163 research outputs found

    Olfactory flow in the sturgeon is externally driven

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    Fluid dynamics plays an important part in olfaction. Using the complementary techniques of dye visualisation and computational fluid dynamics (CFD), we investigated the hydrodynamics of the nasal region of the sturgeon Huso dauricus. H. dauricus offers several experimental advantages, including a well-developed, well-supported, radial array (rosette) of visible-by-eye olfactory sensory channels. We represented these features in an anatomically accurate rigid model derived from an X-ray scan of the head of a preserved museum specimen. We validated the results from the CFD simulation by comparing them with data from the dye visualisation experiments. We found that flow through both the nasal chamber and, crucially, the sensory channels could be induced by an external flow (caused by swimming in vivo) at a physiologically relevant Reynolds number. Flow through the nasal chamber arises from the anatomical arrangement of the incurrent and excurrent nostrils, and is assisted by the broad, cartilage-supported, inner wall of the incurrent nostril. Flow through the sensory channels arises when relatively high speed flow passing through the incurrent nostril encounters the circular central support of the olfactory rosette, decelerates, and is dispersed amongst the sensory channels. Vortices within the olfactory flow may assist odorant transport to the sensory surfaces. We conclude that swimming alone is sufficient to drive olfactory flow in H. dauricus, and consider the implications of our results for the three other extant genera of sturgeons (Acipenser, Pseudoscaphirhynchus and Scaphirhynchus), and for other fishes with olfactory rosettes

    Olfactory flow in the sea catfish, <i>Ariopsis felis</i> (L.): origin, regulation, and resampling

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    The olfactory epithelium of the sea catfish, Ariopsis felis, is found on a pinnate array of lamellae (the olfactory rosette) housed within a nasal chamber. The nasal anatomy of A. felis suggests an ability to capture external water currents. We prepared models from X-ray micro-computed tomography scans of two preserved specimens of A. felis. We then used dye visualisation and computational fluid dynamics to show that an external current induced a flow of water through a) the nasal chamber and b) the sensory channels of the olfactory rosette. The factors responsible for inducing flow through the nasal chamber are common to fishes from two other orders. The dye visualisation experiments, together with observations of sea catfishes in vivo, indicate that flow through the nasal chamber is regulated by a mobile nasal flap. The position of the nasal flap – elevated (significant flow) or depressed (reduced flow) – is controlled by the sea catfish’s movements. Flow in the sensory channels of the olfactory rosette can pass through either a single channel or, via multiple pathways, up to four consecutive channels. Flow through consecutive sensory channels (olfactory resampling) is more extensive at lower Reynolds numbers (200 and 300, equivalent to swimming speeds of 0.5 – 1.0 total lengths s-1), coinciding with the mean swimming speed of the sea catfishes observed in vivo (0.6 total lengths s-1). Olfactory resampling may also occur, via a vortex, within single sensory channels. In conclusion, olfactory flow in the sea catfish is regulated and thoroughly sampled by novel mechanisms

    Geochemical evidence of the seasonality, affinity and pigmenation of Solenopora jurassica

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    Solenopora jurassica is a fossil calcareous alga that functioned as an important reef-building organism during the Palaeozoic. It is of significant palaeobiological interest due to its distinctive but poorly understood pink and white banding. Though widely accepted as an alga there is still debate over its taxonomic affinity, with recent work arguing that it should be reclassified as a chaetetid sponge. The banding is thought to be seasonal, but there is no conclusive evidence for this. Other recent work has, however demonstrated the presence of a unique organic boron-containing pink/red pigment in the pink bands of S. jurassica. We present new geochemical evidence concerning the seasonality and pigmentation of S. jurassica. Seasonal growth cycles are demonstrated by X-ray radiography, which shows differences in calcite density, and by varying δ13C composition of the bands. Temperature variation in the bands is difficult to constrain accurately due to conflicting patterns arising from Mg/Ca molar ratios and δ18O data. Fluctuating chlorine levels indicate increased salinity in the white bands, when combined with the isotope data this suggests more suggestive of marine conditions during formation of the white band and a greater freshwater component (lower chlorinity) during pink band precipitation (δ18O). Increased photosynthesis is inferred within the pink bands in comparison to the white, based on δ13C. Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (Py-GCMS) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) show the presence of tetramethyl pyrrole, protein moieties and carboxylic acid groups, suggestive of the presence of the red algal pigment phycoerythrin. This is consistent with the pink colour of S. jurassica. As phycoerythrin is only known to occur in algae and cyanobacteria, and no biomarker evidence of bacteria or sponges was detected we conclude S. jurassica is most likely an alga. Pigment analysis may be a reliable classification method for fossil algae

    Particle size analysis: A comparison of laboratory-based techniques and their application to geoscience

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    In sedimentary geoscience, the particle size distribution (PSD) of a sediment has a fundamental effect on a sediment's ability to be entrained, eroded, and deposited. Therefore, it is crucial to accurately measure the PSD of sediments. Several laboratory-based methods of particle size analysis are commonly employed in geoscience; however, each method is based on different principles and the comparison of data from one technique to another is challenging. In this study, we have compared the output of four commonly-used laboratory-based techniques: Laser Particle Size Analysis (LPSA), optical point counting, 2D automated image analysis, and X-ray Computed Tomography (XCT). Each technique has been used to measure eight samples of spherical silica particles, all prepared with known particle size ranges. Spherical particles have been used to minimise the effects of variable sorting and particle shape on data output. Here we have compared the differences between the measured PSD and descriptors of each PSD, showing that, at small particle diameters (150 Îźm, LPSA overestimates the size of particles, due to limitations in the way that particle diameter is calculated by this technique. In contrast, 2D automated image analysis and optical point counting underestimate the diameters of particles, due to stereology (e.g., the effect of slicing particles during thin section preparation). Results from XCT analyses have the lowest values of sorting (range of measured particle diameters) and are therefore the most tightly constrained. In addition, XCT is the only 3D analysis method, allowing particle shape, orientation, and intraparticle porosity to be measured for a volume of material. We therefore conclude that XCT is the most accurate way to determine a grain size distribution in sediments

    The Functional Nasal Anatomy of the Pike, <i>Esox lucius</i> L.

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    Olfactory flow in fishes is a little-explored area of fundamental and applied importance. We investigated olfactory flow in the pike, Esox lucius, because it has an apparently simple and rigid nasal region. We characterised olfactory flow by dye visualisation and computational fluid dynamics, using models derived from X-ray micro-computed tomography scans of two preserved specimens. An external current induced a flow of water through the nasal chamber at physiologically relevant Reynolds numbers (200 – 300). We attribute this externally-induced flow to: the location of the incurrent nostril in a region of high static pressure; the nasal bridge deflecting external flow into the nasal chamber; an excurrent nostril normal to external flow; and viscous entrainment. A vortex in the incurrent nostril may be instrumental in viscous entrainment. Flow was dispersed over the olfactory sensory surface when it impacted on the floor of the nasal chamber. Dispersal may be assisted by: the radial array of nasal folds; a complementary interaction between a posterior nasal fold and the ventral surface of the nasal bridge; and the incurrent vortex. The boundary layer could delay considerably (up to ~ 3 s) odorant transport from the external environment to the nasal region. The drag incurred by olfactory flow was almost the same as the drag incurred by models in which the nasal region had been replaced by a smooth surface. The boundary layer does not detach from the nasal region. We conclude that the nasal bridge and the incurrent vortex are pivotal to olfaction in the pike

    How phyllosilicate mineral structure affects fault strength in Mg-rich fault systems

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    The clay mineralogy of fault gouges has important implications for the frictional properties of faults, often identified as a major factor contributing to profound fault weakness. This work compares the frictional strength of a group of Mg‐rich minerals common in the Mg‐Al‐Si‐O compositional space (talc, saponite, sepiolite, and palygorskite) by conducting triaxial frictional tests with water or argon as pore fluid. The studied minerals are chemically similar but differ in their crystallographic structure. Results show that fibrous Mg‐rich phyllosilicates are stronger than their planar equivalents. Frictional strength in this group of minerals is highly influenced by strength of the atomic bonds, continuity of water layers within the crystals, and interactions of mineral surfaces with water molecules, all of which are dictated by crystal structure. The formation and stability of the minerals studied are mainly controlled by small changes in pore fluid chemistry, which can lead to significant differences in fault strength

    Differential Phagocytosis of White versus Opaque Candida albicans by Drosophila and Mouse Phagocytes

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    The human fungal pathogen Candida albicans resides asymptomatically in the gut of most healthy people but causes serious invasive diseases in immunocompromised patients. Many C. albicans strains have the ability to stochastically switch between distinct white and opaque cell types, but it is not known with certainty what role this switching plays in the physiology of the organism. Here, we report a previously undescribed difference between white and opaque cells, namely their interaction with host phagocytic cells. We show that both Drosophila hemocyte-derived S2 cells and mouse macrophage-derived RAW264.7 cells preferentially phagocytose white cells over opaque cells. This difference is seen both in the overall percentage of cultured cells that phagocytose white versus opaque C. albicans and in the average number of C. albicans taken up by each phagocytic cell. We conclude that susceptibility to phagocytosis by cells of the innate immune system is an important distinction between white and opaque C. albicans, and propose that one role of switching from the prevalent white form into the rarer opaque form may be to allow C. albicans to escape phagocytosis

    Siderophore-Mediated Zinc Acquisition Enhances Enterobacterial Colonization of the Inflamed Gut

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    Zinc is an essential cofactor for bacterial metabolism, and many Enterobacteriaceae express the zinc transporters ZnuABC and ZupT to acquire this metal in the host. However, the probiotic bacterium Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 (or “Nissle”) exhibits appreciable growth in zinc-limited media even when these transporters are deleted. Here, we show that Nissle utilizes the siderophore yersiniabactin as a zincophore, enabling Nissle to grow in zinc-limited media, to tolerate calprotectin-mediated zinc sequestration, and to thrive in the inflamed gut. We also show that yersiniabactin’s affinity for iron or zinc changes in a pH-dependent manner, with increased relative zinc binding as the pH increases. Thus, our results indicate that siderophore metal affinity can be influenced by the local environment and reveal a mechanism of zinc acquisition available to commensal and pathogenic Enterobacteriaceae

    Two Distinct Coagulase-Dependent Barriers Protect Staphylococcus aureus from Neutrophils in a Three Dimensional in vitro Infection Model

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a pyogenic abscess-forming facultative pathogenic microorganism expressing a large set of virulence-associated factors. Among these, secreted proteins with binding capacity to plasma proteins (e.g. fibrinogen binding proteins Eap and Emp) and prothrombin activators such as Coagulase (Coa) and vWbp are involved in abscess formation. By using a three-dimensional collagen gel (3D-CoG) supplemented with fibrinogen (Fib) we studied the growth behavior of S. aureus strain Newman and a set of mutants as well as their interaction with mouse neutrophils by real-time confocal microscopy. In 3D-CoG/Fib, S. aureus forms microcolonies which are surrounded by an inner pseudocapsule and an extended outer dense microcolony-associated meshwork (MAM) containing fibrin. Coa is involved in formation of the pseudocapsule whereas MAM formation depends on vWbp. Moreover, agr-dependent dispersal of late stage microcolonies could be observed. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the pseudocapsule and the MAM act as mechanical barriers against neutrophils attracted to the microcolony. The thrombin inhibitor argatroban is able to prevent formation of both pseudocapsule and MAM and supports access of neutrophils to staphylococci. Taken together, this model can simulate specific stages of S. aureus abscess formation by temporal dissection of bacterial growth and recruitment of immune cells. It can complement established animal infection models in the development of new treatment options
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