221 research outputs found

    Libertad de conciencia y derecho a la intimidad genética

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es el estudio sobre cómo el avance de la tecnología informática ha afectado al derecho a la intimidad personal, reconocido en el artículo 18.1 CE y en concreto cómo ha afectado a la posibilidad de poder conocer la información genética de cualquier persona en el ámbito del sector asegurador. Las compañías aseguradoras no pueden condicionar la suscripción de una póliza a la realización de un análisis genético, ya que el interés, la dignidad y el libre desarrollo de la personalidad tiene primacía sobre los intereses mercantilistas de las compañías aseguradoreas, por muy lícitos que sean.Grado en Derech

    Nuevos biomarcadores y dianas terapéuticas en cáncer colorrectal metastásico

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    El cáncer colorrectal (CCR) es el cuarto cáncer más mortal a nivel mundial, debido al desarrollo metastásico de la enfermedad. Por esta razón, parte de los esfuerzos se focalizan en la predicción y el tratamiento de la metástasis de CCR.Las células tumorales metastásicas sufren una serie de alteraciones, por ejemplo en su capacidad de adhesión e invasión, que les permiten colonizar, sobrevivir y proliferar en órganos distales. Actualmente, no se conocen con exactitud los mecanismos moleculares ni las proteínas responsables de la colonización hepática y pulmonar de las células tumorales de colon. Recientemente, nuestro laboratorio identificó a CDH17 e IL13Rα2, y los mecanismos moleculares a través de los cuales son necesarias para la colonización hepática de las células de CCR.Para la búsqueda de biomarcadores asociados a enfermedades como el cáncer, se utilizan técnicas “ómicas”, que permiten identificar, cuantificar y caracterizar miles de genes o proteínas en muestras biológicas complejas. Nuestro laboratorio ha utilizado estas técnicas, como micro arrays de proteínas o proteómica cuantitativa, identificando un total de 43 antígenos asociados a tumor, entre los que se encontraban FGFR4 yPIM1, que podrían funcionar como biomarcadores del CCR. Estos avances son de gra nimportancia, ya que pocas proteínas se han descrito como biomarcadores de CCR..

    La literatura como herramienta para la inclusión social

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    En la actualidad, la representación de los colectivos vulnerables (LGBT, personas racializadas, mujeres) dentro de la ficción aparece en constante debate. Se ha puesto de manifiesto la importancia de estas representaciones, y más aún, de cómo son estas, si son realmente positivas, o si siguen inculcando estereotipos y rechazo en las nuevas generaciones. Pero ¿en qué consiste la representación de personajes pertenecientes a estos colectivos y cuál es su importancia? En el presente Trabajo de fin de grado vamos intentar responder a esta pregunta, explicado cuál es el papel de la cultura y de la literatura en nuestra sociedad, y por consiguiente, cuál es la importancia de la representación de estos colectivos dentro de la ficción, y cómo es esa representación. Mostraremos como afecta de forma positiva a la inclusión social de estos colectivos su representación en la ficción y cuáles son sus beneficios. Por último, a partir de un análisis de varias obras de literatura juvenil, expondremos cómo en la actualidad se promueve una mayor representación, aunque esta no es suficiente ni es siempre positiva.Currently, the representation of vulnerable groups (LGBT, racialized people, women) within fiction appears in constant debate. Not only the importance of these representations has been highlighted but also what they are like, if they are actually positive, or even if stereotypes and rejection are still being instilled to newer generations. But what does the representation of characters from these groups really consists of and what is the importance behind it? In this Final Degree Project, we will try to answer this question, explaining the role of culture and literature in our society and, therefore, the importance of the representation of these groups in fiction and what this representation is like. We will show how representation in fiction affects in a positive way the social inclusion of these groups and what benefits come with it. Finally, from an analysis of several juvenile literary works we will show how a greater representation is currently being promoted, although it is neither sufficient nor always positive.Departamento de Sociología y Trabajo SocialGrado en Educación Socia

    Influence of Timber Moisture Content on the Ultrasonic Wave Velocity Measurement of Tectona grandis L.F. and Cupressus lusitanica M from Costa Rica

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    Ultrasound is a reliable non-destructive method commonly used to evaluate the state of a piece of wood. The effect of the moisture content (MC) on the timber wave velocity, which is different de-pending on the wood species, must be considered. MC adjustment factors are important if accurate and comparable results are to be achieved. Thus, the goal of this study is to define a model that allows obtaining the adjustment factor to predict the standard velocity (12% of MC (V12) from ve-locity obtained at different MC for two Costa Rican commercial species: Tectona grandis L.F (teak) and Cupressus lusitanica M. (cypress). This effect was studied on small clean specimens during the desorption stages, from the fiber saturation point to the oven-dry state, controlling the specimen’s mass and MC on 62 specimens. With this data, the rate of change in ultrasound velocity per MC was modeled. Thus, the applicability of already published moisture adjustment models for conifers and hardwood tropical species was proved. The results showed that the proposed model coefficients adjust better than the ones obtained from the wood science literature, which makes them suitable to describe ultrasound velocity in different moisture conditions (VH).Universidad de Costa Rica/[330-C0-242]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de QuímicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ingeniería::Facultad de Ingeniería::Escuela de Arquitectur

    Factores asociados al desarrollo de enfermedad grave y mortalidad en pacientes con covid-19 que ingresaron a la Unidad de Emergencia Respiratoria del Hospital San Juan de dios de Santa Ana en el periodo de marzo a octubre del 2020

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    A finales del 2019 la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) notificó un brote de casos de neumonía de etiología desconocida en Wuhan, China. Se inició la búsqueda del agente causal el cual posteriormente fue denominado como un nuevo coronavirus. Dicho acontecimiento marca la pauta de un cambio en la percepción de la salud y que, de forma inmediata se expandió alrededor del mundo a pesar de los esfuerzos de los diferentes gobiernos quienes impusieron estrategias para minimizar el contagio, sin embargo, se infectaron miles de personas a nivel mundia

    Robust head CT image registration pipeline for craniosynostosis skull correction surgery

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    Craniosynostosis is a congenital malformation of the infant skull typically treated via corrective surgery. To accurately quantify the extent of deformation and identify the optimal correction strategy, the patient-specific skull model extracted from a pre-surgical computed tomography (CT) image needs to be registered to an atlas of head CT images representative of normal subjects. Here, the authors present a robust multi-stage, multi-resolution registration pipeline to map a patient-specific CT image to the atlas space of normal CT images. The proposed registration pipeline first performs an initial optimisation at very low resolution to yield a good initial alignment that is subsequently refined at high resolution. They demonstrate the robustness of the proposed method by evaluating its performance on 560 head CT images of 320 normal subjects and 240 craniosynostosis patients and show a success rate of 92.8 and 94.2%, respectively. Their method achieved a mean surface-to-surface distance between the patient and template skull of \u3c2.5 mm in the targeted skull region across both the normal subjects and patients. Keywords: image registration, bone, surgery, medical image processing, computerised tomography, deformation, biomechanics, image resolution, optimisation Keywords: robust head CT image registration pipeline, craniosynostosis skull correction surgery, congenital malformation, infant skull, corrective surgery, deformation, optimal correction strategy, patient-specific skull model extraction, presurgical computed tomography image, robust multistage multiresolution registration pipeline, patient-specihc CT image, normal CT images, initial optimisation, very low resolution, mean surface-to-surface distance, template skull, targeted skull regio

    Outcome quantification using SPHARM-PDM toolbox in orthognathic surgery

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    Quantification of surgical outcomes in longitudinal studies has led to significant progress in the treatment of dentofacial deformity, both by offering options to patients who might not otherwise have been recommended for treatment and by clarifying the selection of appropriate treatment methods. Most existing surgical treatments have not been assessed in a systematic way. This paper presents the quantification of surgical outcomes in orthognathic surgery via our localized shape analysis framework

    Assessment of the Miniature Kramer Shear Cell to Measure Both Solid Food and Bolus Mechanical Properties and Their Interplay with Oral Processing Behavior

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    This study assessed the usefulness of the miniature Kramer shear cell to determine relevant instrumental parameters of solid foods and bolus counterparts, examining their relationships with oral processing behaviors to obtain greater knowledge about the texture perception process. Six solid foods with different textural properties were tested. Bolus mechanical properties were also determined by means of cone penetration tests and rheological measurements, and their particle size distributions by sieving. Oral processing behavior (chewing time, number of chews, chewing rate, eating rate) and food saliva uptake (SU) of a young volunteer and a panel of 39 untrained participants were analyzed. The Kramer mechanical properties were very suitable for detecting different levels of food and bolus textural hardness and fracturability and the associated degrees of fragmentation achieved during mastication. Chewing time and number of chews were highly correlated with Kramer food and bolus mechanical properties for the single subject and for the panel’s oral processing behaviors. For the single subject, SU and eating rate also showed strong correlations with food and bolus mechanical properties, unlike chewing rate and food moisture content (FMC). In contrast, eating rate, FMC, and SU did not vary with the oral activities of the panel

    Entropy-based particle correspondence for shape populations

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    Statistical shape analysis of anatomical structures plays an important role in many medical image analysis applications such as understanding the structural changes in anatomy in various stages of growth or disease. Establishing accurate correspondence across object populations is essential for such statistical shape analysis studies