252 research outputs found


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    L-Histidine Barium Chloride dihydrate (LHBC), a semi organic nonlinear optical material was grown from aqueous solution by slow solvent evaporation method at room temperature.  The LHBC crystals were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction analysis.  The presence of functional groups was identified through Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy.  Thermogravimetric and Differential Thermal Analysis confirm that the crystal is stable up to 269oC.  The mechanical properties of the grown crystals have been studied using Vickers microhardness test.  The second harmonic generation behavior of LHBC crystal was tested by Kurtz-Perry powder technique

    Wetting Characteristics of Oleate Monolayers Adsorbed at Calcium Mineral Surfaces:a Molecuar Dynamics Study

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    In this paper we present our Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations results on the wettability characteristics of the surfaces of three calcium minerals namely, fluorite, calcite and fluorapatite with an adsorbed oleate monolayer in the presence of water. The contact angle of water on these oleate-adsorbed mineral surfaces are computed and compared with experimental values available in the literature. The modeled adsorbed oleate monolayers on calcite (104), fluorite 11 1 1 ) and fluoroapatite (100) are packed so as to achieve the most favorable configuration, that is, 100%, 67% and 75% packing respectively

    Surface and Flotation Characteristics of Spodumene:A Molecular Modeling Approach

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    Surface characteristics of spodumene [LiAl(SiO3)27 and aluminosilicates (feldspar [KA1Si3041 and muscovite IK2A14(A1257602a)(01-00 are modeled using molecular simulations. Surface energies are computed for various cleavage planes of these minerals and compared with those measured experi-mentally. Adsorption mechanisms of oleate collector on spodumene in the selective flotation of spodumene from these aluminosilicates are studied using molecular model-ing methods. Further, the wettability characteristics of spodumene are quantified by computing the contact angle of a drop of water on the adsorbed oleate layer. These simul-ated computed contact angles are compared with those measured experimentally

    Effects of Carbohydrates on in vitro axillary shoot initiation and multiplication of Bambusa pallida Munro.

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    The purpose of the current study was to optimize the carbohydrate sources and sucrose concentrations for mass clonal propagation of B. pallida. Sucrose in MS liquid medium consisting additives (ascorbic acid, 50mg/l + citric acid, 25 mg/l + cysteine, 25 mg/l) was found to be the best carbohydrate source for shoot induction and shoot multiplication.  NAA 0.25mg/l in combination with TDZ 0.25mg/l in the medium exhibited high frequency shoot induction and NAA 0.25mg/l with BAP 1.0mg/l helped for further multiplication of quality shoots.  IBA pulse treated shoots were rooted in the MS half strength agar gelled medium fortified with sucrose (2%) and glucose (1%). Rooted plantlets were well established in the green house with more than 95% survivability within four weeks period.&nbsp

    Spectroscopic characterization and quantum chemical investigation of molecular structure and vibrational spectra of phthalazine-1(2H)-one

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    In this study, vibrational and electronic transition analysis of phthalazine-1(2H)-one have been presented using experimental techniques FT-IR, FT-Raman and density functional theory (DFT) calculation. The structural properties of the molecule in the ground state have been calculated using DFT employing B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) basis set. Optimized geometrical parameters have been interpreted and compared with the experimental values. The complete assignments have been performed on the basis of the experimental data and potential energy distribution (PED) of the vibrational modes. The calculated HOMO and LUMO energies and energy difference (ΔEHOMO‒LUMO = − 4.876 eV), confirm that charge transfers occur within the molecule. The stability of the molecule arising from hyperconjugative interactions and the charge delocalization has been analyzed using natural bond orbital’s analysis (NBO). The specific heat, Gibb’s free energy, and entropy of molecule have been calculated as a function of temperature by using statistical mechanics coupled with quantum chemical calculation. Observed vibrational wave numbers have been compared with calculated values, and found to be in agreement with experimental results. The study of dielectric properties like dielectric constant at microwave frequency, static dielectric constant and dielectric constant at optical frequency of Phthalazine-1(2H)-one have been determined. The dielectric relaxation studies provide information about the molecular structure and intermolecular interaction between phthalazine-1(2H)-one and alcohol mixture

    Exploring Authentic Leadership through Leadership Journey of Gandhi

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    Leadership research will benefit from bringing in the subjective realities of becoming a leader by considering the leadership journey. Generating an understanding of how leaders turn episodes in time into meaningful subjective narratives helps shed light on the meaning-making process. We seek in this inquiry to understand self-awareness with a narrative meaning-making process. In this study, we adopt a narrative research approach for analyzing the autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi, who is widely acknowledged as an authentic leader. The study explores individual experiences of becoming a leader and factors leading to the manifestation of authentic leadership behaviour as well as followers’ outcomes. The study will also contribute towards the understanding of triggering events experienced by the leader at different points in life which have led to self-awareness

    Unraveling Genetic Diversity Through Molecular Insights: RAPD Profiling of Hybanthus enneaspermus (L.) F. Muell.

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    Hybanthus enneaspermus (L.) F. Muell, commonly known as the Indian Violets or Purple Balsam, is a flowering plant belonging to the family Violaceae. It is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. It holds cultural and medicinal importance in various traditional systems of medicine. Extracts from different parts of the plant have been traditionally employed to address ailments ranging from respiratory conditions to skin disorders. RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) analysis is a molecular biology technique used to generate fingerprint-like patterns of genomic DNA. In this study, we employ RAPD analysis to investigate the genetic diversity and relationships within species/Population/group of interest. Through the amplification of random genomic regions, we aim to generate informative banding patterns that will serve as molecular fingerprints for the individuals under investigation. This study clearly demonstrates the efficacy of this technique as a robust tool for molecular characterization, underscoring its relevance in contemporary genetic research

    Peripheral Ameloblastoma: A Case Report and Review of Literature

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    Peripheral ameloblastoma, a rare and unusual variant of odontogenic tumour, comprises about 2–10% of all ameloblastomas. The extraosseous location is the peculiar feature of this type of tumour, which is otherwise similar to the classical ameloblastoma. This paper describes a case of peripheral ameloblastoma in a 67-year-old female affecting the lingual alveolar mucosa of the mandibular 32–34 region which was clinically diagnosed as pyogenic granuloma. This paper becomes important due to availability of all data, makeing it a well-documented case

    Innovations in Information Systems Education - Reflections of AIS Award Winners

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    AIS Council monitors social and technical trends that might affect the timeliness and relevance of IS curricula. Consequently, AIS Council charged the AIS VP for Education with developing a process to highlight the importance of these trends and to stimulate the development of education innovations to address them. The result is an AIS-sponsored awards competition (http://www.aisnet.org/award/awards.asp), first held in 2004. The call for submissions focused on the two themes of offshore outsourcing and software development innovations. A panel of expert judges made six awards— three awards of excellence and three honorable mentions. Members of five of the six winning teams appear on this panel. Panelists will address the following questions: · What was the origin of the innovation idea? · What support did you receive upfront for developing your innovation? · What barriers did you encounter in developing your innovation and how did you overcome them? · What learning or other benefits did you, your students, and your program experience from the innovation? · What other areas do you see where innovation in the IS curriculum is required? · What advice do you have for other IS educational innovators

    Implementing PODS (Patient Oriented Discharge Summary) in an acute medical urban health setting in Vancouver, Canada

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    The transition from hospital to home or community is a vulnerable time for patients and families, who face risks associated with misunderstanding instructions about medications, self-monitoring and when to seek emergency care. The quality of the discharge process can have a significant impact on patient confidence, overall patient experience, ability to manage health at home, and hospital readmission rates. Patient Oriented Discharge Summary (PODS) is a standardized form and set of process changes, utilized to overcome communication barriers faced at discharge. We implemented PODS in two Acute Medicine units of a tertiary care hospital in western Canada and used a mixed-methods approach to evaluate the four process changes (PODS form, use of teach-back, engagement of caregivers in discharge teaching, follow-up phone calls). Evaluation showed that 60% of patients received PODS and 87% found the form helpful. There was a large increase in the percentage of patients who felt adequately prepared at the time of discharge, and a 10% increase in the number of patients who rated their overall hospital experience positively. Healthcare providers reported that using PODS they were more confident that patients were adequately prepared to return home. The update of PODS on the implementation units has been sustained at 60% for 18 months. Implementation of the PODS form and process can be accomplished with an interdisciplinary team, leadership support and by working closely with Patient Family Partners. PODS can improve the discharge process even in the complex urban acute medical environment in ways that offer wide-reaching benefits. Experience Framework This article is associated with the Quality & Clinical Excellence lens of The Beryl Institute Experience Framework (https://www.theberylinstitute.org/ExperienceFramework). Access other PXJ articles related to this lens. Access other resources related to this lens
