50 research outputs found

    Caravanning. AnĂĄlisis del turismo de caravana en la Comunidad Valenciana

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    El objetivo de este trabajo analiza y describir la situaciĂłn actual del turismo de caravanning en la Comunidad Valenciana, la procedencia de los turistas que lo demandan y sus preferencias. El turismo de caravana se encuentra en alza en los Ășltimos años. Se trata de un tipo de turismo que ofrece grandes ventajas como la libertad de crear su propio recorrido o el poder viajar a un precio asequible. La Comunidad Valenciana destina aproximadamente un total de 46.419 alojamientos reglados a disposiciĂłn de los turistas que viajan en caravana, pero aun asĂ­ no son suficientes en comparaciĂłn a otros paĂ­ses europeos. Sin embargo, gracias al aumento de turistas que practican esta modalidad, la demanda de estos servicios sigue aumentando. El trabajo pretende estudiar los espacios que se destinan a esta prĂĄctica y proponer estrategias de ampliaciĂłn y mejora de recursos e infraestructuras, para poner a la Comunidad Valenciana al nivel de campamentos europeos y asĂ­ poder dar un mejor servicio a todos los turistas que opten por esta tipologĂ­a de turismoThis work focuses on the analysis and description of the current situation of caravanning tourism in the Valencian Community, the origin of the tourist demand and the preferences of tourists who choose this type of travel. Caravan tourism is on the rise in recent years. It is a type of tourism that offers great advantages such as the freedom to create one’s own travel or to travel at an affordable price. The Valencian Community offers around 46.419 regulated accommodations to caravan traveler tourists, but they are not enough to in comparison with other European countries. But thanks to the increase of tourists who practice this model, the demand for these services continues to grow and so do the number of places. The work aims at addressing the spaces allocated to this practice and to propose strategies for expansion and improvement of resources and infrastructure, in order to put Valencian Community camps to the European level so we can provide better service to all tourists who choose for this type of tourismHerreros Santos, AB. (2016). Caravanning. AnĂĄlisis del turismo de caravana en la Comunidad Valenciana. Universitat PolitĂšcnica de ValĂšncia. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/74648TFG

    P73 plays a role in erythroid differentiaion through GATA1 induction

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    The TP73 gene gives rise to transactivation domain-p73 isoforms (TAp73) as well as ΔNp73 variants with a truncated N terminus. Although TAp73α and -Β proteins are capable of inducing cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, and differentiation, ΔNp73 acts in many cell types as a dominant-negative repressor of p53 and TAp73. It has been proposed that p73 is involved in myeloid differentiation, and its altered expression is involved in leukemic degeneration. However, there is little evidence as to which p73 variants (TA or ΔN) are expressed during differentiation and whether specific p73 isoforms have the capacity to induce, or hinder, this differentiation in leukemia cells. In this study we identify GATA1 as a direct transcriptional target of TAp73α. Furthermore, TAp73α induces GATA1 activity, and it is required for erythroid differentiation. Additionally, we describe a functional cooperation between TAp73 and ΔNp73 in the context of erythroid differentiation in human myeloid cells, K562 and UT-7. Moreover, the impaired expression of GATA1 and other erythroid genes in the liver of p73KO embryos, together with the moderated anemia observed in p73KO young mice, suggests a physiological role for TP73 in erythropoiesis.Peer reviewe

    A Murine Model of falciparum-Malaria by In Vivo Selection of Competent Strains in Non-Myelodepleted Mice Engrafted with Human Erythrocytes

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    To counter the global threat caused by Plasmodium falciparum malaria, new drugs and vaccines are urgently needed. However, there are no practical animal models because P. falciparum infects human erythrocytes almost exclusively. Here we describe a reliable falciparum murine model of malaria by generating strains of P. falciparum in vivo that can infect immunodeficient mice engrafted with human erythrocytes. We infected NODscid/ÎČ2m−/− mice engrafted with human erythrocytes with P. falciparum obtained from in vitro cultures. After apparent clearance, we obtained isolates of P. falciparum able to grow in peripheral blood of engrafted NODscid/ÎČ2m−/− mice. Of the isolates obtained, we expanded in vivo and established the isolate Pf3D70087/N9 as a reference strain for model development. Pf3D70087/N9 caused productive persistent infections in 100% of engrafted mice infected intravenously. The infection caused a relative anemia due to selective elimination of human erythrocytes by a mechanism dependent on parasite density in peripheral blood. Using this model, we implemented and validated a reproducible assay of antimalarial activity useful for drug discovery. Thus, our results demonstrate that P. falciparum contains clones able to grow reproducibly in mice engrafted with human erythrocytes without the use of myeloablative methods

    Nuevos anålisis traceológicos, arqueométricos y petrológicos de material metålico y lítico recuperado en un lugar sagrado de la Cultura de las Motillas: Castillejo del Bonete (Terrinches, Ciudad Real)

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    Castillejo del Bonete es fue un lugar sagrado utilizado durante el III y II milenios cal BC al sur de La Mancha. Se usĂł como monumento de culto y funerario; dispone de corredores y construcciones orientados a los solsticios. Los resultados de su estudio han sido publicados en revistas cientĂ­ficas nacionales e internacionales. El trabajo aquĂ­ presentado aporta los recientes resultados del estudio analĂ­tico de diferentes clases de materiales arqueolĂłgicos selectos depositados en este lugar: estelas funerarias, cuentas, Ăștiles metĂĄlicos y lĂ­ticos. En cuanto a la piedra tallada, se han llevado a cabo anĂĄlisis de uso en diferentes piezas. Respecto a la piedra pulida, se ha desarrollado un anĂĄlisis con microscopio electrĂłnico de barrido de una cuenta de caolinita roja, asĂ­ como anĂĄlisis traceolĂłgicos de brazales de arquero. AnĂĄlisis paleontolĂłgicos y petrolĂłgicos se han realizado sobre una estela funeraria encontrada en el interior de la cueva mortuoria. Esta serie de analĂ­ticas realizadas sobre materiales selectos se añade a las hasta ahora existentes, ya publicadas. En el estado actual de conocimientos es posible afirmar que la cultura material enterrada en Castillejo del Bonete en su mayor parte no difiere de la utilizada durante la vida cotidiana, pero fue amortizada para ser puesta al servicio de un ritual que girĂł en torno a los ancestros y un culto solar. Esa tradiciĂłn prolongĂł durante las Edades del Cobre y el Bronce, siendo un reflejo de los inicios de la jerarquizaciĂłn social y de la monumentalizaciĂłn del territorio al sur de la Meseta

    Cerro Ortega (Villanueva de la Fuente, Ciudad Real): un abrigo sepulcral con inhumaciĂłn multiple durante la transiciĂłn neolĂ­tico-calcolĂ­tico al sur de la meseta

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    Este trabajo supone una actualización de la documentación disponible sobre la necrópolis del Cerro Ortega, que incluye nuevas dataciones absolutas y su contexto cultural. Se aportan datos y materiales inéditos sobre algunos sitios arqueológicos fundamentales para comprender los procesos de cambio cultural entre los IV y III milenios cal BC en el interior peninsular: Cerro Ortega (Villanueva de la Fuente), Villamayor de Calatrava, Vega de los Morales (Aldea del Rey), Cueva Maturras (Argamasilla de Alba) y La Jalbegada (San Lorenzo de Calatrava), entre otros. La presentación de pulseras de piedra, ídolos, adornos personales de concha, hueso, pizarra, clinocloro, clinoferrosilita y calcita, así como la orientación a eventos astronómicos de un refugio sepulcral, proporciona información sobre los aspectos simbólicos de las primeras comunidades productoras de La Mancha. El estudio permite avanzar en el conocimiento de las bases neolíticas que permitieron formar el substrato calcolítico de la Cultura de las Motillas

    A tetraoxane-based antimalarial drug candidate that overcomes PfK13-C580Y dependent artemisinin resistance.

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    K13 gene mutations are a primary marker of artemisinin resistance in Plasmodium falciparum malaria that threatens the long-term clinical utility of artemisinin-based combination therapies, the cornerstone of modern day malaria treatment. Here we describe a multinational drug discovery programme that has delivered a synthetic tetraoxane-based molecule, E209, which meets key requirements of the Medicines for Malaria Venture drug candidate profiles. E209 has potent nanomolar inhibitory activity against multiple strains of P. falciparum and P. vivax in vitro, is efficacious against P. falciparum in in vivo rodent models, produces parasite reduction ratios equivalent to dihydroartemisinin and has pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic characteristics compatible with a single-dose cure. In vitro studies with transgenic parasites expressing variant forms of K13 show no cross-resistance with the C580Y mutation, the primary variant observed in Southeast Asia. E209 is a superior next generation endoperoxide with combined pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic features that overcome the liabilities of artemisinin derivatives

    Correction : Chaparro et al. Incidence, Clinical Characteristics and Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Spain: Large-Scale Epidemiological Study. J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 2885

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    The authors wish to make the following corrections to this paper [...]

    Incidence, Clinical Characteristics and Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Spain : Large-Scale Epidemiological Study

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    (1) Aims: To assess the incidence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in Spain, to describe the main epidemiological and clinical characteristics at diagnosis and the evolution of the disease, and to explore the use of drug treatments. (2) Methods: Prospective, population-based nationwide registry. Adult patients diagnosed with IBD-Crohn's disease (CD), ulcerative colitis (UC) or IBD unclassified (IBD-U)-during 2017 in Spain were included and were followed-up for 1 year. (3) Results: We identified 3611 incident cases of IBD diagnosed during 2017 in 108 hospitals covering over 22 million inhabitants. The overall incidence (cases/100,000 person-years) was 16 for IBD, 7.5 for CD, 8 for UC, and 0.5 for IBD-U; 53% of patients were male and median age was 43 years (interquartile range = 31-56 years). During a median 12-month follow-up, 34% of patients were treated with systemic steroids, 25% with immunomodulators, 15% with biologics and 5.6% underwent surgery. The percentage of patients under these treatments was significantly higher in CD than UC and IBD-U. Use of systemic steroids and biologics was significantly higher in hospitals with high resources. In total, 28% of patients were hospitalized (35% CD and 22% UC patients, p < 0.01). (4) Conclusion: The incidence of IBD in Spain is rather high and similar to that reported in Northern Europe. IBD patients require substantial therapeutic resources, which are greater in CD and in hospitals with high resources, and much higher than previously reported. One third of patients are hospitalized in the first year after diagnosis and a relevant proportion undergo surgery

    Immigrant IBD Patients in Spain Are Younger, Have More Extraintestinal Manifestations and Use More Biologics Than Native Patients

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    BackgroundPrevious studies comparing immigrant ethnic groups and native patients with IBD have yielded clinical and phenotypic differences. To date, no study has focused on the immigrant IBD population in Spain. MethodsProspective, observational, multicenter study comparing cohorts of IBD patients from ENEIDA-registry who were born outside Spain with a cohort of native patients. ResultsWe included 13,524 patients (1,864 immigrant and 11,660 native). The immigrants were younger (45 +/- 12 vs. 54 +/- 16 years, p < 0.001), had been diagnosed younger (31 +/- 12 vs. 36 +/- 15 years, p < 0.001), and had a shorter disease duration (14 +/- 7 vs. 18 +/- 8 years, p < 0.001) than native patients. Family history of IBD (9 vs. 14%, p < 0.001) and smoking (30 vs. 40%, p < 0.001) were more frequent among native patients. The most prevalent ethnic groups among immigrants were Caucasian (41.5%), followed by Latin American (30.8%), Arab (18.3%), and Asian (6.7%). Extraintestinal manifestations, mainly musculoskeletal affections, were more frequent in immigrants (19 vs. 11%, p < 0.001). Use of biologics, mainly anti-TNF, was greater in immigrants (36 vs. 29%, p < 0.001). The risk of having extraintestinal manifestations [OR: 2.23 (1.92-2.58, p < 0.001)] and using biologics [OR: 1.13 (1.0-1.26, p = 0.042)] was independently associated with immigrant status in the multivariate analyses. ConclusionsCompared with native-born patients, first-generation-immigrant IBD patients in Spain were younger at disease onset and showed an increased risk of having extraintestinal manifestations and using biologics. Our study suggests a featured phenotype of immigrant IBD patients in Spain, and constitutes a new landmark in the epidemiological characterization of immigrant IBD populations in Southern Europe

    Association Between Preexisting Versus Newly Identified Atrial Fibrillation and Outcomes of Patients With Acute Pulmonary Embolism

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    Background Atrial fibrillation (AF) may exist before or occur early in the course of pulmonary embolism (PE). We determined the PE outcomes based on the presence and timing of AF. Methods and Results Using the data from a multicenter PE registry, we identified 3 groups: (1) those with preexisting AF, (2) patients with new AF within 2 days from acute PE (incident AF), and (3) patients without AF. We assessed the 90-day and 1-year risk of mortality and stroke in patients with AF, compared with those without AF (reference group). Among 16 497 patients with PE, 792 had preexisting AF. These patients had increased odds of 90-day all-cause (odds ratio [OR], 2.81; 95% CI, 2.33-3.38) and PE-related mortality (OR, 2.38; 95% CI, 1.37-4.14) and increased 1-year hazard for ischemic stroke (hazard ratio, 5.48; 95% CI, 3.10-9.69) compared with those without AF. After multivariable adjustment, preexisting AF was associated with significantly increased odds of all-cause mortality (OR, 1.91; 95% CI, 1.57-2.32) but not PE-related mortality (OR, 1.50; 95% CI, 0.85-2.66). Among 16 497 patients with PE, 445 developed new incident AF within 2 days of acute PE. Incident AF was associated with increased odds of 90-day all-cause (OR, 2.28; 95% CI, 1.75-2.97) and PE-related (OR, 3.64; 95% CI, 2.01-6.59) mortality but not stroke. Findings were similar in multivariable analyses. Conclusions In patients with acute symptomatic PE, both preexisting AF and incident AF predict adverse clinical outcomes. The type of adverse outcomes may differ depending on the timing of AF onset.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio