4,777 research outputs found

    Completed Local Ternary Pattern for Rotation Invariant Texture Classification

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    Despite the fact that the two texture descriptors, the completed modeling of Local Binary Pattern (CLBP) and the Completed Local Binary Count (CLBC), have achieved a remarkable accuracy for invariant rotation texture classification, they inherit some Local Binary Pattern (LBP) drawbacks. The LBP is sensitive to noise, and different patterns of LBP may be classified into the same class that reduces its discriminating property. Although, the Local Ternary Pattern (LTP) is proposed to be more robust to noise than LBP, however, the latter’s weakness may appear with the LTP as well as with LBP. In this paper, a novel completed modeling of the Local Ternary Pattern (LTP) operator is proposed to overcome both LBP drawbacks, and an associated completed Local Ternary Pattern (CLTP) scheme is developed for rotation invariant texture classification. The experimental results using four different texture databases show that the proposed CLTP achieved an impressive classification accuracy as compared to the CLBP and CLBC descriptors


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    ABSTRAK Hampir 4 juta orang meninggal akibat ISPA setiap tahun, 98%  disebabkan oleh infeksi saluran pernapasan bawah (WHO, 2007). Data Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud  terdapat 559 kasus ISPA. Data Laporan Bulanan dari Penanggulangan Penyakit Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Akut (P2 ISPA) dari Puskesmas Salibabu Penyakit ISPA  terdapat 243 kasus ISPA. Tujuan peneitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kondisi lingkungan fisik rumah dengan kejadia ISPA pada anak dibawah umur lima tahun di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Salibabu Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasional analitik dengan rancangan penelitian cross sectional, Populasi  243 balita, sampel penelitian  berjumlah 100 balita. Variabel bebas ventilasi, pecahayaan, dan lantai rumah Instrumen dalam penelitian ini menggunakan alat luxmeter, rolmeter, dan kueisoner. Analisis menggunakan uji chi square dengan α=0,05 Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara variabel-variabel di atas dengan kejadian ISPA nilai signifikan: ventilasi (ρ= 0,000) α ≤0,05, pencahayaan (ρ= 0,000) α ≤0,05, dan lantai rumah  (ρ= 0,000) α ≤0,05 dengan demikian H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Hasil analisa data menunjukkan terdapat  hubungan antara ventilasi, pencahayaan dan kondisi lantai dengan kejadian infeksi saluran pernapasan akut pada balita. Kata Kunci: Lingkungan Fisik, Rumah, ISPA, Balita   ABSTRACT Almost four million people die of ARI yearly, 89% caused by the infection of lower respiratory (WHO 2007). Based On the data from regional Offices of Health of Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud, there are 559 ARI cases, and there are 243 accur in Community Health Center Salibabu. There purpose of this research is to find the relationship between physical house environment condition with the case of Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) in toddlers at Community Health Center in Salibabu Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud. The research methods used is method research of Analityc Observational with cross sectional research designed. The population in this research are 243 toddlers that afflicted of ARI in Community Health Center in Salibabu Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud. The sampel research uses purpossiv Sampling and take 100 toddlers. Instrumen in this research using tools luxmeter, rolmeter, and questionnaire. Data analyze use chi square test, with α = 0,05, and CI: 95%. The result of this research show that there in relationship between physical house environment condition with the case o Acute Respiratory Incident (ARI). Significant value (ρ = 0,000) α= ≤ 0.05, lighting (ρ= 0,000) α= ≤0,05, and the floor conditionof the house (ρ=0,000) α= ≤ 0,05. It means H0 rejected and Ha accepted. Data that analysed shows there is a relationship between ventilation, lighting, floor condition with acute case in toddlers. People need to be aware to keep the cleanness of their house to prevent the germ flourishing, so their house will be healthy to their toddler. Keywords: Physical environment, House, Acute Respiratory Invection, Toddler


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    ABSTRAK Hampir 4 juta orang meninggal akibat ISPA setiap tahun, 98%  disebabkan oleh infeksi saluran pernapasan bawah (WHO, 2007). Data Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud  terdapat 559 kasus ISPA. Data Laporan Bulanan dari Penanggulangan Penyakit Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Akut (P2 ISPA) dari Puskesmas Salibabu Penyakit ISPA  terdapat 243 kasus ISPA. Tujuan peneitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kondisi lingkungan fisik rumah dengan kejadia ISPA pada anak dibawah umur lima tahun di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Salibabu Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasional analitik dengan rancangan penelitian cross sectional, Populasi  243 balita, sampel penelitian  berjumlah 100 balita. Variabel bebas ventilasi, pecahayaan, dan lantai rumah Instrumen dalam penelitian ini menggunakan alat luxmeter, rolmeter, dan kueisoner. Analisis menggunakan uji chi square dengan α=0,05 Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara variabel-variabel di atas dengan kejadian ISPA nilai signifikan: ventilasi (ρ= 0,000) α ≤0,05, pencahayaan (ρ= 0,000) α ≤0,05, dan lantai rumah  (ρ= 0,000) α ≤0,05 dengan demikian H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Hasil analisa data menunjukkan terdapat  hubungan antara ventilasi, pencahayaan dan kondisi lantai dengan kejadian infeksi saluran pernapasan akut pada balita. Kata Kunci: Lingkungan Fisik, Rumah, ISPA, Balita   ABSTRACT Almost four million people die of ARI yearly, 89% caused by the infection of lower respiratory (WHO 2007). Based On the data from regional Offices of Health of Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud, there are 559 ARI cases, and there are 243 accur in Community Health Center Salibabu. There purpose of this research is to find the relationship between physical house environment condition with the case of Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) in toddlers at Community Health Center in Salibabu Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud. The research methods used is method research of Analityc Observational with cross sectional research designed. The population in this research are 243 toddlers that afflicted of ARI in Community Health Center in Salibabu Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud. The sampel research uses purpossiv Sampling and take 100 toddlers. Instrumen in this research using tools luxmeter, rolmeter, and questionnaire. Data analyze use chi square test, with α = 0,05, and CI: 95%. The result of this research show that there in relationship between physical house environment condition with the case o Acute Respiratory Incident (ARI). Significant value (ρ = 0,000) α= ≤ 0.05, lighting (ρ= 0,000) α= ≤0,05, and the floor conditionof the house (ρ=0,000) α= ≤ 0,05. It means H0 rejected and Ha accepted. Data that analysed shows there is a relationship between ventilation, lighting, floor condition with acute case in toddlers. People need to be aware to keep the cleanness of their house to prevent the germ flourishing, so their house will be healthy to their toddler. Keywords: Physical environment, House, Acute Respiratory Invection, Toddler

    Support for innovation and individual innovation readiness as mediators between transformational leadership and innovative work behaviour:An empirical study within Singaporean service organizations

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    Changes in the world’s economic landscape is forcing companies, especially those in the service industry, to stay relevant by introducing innovative service options and solutions. Employee innovative behavior has become an important condition for these businesses to succeed in this dynamic environment. While transformational leadership is often seen to induce innovative work behavior in employees, little is known about the psychological mechanisms through which this effect occurs. Our research conceptualizes the mediating effect of perceived support for innovation and individual innovation readiness in a series: between transformational leadership and actual innovative work behavior. We use the responses of 428 employees from six service organizations in Singapore to test our three-path mediation model. As hypothesized, the data supported the three-path mediation model. The results reveal a partial mediating role of support for innovation and a fully mediating role of individual innovation readiness. This finding is useful for designing and implementing effective human resource and organizational development interventions, with the objective of facilitating innovation in workforce within the service-type contexts

    Developing undergraduates' awareness of metacognitive knowledge in writing through problem - based learning

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    Metacognitive awareness can improve students’ writing proficiency. Engaging and supporting students in the writing process can increase their metacognitive awareness. This study investigates the effects of a problem-based learning approach on the awareness of metacognitive knowledge of Nigerian undergraduates in writing. An intact class of second-year students in an English composition course participated in the study. The study was conducted over a period of 12 weeks. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used in data collection. A metacognitive questionnaire was administered before and after the PBL treatment. Semi-structured interview was also carried out at the end of the treatment. The results showed significant effects of the PBL approach on the participants’ awareness of metacognitive knowledge of task requirements, personal learning process, strategy use, text and accuracy, problem solving and discourse features. The findings from the interview revealed that the nature of the ill-structured problem, which is related to their real life, and the interactions during the PBL process increased the participants’ awareness of metacognitive knowledge. The findings further showed that PBL approach could be adopted by ESL instructors and teachers to increase students’ awareness of metacognitive knowledge which in turn can enhance their writing proficiency

    Multi-Scale Colour Completed Local Binary Patterns for Scene and Event Sport Image Categorisation

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    The Local Binary Pattern (LBP) texture descriptor and some of its variant descriptors have been successfully used for texture classification and for a few other tasks such as face recognition, facial expression, and texture segmentation. However, these descriptors have been barely used for image categorisation because their calculations are based on the gray image and they are only invariant to monotonic light variations on the gray level. These descriptors ignore colour information despite their key role in distinguishing the objects and the natural scenes. In this paper, we enhance the Completed Local Binary Pattern (CLBP), an LBP variant with an impressive performance on texture classification. We propose five multiscale colour CLBP (CCLBP) descriptors by incorporating five different colour information into the original CLBP. By using the Oliva and Torralba (OT8) and Event sport datasets, our results attest to the superiority of the proposed CCLBP descriptors over the original CLBP in terms of image categorisation