142 research outputs found

    University lecturers’ preparedness to use technology in teacher training of mathematics during COVID-19: The case of Ethiopia

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    The study aimed to investigate Ethiopian university lecturers’ readiness to use technology for teaching mathematics at the tertiary level during the COVID-19 pandemic when they were compelled to adapt to distant education. Using Google Forms, online questionnaires were distributed to 41 lecturers in three Ethiopian universities, of whom eighteen participated. Before the research, the questionnaire was piloted with eight lecturer participants to categorise questions and validate the instrument using the Rasch measurement model. The questionnaire was locally developed based on guidelines from the literature. It purposed to investigate university lecturers’ individual preparedness for technological instruction in terms of their knowledge, beliefs and current, and historical exposure to this mode of instruction. As a counterbalance, some circumstantial factors influencing their readiness were investigated too. Lecturers’ optimistic beliefs about using educational technologies have been found to contrast with some disabling circumstantial factors. This study revealed that the lecturers were generally able and interested in integrating technology into the teaching process but that barriers, primarily at the institutional level, hindered them from doing so. In addition to the technologies suggested in the questionnaire, participants enriched the research findings by adding more possible technologies that lecturers may use for educational purposes. The data was analysed using WINSTEPS (Student Version of WINSTEPS and SPSS version 20. The results showed the reliability of using the instrument was 0.77 based on Cronbach’s alpha. The PT-measure correlation value determined the construct validity (PMC), ranging from 0.23 to 0.71 except item PUT15’s infit and outfit MNSQ between 0.1 to 1.86 and ZSTD range -1.05 to 1.61, which was acceptable. The fit statistics showed that the person separation index, 1.97, was considered good and that the item separation index, 0.63 was within an acceptable range. Person and item reliability were at 0.8 and 0.28, respectively. The result indicated that the new instrument with five items after eliminating unfit items (such as items FAT19, PTT10, KDT1, PTT8 and PTT 12) was reliable and valid to measure the use of technology in the teaching and learning process of the university lecturers

    Glycogenic control and associated factors among diabetic patients visiting Adama specialized Hospital, Oromiya, Ethiopia: A facility based cross sectional study

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    Introduction: Although glycaemic control is essential in diabetes management, evidences are lacking in resource limited settings. Therefore, this study was intended to assess the level of glycaemic control and associated factors among diabetic patients.Methods: The data were collected from 332 diabetic patients in Adama Specialized Hospital, Ethiopia from February to March 2012. A patient was included in the study if he/she was 15 years and above. The data were collected using structured questionnaires; a medical card review and anthropometric measurement was done by trained nurses. SPSS version 16.0 was used to analyze the data.Results: The study revealed that 180 (55.9%) of the respondents were adequately controlled their glycaemic level. The remaining were poorly controlled their glycaemic level. Poor glycaemic control was found among rural residents, type I diabetic patients, older age groups (>46 years), those who consumed alcohol and less restricted simple sugar intake, don’t adhere to their meal time and had been prescribed oral hypoglycaemic drug alone (p<0.05). On the other hand, being physically active, obtaining advice from health workers and self monitoring blood glucose level significantly helped patients to control their gylcaemic level (p<0.05).Conclusions: Significant proportions of diabetic patients were not able to control their glycaemic level and poor diabetic control was mainly found in patients with poor self care practices. Thus, health care providers should deliver individualized patient education and support those with elevated glycaemic level to help them better controls their conditions.Keywords: Diabetic, Glycaemic control, EthiopiaAfr J Health Sci. 2013; 26:302-31

    Determinants of Inflationary Experience in Ethiopia

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    The main aim of this study is to investigate the determinants of inflationary experience in Ethiopia. The study focused on economic and econometric criterion to examine the long run and short run impacts of macroeconomic variables on inflation in Ethiopia. In order to accomplish this paper, the study has employed time series data for the period from 1974/75 to 2014/15. To check for the stationarity of the variables, the researcher has used augmented dickey fuller and Phillips-Perron unit root test and all variables become stationary at first difference. Then, long run and short run estimates had been examined by using Johansen Co-integration methodology and Vector Error Correction approach with lag length of two. The data on macroeconomic variables were taken from National Bank of Ethiopia, Ethiopian Economic Association and World Bank database. The findings of the study indicated that in the long run consumer price index has found to be positively influenced by money supply, real gross domestic product and overall budget deficit in which these all variables are positive and statistically significant determinants of inflation. The growth of money supply should be continually kept in control, given its long run potential impact in accelerating inflationary pressure to ensure stable price level in an economy and keep on the growth of real gross domestic product with single digit inflation rate and displaying a high sense of transparency in fiscal operations bring about a realistic budget deficit that would serve as incentives to productivity and stable general price level

    Traumatic brain injury: Association between the Glasgow Coma Scale score and intensive care unit mortality

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    Background. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) prevalence in Botswana is high and this, coupled with a small population, may reduce productivity. There is no previous study in Botswana on the association between mortality from TBI and the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score although global literature supports its existence. Objectives. Our primary aim was to determine the association between the initial GCS score and the time to mortality of adults admitted with TBI at the Princess Marina Hospital, Gaborone, Botswana, between 2014 and 2019. Secondary aims were to assess the risk factors associated with time to mortality and to estimate the mortality rate from TBI. Methods. This was a retrospective cohort design, medical record census conducted from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2019. Results. In total, 137 participants fulfilled the inclusion criteria, and the majority, 114 (83.2%), were male with a mean age of 34.5 years. The initial GCS score and time to mortality were associated (adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) 0.69; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.508 - 0.947). Other factors associated with time to mortality included constricted pupil (aHR 0.12; 95% CI 0.044 - 0.344), temperature (aHR 0.82; 95% CI 0.727 - 0.929), and subdural haematoma (aHR 3.41; 95% CI 1.819 - 6.517). Most cases of TBI (74 (54%)) were due to road traffic accidents. The number of deaths was 48 (35% (95% CI 27.1% - 43.6%)), entirely due to severe TBI. Conclusion. The study confirmed significant association between GCS and mortality. Males were mainly involved in TBI. These findings lack external validity because of the small sample size, and therefore a larger multicentre study is required for validation

    Polio Outbreak Response in Ethiopia

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    Background: Ethiopia had been polio-free for almost four years until December 2004. However, between December 2004 and February 2006, 24 children were paralysed as a result of infection with wild poliovirus imported from the neighbouring country of Sudan. In response, the country has attempted to document the impact of various response measures on the containment of wild poliovirus transmission. Objectives: This study aims at systematic and epidemiological assessment of the extent of the outbreak, its determinants, and the lessons learned as well as the implications for future control strategies to interrupt wild poliovirus transmission. Design: A cross-sectional study design with qualitative and quantitative data collection approaches was used to conduct the epidemiologic assessment. Subjects: All confirmed wild poliovirus cases, and reported acute flaccid paralysis cases in close proximity to the confirmed polio cases were the study subjects. Child caretakers and health service providers were interviewed as part of the investigation. Results: Between December 2004 and February 2006, eight children from Tigray Regional State, nine children from Amhara Regional State and seven children from Oromia Regional State were paralysed as a result of infection with wild poliovirus type 1. Genetic sequencing demonstrated two separate importations to Ethiopia. Risk factors that may have facilitated spread of the outbreak within the country included gaps in vaccination coverage and interruption of the cold chain system, gaps in acute flaccid paralysis surveillance performance, high population mobility, poor environmental sanitation, crowded living conditions and unsafe drinking water. In response to the outbreak, Ethiopia conducted detailed outbreak investigations within two days of confirmation of the index cases. Large-scale, house-to-house vaccination campaigns were also implemented. As a result, the three regions interrupted the wild poliovirus transmission within the regions within one year of confirmation of the index case. Conclusion: Outbreak response activities were successful in interrupting the imported wild poliovirus transmission in Tigray, Amhara and Oromia Regional States of Ethiopia within a oneyear period of time. In Ethiopia, programme strategies should be intensified to contain further spread and prevent future importation of wild poliovirus. Large-scale immunisation campaigns should reach every child, including those isolated by geography, poverty and security. East African Medical Journla Vol. 85 (5) 2008: pp. 222-23

    Towards a needs-based design of the physical rehabilitation workforce in South Africa : trend analysis [1990–2017] and a 5-year forecasting for the most impactful health conditions based on global burden of disease estimates

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    Louw, Q., et al. 2021. Towards a needs-based design of the physical rehabilitation workforce in South Africa: trend analysis [1990–2017] and a 5-year forecasting for the most impactful health conditions based on global burden of disease estimates. BMC Public Health, 21:913, doi:10.1186/s12889-021-10962-y.The original publication is available at https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/Background: Rehabilitation can improve function in many people with chronic health conditions. It is important to consider priority conditions requiring rehabilitation, so it can be realistically positioned and costed in national health financing systems like South Africa (SA)‘s proposed National Health Insurance (NHI). This paper describes temporal trends of top-ranked conditions on years lived with disability (YLDs) rates in SA, for which physical rehabilitation can ameliorate associated disability. Methods: This study is a systematic synthesis of publicly available Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2017 estimates. The top 11 conditions contributing most to YLDs and for which evidence-based rehabilitation interventions exist were identified. Age-standardized rates per 100,000 and YLDs counts were extracted from 1990 to 2017. Significance of changes in temporal trends was determined using Mann-Kendall trend tests. Best-fit rates of yearly changes were calculated per condition, using GBD estimates (2012–2017), and extrapolated (by imposing the bestfit regression line onto results for each subsequent predicted year) as forecasts (2018–2022). Results: Trends for YLDs counts per condition year (1990–2017) and forecasted values (2018–2022) showed an overall steady increase for all conditions, except HIV and respiratory conditions. YLDs counts almost doubled from 1990 to 2017, with a 17% predicted increase from 2017 to 2022. The proportionate contribution to YLDs counts reduced over time for all conditions, except HIV. Although age-standardized YLDs rates appear relatively stable over the analyzed periods for all conditions (except HIV, respiratory conditions and type 2 diabetes), trend changes in YLDs rates over 28 years were significant for all conditions, except neonatal (p = 0.855), hearing loss (p = 0.100) and musculoskeletal conditions (p = 0.300). Significant trend decreases were apparent for 4/9 conditions, implying that another 5/9 conditions showed trend increases over 28 years. Predicted all-age prevalence in 2022 suggests relatively large increases for cardiovascular disease and heart failure, and burns, while relative decreases are predicted for fractures and dislocations, stroke, and musculoskeletal conditions. Conclusion: Rehabilitation needs in SA are potentially massive and unmet, highlighting the need for innovative and context-specific rehabilitation that considers current local needs and projected changes. These findings should be considered when designing the NHI and other schemes in SA to ensure human and financial resources are deployed efficiently.https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-021-10962-yPublisher’s versio

    Seismicity associated with magmatism, faulting and hydrothermal circulation at Aluto Volcano, Main Ethiopian Rift

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    The silicic volcanic centres of the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) play a central role in facilitating continental rifting. Many of these volcanoes host geothermal resources and are located in heavily populated regions. InSAR studies have shown several are deforming, but regional seismic networks have detected little seismicity. A local network of 12 seismometers was deployed at Aluto Volcano from 2012 to 2014, and detected 2142 earthquakes within a 24-month period. We locate the events using a 1D velocity model that exploits a regional model and information from geothermal boreholes and calculate local magnitudes, b-values and focal mechanisms. Event depths generally range from the near surface to 15 km with most of the seismicity clustering in the upper 2 km. A significant amount of seismicity follows the Artu Jawa Fault Zone, which trends in alignment with the Wonji Fault Belt, NNE–SSW and is consistent with previous studies of strain localisation in the MER. Focal mechanisms are mostly normal in style, with the mean T-axes congruent to the orientation of extension in the rift at this latitude. Some show relatively small left-lateral strike-slip components and are likely associated with the reactivation of NE-ENE structures at the southern tip of the Aluto-Gedemsa segment. Events range from − 0.40 to 2.98 in magnitude and we calculate an overall b-value of 1.40 ± 0.14. This relatively elevated value suggests fluid-induced seismicity that is particularly evident in the shallow hydrothermal reservoir and above it. Subdividing our observations according to depth identifies distinct regions beneath the volcanic edifice: a shallow zone (− 2–0 km) of high seismicity and high b-values that corresponds to the hydrothermal system and is influenced by a high fluid saturation and circulation; a relatively aseismic zone (0–2 km) with low b-values that is impermeable to ascending volatiles; a region of increased fluid-induced seismicity (2–9 km) that is driven by magmatic intrusion from below and a deeper zone (below 9 km) that is interpreted as a partially crystalline, magmatic mush. These observations indicate that both the magmatic and hydrothermal systems of Aluto volcano are seismically active and highlight the need for dedicated seismic monitoring at volcanoes in the MER

    Wnt5a Increases Cardiac Gene Expressions of Cultured Human Circulating Progenitor Cells via a PKC Delta Activation

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    Background: Wnt signaling controls the balance between stem cell proliferation and differentiation and body patterning throughout development. Previous data demonstrated that non-canonical Wnts (Wnt5a, Wnt11) increased cardiac gene expression of circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) and bone marrow-derived stem cells cultured in vitro. Since previous studies suggested a contribution of the protein kinase C (PKC) family to the Wnt5a-induced signalling, we investigated which PKC isoforms are activated by non-canonical Wnt5a in human EPC. Methodology/Principal Findings: Immunoblot experiments demonstrated that Wnt5a selectively activated the novel PKC isoform, PKC delta, as evidenced by phosphorylation and translocation. In contrast, the classical Ca2+-dependent PKC isoforms, PKC alpha and beta2, and one of the other novel PKC isoforms, PKC epsilon, were not activated by Wnt5a. The PKC delta inhibitor rottlerin significantly blocked co-culture-induced cardiac differentiation in vitro, whereas inhibitors directed against the classical Ca2+-dependent PKC isoforms or a PKC epsilon-inhibitory peptide did not block cardiac differentiation. In accordance, EPC derived from PKC delta heterozygous mice exhibited a significant reduction of Wnt5a-induced cardiac gene expression compared to wild type mice derived EPC. Conclusions/Significance: These data indicate that Wnt5a enhances cardiac gene expressions of EPC via an activation of PKC delta

    Machine-learning based patient classification using Hepatitis B virus full-length genome quasispecies from Asian and European cohorts

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    Chronic infection with Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a major risk factor for the development of advanced liver disease including fibrosis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The relative contribution of virological factors to disease progression has not been fully defined and tools aiding the deconvolution of complex patient virus profiles is an unmet clinical need. Vari
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