6 research outputs found

    Mathematical Development Program for Calculation of Fatty Acid Composition Blend of Vegetable Oils

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    The method of solution of the problem of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) lack in milk products is offered in the work. It is offered to create the milk-containing products (sour cream product) with adjusted fatty acid composition. The possibility of replacement of the mass part of milk fat (50 %) by the blend of natural vegetable oils was studied. For the solution of this problem the program within MatLab mathematical package was elaborated. The recommended fatty acids (FA) ratio [3] is selected as optimization parameter. The optimized blend was created using the elaborated program. The data, received by mathematical calculations, were experimentally proved using the method of gas-liquid chromatography [7]. On the based of the results, received at the studies, it can be stated, that 50 % replacement of mass part of fat (m.p.f.) in milk products (sour cream product) by elaborated blend, allows partially adjust its FA composition


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    The method of solution of the problem of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) lack in milk products is offered in the work. It is offered to create the milk-containing products (sour cream product) with adjusted fatty acid composition. The possibility of replacement of the mass part of milk fat (50 %) by the blend of natural vegetable oils was studied. For the solution of this problem the program within MatLab mathematical package was elaborated. The recommended fatty acids (FA) ratio [3] is selected as optimization parameter. The optimized blend was created using the elaborated program. The data, received by mathematical calculations, were experimentally proved using the method of gas-liquid chromatography [7]. On the based of the results, received at the studies, it can be stated, that 50 % replacement of mass part of fat (m.p.f.) in milk products (sour cream product) by elaborated blend, allows partially adjust its FA composition.&nbsp


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    The method of solution of the problem of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) lack in milk products is offered in the work. It is offered to create the milk-containing products (sour cream product) with adjusted fatty acid composition. The possibility of replacement of the mass part of milk fat (50 %) by the blend of natural vegetable oils was studied. For the solution of this problem the program within MatLab mathematical package was elaborated. The recommended fatty acids (FA) ratio [3] is selected as optimization parameter. The optimized blend was created using the elaborated program. The data, received by mathematical calculations, were experimentally proved using the method of gas-liquid chromatography [7]. On the based of the results, received at the studies, it can be stated, that 50 % replacement of mass part of fat (m.p.f.) in milk products (sour cream product) by elaborated blend, allows partially adjust its FA composition.

    Світлій пам’яті Василя Васильовича Капустяна

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    The article represents the scientific achievements and work of a Ukrainian botanist, candidate of agricultural sciences, director of the O.V. Fomin Botanical Garden (1987–2006, 2008–2012), Vasyl Kapustyan, who died on August 19, 2020, after a long illness.Vasyl Kapustyan was born on July 24, 1942. In 1965 he graduated from the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy, and in 1972 received the degree of candidate of agricultural sciences. Since 1974, the work of Vasyl Kapustyan was associated with the O.V. Fomin Botanical Garden, where he served in 1975–1987 as deputy director and head of the sector of tropical and subtropical plants, in 1987–1997 – as director and head of the sector of tropical and subtropical plants, and from 1997 – exclusively as director of the Botanical Garden.The scientific work of Vasyl Kapustyan was related to the introduction of tropical and subtropical plants, their conservation, and rational use. He was the author of over 80 scientific articles and monographs, the last of which was dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the botanical garden. Since the founding of the series “Introduction and Conservation of Plant Diversity” of the “Bulletin of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv”, Vasyl Kapustyan was its editor-in-chief. He was also a member of the Academic Councils of Kyiv University and Faculty of Biology, chairman of the Academic Council of the Botanical Garden, a member of the Bureau of the Council of Botanical Gardens of Ukraine, and a member of the editorial board of the international scientific journal “Plant Introduction”. He was the founder and scientific director of the Museum of the Botanical Garden History, which opened in 2004.У статті висвітлено науковий доробок і трудову діяльність Василя Васильовича Капустяна – ботаніка, кандидата сільськогосподарських наук, директора Ботанічного саду ім. акад. О.В. Фоміна (1987–2006, 2008–2012), який помер 19 серпня 2020 року після тривалої хвороби.Народився В.В. Капустян 24 липня 1942 р. 1965 року закінчив Українську сільськогосподарську академію, 1972 отримав ступінь кандидата сільськогосподарських наук. З 1974 р. трудова діяльність В.В. Капустяна була пов’язана з Ботанічним садом ім. акад. О.В. Фоміна, де у 1975–1987 рр. він виконував обов’язки заступника директора з наукової роботи та керівника сектору тропічних і субтропічних рослин, у 1987–1997 рр. – директора Ботанічного саду та завідувача сектору тропічних та субтропічних рослин, а з 1997 р. – виключно директора Ботанічного саду.Наукова робота В.В. Капустяна була пов’язана з інтродукцією тропічних і субтропічних рослин, їхнім збереженням та раціональним використанням. В.В. Капустян був автором понад 80 наукових праць, монографічних робіт, остання з яких присвячена 180-річчю з дня заснування Ботанічного саду. В.В. Капустян був головним редактором Вісника Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка “Інтродукція та збереження рослинного різноманіття” з часу його заснування. Також багато років він був членом Вченої Ради Київського університету та біологічного факультету, головою Вченої Ради Ботанічного саду, членом бюро Ради ботанічних садів України і членом редколегії міжнародного наукового журналу “Інтродукція рослин”. В.В. Капустян був організатором та науковим керівником Музею історії Ботанічного саду, відкритого 2004 року

    Оптимізація складу купажу натуральних рослинних олій для виробництва молоковмісних продуктів

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    The natural vegetable oils (corn, rapeseed and walnut oils) were selected to create the blend, optimized by the fat and acid composition on their basis. This choice of oils is substantiated according to their physical and chemical characteristics, the fat and acid composition, and compatibility with the milk base, availability, and organoleptic parameters. The developed blend of natural vegetable oils should be combined with dairy products of mass consumption for the optimization of their fat and acid composition. In order to solve the stated problem, the calculations in the environment of the MATLAB mathematical package were carried out. We chose the following criteria for optimization: the ratio of 3 main groups of fatty acids (saturated fatty acids to monounsaturated fatty acids and to polyunsaturated fatty acids), as well as the ratio of fatty acids of the ω–6 and ω–3 groups. The obtained data were proved experimentally using the method of gas–liquid chromatography for the determination of the exact number of all components of the optimization in the examined samples. Partial substitution (50%) of milk fat in sour milk products with the developed blend of vegetable oils will allow creating dairy products of mass consumption with somewhat optimized fat and acid composition. This design is relevant and appropriate because consumption of such optimized milk containing products will significantly increase the amount of intake of fatty acids from food and will somewhat correct the problem of shortage of the ω–6 and ω–3 fatty acids in a daily ration.Обоснована целесообразность использования купажа растительных масел для производства молокосодержащих продуктов сбалансированного жирнокислотного состава. Разработан купаж масел. Методом газожидкостной хроматографии определен жирнокислотный состав сметанного продукта с 50 % заменой молочного жира купажом. Данная замена позволяет значительно повысить содержание полиненасыщенных жирных кислот и максимально привести жирнокислотный состав молокосодержащих продукта к рекомендованным диетологами нормамОбґрунтовано доцільність використання купажу рослинних олій для виробництва молоковмісних продуктів збалансованого жирнокислотного складу. Розроблено купаж олій. Методом газорідинної хроматографії визначено жирнокислотний склад сметанного продукту із 50 % заміною молочного жиру купажем. Дана заміна дозволяє значно підвищити вміст поліненасичених жирних кислот та максимально привести жирнокислотний склад молоковмісного продукту до рекомендованих дієтологами нор