11 research outputs found

    Contributing factors and quality of life among women with abnormal uterine bleeding

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    Background: Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is one of the most common debilitating menstrual problems and it has a major impact on quality of life.Methods: A explorative research design was adopted to study the contributing factor and quality of life. Hundred and fifty (150) women with AUB were selected purposively from gynecology OPD of IMS and SUM Hospital, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. The tools used for the study were 1) the socio-demographic questionnaire, 2) questionnaire to assess the contributing factors and 3) WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire to assess the quality of life. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.Results: Highest percentage of women (46.66%) were aged between 46 and 50. Majority of women had mental stress (72.67%) and were non-vegetarian (66%). Half of the (50.66%) women had a family history of AUB, and 16.66% of women had a family history of malignancy. Majority (76.66%) of women were diagnosed with medical conditions and among the highest percentage (27.84%) of them had thyroid diseases. The overall quality of life score was 65.08±11.19 and the social relationship domain (38.72±7.11) was more affected and the environmental domain (75.94±4.12) was least affected.Conclusions: Various factors are involved in the development of abnormal uterine bleeding.  There is a need for awareness about the contributing factors and prevention of AUB among reproductive-age women.

    Neutrino Phenomenology and Dark matter in an A4A_4 flavour extended B-L model

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    We present an A4A_4 flavor extended BL\rm B-L model for realization of eV scale sterile neutrinos, motivated by the recent experimental hints from both particle physics and cosmology. The framework considered here is a gauged BL\rm B-L extension of standard model without the introduction of right-handed neutrinos, where the gauge triangle anomalies are canceled with the inclusion of three exotic neutral fermions NiN_{i} (i=1,2,3i=1,2,3) with BL\rm B-L charges 4,4-4,-4 and 55. The usual Dirac Yukawa couplings between the SM neutrinos and the exotic fermions are absent and thus, the model allows natural realization of eV scale sterile-like neutrino and its mixing with standard model neutrinos by invoking A4\rm A_4 flavor symmetry. We demonstrate how the exact tri-bimaximal mixing pattern is perturbed due to active-sterile mixing by analyzing 1+31+3 case in detail. We also show the implication of eV scale sterile-like neutrino on various observables in neutrino oscillation experiments and the effective mass in neutrinoless double beta decay. Another interesting feature of the model is that one of three exotic fermions is required to explain eV scale phenomena, while other two fermions form stable dark matter candidates and their total relic density satisfy the observed 3σ3\sigma limit of Planck data. We constrain the gauge parameters associated with U(1)U(1) gauge extension, using relic density and collider bounds.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figures, version to appear in EPJ

    Quality Of Life and Coping Strategies Among Caregivers of Patient with Cardiovascular Diseases

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    Caregivers and family members of patients with long-term cardiovascular diseases often experience varying degrees of depression due to the significant changes in life style and the challenges associated with managing the condition. Adapting and modifying coping strategies as needed is crucial for caregivers to effectively decrease or manage stressful situations. The objectives of this study was to assess the quality of life and coping strategies among caregiver of cardiovascular patient. At IMS & SUM Hospital in Bhubaneswar ,Odisha, a descriptive correlational research design was used. Purposive sampling selected 200 participants who completed a socio-demographic questionnaire. Two standardized scale s were employed: the WHOQOL-BREF scale to measure quality of life and the coping inventory for stressful situations to assess coping strategies. The study findings showed a significant negative correlation ( r = -0.338, p < 0.01) between quality of life and coping strategies, as indicated by Karl Pearson’s correlation coefficient. This suggests that as, if the coping strategies is better, the quality of life is also better. Additionally, the study employed ANOVA and t-tests to examine the differences between quality of life and coping strategies. The study findings suggest that the quality of life of young individuals is more impacted by caregiving compared to the elderly. There is a significant negative correlation between quality of life and coping strategies, indicating that higher quality of life scores are associated with lower coping strategy scores. Conversely, better coping strategies are linked to better quality of life. Caregivers employ various coping strategies, and counselling can play a crucial role in providing emotional support, guidance, and practical advice to help caregivers manage challenges and maintain their well-being while caring for cardiovascular patients

    Perceived Stress, Quality of Life and Pregnancy Outcomes Among Women with Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy (HDP) And Role of Midwives in It: A Systematic Review

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    Hypertensive disorders during pregnancy are one of the leading causes of maternal & newborn death across the world. Many of the hypertensive antenatal women often end of with admission to ICU due to severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, or delivering dead babies of term pregnancy, even if live baby delivered, they mostly admitted to NICU due to respiratory distress and prematurity. Hence, they need continuous educational intervention and follow up by healthcare personnel. And a midwife is the right person for this. Midwives play an important role in encouraging pregnant mothers to adhere to treatment through various education and follow up resulting in safe pregnancy outcome among these mothers. But in Indian scenario in many places the role of midwives are often ignored while managing pregnancy complications. Therefore, current paper aimed to explore the expanded role of midwives in identifying the affected quality of life and its impact on pregnancy outcome among women with HDPs. The empirical research papers of various countries were searched through the electronic databases like Pro-Quest, Embase, Research Gate, Science direct, PUBMED, MEDLINE, CINAHL-EBSCO, web of science, Google Scholar etc and the references were also searched of those primary articles. A total of 15 out of 275 studies including both RCTs, Systematic & narrative review papers were analysed. In this paper 4 relevant points were analyzed, like- perceived stress, quality of life (QOL), pregnancy outcomes and role of midwife in GHTN management in rural India. The research papers on pregnancy outcomes as well as stress and QOL secondary to gestational outcome were plenty, but very less studies were retrieved on role of midwives. Mother’s with GHTN has more stress regarding the fetal wellbeing which ultimately affects the quality of life. Interventional studies revealed reduction in stress and improved perinatal outcome secondary to some integrated midwifery management approach. More research on addressing quality of life and exploring the stressors and interventional programs by midwifes are recommended to bring solution to this problem. The result of this review can be incorporated into nursing research to empower the women with gestational hypertension to have a positive pregnancy experience

    eV scale sterile neutrino and dark matter phenomenology in A4×U(1)B−L Model

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    We discuss an A4 flavor extended B-L model to realize an eV scale sterile neutrino, which is evident from both particle physics and cosmology experiments. The current framework includes a gauged B-L extension of standard model, where three exotic fermions with B-L charges -4,4, and 5 are introduced to cancel gauge anomalies. Absence of usual Dirac Yukawa couplings between the SM neutrinos and the exotic fermions allows natural realization of eV scale sterile-like neutrino and its mixing by invoking the A4 flavor symmetry. We demonstrate the neutrino phenomenology by perturbing the TBM mixing to obtain a large (formula presented). We also explored the extra contribution to the effective neutrino mass in neutrinoless double beta decay in the presence of eV scale sterile neutrino. On the other hand the interesting feature of the model is that two of three exotic fermions are stable dark matter candidates. We constrain the gauge parameters associated with U(1) gauge extension, using relic density and collider bounds. © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd 2020

    A modular A 4 symmetric scotogenic model for neutrino mass and dark matter

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    Modular symmetries have been impeccable in the neutrino and quark sectors. This motivated us to propose a variant of the scotogenic model based on modular A 4 symmetry and realize the neutrino mass generation at the one-loop level through a radiative mechanism. Alongside, we discuss the lepton flavour violating processes μ → e 3, μ → 3e and μ-e conversion in the nucleus. The lightest Dirac fermion turns out to be a potential dark matter candidate, made stable by the suitable assignment of modular weights. The relic density of this has been computed with annihilations mediated by inert scalars and the new U(1) gauge boson. The LEP-II and ATLAS dilepton constraints on the new gauge parameters are suitably considered to show the consistent parameter region. © 2022 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Sublingual Drug Delivery System: A Novel Approach

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    In some acute disease cases, medication requires rapid onset of action. Sublingual drug delivery is considered to be a promising route for Faster and direct absorption of drug into systemic circulation. In buccal cavity, sublingual area is most permeable for drug absorption. The portion of drug absorbed through the sublingual blood vessels bypasses the hepatic first-pass metabolism, which leads to greater bioavailability with better patient compliance. New sublingual technologies offers many pharmaceutical and patient needs, that are enhanced life-cycle management to convenient dosing for pediatric, geriatric, and psychiatric patients with dysphagia. The objective of this study to demonstrate a complete approach of sublingual drug delivery system with both conventional and novel approach with its current and future approaches

    A new blocking ELISA for detection of foot-and-mouth disease non-structural protein (NSP) antibodies in a broad host range

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    Large-scale monitoring of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in livestock is imperative in an FMD control program. Detection of antibodies against non-structural proteins (NSP) of FMD virus (FMDV) is one of the best tools to estimate the prevalence of past infection; availability of such a well-validated test is therefore essential. Using a FMDV 3B protein-specific monoclonal antibody, we have developed a new NSP antibody blocking ELISA (10H9 bELISA) and validated it on large panels of sera from different susceptible species. The diagnostic sensitivity of the ELISA was 95% with a specificity of 98%, similar to the values found using a commercial kit (PrioCHECK FMD NS test). The 10H9 bELISA can be used in a broad range of FMD susceptible species making it a very useful tool in monitoring the foot-and-mouth disease control programs by detection of virus circulation in the vaccinated populations. Key points: • A new ELISA for detection of foot and mouth disease (FMD) antibodies. • Diagnostic sensitivity of 95% and specificity of 98%. • Tested with panels of validated sera from broad host range