2 research outputs found

    Quality management of educational activities in higher education

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    The transformations that have taken place in education have led to the emergence of a new educational framework under which modern higher education institutions are actively adapting. The activity of educational organizations was rethought and teachers’ work acquired new features. Today institutions of higher education must build educational activities in such a way as to be able to satisfy changing needs of the state and society. Therefore, in higher education educational activities should be built at a high level. Thus, to achieve it, it is significant to ensure decent management of it. The purpose of the article is to reveal general features of management activities in a higher educational institution and, on their basis, to develop a model for managing them. The model of management of educational activities in higher education proposed by the authors is focused on new approaches to quality as the main component of quality management being a system object. The work achieved the goal of uncovering the general features of managerial activity in a higher educational institution and, based on them, developed a model for managing educational activities. The model of educational activity management in higher education that we have developed is focused on new approaches to quality as the main component of education management, it is a system object. The model, as the study showed, helps to improve the process of managing educational activities, to bring it to a new level. According to the study, the authors concluded that the model showed its effectiveness and contributed to educational management improvement

    Model formation of future teachers readiness to innovative activity

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    The relevance of the study is justified by the new requirements for the personality of a specialist in the field of education. Thus, an obligatory component of professional and pedagogical competence is the innovative competence of the teacher. The formation of this competence in future teachers in the system of their professional training in higher education requires special methodological system of innovative competence formation. The purpose of this article is to reveal the essence and to describe the model of readiness to innovative activity of future teachers. The purpose of the article is realized by applying theoretical (spectral analysis, generalization) and empirical (modeling, methods of pedagogical diagnostics) methods of scientific knowledge in the research. On the basis of the application of these methods in the study, the essence, features and structure of pedagogical innovative activity are determined. The necessity of innovative activity readiness formation of future teachers is substantiated. The components of the structure of teacher's readiness for innovative activity are described. The essence of pedagogical formation model of future teachers readiness to innovative activity is described. Its efficiency on the basis of quantitative and qualitative results is proved. The elements of scientific novelty in the work are represented by the creation of an experimental pedagogical model of the formation of the future teachers’ readiness to innovative activity, the substantiation of methodological and methodical aspects of its implementation, the development of the criteria base for determining the level of formation of the future teachers’ readiness to innovative activity