559 research outputs found


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    This paper presents Wersync, which is an adaptive and accurate web-based platform that enables distributed media synchronization and social interaction across remote users. By using Wersync, users can create or join on-going sessions for concurrently consuming the same media content with other remote users in a synchronized manner. Besides, social interaction is provided by sharing the navigation control commands and by integrating synchronized text chat channels. Additionally, two social presence mechanisms have been added to stimulate the participation of external users in on-going sessions on Wersync. By exclusively relying on standard web-based technologies, this platform can guarantee cross-network, cross-platform and crossdevice support, which is a key point in the current heterogeneous media delivery ecosystem

    Determination of heat wave definition temperatures in Spain at an isoclimatic level: time trend of heat wave duration and intensity across the decade 2009–2018

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    Background: In line with WHO guidelines for the implementation of public health prevention plans targeted at the impacts of high temperatures, a heat wave defnition temperature (Tthreshold) was calculated for 182 so called “isoclimatic zones” (IZ) in Spain. As the dependent variable for determining this Tthreshold, we analysed daily all-cause mortality data (ICD-10: A00-R99) for each IZ across the period 2009–2018. The independent variable used was the mean value of the maximum daily temperature of the summer months recorded at meteorological observatories in each IZ. We used Box–Jenkins models to ascertain mortality anomalies, and scatterplots to link these anomalies to the temperatures at which they occurred, thereby determining the Tthreshold for each IZ. We then calculated how many heat waves had occurred in each IZ, as well as their intensity, and analysed their time trend over this period. Results: The results showed that in 52.5% of the IZ, the percentile of the maximum temperatures series of the summer months to which Tthreshold corresponded was below the 95th percentile of the meteorological heat wave defnition in Spain: indeed, it only coincided in 30.7% of cases. The geographical distribution of these percentiles displayed great heterogeneity as a consequence of the local factors that infuence the temperature–mortality relationship. The trend in the number of heat waves analysed indicated an overall increase in Spain at a rate of 3.9 heat waves per decade, and a similar rise in mean annual intensity of 9.5 °C/decade. These time-trend values were higher than those yielded by analysing the trend in meteorological heat waves based on the 95th percentile. Conclusions: The results obtained in this study indicate the need to use a heat wave defnition based on epidemiological temperature–mortality studies, rather than on values based on meteorological percentiles. This could be minimising estimated health impacts in analyses of future impacts attributable to heat.Acknowledgements and funding The authors would like to express their gratitude for the following grants from the Carlos III Institute of Health (Instituto de Salud Carlos III/ISCIII) for the ENPY 304/20, and ENPY 436/21 projects.S

    Plataforma Web 2.0 para la Sincronización Distribuida de Contenidos Multimedia e Interacción Social

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    Shared media experiences between geographically distributed users are gaining momentum. Relevant examples are Social TV, synchronous e-learning and multi-player online games. This paper presents a first release of Wersync, an adaptive web-based platform that provides distributed media synchronization and social interaction (via shared navigation control commands and text chat channels) across remote users. By using Wersync, users can create or join on-going sessions for concurrently consuming the same media content with other remote users in a synchronized manner. Additionally, Wersync provides two social presence mechanisms to encourage the participation of external users in on-going sessions and two privacy mechanisms. Wersync has been developed by exclusively relying on standard web-based technologies, which ensures cross-network, cross-platform and cross-device support. The evaluation results and a link to a demo video prove the satisfactory performance of Wersync, and its functionalities, respectively

    Binder effectiveness of microcapsules applied onto cotton fabrics during laundry

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    [EN] Microcapsules can be added to fabric in industrial processes; however, they have not been widely spread among industrial companies. In this study, we suggest the possibility of reloading microcapsules onto a fabric while clothes are washed. The effectiveness of different resins when microcapsules are applied in washing machine during domestic laundry process has been studied. Microcapsules containing lavender fragrance and melamine formaldehyde shell were adhered to the fabric by means of one acrylic acid as a resin (RES) or some cross-linking agents, such as butanetetracarboxylic acid or succinic acid (SUC). In order to evaluate their behaviour, some laundering or ironing tests were conducted according to international standards (ISO). Every sample from the laboratory was studied with scanning electron microscopy and with a particle size counter. As a result, we could observe which was the most suitable auxiliary used to bind microcapsules to fabric, and conclude that the conditions in which we obtained the application with SUC as binder and cured at 150 °C for 2 min show the optimal results. It was demonstrated that domestic laundry is a suitable process to incorporate microcapsules to garments.Authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support received by this research project from the Spanish government in the programme 'Plan Nacional 2008-2011' reference Mat 2009-14210-C02-01.Bonet Aracil, MA.; Bou Belda, E.; Monllor Pérez, P.; Gisbert; Jaime (2016). Binder effectiveness of microcapsules applied onto cotton fabrics during laundry. The Journal of the Textile Institute. 107(3):300-306. https://doi.org/10.1080/00405000.2015.1029808S300306107

    Biochar versus hydrochar as growth media constituents for ornamental plant cultivation

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    [EN] Biochar and hydrochar have been proposed as novel materials for providing soilless growth media. However, much more knowledge is required before reliable advice can be given on the use of these materials for this purpose. Depending on the material and the technology applied (pyrolysis or hydrothermal carbonization), phytotoxicity and greenhouse gas emissions have been found for certain chars. In this study, our aim was to assess the feasibility of three chars as substrate constituents. We compared two biochars, one from forest waste and the other from olive mill waste, and a hydrochar from forest waste. We studied how chars affected substrate characteristics, plant performance, water economy and respiratory CO2 emission. Substrates containing biochar from forest waste showed the best characteristics, with good air/water relationships and adequate electrical conductivity. Those with biochar from olive mill waste were highly saline and, consequently, low quality. The substrates with hydrochar retained too much water and were poorly aerated, presenting high CO2 concentrations due to high respiratory activity. Plants performed well only when grown in substrates containing a maximum of 25 % biochar from forest waste or hydrochar. After analyzing the char characteristics, we concluded that biochar from forest waste could be safely used as a substrate constituent and is environmentally friendly when applied due to its low salinity and low CO2 emission. However, biochar from olive mill waste and hydrochar need to be improved before they can be used as substrate constituents.This study was funded by the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Projects on New Multidisciplinary Research; PAID-05-12). We thank Molly Marcus-McBride for supervising the English.Fornes Sebastiá, F.; Belda Navarro, RM. (2018). Biochar versus hydrochar as growth media constituents for ornamental plant cultivation. Scientia Agricola (Online). 75(4):304-312. https://doi.org/10.1590/1678-992X-2017-0062S304312754Abad, M., Noguera, P., & Burés, S. (2001). National inventory of organic wastes for use as growing media for ornamental potted plant production: case study in Spain. Bioresource Technology, 77(2), 197-200. doi:10.1016/s0960-8524(00)00152-8Bargmann, I., Martens, R., Rillig, M. C., Kruse, A., & Kücke, M. (2013). Hydrochar amendment promotes microbial immobilization of mineral nitrogen. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 177(1), 59-67. doi:10.1002/jpln.201300154Bargmann, I., Rillig, M. C., Buss, W., Kruse, A., & Kuecke, M. (2013). Hydrochar and Biochar Effects on Germination of Spring Barley. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 199(5), 360-373. doi:10.1111/jac.12024Bedussi, F., Zaccheo, P., & Crippa, L. (2015). Pattern of pore water nutrients in planted and non-planted soilless substrates as affected by the addition of biochars from wood gasification. 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