188 research outputs found

    Nonlinear broadening of the plasmon linewidth in a graphene stripe

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    In contrast to semiconductor structures, the experimentally observed plasma resonances in graphene show an asymmetrical and rather broad linewidth. We show that this can be explained by the linear electron energy dispersion in this material and is related to the violation of the generalized Kohn theorem in graphene.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Book review: Reading ‘black mirror’: insights into technology and the post-media condition edited by German A. Duarte and Justin Michael Battin

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    In Reading ‘Black Mirror’: Insights into Technology and the Post-Media Condition, German A. Duarte and Justin Michael Battin offer a new collection of essays that provides different frameworks for understanding, contextualising and appraising the influential science fiction TV anthology series, Black Mirror. While finding that the volume does not always fully cohere and often requires prior familiarity with twentieth-century French and German philosophy, there are a number of essays that are worth ample attention, writes Beba Cibralic. Reading ‘Black Mirror’: Insights into Technology and the Post-Media Condition. German A. Duarte and Justin Michael Battin (eds). transcript Verlag. 2021


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    In the present research the analysis of the level of national income in agriculture was done for different districts and municipalities of the Province of Vojvodina. The analysis of the achieved level of national income in agriculture in function of the most important factors was performed on the base of classical form the traditional non-linear regression model of Cobb-Douglas production function with labour and capital as predictors and on the extended form of Cobb-Douglas function which in addition includes the arable areas.National income in agriculture, Cobb-Douglas production function, investments in agriculture, agricultural population, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance, Community/Rural/Urban Development,

    Mental health service provision in South Africa and women’s sexual violations against children

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    Mental health services in South Africa and the field of psychology are not keeping up with the changed landscape of child sexual abuse that includes women who perpetrate these violations. New laws have not made a massive impact on out of control behaviours, while the paucity of mental health services for women who sexually violate children is a significant failing in mental health service provision. Exploratory, descriptive research approached the topic from the perspective of the psychology of healing rather than the psychology of wrongdoing. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with 38 professionals in relevant fields, purposefully selected in four provinces in South Africa that revealed a lack of knowledge, resources, and funding, as well as gaps in curricula. Some practitioners were willing to work with women who sexually violate children, while others were either unwilling or reluctant to do so for various reasons. Women who sexually violate children are typically not mentally ill but could have mental disorders and lives dominated by dysfunction and trauma. Data were analysed utilising Attride- Stirling’s (2001) thematic networks, while Gannon, Rose, and Ward’s (2008) descriptive model of female sexual offending (DMFSO) provided the theoretical framework. Recommendations include establishing online services to aid perpetrator disclosure and therapeutic interventions, providing individual psychotherapeutic interventions to uncover more than recent trauma, directing donor funding to sex offender programmes, networking among service providers including government agencies, and training those within the mental health services environment and the criminal justice system. Furthermore, mental health and relevant medical practitioners need to ensure comfort with their sexuality and to resolve their psychological blind spots before offering psychotherapeutic interventions to women who sexually violate children.PsychologyPh. D. (Psychology


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh partisipasi penyusunan anggaran, kejelasan sasaran anggaran, akuntabilitas publik dan komitmen organisasi terhadap kinerja manajerial. Populasi penelitian ini adalah kepala dinas, kepala bagian, kepala subbagian dan sekretaris pada SKPD Jakarta Pusat. Sampel dalam penelitian ini ditentukan berdasarkan metode purposive sampling, data dikumpulkan dengan pembagian kuisioner. Metode analisis data penelitian yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa partisipasi penyusunan anggaran berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja manajerial, kejelasan sasaran anggaran tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja manajerial, akuntabilitas publik tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja manajerial dan komitmen organisasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja manajerial


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    Nama: Beba Bustamam Nomor Registrasi: 8335132381 Program Studi: S1 Akuntansi Judul:Laporan Praktik Kerja Lapangan pada PT Blue Wave Communication Praktikan melaksanakan Praktik Kerja Lapangan (PKL) selama dua bulan di PT Blue Wave Communication. Praktikan ditempatkan di bagian Departemen Keuangan dan di monitori langsung oleh Manajer Keuangan PT Blue Wave Communication. Pada pelaksanaan PKL praktikan ditugaskan untuk membuat Invoice penjualan tahun 2016 di dalam format yang telah disediakan bagian keuangan, kemudian membuat Voucher Penerimaan dan Pengeluaran Bank di dalam Ms. Excel. Praktikan juga ditugaskan untuk membuat membuat Faktur Pajak Elektronik (E-Faktur)


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    Rubraxanton merupakan senyawa utama yang ditemukan dari isolasi Garcinia cowa. Potensi senyawa rubraxanton sebagai senyawa obat baru merupakan penelitian yang terus berkembang sehingga dapat dikembangkan sebagai obat herbal. Senyawa rubraxanton menunjukkan efek farmakologis beragam dengan berbagai mekanisme, tetapi masih kurang penelitian tentang keamanan rubraxanton terhadap sel manusia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi sitotoksik senyawa rubraxanton dan aktivitas antioksidan dari senyawa rubraxanton terhadap sel leukosit normal manusia. Uji sitotoksik in vitro dilakukan dengan metode 3-(4,5-dimetiltiazol-2-il)-2,5-difeniltetrazolium bromida (MTT). Aktivitas antioksidan rubraxanton dilakukan secara in vitro dengan metode 1,1-difenil-2-pikrilhidrazil (DPPH) dan aktivitas antioksidan seluler dengan memanfaatkan 2’,7’-diklorofluoresein diasetat (DCFH-DA) sebagai pewarna dan 2,2’Azo-bis-aminodinopropana (ABAP) sebagai radikal bebas (CAA). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penambahan senyawa rubraxanton pada konsentrasi 3.12 µg/ml sampai dengan 1000 µg/ml tidak menunjukkan efek toksik dan tidak menghambat pertumbuhan kultur sel leukosit normal manusia. Senyawa rubraxanton memiliki aktivitas antioksidan seluler yang menyerupai profil aktivitas quersetin pada berbagai konsentrasi dan tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan dengan quersetin (P>0,05). Dapat disimpulkan dari hasil penelitian ini bahwa senyawa rubraxanton tidak berpengaruh sitotoksik terhadap kultur sel leukosit normal manusia sehingga aman untuk dikonsumsi. Aktivitas antioksidan seluler rubaraxanton tidak memiliki perbedaan secara bermakna dengan aktivitas antioksidan seluler quersetin (P>0,05)

    Information literacy course curriculum

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    Kontekst informacijskog društva i društva znanja predstavlja izazov za nove politike obrazovanja, koje se prilagođavaju potrebama tržišta rada, a tržište rada zahtijeva stalno usavršavanje i stjecanje novih znanja i vještina, što podrazumijeva kontinuirani proces učenja. Metakompetencije informacijske pismenosti doprinose razvijanju kreativnih sposobnosti za cjeloživotno učenje kroz educiranje svih učesnika obrazovnih procesa o boljem, učinkovitijem, svrhovitijem i kvalitetnijem korištenju, za izgradnju znanja, relevantnih informacija i izvora informacija, bez obzira da li su informacijski izvori i informacije sadržane u njima analognog, digitalnog ili virtuelnog porijekla. Iz takvoga značaja informacijske pismenosti proizlazi potreba inkorporacije ovih metakompetencija, kao temeljnih, u sve nastavno-znanstvene procese. U kontekstu promjena u društvu, reformi unutar visokog obrazovanja, promijenjene obrazovne paradigme i načina učenja, a u skladu s daljim razvojem informacijske pismenosti, nameće se kao neophodna potreba definiranja kurikuluma informacijske pismenosti u skladu s načelima aktivnog učenja. Cilj ovoga rada je predstaviti okvirni kurikulum za nastavni predmet informacijska pismenost.The context of the information society and the knowledge society is a challenge for new education policies, which are adapted to the needs of the labour market. The labour market requires constant improvement and acquisition of new knowledge and skills, which implies a continuous learning process. Meta-competencies of information literacy contribute to the development of creative competences for lifelong learning by educating all participants in educational processes for better, more efficient, purposeful and better use, for building knowledge, relevant information and sources of information, regardless of whether information sources and information are contained in analogue, digital or virtual origin. Such importance of information literacy produces the need to incorporate these meta-competencies, as fundamental ones, into all teaching and science processes. With the further development of information literacy, in the context of changes in society, reforms within higher education, a changed educational paradigm, and ways of learning, it is necessary to define an information literacy curriculum in accordance with the principles of active learning. The aim of the paper is to present a framework curriculum for the information literacy course


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    The aim of the research is to establish the state of honey production based on the current production and economic characteristics in order to predict their tendency for the period 2023-2026. The analyzed data refer to the number of beehives, total production, and yields of honey for the period 2006-2021, which were provided by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. In order to analyze the characteristics of honey production and prices the method of descriptive statistical analysis was applied: arithmetic mean (ẋ), extreme values ​​(min and max), coefficient of variation (CV), and the annual rate of change (r). The analyzed data indicate that total honey production and the number of beehives increased at an average annual rate of 6.09% and 6.27%, respectively, while the yield has declined slightly at an average annual rate of 0.17%. The trend of increasing the number of beehives and total production, and decreasing yields will continue in the prediction period. The purchasing price of honey has a tendency to increase (r=4.97). In 2026, the price is projected to be 5533 euro/ton, which means that the expected price of honey will be higher than the average by 3184 euro/ton

    Professional Black South African women : body image, cultural expectations and the workplace

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    The study explored the body image of Professional Black South African women, cultural expectations, and their experiences in Westernised working milieus, utilising a phenomenological approach and qualitative exploratory design, located within Constructionism. Data were collected through purposive sampling (and snowballing) through individual face-to-face voice-recorded semi-structured interviews with 11 participants in/around Gauteng. Analysis was done through content analysis utilising thematic networks (Attride-Stirling). Major findings: Western values have influenced participants; Lower weight and thinness do not automatically correspond with assumptions about HIV/AIDS, instead correspond with healthier lifestyle choices; Body shape not weight or size was the prominent area of focus for most participants; Clothes size determines perception of overweight; Overweight has consequences. Forty-five per cent of participants were content with their bodies, 18% dissatisfied/unhappy, 18% satisfied, one happy, one apathetic. Tswanas were generally smaller-figured; Zulus, Northern Sotho/Pedi, Xhosa in general traditionally expected full-bodied women. Overt expectations in the workplace were not found.PsychologyM.A. (Psychology