718 research outputs found

    Tierra de infancia e a (re)inscrição do sujeito pela potência da palavra

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    Revista Landa, v. 4, n. 1 (2015)A autobiografia coloca o leitor diante do enigma da identidade, não só daquele que assina o texto, mas também de si mesmo. Isso posto que no processo de leitura se vê refletido no espectro da leitura, elaborando um jogo de espelhos no qual a imagem “única” se fragmenta e dá espaço para novas “fabulações de si”. Dessa forma o seguinte trabalho tenta refletir sobre a possibilidade de duplicação identitária a partir do processo de (re)armar a imagem refletida no processo escritural

    Historical biogeography and character evolution of Cistaceae (Malvales) based on analysis of plastid rbcL and trnL-trnF sequences

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    AbstractCistaceae consist of eight genera and about 180 species. Some taxonomic limits and relationships within the family remain unresolved when relying exclusively on morphological data. In the present study, a phylogeny was reconstructed and divergence times were estimated for 47 species representing various groups in Cistaceae and using coding (rbcL) and spacer (trnL-trnF) sequences of plastid DNA. The firm set of morphological synapomorphies that indicates the monophyly of the family is supported by both Bayesian and parsimony analyses. Five major lineages can be distinguished within the Cistaceae: (1) an early-diverging lineage containing Fumana species; (2) the New World Lechea clade; (3) the Helianthemum s.l. clade, containing two sister groups, one of species from the New World (Crocanthemum, Hudsonia) and the other with species from the Old World (Helianthemum s. str.); (4) the Tuberaria clade; and (5) a cohesive complex consisting of Halimium and Cistus species. Evolutionary shifts in 12 key characters of Cistaceae are inferred based on the most plausible phylogenetic hypothesis. Reconstructing the evolution of ovule position supports anatropous ovules as the ancestral condition within the Cistaceae, which is currently found only in Fumana. The Cistus-Halimium assemblage is consistently obtained as a natural clade and further supported by a cytological synapomorphy (chromosome number n=9). Optimisation of ancestral distribution areas and estimates of divergence times reveal an early divergence (10.17–18.51Ma) of the Mediterranean-European genera, which may be related to subtropical vegetation, as complemented by paleobotanical data. In addition, the occurrence of multiple, independent migration events from the Old World to America between the Middle Miocene (8.44–14.7Ma; Lechea) and the Upper Miocene (5.15–9.20Ma; Crocanthemum/Hudsonia), and to the Canary Islands in the Pleistocene is inferred. We argue that the Mediterranean basin has been the main centre of differentiation of Cistaceae

    The 2030 Agenda in local entities: Does gender matter in reporting on the Sustainable Development Goals?

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    This study analyses the influence of the gender of elected officials on the level of disclosure of information about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by Spanish local governments, using a binary gender classification (man/woman). The results obtained from the websites of 102 municipalities from 2016 to 2021 reveal that the fact that the mayor is a woman has a positive and significant effect on the disclosure of SDG information, while the effect of the gender diversity of the councillors is positive, but not significant. Furthermore, the tendency to disclose SDG information is higher in those municipalities led by a woman with a higher percentage of women councillorsXunta de Galicia [Grant/Award Number: 2020 GPC GI-2016]S

    Autocuidado en Mujeres embarazadas de una comunidad mexiquense periurbana

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    La salud reproductiva es un elemento integral para mejorar la salud de la mujer; propicia la maternidad saludable y sin riesgo; establece estrategias, con tendencia a disminuir las tasas de mortalidad y morbilidad perinatales. La salud reproductiva incluye la reproducción de forma satisfactoria por medio de la supervivencia, el crecimiento y el desarrollo. El embarazo es una etapa de reproducción que implica importantes cambios físicos, psicológicos y sociales siendo una experiencia única de cada mujer, de manera que requiere de mayor interés en cuidarse; así mismo, asistir a control prenatal para verificar su estado de salud, lo más habitual es que su desarrollo en este periodo no conlleve complicaciones

    The moderating effect of contextual factors and employees' demographic features on the relationship between CSR and work-related attitudes: a meta-analysis

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    This paper aims to identify the conditions under which corporate social responsibility (CSR) affects employees' work-related attitudes. A meta-analysis of 42 studies published between 1999 and 2019 is elaborated considering the moderating effect of several contextual factors (country, industry, and national culture' values) and employees' demographic features (gender, age, education, tenure, and position) on the impact of perceived CSR on three work-related attitudes (organizational identification, commitment, and turnover intentions). The results reveal that the positive impact of CSR in employees' attitudes is not universal, it may vary due to the level of development and the national culture of the country where a company operates, the industry to which it belongs as well as employees' age and position. Furthermore, although individually some variables do not have a significant moderating effect, they are significant in combination with other variables, which opens new research avenues. The findings provide valuable help to human resource management policiesS

    Assurance of corporate social responsibility reports:Does it reduce decoupling practices?

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    Recent research shows the existence of a selective corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure strategy that creates a gap between CSR disclosure and actual performance. These CSR decoupling practices compromise the credibility of CSR reports and have triggered a demand for the adoption of credibility enhancement mechanisms, such as adherence to the global reporting initiative (GRI) reporting guidelines, and the external assurance of CSR reports. The effectiveness of such mechanisms is not clear, however. This paper draws on legitimacy theory and addresses the issue of symbolic versus substantive use of assurance, and compliance with GRI reporting standards, by analysing their effect on CSR decoupling using an international sample of 1,939 companies (15,219 observations from 2002 to 2017). Analysis of a sub-sample of 708 firms (3,730 observations from 2011 to 2017) also shows that the application of GRI guidelines and the specific characteristics of the assurance provider—accountant, experience and specialisation—reduce CSR decoupling practices. The results provide researchers, managers, assurance providers, investors, stakeholders and regulators with additional insight into the value of the external assurance of sustainability reports and have important managerial and policy implications

    Employee-Related Disclosure: A Bibliometric Review

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    Academic research specifically focused on employee-related disclosure practices is needed to enhance understanding on CSR reporting. This paper aims to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art in research on employee-related disclosure, analyzing the characteristics of the scientific production on this topic. A bibliometric analysis is conducted on the papers specifically focused on employee-related disclosure published from 2000 to 2019 in journals indexed on the Web of Science database. The findings show that relatively few studies specifically focused on employee-related disclosure have been published over the last two decades (63 papers). Most articles were published during the last 8 years (93.6%), although the highest interest in the study of employee-related disclosure among scholars concentrates on a short period around 2017. Six journals concentrate 31.75% of the publications on the subject. Most papers are empirical studies, using the content analysis technique to analyze corporate reports. Papers are spread over three research subtopics: (1) extent, quality and drivers of human resource disclosures, (2) occupational health and safety disclosures, human rights disclosures and employee-related disclosures as a legitimization tool, and (3) diversity reporting. In all research subtopics, most of the papers have been published during the last four years, confirming that employee-related disclosure is a topic of current interest to researchers. The studies found that the overall level of employee-related disclosure is low, with an increasing or irregular tendency over time. Furthermore, not all items/categories got the same attention by firms. It can be concluded that this research subject is still far from reaching the level of research on environmental reporting and important issues remain to be resolved, both theoretically and empiricallyThis research was funded by Xunta de Galicia, grant number GI-2016 (Proxecto de Investigación Consolidación 2020 GPC GI-2016 -Creación de valor sostenible en las organizaciones—CVSO)S

    Evaluation of Three Natural Coagulant from Moringa Oleifera Seed for the Treatment of Synthetic Greywater

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    The scarcity of water has become a growing problem worldwide. The search for new sources has therefore intensified, and one of these sources is greywater. The objective of this article is to evaluate the effectiveness of three different coagulants obtained from Moringa oleiferaseed (seed husk, ground seed, and degreased) in synthetic greywater. The methodology is planned in stages; in the first stage, these seeds were selected, unsheathed, and dried in the sun for 24 hours, and the coagulant was synthesized by a 1 M NaCl solution. In the second stage, the synthetic greywater was prepared in a laboratory and included personal cleaning products and additional chemical components. Finally, a statistical test was employed to evaluate the removal of turbidity and the incidence and behavior of the turbidity, pH, alkalinity, and dissolved oxygen over seven periods and the type of coagulant. It was found that the coagulant degreased obtained the highest percentage of removal (85%) and the coagulant from seed husk had the lowest efficiency with 75%. On the other hand, it was found that parameters such as pH and dissolved oxygen depend on the type of coagulant, while conductivity and alkalinity do not depend on time or the type of coagulant. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-12-013 Full Text: PD

    Efectos adversos de los métodos de planificación familiar en mujeres en edad fértil usuarias de las Unidades Comunitarias de Salud Familiar San Bartolo, Guatajiagua, Morazán y Llano Los Patos, La Unión, año 2017

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    La planificación familiar permite a las personas tener el número de hijos que desean y determinar el intervalo entre embarazos. Se logra mediante la aplicación de métodos anticonceptivos. Esta es un punto importante en La Reforma de Salud en el país, la cual es la base para el cambio de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de la población. El Objetivo de esta investigación es documentar los efectos adversos de los métodos de planificación familiar en las usuarias. La metodología del estudio es de tipo cuantitativo. Se clasifica como descriptivo, prospectivo, transversal. La población es de 229 que incluye a las mujeres usuarias que utilizan métodos de planificación familiar, de las cuales 153 consultan en Llano los Patos y 76 en San Bartolo. Se utilizó como técnica de recolección de datos la entrevista, mediante la tabulación y elaboración de gráficos de datos que permitieron el análisis e interpretación de los resultados de cada una de las respuestas, a través de los métodos de frecuencia y porcentaje simple, lo cual permite la presentación de los datos de forma sistémica. Conclusiones: de las 229 usuarias que participaron en el estudio se tiene el 82.97% ha experimentado algún efecto adverso de los métodos anticonceptivos y el 17.03% ninguno. Los principales efectos adversos son aumento de peso 40.62%, cefalea 36.24%, los cuales son tolerables las usuarias. El principal efecto adverso por el cual las usuarias lo descontinúan son la hemorragia uterina anormal 13.97%, que en ocasiones se prolonga después del periodo de efectividad y cambios en el estado de ánimo 12.66%. Se muestra que el mayor porcentaje de efectos adversos son presentados por los inyectables de progestina ya que son los más utilizados por la población con un 54.14%, además se obtuvo como resultado que el 69.43% de la población en estudio comprende el rango de edad de 20-35 años. Para la comprobación de hipótesis se realizaron pruebas de proporción y correlación. La hemorragia uterina anormal, aumento de peso, cefalea y el cambio en el estado de ánimo son los efectos adversos de los métodos de planificación familiar en mujeres de edad férti

    Sell recommendations by analysts in response to business communication strategies concerning the Sustainable Development Goals and the SDG Compass

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    This paper has two main aims: firstly, to examine the effect of pessimistic (sell) recommendations made by analysts to investors on the implementation of business communication strategies in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), through the adoption of the SDG Compass. Secondly, it considers the possible corrective effect produced by these strategies on analysts’ recommendations, i.e. modifying their perception of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as an agency cost. Based on a sample of 989 international companies which disclose CSR information, obtained by merging the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and Thomson Reuters databases, our analysis of the results obtained shows that the companies receiving most sell recommendations were among the first to adopt the SDG Compass in a given year or in the year immediately following it. Nevertheless, this effect is limited, because the long-term implementation of CSR strategies has a relatively trivial impact on analysts’ recommendations, since there is little likelihood of change in these strategies