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    Potret Kehidupan Sosial Ekonomi Pedagang Pakaian di Pasar Wisata Purwodadi Kota Pekanbaru

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    In this study the authors use survey research base with the type of descriptiveresearch. Sampling technique is done by simple random sampling. Primary dataobtained by observation and using questionnaires. The data analysis usingquantitative methods and frequency tables. Population and sample in this study wasthe Merchants Clothes that are in the city of Pekanbaru Tourism Purwodadi Mart.This study aims to determine the socio-economic life of street traders in the city ofPekanbaru particularly clothing merchants and factors that encourage traders clothingto immigrate to the city of Pekanbaru and why they chose that street merchants into ajob. The usefulness of this research into a particular entries Pekanbaru citygovernment in matters of employment and efforts to restrain the rate of growth,especially migrants from outside the city of Pekanbaru, and this research is alsoexpected to be a reference and comparison to other studies related to this research.Research results generally show that the clothing merchants dominated by ethnicMinangkabau of West Sumatra. This clothing merchants do not need high educationand skills. From most of the clothing traders who perform the migration, thepermanent migrants (settled) on appeal circular migrants (not settle). The level ofincome they earn an average of 100.000 - 200.000 day. Income they earn almostmeet their daily needs. Factors that drive to move and work as street vendors(Clothier) in the city of Pekanbaru is based by 2 main things that is the driving factorof the area of origin and pull factors of the city.Kata Kunci: Clothier, Sosio Economic Life, Tourism Mar

    Cotton-textile-apparel sectors of India:

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    "Cotton, textiles, and apparel are critical agricultural and industrial sectors in India. This study provides descriptions of these sectors and examines the key developments emerging domestically and internationally that affect the challenges and opportunities the sectors face. More than four million farm households produce cotton in India, and about one-quarter of output is produced by marginal and small farms. Although production has expanded—most recently with the introduction of Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) cotton—domestic prices dropped sharply in the late 1990s, in parallel to world cotton prices. Using partial equilibrium simulations, we estimate that a price movement of the magnitude that occurred has a significant effect on levels of poverty among cotton-producing households. The fiber-to-fabric production chain, from cotton processing through apparel, employs more than 12 million workers in India and provides 16 percent of export earnings. Except for the spinning industry, these sectors are dominated by small, fragmented, and nonintegrated units, which adversely affect their competitiveness. Recent policy reforms have induced some technological improvements. In terms of future prospects for the Indian processing, textile, and apparel industries, our analysis emphasizes three dimensions of reform—the need for further investments in human resource development to improve industry productivity and reduce poverty among workers in these sectors, the emergence of modern domestic retail marketing chains, and the potentially vibrant prospects for the industry that arise from a growing domestic fabric demand and new opportunities in world markets if appropriate policies and investments are undertaken." from authors' abstractCotton, textiles, Apparel, Rural poverty, subsidies, Industry policy, World markets,

    The Radiologist as an Anatomy Student

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    Using digital storytelling as an assessment instrument: preliminary findings at an online university

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    ‘Digital Storytelling’ is a term often used to refer to a number of different types of digital narrative including web-based stories, hypertexts, videoblogs and computer games. While the definition of digital storytelling is still evolving, this emergent form of creative work has found an outlet in a wide variety of different domains ranging from community social history, to cookbooks, to the classroom. It is the latter domain that provides the focus for this paper, specifically the online classroom in the graduate business school environment. The authors hypothesise that as – in the majority of societies – people are ‘hard wired’ both to tell and to listen to stories from a very young age and, significantly, to remember stories, the scope for deep learning using this particular pedagogical tool is considerable. The more conservative forces within business schools may not be persuaded by this idea but – whether they are or not – the fact remains that, in the knowledge economy, digital technologies have become the modus operandi for business communication. In this sense, a business school curriculum with a heavy bias towards textbased, essay-style assignments might be adjudged out-of-step with the times. A supplementary hypothesis, therefore, is that digital storytelling also represents a highly authentic form of assessment (Herrington et al. 2003), in that the digital storytelling format improves presentation skills which are highly sought in the business world today. Much of the work on digital storytelling in the education sphere has concentrated on the primary and secondary sectors. With some notable exceptions (e.g. Paull 2002), the literature on digital storytelling in the tertiary/adult education sector is quite sparse. Research on the use of digital storytelling in business schools, meanwhile, appears non-existent, hence the motivation for this study

    Command Agent Belief Architecture to Support Commander Decision Making in Military Simulation

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    In the war, military conflicts have many aspects that are consistent with complexity theory e.g., the higher commander’s decision is directed at animate entity that react under hierarchical and self-organised structure in decentralised command and control for the collectivist dynamism of decomposed elements due to nonlinear complexity of warfare on the battlefield. Agent technology have been found to be suitable for modelling tactical behaviour of entities at multiple level of resolution under hierarchical command and control (C2) structure and provide a powerful abstraction mechanism required for designing simulations of complex and dynamic battlefield situations. Intelligent agents can potentially reduce the overhead on such experiments and studies. Command agents, plan how to carry out the operation and assign tasks to subordinate agents. They receive information from battlefield environment and use such information to build situation awareness and also to respond to unforeseen situations. In the paper, we have proposed a mechanism for modelling tactical behaviour of an intelligent agent by which higher command level entities should be able to synthesize their beliefs derived from the lower level sub ordinates entities. This paper presents a role-based belief, desire and intention mechanism to facilitate in the representation of military hierarchy, modelling of tactical behaviour based on agent current belief, teammate’s belief propagation, and coordination issues. Higher commander can view the battlefield information at different levels of abstraction based on concept of aggregation and disaggregation and take appropriate reactive response to any unforeseen circumstances happening in battlefield

    Dark Web Data Classification Using Neural Network

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    There are several issues associated with Dark Web Structural Patterns mining (including many redundant and irrelevant information), which increases the numerous types of cybercrime like illegal trade, forums, terrorist activity, and illegal online shopping. Understanding online criminal behavior is challenging because the data is available in a vast amount. To require an approach for learning the criminal behavior to check the recent request for improving the labeled data as a user profiling, Dark Web Structural Patterns mining in the case of multidimensional data sets gives uncertain results. Uncertain classification results cause a problem of not being able to predict user behavior. Since data of multidimensional nature has feature mixes, it has an adverse influence on classification. The data associated with Dark Web inundation has restricted us from giving the appropriate solution according to the need. In the research design, a Fusion NN (Neural network)-S3VM for Criminal Network activity prediction model is proposed based on the neural network; NN- S3VM can improve the prediction

    Evaluation of problem-solving skills: what we really do

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    Abstract no. 1394published_or_final_versio

    Motivational factors influencing farming practices in northern Ghana

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    Socio-economic factors that influence the adoption of management practices and technologies by farmers have received wide attention in the adoption literature, but the effects of socio-psychological farmer features such as perceptions and motivations have been analysed to a lesser extent. Using farm household survey data from three regions in northern Ghana, this study explores farmers’ motivations and perceived adoption impediments for three sustainable intensification practices (SIPs): improved maize varieties, cropping system strategies, and combined SIPs (i.e. improved maize and cropping system strategies), and the effect of motivational factors on decisions to adopt SIPs. First, explorative factor analysis (EFA) was used in identifying factors of motivations and impediments for adoption of SIPs. Then, a multinomial logit model was used to analyze the effect of socio-economic farm characteristics and motivational factors on farmers’ decisions to adopt SIPs. EFA identified three motivational factors: personal satisfaction, eco-diversity and eco-efficiency, which differed in importance between the three regions. Across these regions, higher scores for aspects of personal satisfaction were associated with lower interest in improved maize varieties compared to cropping system strategies, while the opposite was true for eco-efficiency which was related to a stronger preference for improved maize varieties. Uncertainty, absence of social support, and resource constraints were identified as impediment factors. The logit model demonstrated that extension services seemed to support the use of improved maize varieties more than the implementation of cropping system strategies. We conclude that motivational factors significantly influence farmer adoption decisions regarding sustainable intensification practices and should be considered systematically in combination with socio-economic farm features and external drivers to inform on-farm innovation processes and supporting policies.</p