21 research outputs found

    Premature tooth loss. Literature review

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    Преждевременна загуба на временни зъби е налице, когато зъбът е екстрахиран една и повече години преди периода на физиологична смяна. Целта на настоящия обзор е да разгледа разпространението на преждевременната зъбна загуба. Проблемът с преждевременната зъбна загуба налага вземане на профилактика както на зъбния кариес, така и на малоклузиите, чрез поставяне на местопазители.Premature loss of deciduous teeth occurs when the tooth is extracted one or more years before the period of physiological exfoliation. The aim of the review was to examine the prevalence of premature tooth loss. The problem of the premature tooth loss requires prevention as tooth decay and orthodontic deformations by using space maintainers


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    BACKGROUND: Pre-emptive laser analgesia (LA) is considered as bio-photomodulation of pulpal reactivity aiming reduction of nociceptive impulse formation and thus presenting a current non-pharmacological mean for painless conservative treatment. The aim of this investigation is efficacy approbation of a modified protocol for LA with Er:YAG laser. CASE DESCRIPTION: A 12 y.o. the female patient underwent two single-visit treatments, receiving LA and placebo analgesia (PA) prior to laser ablation of similar carious lesions in two permanent maxillary first molars bilaterally. Efficacy of analgesic protocol was assessed by following outcomes: primary – self-reported pain felt during treatment on VAS; secondary: changes in pulpal sensibility to electrical and cold-stimuli via EPT and Cold-test; pain-related behaviour on FLACC-scale; pulse frequency. Subjective and objective pain evaluation revealed no pain during caries ablation after LA and little pain after PA. Pulp sensibility towards electrical and thermal stimulation decreased more significantly after LA induction. DISCUSSION: Results suggest that Er:YAG therapy under applied parameters may be effective in achieving pulpal analgesia. The aforementioned tests could be valuable means for investigating the occurrence of any pulpal analgesic effect obtained by dental lasers. CONCLUSION: Assessment of the results of this case report should facilitate the development of a laser analgesia protocol. The clinical adequacy of the proposed protocol is to be separately estimated as part of a currently conducted double-blind randomized clinical trial with the split-mouth design

    Significance of the DMF(T+t) index for the children with prematurely extracted teeth

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    Premature extraction of temporary teeth is a consequence of different factors such as socio-economic status of the population, level of caries activity, oral hygiene, presence of fluoride in water, philosophy of the dentist. The aim of this article is to compare the DMF (T+t) between children with premature extraction and those without premature extraction. Subject of monitoring of the clinical research were 140 children between 6 and 9 years old.  The clinical group consisted of 90 children with prematurely extracted teeth, divided into three groups. The control group consisted of 50 children with intact denture. The dental status was examined and registered according to the WHO by the DMF (T+t). There was a statistically significant difference in the distribution of caries DMF(T+t) between the control groups (2.34±019) and clinical groups (between 5.17±0.33 and 6.40±0.41). The children with premature extraction of temporary teeth had higher caries activity compared to the control group (children without early loss of teeth). The children with prematurely extracted temporary teeth and severe orthodontic deformation had the highest prevalence of DMF(T+t). These results demonstrate the connection between DMF(T+t), malocclusions and the need for prophylaxis

    Influence of dentists’ age, gender, working experience, and practitioner type on the use of behaviour management techniques in dental treatment of children

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    Abstract Aim: The objective of the present study was to investigate the influence of dentists’ age, gender, working experience, and practitioner type on the use of non-pharmacological behaviour management techniques in the treatment of paediatric dental patients. Materials and methods: An anonymous, self-completion survey was mailed to 200 randomly selected dentists. The recorded information included items on practitioner’s gender, age, working experience, specialty status, and frequency of using different non-pharmacological behaviour management techniques as well as the factors influencing the choice for specific behaviour guidance techniques. Results: Significant differences between age/gender distributions were seen in the use of the basic non-pharmacological behaviour management techniques. Younger females were more likely to indicate that they were comfortable using communicative guidance techniques. The respondents in the over-40 age group did not rely at all on negative reinforcement and parental presence/absence techniques during the dental treatment of children (p0.05). Conclusions: The present study showed age, gender, working experience, and practitioner type statistically significant differences in the use of behaviour management techniques during the dental treatment of children. The choice of a technique was influenced mainly by personal factors associated with the physical and psychological health of the child

    Silver compounds used in pediatric dentistry for caries arrest: A review of current materials and new technologies

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    Silver compounds have been used in medicine and dentistry for centuries. Their use in pediatric dentistry has long been restricted because of some drawbacks, chief among them being the discoloration of teeth with black stains. However, recent advances in technology have resulted in the development of new silver agents that do not have the limitations of previously used ones. This led to the reintroduction of silver compounds in pediatric dentistry. The aim of the present review was to examine the evidence supporting the therapeutic use of silver compounds in pediatric dentistry for caries arrest, as well as the mode of action and biocompatibility, characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of different silver-containing agents

    Influence of dentists’ age, gender, working experience, and practitioner type on the use of behaviour management techniques in dental treatment of children

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    Abstract Aim: The objective of the present study was to investigate the influence of dentists’ age, gender, working experience, and practitioner type on the use of non-pharmacological behaviour management techniques in the treatment of paediatric dental patients. Materials and methods: An anonymous, self-completion survey was mailed to 200 randomly selected dentists. The recorded information included items on practitioner’s gender, age, working experience, specialty status, and frequency of using different non-pharmacological behaviour management techniques as well as the factors influencing the choice for specific behaviour guidance techniques. Results: Significant differences between age/gender distributions were seen in the use of the basic non-pharmacological behaviour management techniques. Younger females were more likely to indicate that they were comfortable using communicative guidance techniques. The respondents in the over-40 age group did not rely at all on negative reinforcement and parental presence/absence techniques during the dental treatment of children (p0.05). Conclusions: The present study showed age, gender, working experience, and practitioner type statistically significant differences in the use of behaviour management techniques during the dental treatment of children. The choice of a technique was influenced mainly by personal factors associated with the physical and psychological health of the child

    Dental fear and anxiety in children: a review of the environmental factors

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    Dental fear and anxiety are psychological reactions that interfere significantly with daily life. They are problems suffered by many patients worldwide that remain a significant challenge to providing adequate dental care. The multifactorial etiology of children’s dental fear and anxiety identifies the influence of many different risk factors in its development.The aim of this review article is to analyse the scientific literature regarding the different factors associated with dental fear and anxiety in children. Our review of the literature presents a critical analysis of the contributing factors in dental environment that have been investigated in the literature and provides an insight into the possible explanations on the influence of these factors in pediatric patients.Being familiar with these factors would facilitate behaviour management in anxious children. The findings of the literature review give grounds to undertake studies investigating the influence of contributing factors in all pediatric age subgroups

    Local Anesthesia in Pediatric Patients – a Review of Current and Alternative Methods, Devices and Techniques

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    Painless treatment is an integral element of quality pediatric dental care. Recent progress in the field of local anesthesia has led to development of newer agents, delivery devices and also modification in injection techniques. Their aim is to allow the clinician a treatment approach associated with the improved pain control and reduced risk of adverse effect essential for pediatric patients. This article reviews available information on current and alternative means, methods and technologies for achieving local anesthesia in pediatric patients intended to minimize the pain associated with the procedure

    Asthma and dental health in children. Review of the literature

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    Непрекъсната тенденция на нарастване на броя на заболелите от астма, както в световен мащаб, така и у нас, я прави социално значимо заболяване. Целта на литературния обзор е да се представят научни доказателства за връзката между бронхиалната астма и денталното здраве при децата. Това би довело до по-адекватен и комплексен подход при лечението на астматиците.The continuous upward trend in the number of asthmatics, both globally and in our country, makes it a socially significant disease. The aim of this review of the literature is to provide scientific proof for the relationship between asthma and dental health in children. This would lead to a more adequate and comprehensive approach in the treatment of asthma

    Asthma as a reason for poor oral health

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    Астмата е често срещано респираторно заболяване. Целта на изследването е да се разгледа оралното здраве при деца с астма. Обект на изследването са 31 деца на възраст 4-14 години, страдащи от астма в продължение на най-малко една година, и 31 здрави деца на същата възраст като контроли. Оралният статус се оценява в съответствие с критериите ICDAS от трима зъболека- ри. За оценка на хигиенните навици на изследваните деца е използван въпросник, попълван от родителите, за честотата и продължителността на миене на зъбите и използването на дентални конци от всяко дете. Отно- сителният дял на незасегнатите от кариес деца, страда- щи от астма е 9,68%, a в контролната група здравите са 32,26%. Най-голям е относителният дял на децата с астма, които мият зъбите си един път на ден - 61,29%, следвани от тези, които измиват зъбите си 2 пъти на ден22,58%, a тези, които не ги мият ежедневно са 16,13%. В контролната група резултатите са подобни. В двете групи голямата част от децата мият зъбите си по-мал- ко от 1 минута. В двете изследвани групи само 6,45% от децата използват зъбни конци. Резултатите показ- ват по-висока кариозна активност при деца с астма, но орално-хигиенните навици на двете групи изследвани деца са сходни. Това означава, че по-високият риск от кариес е свързан с медикаментозното лечение или със самото заболяване, или и двете едновременно.Asthma is a common respiratory disease. The aim of the study is to present the oral health in children with asthma. Subjects of the study were 31 children aged 4-14, who have been suffering from asthma for at least one year and 31 healthy children of the same age as controls. The oral sta- tus was assessed according to the International Caries De- tection and Assessment System (ICDAS) criteria by three calibrated dentists. Inquiry was used for the evaluation of the hygiene habits of the children. А questionnaire about the frequency and duration of tooth brushing and the use of dental floss of every child was filled in by the parents. The relative share of the caries-free children suffering from asthma was 9.68% and in the control group - 32.26%. The largest was the relative share of the children with asthma who brushed their teeth once per day - 61.29%, followed by those who brushed their teeth 2 times a day - 22.58%, and those who brushed less frequently than that - 16.13%. In the control group, these trends were comparable. In both groups the majority of children brushed their teeth for less than 1 min. In the two test groups, 6.45% of the children used dental floss. The results show a higher carious activ- ity in children with asthma, but similar oral hygiene habits in the two groups of examined children. It means that the higher risk of caries is related to the medical treatment or the disease itself, or both