24 research outputs found

    Visiones críticas de la educación intercultural

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    p. 15-38Este ensayo analiza cómo está afectando el contexto actual de crisis económica, en el que vivimos inmersos, a los discursos y las propuestas sociales, políticas y educativas sobre la interculturalidad en el ámbito español y europeo. Queremos indagar, más específicamente aún, si el proyecto de interculturalidad que se proclama en los discursos educativos es posible en el actual modelo de ciudadanía europea que se está construyendo. Si el miedo a la destrucción del relativo “estado de bienestar” que aún queda en los países europeos fomenta discursos y prácticas donde el inmigrante es convertido en chivo expiatorio. Reflexionar si la “integración cultural” que se proclama en el discurso educativo es un “problema” del alumnado denominado inmigrante, como manifiesta buena parte de las comunidades educativas “nativas” o, más bien, es un problema del modelo social, político y económico en el que se insertan las escuelas. En definitiva, nos planteamos si es posible construir real y efectivamente una sociedad mestiza como se proclama en los discursos públicos y de cara a la galería en una sociedad que está consolidando un “muro defensivo” estructural, mental, social, laboral, económico, político y legal frente a la diversidad y la diferenciaN

    RESCUhE Project: Cultural Heritage vulnerability in a changing and directional climate

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    [EN] RESCUhE Project (Improving structural RESilience of Cultural HEritage to directional extreme hydro-meteorological events in the context of the Climate Change) is a coordinated IGME-UAM research project funded by Spanish Government (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). The framework of this research is the predicted increase in climate change vulnerability of heritage sites and the current disconnection between both environmental research on material decay and the practical aspects of designing preventive conservation measurements.RESCUhE Project (Improving structural RESilience of Cultural HEritage to directional extreme hydro-meteorological events in the context of the Climate Change) is a coordinated IGME-UAM research project funded by Spanish Government (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033).Peer reviewe

    Synapses, NMDA receptor activity and neuronal Aβ production in Alzheimer's disease.

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    ReviewInternational audienceA direct relationship has been established between synaptic activity and amyloid-β secretion. Dysregulation of neuronal calcium homeostasis was shown to increase production of amyloid-β, contributing to the initiation of Alzheimer's disease. Among the different routes of Ca(2+) entry, N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, a subtype of ionotropic glutamate receptors, are especially involved in this process because of their ability to gate high levels of Ca(2+) influx. These receptors have been extensively studied for their crucial roles in synaptic plasticity that underlies learning and memory but also in neurotoxicity occurring during acute brain injuries and neurodegenerative diseases. For one decade, several studies provided evidence that NMDA receptor activation could have distinct consequences on neuronal fate, depending on their location. Synaptic NMDA receptor activation is neuroprotective, whereas extrasynaptic NMDA receptors trigger neuronal death and/or neurodegenerative processes. Recent data suggest that chronic activation of extrasynaptic NMDA receptors leads to a sustained neuronal amyloid-β release and could be involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Thus, as for other neurological diseases, therapeutic targeting of extrasynaptic NMDA receptors could be a promising strategy. Following this concept, memantine, unlike other NMDA receptor antagonists was shown, to preferentially target the extrasynaptic NMDA receptor signaling pathways, while relatively sparing normal synaptic activity. This molecular mechanism could therefore explain why memantine is, to date, the only clinically approved NMDA receptor antagonist for the treatment of dementia

    Erosional transition of shoreline blocks by lichen colonization in Cantabria associated to the end of the LIA

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    20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA). Dublin, 25th and 31st July 2019, AbstractLichen colonization of surface rocks depends strongly of the environmental conditions and nutritional disposal, mainly nitrogen and carbon dioxide. The presence of lichens could accelerate the surface erosion by chemical weathering, although they could prevent mechanical erosion as well. Lichen covering prevent for this erosion except in the case of strong eolian weathering, where multiple impacts of grain-sized particles avoid the lichen growth. The presence of carbonate megablocks along the shoreline between Santander and Bilbao (Cantabria domains, north of Spain) exhibit different overlapping of erosional processes. These blocks show ventifacts (groove marks) along the external surface related to strong winds hitting with airborne quartz grains, and which size ranging between 0.1-0.3 mm. The present wind-blow trending in the coastal range is W-NW, which is coincident with the ventifacts arrangement and orientation. Overlapping to the ventifacts, we can observe a chemical weathering of the aeolian-polished sides of the blocks, and in different patches with centimetric extension and depth. We can observe that the wind-struck boulder-side has been colonized by calcicolous lichen specie, Verrucaria maura (tar lichen). This lichen is sea-spray resistant and its annual growth rate has been calibrated from cemeteries close to the shoreline, having similar environmental conditions that in the coast (precipitation and temperature). The lichen colonization of these beach boulders indicates a period of weak aeolian abrasion and prevalent chemical weathering. We assume that this fluctuating erosional process is directly related to a change in the climatic conditions during the LIA ending times affecting rainfall, humidity and therefore wind entrainment of sand grains affecting the shoreline. The oldest lichen measured in these blocks suggests that the end of the LIA could be in the year 1855 ± 6 yr. NAO variations and the annual precipitation curve in the area during the last 300 yr. support this data.Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, EspañaUniversidad Autónoma de Madrid, EspañaUniversidad del País Vasco, Españ

    Tabanque : revista pedagógica

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    Título, resumen y palabras clave disponibles en español y en inglésResumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe analiza cómo afecta el contexto de crisis económica a los discursos y las propuestas sociales, políticas y educativas sobre la interculturalidad en el ámbito español y europeo. Se desea indagar, más específicamente, si el proyecto de interculturalidad que se proclama en los discursos educativos es posible en el actual modelo de ciudadanía europea que se está construyendo. Si el miedo a la destrucción del relativo “estado de bienestar” que aún queda en los países europeos fomenta discursos y prácticas donde el inmigrante es convertido en chivo expiatorio. Reflexionar si la “integración cultural” que se proclama en el discurso educativo es un “problema” del alumnado denominado inmigrante, como manifiesta buena parte de las comunidades educativas “nativas” o, más bien, es un problema del modelo social, político y económico en el que se insertan las escuelas. En definitiva, se plantea si es posible construir real y efectivamente una sociedad mestiza como se proclama en los discursos públicos y de cara a la galería en una sociedad que consolida un “muro defensivo” estructural, mental, social, laboral, económico, político y legal frente a la diversidad y la diferencia.ES

    p3 peptide, a truncated form of Aβ\beta devoid of synaptotoxic effect, does not assemble into soluble oligomers

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    International audienceIn previously proposed models of Aβ\beta soluble oligomers, the N-terminal domain Aβ116\beta_{1-16} which is missing in p3 peptides, protects the hydrophobic core of the oligomers from the solvent. Without this N-terminal part, oligomers of p3 peptides would likely expose hydrophobic residues to water and would consequently be less stable. We thus suggest, based on theoretical and experimental results, that p3 peptides would have a low propensity to assemble into stable oligomers, evolving then directly to fibrillar aggregates. These properties may explain why p3 would be devoid of any impact on synaptic function and moreover, strengthen the hypothesis that Aβ\beta oligomers are the principal synaptotoxic forms of Aβ\beta peptides in Alzheimer disease