1,861 research outputs found

    On the monotone stability approach to BSDEs with jumps: Extensions, concrete criteria and examples

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    We show a concise extension of the monotone stability approach to backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs) that are jointly driven by a Brownian motion and a random measure for jumps, which could be of infinite activity with a non-deterministic and time inhomogeneous compensator. The BSDE generator function can be non convex and needs not to satisfy global Lipschitz conditions in the jump integrand. We contribute concrete criteria, that are easy to verify, for results on existence and uniqueness of bounded solutions to BSDEs with jumps, and on comparison and a-priori LāˆžL^{\infty}-bounds. Several examples and counter examples are discussed to shed light on the scope and applicability of different assumptions, and we provide an overview of major applications in finance and optimal control.Comment: 28 pages. Added DOI https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-22285-7_1 for final publication, corrected typo (missing gamma) in example 4.1

    The Value of Business Plans for New Ventures: Company and Entrepreneur Outcomes

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    Writing business plans is often the first step for entrepreneurs in developing new venture ideas. Trade press publications support their value and include templates or even software for crafting the business plan. However, the academic literature supporting the value of a business plan is limited, particularly on how the plan directly affects entrepreneurs and their standard of living. This study polls a national cross section of owner/operators of small to mid-sized business start-ups in operation less than ten years to determine the value of the business plan for the business, its success and longevity, and even its value, separately, for the founding entrepreneur. Results indicate a relationship between the use of a business plan in start up and the age of the business, its financial success, strong company success, and the achievement of financial return goals. Findings support the link between a business plan and the achievement of an "excellent" overall organization

    The Effect of Entrepreneurial Marketing on Outcome Goals in SMEs

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    This study examines how entrepreneurial marketing dimensions (proactiveness, opportunity focused, leveraging, innovativeness, risk taking, value creation, and customer intensity) are related to qualitative and quantitative outcome measures for the SME and the entrepreneur (including company success, customer success, financial success, satisfaction with return goals, satisfaction with growth goals, excellence, and the entrepreneurā€™s standard of living). Using factor analysis, three success outcome variables (financial, customer, and strong company success) emerged together. A separate factor analysis identified satisfactory growth and return goals. Stepwise regression revealed entrepreneurial marketing impacts outcome variables, particularly value creation. Implications for entrepreneurs and areas for research are included

    The Influences of Entrepreneurial Motivation and New Business Acquisition on Strategic Decision Making

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    Strategic management is the domain of upper-level corporate management. The ability to make corporate decisions based on the company's internal strengths and externalities in the macro-environment is a key duty of top management. In small businesses, the business owner or founder generally operates the business and is in a leadership role as the CEO. Are the strategic management and decision-making processes similar for small entrepreneurial businesses? Is the strategic or long-term decision making the same for all entrepreneurs who start their own companies? Does the involvement of top managers in entrepreneurial companies vary in their day-to-day versus their long-term decision making? Small businesses may be inherited from family, started from scratch by an entrepreneur, or purchased as an existing entity. Is the involvement by the small business owner in decision making influenced by the way the business was founded or acquired? The purpose of this exploratory paper is to investigate the decision-making tactics of the small business owner or entrepreneur and to determine the influence, if any, of the means of business acquisition. Discussion and ideas for further research are presented

    Improving Optimization of Convolutional Neural Networks through Parameter Fine-tuning

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    In recent years, convolutional neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance in a number of computer vision problems such as image classification. Prior research has shown that a transfer learning technique known as parameter fine-tuning wherein a network is pre-trained on a different dataset can boost the performance of these networks. However, the topic of identifying the best source dataset and learning strategy for a given target domain is largely unexplored. Thus, this research presents and evaluates various transfer learning methods for fine-grained image classification as well as the effect on ensemble networks. The results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of parameter fine-tuning over random initialization. We find that training should not be reduced after transferring weights, larger, more similar networks tend to be the best source task, and parameter fine-tuning can often outperform randomly initialized ensembles. The experimental framework and findings will help to train models with improved accuracy

    Ta/CoFeB/MgO analysis for low power nanomagnetic devices

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    The requirement of high memory bandwidth for next-generation computing systems moved the attention to the development of devices that can combine storage and logic capabilities. Domain wall-based spintronic devices intrinsically combine both these requirements making them suitable both for non-volatile storage and computation. CoPt and CoNi were the technology drivers of perpendicular Nano Magnetic Logic devices (pNML), but for power constraints and depinning fields, novel CoFeBMgO layers appear more promis- ing. In this paper, we investigate the Ta2CoFeB1MgO2Ta3 stack at the simulation and experimental level, to show its potential for the next generation of magnetic logic devices. The micromagnetic simulations are used to support the experiments. We focus, first, at the experimental level measuring the switching field distribution of patterned magnetic islands, Ms via VSM and the domain wall speed on magnetic nanowires. Then, at the simulation level, we focus on the magnetostatic analysis of magnetic islands quantifying the stray field that can be achieved with different layout topologies. Our results show that the achieved coupling is strong enough to realize logic computation with magnetic islands, moving a step forward in the direction of low power perpendicularly magnetized logic devices

    Ga+ Ion Irradiation-Induced Tuning of Artificial Pinning Sites to Control Domain Wall Motion

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    Domain-wall-based devices are considered one of the candidates for the next generation of storage memories and nanomagnetic logic devices due to their unique properties, such as nonvolatility, scalability, and low power consumption. Field or current-driven domain walls require a regular and controlled motion along the track in which they are stored in order to maintain the information integrity during operation. However, their dynamics can vary along the track due to film inhomogeneities, roughness of the edges, and thermal fluctuations. Consequently, the final position of the domain walls may be difficult to predict, making difficult the development of memory and logic applications. In this paper, we demonstrate how Ga+ ion irradiation can be used to locally modify the material properties of the Ta/ CoFeB/MgO thin film, creating regions in which the domain wall can be trapped, namely motion barriers. The aim is to push the domain wall to overcome thin-film inhomogeneities effects, while stopping its motion at artificially defined positions corresponding to the irradiated regions. Increasing the driving force strength, the domain wall can escape, allowing the shifting between consecutive irradiated regions. In this way, the correct positioning of the domain walls after the motion is ensured. The study shows that the driving force strength, namely current density or magnetic field amplitude, needed to overcome the irradiated regions depends on the ion dose. These results show a reliable approach for domain wall manipulation, enabling a precise control of the domain wall position along a track with synchronous motion

    Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Tetrachloro (1,10-phenanthroline) platinum (IV)

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    We report the crystal structure determination of tetrachloro( l,10-phenanĀ­throline)platinum(IV). X-ray data indicate there is little steric repulsion between the cx.-hydrogens on the phenanthroline ligand and the chloride ligands in the equatorial plane
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