierstrass is refuted by an uninterrupted chain of work on infinitesimal-enriched number systems. The elimination claim is an oversimplification created by triumvirate followers, who tend to view the history of analysis as a pre-ordained march toward the radiant future of Weierstrassian epsilontics. In the present text, we document distortions of the history of analysis stemming from the triumvirate ideology of ontological minimalism, which identified the continuum with a single number system. Such anachronistic distortions characterize the received interpretation of Stevin, Leibniz, d'Alembert, Cauchy, and others.Comment: 46 pages, 4 figures; Foundations of Science (2012). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1108.2885 and arXiv:1110.545