6,259 research outputs found

    Hyper-chaotic magnetisation dynamics of two interacting dipoles

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    The present work is a numerical study of the deterministic spin dynamics of two interacting anisotropic magnetic particles in the presence of a time-dependent external magnetic field using the Landau–Lifshitz equation. Particles are coupled through the dipole–dipole interaction. The applied magnetic field is made of a constant longitudinal amplitude component and a time-dependent transversal amplitude component. Dynamical states obtained are represented by their Lyapunov exponents and bifurcation diagrams. The dependence on the largest and the second largest Lyapunov exponents, as a function of the magnitude and frequency of the applied magnetic field, and the relative distance between particles, is studied. The system presents multiple transitions between regular and chaotic behaviour depending on the control parameters. In particular, the system presents consistent hyper-chaotic states

    Magnetic hallmarks of viscous electron flow in graphene

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    We propose a protocol to identify spatial hallmarks of viscous electron flow in graphene and other two-dimensional viscous electron fluids. We predict that the profile of the magnetic field generated by hydrodynamic electron currents flowing in confined geometries displays unambiguous features linked to whirlpools and backflow near current injectors. We also show that the same profile sheds light on the nature of the boundary conditions describing friction exerted on the electron fluid by the edges of the sample. Our predictions are within reach of vector magnetometry based on nitrogen-vacancy centers embedded in a diamond slab mounted onto a graphene layer.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Acercamiento social e ideológico a las jåcaras de Quevedo. «Carta del Escarramån a la Méndez»

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    Este artĂ­culo trata de inscribir el fenĂłmeno de las jĂĄcaras de Quevedo —haciendo especial hincapiĂ© en «Carta del EscarramĂĄn a la MĂ©ndez »— en sus especĂ­ficas coordenadas histĂłricas. Las jĂĄcaras de Quevedo son una representaciĂłn del mundo del hampa en la sociedad española de los Siglos de Oro. Por ello ha resultado imprescindible tratar primero el tema de la pobreza como un enunciado social para despuĂ©s interpretar su enunciado literario. Se investiga en este artĂ­culo la matriz ideolĂłgica que impulsa a Quevedo, un poeta organicista, a escribir sobre —y no sĂłlo a escribir, sino a otorgarle la voz a— delincuentes, prostitutas y demĂĄs personajes hampescos

    Realistic Anisotropic Neutron Stars: Pressure Effects

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    In this paper, we study the impact of anisotropy on neutron stars with different equations of state, which have been modeled by a piecewise polytropic function with continuous sound speed. Anisotropic pressure in neutron stars is often attributed to interior magnetic fields, rotation, and the presence of exotic matter or condensates. We quantify the presence of anisotropy within the star by assuming a quasi-local relationship. We find that the radial and tangential sound velocities constrain the range of anisotropy allowed within the star. As expected, the anisotropy affects the macroscopic properties of stars, and it can be introduced to reconcile them with astrophysical observations. For instance, the maximum mass of anisotropic neutron stars can be increased by up to 15\% compared to the maximum mass of the corresponding isotropic configuration. This allows neutron stars to reach masses greater than 2.5M⊙2.5M_\odot, which may explain the secondary compact object of the GW190814 event. Additionally, we propose a universal relation for the binding energy of an anisotropic neutron star as a function of the star's compactness and the degree of anisotropy.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    The q\textit{q}-metric naked singularity: A viable explanation for the nature of the central object in the Milky Way

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    In this work, we investigate whether the compact object at the center of the Milky Way is a naked singularity described by the q\textit{q}-metric spacetime. Our fitting of the astrometric and spectroscopic data for the S2 star implies that similarly to the Schwarzschild black hole, the q\textit{q}-metric naked singularity offers a satisfactory fit to the observed measurements. Additionally, it is shown that the shadow produced by the naked singularity is consistent with the shadow observed by the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration for Sgr-A*. It is worth mentioning that the spatial distribution of the S-stars favors the notion that the compact object at the center of our Galaxy can be described by an almost static spacetime. Based on these findings, the q\textit{q}-metric naked singularity turns up as a compelling candidate for further investigation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Global Trajectory Optimisation : Can We Prune the Solution Space When Considering Deep Space Manoeuvres? [Final Report]

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    This document contains a report on the work done under the ESA/Ariadna study 06/4101 on the global optimization of space trajectories with multiple gravity assist (GA) and deep space manoeuvres (DSM). The study was performed by a joint team of scientists from the University of Reading and the University of Glasgow

    Displaced geostationary orbit design using hybrid sail propulsion

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    Because of an increase in the number of geostationary spacecraft and the limits imposed by east–west spacing requirements, the geostationary orbit is becoming congested. To increase its capacity, this paper proposes to create new geostationary slots by displacing the geostationary orbit either out of or in the equatorial plane by means of hybrid solar sail and solar electric propulsion. To minimize propellant consumption, optimal steering laws for the solar sail and solar-electric-propulsion thrust vectors are derived and the performance in terms of mission lifetime is assessed. For comparison, similar analyses are performed for conventional propulsion, including impulsive and pure solar electric propulsion. It is shown that hybrid sails outperform these propulsion techniques and that out-of-plane displacements outperform in-plane displacements. The out-of-plane case is therefore further investigated in a spacecraft mass budget to determine the payload mass capacity. Finally, two transfers that enable a further improvement of the performance of hybrid sails for the out-of-plane case are optimized using a direct pseudospectral method: a seasonal transit between orbits displaced above and below the equatorial plane and a transit to a parking orbit when geostationary coverage is not needed. Both transfers are shown to require only a modest propellant budget, outweighing the improvements they can establish

    Weakly open sets in the unit ball of some Banach spaces and the centralizer

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    AbstractWe show that every Banach space X whose centralizer is infinite-dimensional satisfies that every non-empty weakly open set in BY has diameter 2, where Y=⊗ˆN,s,πX (N-fold symmetric projective tensor product of X, endowed with the symmetric projective norm), for every natural number N. We provide examples where the above conclusion holds that includes some spaces of operators and infinite-dimensional C∗-algebras. We also prove that every non-empty weak∗ open set in the unit ball of the space of N-homogeneous and integral polynomials on X has diameter two, for every natural number N, whenever the Cunningham algebra of X is infinite-dimensional. Here we consider the space of N-homogeneous integral polynomials as the dual of the space ⊗ˆN,s,ΔX (N-fold symmetric injective tensor product of X, endowed with the symmetric injective norm). For instance, every infinite-dimensional L1(ÎŒ) satisfies that its Cunningham algebra is infinite-dimensional. We obtain the same result for every non-reflexive L-embedded space, and so for every predual of an infinite-dimensional von Neumann algebra
