272 research outputs found

    Tooth replacement in Manidens condorensis: baseline study to address the replacement pattern in dentitions of early ornithischians

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    Dental replacement in Heterodontosauridae has been debated over the last five decades primarily on indirect evidence, such as the development of wear facets and the position of erupted teeth. Direct observation of unerupted teeth provides unambiguous data for understanding tooth replacement but this has been done only for Heterodontosaurus and Fruitadens. This study addresses dental replacement in Manidens condorensis based on the positioning of functional and replacement teeth using microcomputed tomography data, differential wear along the dentition and the differences in labiolingual/apicobasal level of functional teeth. Dental replacement in Manidens condorensis was continuous in an anterior‐to‐posterior wave pattern, with asynchronous tooth eruption and the addition of new teeth posteriorly to the toothrow during ontogeny. Manidens shows the first evidence of dental replacement for the large dentary caniniform in Heterodontosauridae, which possibly had replacement timing distinct from the cheek dentition. Newly erupted teeth imbricate in a mesial cavity–distal crown base relationship during eruption, so that imbrication of the midposterior dentition remains unaltered during tooth replacement. The presence/absence of a small caniniform tooth in the D3 position of several specimens suggests possible intraspecific dimorphism in Manidens. On longitudinal sections of isolated crowns the histological features such as Howship's lacunae and odontoclast spaces are similar in size to extant reptiles. The differential wear decreasing posteriorly and hypothetical Z‐spacing below 2.3 in Manidens are similar to basal ornithischians. Tooth replacement in Heterodontosauridae (and other early ornithischians) provides key information for understanding the dynamics of jaw function and craniomandibular specialization to herbivory


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    El presente artículo de investigación da a conocer la validación de las ecuaciones empíricas de transporte de sedimentos por arrastre y suspensión empleando para ello mediciones de campo en el rìo Chancay – Lambayeque entre los puentes Pucalá y Monsefú – Éten. La problemática analizada de este trabajo es que al haber un aumento progresivo de los sedimentos en los ríos con material de fondo fino, estos tienden a reducir la capacidad hidráulica de la sección transversal provocando fallas en las riberas del mismo. Respecto a los trabajos de campo se realizaron mediciones de sedimentos con muestreadores manuales tipo Helley Smith y luego se llevaron a laboratorio para estudiar la granulometría, peso específico, velocidad de caída de partícula y concentración de sedimentos. La selección de los métodos se basó en la metodología de mejor ajuste destacando en los resultados con muy buena correlación las ecuaciones de Meyer – Peter y Müller, Schocklistch, Levi y Yalin para el transporte por arrastre y las ecuaciones de Chang, Simons & Richardson, Bagnold y Brooks para el transporte en suspensión que pueden ser aplicables para los ríos del norte del Perú


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    El presente trabajo fue elaborado con el objetivo principal de determinar el impacto del diseño de herramientas en una empresa de derivados lácteos. Para ello, se diseñaron herramientas como sistema ABC, estudio de tiempos y movimientos con sistema de incentivos, celdas de manufactura, manual de procedimientos y Kardex, las cuales previamente pasaron por un análisis de restricciones realistas, siendo estas las mejores alternativas de solución. Seguidamente, se analizó el impacto de cada herramienta sobre los problemas de la empresa; por lo que se diseñaron indicadores e investigaron valores estándar de ingeniería para después, simular las implementaciones de dichas herramientas. Para la desorganización en el almacén, se simuló un valor de 14.29% para A, 38.1% para B y 47.62% para C frente a los estándares de 15%, 30% y 55% respectivamente; en los altos tiempos de procesamiento, se simuló un valor de 7.31% en reducción de tiempos de operaciones e inspecciones frente a un valor estándar de 25%; para la celda de manufactura, se simuló un valor de 13.04% frente al estándar de 0%; para las mermas, se simuló un valor de 11.26 kg al mes frente al estándar de 0 kg, finalmente, para la ruptura de stock, se simuló un valor de 21.53% frente al estándar de 0%. En los resultados, se aprecia un ahorro del 79.15% frente a las pérdidas. Por último, se calculó el impacto económico, un VAN de S/ 3,622, siendo un valor positivo y rentable, un TIR de 6.79%, mayor que la TMAR de 1.53% y un B/C de 1.2

    Molecular, microbiological and clinical characterization of Clostridium difficile isolates from tertiary care hospitals in Colombia

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    In Colombia, the epidemiology and circulating genotypes of Clostridium difficile have not yet been described. Therefore, we molecularly characterized clinical isolates of C.difficile from patients with suspicion of C.difficile infection (CDI) in three tertiary care hospitals. C.difficile was isolated from stool samples by culture, the presence of A/B toxins were detected by enzyme immunoassay, cytotoxicity was tested by cell culture and the antimicrobial susceptibility determined. After DNA extraction, tcdA, tcdB and binary toxin (CDTa/CDTb) genes were detected by PCR, and PCR-ribotyping performed. From a total of 913 stool samples collected during 2013–2014, 775 were included in the study. The frequency of A/B toxins-positive samples was 9.7% (75/775). A total of 143 isolates of C.difficile were recovered from culture, 110 (76.9%) produced cytotoxic effect in cell culture, 100 (69.9%) were tcdA+/tcdB+, 11 (7.7%) tcdA-/tcdB+, 32 (22.4%) tcdA-/tcdB- and 25 (17.5%) CDTa+/CDTb+. From 37 ribotypes identified, ribotypes 591 (20%), 106 (9%) and 002 (7.9%) were the most prevalent; only one isolate corresponded to ribotype 027, four to ribotype 078 and four were new ribotypes (794,795, 804,805). All isolates were susceptible to vancomycin and metronidazole, while 85% and 7.7% were resistant to clindamycin and moxifloxacin, respectively. By multivariate analysis, significant risk factors associated to CDI were, staying in orthopedic service, exposure to third-generation cephalosporins and staying in an ICU before CDI symptoms; moreover, steroids showed to be a protector factor. These results revealed new C. difficile ribotypes and a high diversity profile circulating in Colombia different from those reported in America and European countries

    Adult Neurogenesis: Ultrastructure of a Neurogenic Niche and Neurovascular Relationships

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    The first-generation precursors producing adult-born neurons in the crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) brain reside in a specialized niche located on the ventral surface of the brain. In the present work, we have explored the organization and ultrastructure of this neurogenic niche, using light-level, confocal and electron microscopic approaches. Our goals were to define characteristics of the niche microenvironment, examine the morphological relationships between the niche and the vasculature and observe specializations at the boundary between the vascular cavity located centrally in the niche. Our results show that the niche is almost fully encapsulated by blood vessels, and that cells in the vasculature come into contact with the niche. This analysis also characterizes the ultrastructure of the cell types in the niche. The Type I niche cells are by far the most numerous, and are the only cell type present superficially in the most ventral cell layers of the niche. More dorsally, Type I cells are intermingled with Types II, III and IV cells, which are observed far less frequently. Type I cells have microvilli on their apical cell surfaces facing the vascular cavity, as well as junctional complexes between adjacent cells, suggesting a role in regulating transport from the blood into the niche cells. These studies demonstrate a close relationship between the neurogenic niche and vascular system in P. clarkii. Furthermore, the specializations of niche cells contacting the vascular cavity are also typical of the interface between the blood/cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-brain barriers of vertebrates, including cells of the subventricular zone (SVZ) producing new olfactory interneurons in mammals. These data indicate that tissues involved in producing adult-born neurons in the crayfish brain use strategies that may reflect fundamental mechanisms preserved in an evolutionarily broad range of species, as proposed previously. The studies described here extend our understanding of neurovascular relationships in the brain of P. clarkii by characterizing the organization and ultrastructure of the neurogenic niche and associated vascular tissues

    Characterization of early host responses in adults with dengue disease

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    BACKGROUND: While dengue-elicited early and transient host responses preceding defervescence could shape the disease outcome and reveal mechanisms of the disease pathogenesis, assessment of these responses are difficult as patients rarely seek healthcare during the first days of benign fever and thus data are lacking. METHODS: In this study, focusing on early recruitment, we performed whole-blood transcriptional profiling on dengue virus PCR positive patients sampled within 72 h of self-reported fever presentation (average 43 h, SD 18.6 h) and compared the signatures with autologous samples drawn at defervescence and convalescence and to control patients with fever of other etiology. RESULTS: In the early dengue fever phase, a strong activation of the innate immune response related genes were seen that was absent at defervescence (4-7 days after fever debut), while at this second sampling genes related to biosynthesis and metabolism dominated. Transcripts relating to the adaptive immune response were over-expressed in the second sampling point with sustained activation at the third sampling. On an individual gene level, significant enrichment of transcripts early in dengue disease were chemokines CCL2 (MCP-1), CCL8 (MCP-2), CXCL10 (IP-10) and CCL3 (MIP-1α), antimicrobial peptide β-defensin 1 (DEFB1), desmosome/intermediate junction component plakoglobin (JUP) and a microRNA which may negatively regulate pro-inflammatory cytokines in dengue infected peripheral blood cells, mIR-147 (NMES1). CONCLUSIONS: These data show that the early response in patients mimics those previously described in vitro, where early assessment of transcriptional responses has been easily obtained. Several of the early transcripts identified may be affected by or mediate the pathogenesis and deserve further assessment at this timepoint in correlation to severe disease

    Severe Dengue Is Associated with Consumption of von Willebrand Factor and Its Cleaving Enzyme ADAMTS-13

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    Severe dengue infections are characterized by thrombocytopenia, clinical bleeding and plasma leakage. Activation of the endothelium, the inner lining of blood vessels, leads to the secretion of storage granules called Weibel Palade bodies (WPBs). We demonstrated that severe dengue in Indonesian children is associated with a strong increase in plasma levels of the WPB constituents von Willebrand factor (VWF), VWF propeptide and osteoprotegerin (OPG). An increased amount of the hemostatic protein VWF was in a hyperreactive, platelet binding conformation, and this was most pronounced in the children who died. VWF levels at enrollment were lower than expected from concurrent VWF propeptide and OPG levels and VWF levels did not correlate well with markers of disease severity. Together, this suggests that VWF is being consumed during severe dengue. Circulating levels of the VWF-cleaving enzyme ADAMTS-13 were reduced. VWF is a multimeric protein and a subset of children had a decrease in large and intermediate VWF multimers at discharge. In conclusion, severe dengue is associated with exocytosis of WPBs with consumption of VWF and low ADAMTS-13 activity levels. This may contribute to the thrombocytopenia and complications of dengue